#not tagging anyone bc I wouldn't even know WHOMSTVE
sojo-gatoru · 4 years
50 Questions You’ve Never Been Asked
hello tumblr I’m still alive but I forget that you exists sometimes but thanks for art and memes lmao                                               
Tagged by @taehdenveri lol thanks pal!! ~
1. What is the color of your hairbrush? A silvery black? idk
2. Name a food you never eat. Mushroom of any kind bc they want to murder me in my sleep
3. Are you typically too cold or too warm? Too cold...always...I’m freezing rn
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? Having an online lecture about microeconomics....
5. What is your favorite candy bar? oof that’s tricky... do Maltesers count as candy bar? bc them!
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports event? I used to live right next to the football stadium in my hometown, does that count? (and maybe the “final dance” at my dance school, which was official and stuff)
7. What is the last thing you said out loud? “I got an email today, your package arrives tomorrow bruv”
8. What is your favorite ice cream? any lemon flavour, yoghurt, sour stuff in general
9. What was the last thing you had to drink? c o f f e e
10. Do you like your wallet? Nah...it’s rather boring and already falls apart (I really want one with an ouji board design tho :eyesemoji:
11. What was the last thing you ate? Cereal probably I don’t remember
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? for my sister yes, but not for me :<
13. The last sporting event you watched? Some Lindy Hop festival competition
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? SALTED POPCORN BAYBEEEY!!
15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to? It was the very sweet @taehdenveri yeehaw
16. Ever go camping? Nope, I wish tho
17. Do you take vitamins? Yep, my body demands the vitamins
18. Do you go to church every Sunday? no I’m raging on a sunday (kudos to anyone who gets that reference lmao)
19. Do you have a tan? nope, I’m sun-allergic lol
20. Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza? Both. Both is good. But usually pizza since it’s cheaper haha
21. Do you drink soda with a straw? nah
22. What color of socks do you usually wear? usually dark ones, but I mostly wear them mismatched anyway haha
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit? listen.....L I S T E N....sometimes, it happens to all of us okay
24. What terrifies you? Spiders........spiders....the deep sea, deep space, losing people that are close to me....spiders.
25. Look to your left, what do you see? My notes from my online lecture and my half empty cup of coffee
26. What chore do you hate? there’s not much I don’t like, maybe cleaning the bathroom when I’m not in the mood?
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? Ross O’Donovan, OI LADS WHAT A GUUD DAY FOR A SWIM INNIT
28. What’s your favorite soda? hard to say hmmm, maybe a good, cold, Spezi?
29. Do you go into a fast food place or just hit the drive-thru? Drive Thru, always have fun experiences with that lol
30. Who’s the last person you talked to? IRL, my sister, on the line @taehdenveri
31. Favorite cut of beef? I am veggie to the tarian bruv
32. Last song you listened to? The Song with Five Names a.k.a. Soapbox Tao a.k.a. Checkmate Atheists! a.k.a. Neospace Government (A.K.A. You Can Never Know) by Will Wood and The Tapeworms
33. Last book you read? Probably some lame economics book I had to read for uni ugh
34. Favorite day of the week? Friday
35. Can you say the alphabet backwards? I can’t even spell alphabet without thinking about it wtf
36. How do you like your coffee? black :)
37. Favorite pair of shoes? my worn out black Nikes ayy
38. The time you normally go to sleep? Around 12pm usually, plus minus depends on how exhausted I am
39. The time you normally get up? around 7 - 8 am
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? Sunsets...how romantic
41. How many blankets on your bed? 2
42. Describe your kitchen plates. bordeux red
43. Do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage? I’m not too big on alcohol, but if I’d have to choose red wine. Yep that’s basically the only thing I can drink
44. Do you play cards? Hell yah
45. What color is your car? Don’t have a car on my own, but my parents’ car is silver, so I guess silver
46. Can you change a tire? Not really? With a tutorial and WikiHow article, still doubtful
47. Your favorite province? Province? pff Guyenne and Gascony in France maybe? Probably because I want to go there reeeeeeally badly
48. Favorite job you’ve ever had? I didn’t like any job I had so far...but the one at the hospital was alright compared to other stuff
49. How did you get your biggest scar? a botched surgery :)
50. What did you do today that made someone else happy? Ordered a Nintendo Switch for my sister’s birthday heh she seemed happy about it
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