#not very fire emblem related but man. it's neat to dredge the subtleties of why this ship appeals so thouroughly. it's so twisted!!
dirtyoldmanhole · 5 months
thinking a lot about this post about falling in love with the technical process of creation, about how this doujin (especially the possession strip rn) honestly might be my one time i've actively enjoyed drawing each and every comic panel.
and hmm....
like YRMR, a lot of this enjoyment stems from this peculiar mix of erotic/horror - fear/(desire) of age, death, the violation of possession/betrayal both to the self and the other.... and especially all of that with a heavily romantic/sexual/(kinky?) bent that's rather taboo on top.
but also comics especially is a field i think, you see even less of that very specific erotic horror in general -- vs non-visual like ficworks which statistically do explore age gap/dead dove ships more in general, let alone with a thirsty bent.
and i keep coming back to the age thing because damn. i fuckin love the contrast of their ages. there are some videyagame characters you can sort of handwave as looking 'vaguely like the ageless 40' but with him? he's old man.
even just how i render a single panel of his eye can say so much - *emphasizing* the age + a very uhhh ladygaze? horny vibe which is visual pair i really don't ever... see? gothic horror movies is about the only place i can tentatively see that visual pair and even then a vast majority of movies are male-gazey just by dint of the financials and who's funding what.
tl;dr indie media rules, u can do ur brand of weird horny shit!!
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