#not to mention han bangqing's sing-song girls of shanghai is considered one of the best chinese novels EVER WRITTEN
mostly-mundane-atla · 2 years
Also I feel like if you were going to accuse me of anti-asian racism for writing sex work into avatar fic, the fact I made up an in-universe jazz band called Yoshiwara's Children or had Jin sarcastically joke that she's in the situation she's in because she ran away from the upper ring to escape the inevitability of becoming a royal concubine instead of the vagueness of "making earth kingdom characters sex workers" which i'll be honest, i'm still not entirely sure if they mean headcanons for Jet and Jin or my own goddamn oc's, and yet.
Also that anon failed to mention my au where Yue and Hahn survive and marry and become wife exchange partners with Sokka and Suki and Sokka and Yue have tender, intimate quality time while Hahn comes to terms with the fact he likes getting beaten and roped up and it amuses Suki to no end. Like no, it's not just the east asian coded characters i write as taking people to bed for social and material benefits, and the native-coded characters tend to get written in more explicit and steamy terms. The only reason you wouldn't see that is if you're only looking where you want to look.
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mostly-mundane-atla · 2 years
I know that you explained why you made certain characters sex workers, but I think you need to realise that there is inherit racism in making east asian characters prostitutes, especially in the context of comfort girls
You can tell this anon is full of shit because they didn't even bring up "geisha girls", Japanese women who sold sex to American soldiers, calling themselves geisha to seem more exotic and exclusive, leading to the incorrect assumption that geisha are sex workers and feeding into the exotification of Japanese women.
Also that I'm an Indigenous person and they tried to gotcha me with a crime against humanity in which colonized people were lured away from their families under false pretenses and subsequently abused and sexually brutalized. Tell me you don't know about the boarding schools and the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women movement without telling me.
They didn't even look outside of East Asia to point out the infamous scene in Full Metal Jacket or the existence of the musical Miss Saigon and how it not only plays with problematic tropes, but also did so in yellowface. Nor did they mention how Thailand is often known in the west as a child sex tourism destination, or all the jokes about adult Thai sex workers secretly being trans women who haven't gotten bottom surgery or them getting accidentally murdered and their dead bodies being an inconvenience.
And if Han Bangqing's The Sing-Song Girls of Shanghai being considered one of the best Chinese novels ever written, the sheer amount of Japanese media that depicts the yukaku or Yoshiwara specifically, and the elevation of kisaeng poet Hwang Jin-Yi to a quasi-mythical figure in Korea are anything to go by, East Asians are also fascinated by their histories around sex work.
This is probably the jinko shipper i blocked because she sent me an ask saying she wouldn't apologize for making hurtful assumptions about me. Guess she's still mad I made Jin "impure" for Zuko or whatever, despite Jin deserving so much more.
And anon, a quick word if you're still here,
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Study this image. Memorize it by heart. Stop leaving anon asks on blogs you don't like run by people who face racism from this and many other fandoms on the daily. Block the tags. Go touch grass. Drink some fancy tea. Get professional help, if you need it. There is no shame in unpacking traumas with someone trained to guide you through it instead of taking it out on Native bloggers. It's generally even the encouaged, healthier way.
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