#not that the SG writers aren't lazy writers in the first place
elsafowl · 3 years
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So, we've seen the pictures from the flash-back episodes. It's clearly Kenny, Kara and Alex - either meaning that Kenny is alive during the 2009 prom night (when he died in 2007 in the Earth 38 timeline) in the Earth Prime timeline, OR that the SG writers don't know shit about their own story and messed up the timeline.
Now. I've seen multiple people saying that Kenny (now that he is alive) will become Kara's endgame love interest. Like: Nia & Brainy go back in time, and when they return to the present, Kara/Kenny is a thing. And I have to discuss this, and why I think it would be pretty problematic in the SG story:
- first, Kenny may have loved Kara (on Earth 38) but we've seen that Kara wasn't really comfortable when he tried to kiss her + most romantic relationships you have in high school aren't meant to last (and it's normal: you aren't grow yet, you don't know yourself yet and usually you aren't in the healthiest relationships even if there are some exceptions).
- second, we haven't seen Kenny at all since we've arrived on Earth Prime. Meaning EP past version of Kara and EP Kenny don't have a relationship or aren't close in the present. I mean, if they were friends (or more) in the past and that suddenly Kara stopped talking to Kenny after Crisis, I believe he would have done something about it. So, on Earth 38 Kenny was dead and on Earth Prime, even if Kenny is alive, he isn't close with Kara.
- third, Nia & Brainy returning to the present after altering the timeline and making Kara/Kenny a couple would be SO wrong. We've seen it in the 100th episode with Kara/Lena: she could modify the timeline, but first all modifications provoked dire consequences (as messing with the timeline always does) and second it wouldn't really be Lena. The Lena we know is Lena because of all the things she went through in the story. Same with Kara. She wouldn't be herself if she hadn't lost Kenny, she wouldn't be close with Alex if they hadn't solve the murder case together, she wouldn't be who she is without all the persons she met afterwards, hell she wouldn't be who she is if she had married her high school sweetheart and didn't go through all of the drama with James, Mon-El or Lena. Honestly, doing such a retcon would be a betrayal to the character - because she simply wouldn't be herself anymore (and other characters, like Alex or Lena, wouldn't be themselves too bc different Kara = different Alex and Lena and all of the persons that are close with her).
- Kenny seemed (seems?) to be a nice guy, but I don't want the message of SG to become "oh well he's nice and respectful so you should date him". I mean sure, it's always nice to have nice guys who want to date you, but it's not bc someone is a good guy you have to date him. We've had no time with this character, and we didn't see any version of him past highschool anyway - we don't know him.
- LENA AND KARA HAVE BEEN QUEERBAITED FOR MORE THAN 4 SEASONS, ARE THEY SERIOUSLY CONSIDERING ANY OTHER ROMANTIC PAIRINGS FOR KARA??? (answer: yes they are and it's pissing my off) I can (barely) accept a single Kara at the end of SG, bc it would be good enough, but I can't accept Kara in any straight relationship at this point, as they don't have any worthy character available for this role.
Voilà, tell me what you think???
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