#not tagging them all since they're only fic mentions sfgsuydf
balladofthewhitehorse ยท 2 years
๐Ÿฅบ ๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿ‘€?
Thank you so much for the ask <3 I love recieving them. ๐Ÿฅบ Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels? In a recent fic still in progress, for me it's when Germany and England are kissing with bruised and cracked lips. They're so tired and they know this peace is temporary, so they make most of what little moments that they have still. I just love moments of tenderness in the most ROUGH of environments; Something about kindness existing in the darkest of times, a beacon, a lighthouse guiding a sinking ship and so on and so forth. I'm a slut for such tropes. ๐Ÿฆ What's the sweetest fic you've created so far? Oooof, I tend to write angsty fics - but I do recall a body worship fic I wrote of England and Germany a long time ago, where they were kissing and tracing one another's scars, as well as the fact their bodies have changed a lot since the war days (such as England putting on weight). It was definately the sweetest fic I ever wrote and I might try to write it again now that my style has changed a little.
๐Ÿ‘€ Tell me about an up and coming wip please! I've got many wips, my friend! One of them is 'And Abel said to Cain' about England and Scotland, where upon it is set in the first Scottish War of Independence and England reminsces over their brotherly relationship before ultimately killing his brother who says stubbornly staring him in the eye. Another is 'Longbow' Chapter 2 where I explore Wales and England's relationship with one another; It will be set sometime after the Battle Of Hastings and maaaybe just before the 100 years war, still working it out. I also have a 9 page fic called Rocky Roads which is all about GerEng and I mentioned it in the 1st emoji ask you asked me. I also have one about the Coopers Hill cheese rolling competition which is meant to be more light-hearted and silly (considering the competiton itself is rather silly)
I also have a bunch of other fics with less defined plot-lines that are more character exploration such as Pink Floyd (England and Finland friendship fic, where they go fishing and tease one another), A Century and a bit of being an arsehole (England declaring war on France during the 100 Years war, this is more plot-lined), Better The Devil You Know (England having a breakdown after helping an old lady and being a bit startled at being called 'Kind' and 'Sweet') and By The Lamplight (England and Germany making out in an alleyway in like the 18th Century cos I have a thing for gross old repressed men making out in dank, dirty alleys and then blackmailing one another about it cos god forbid I let the Rat have a good time for once).
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