#now I can't wait for the concert tomorow!!
the-words-we-sung · 4 months
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Look at this cutie pie!!!
I'm sad that I wasn't able to meet him this afternoon but I still managed to see him and gosh he just looks stupidly perfect 🥺
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wittlewoger · 4 years
Sheer lick attack - 28 (part 1/2)
*backstage during the concert*
Claire:*bopping her up and down* what wrong Laura?
Laura:*pointing at Deaky* dada!
Claire: dad is working right now, in about *looks at a clock* 2 hours you can see him... that’ll be the longest 2 hours I ever experienced
Laura: huwgs dada!
Claire:*sees Roger saying something to Deaky* dad’s coming
Deaky:*picks up Roger and goes backstage, still whit his bass*
Claire: Can you give Laura some hugs?
Deaky:*goes to Laura, puts his bass aside and picks her up* hello Laura!
Laura: dada! *hugs him and doesn’t let go*
*after about 5 minutes*
Deaky:*puts her back on the couch* okay, dad needs to work now
Laura: now!
Deaky: Im sorry love *goes back on stage whit Roger*
Laura*crawls on stage while Claire is cleaning up*
Deaky: oh no *picks up Laura and goes backstage*
Deaky:*puts Laura on the couch*
Laura:*starts crying* dada!
Deaky:*thinks* I can’t leave her here while crying! I need to help Claire, I’ll take her on stage! *takes the thing to carry your baby in the front and puts Laura in it*
Claire: wat what are you doing?
Deaky: helping you out being able to relax *gives her a kiss* *goes on stage whit Laura*
Freddie: looks like john's daughter joined us
*after the concert*
Laura:*sleeping, still in the thing to carry your baby in the front*
Brian: that went amazing!
Freddie: the best we had so far!
Deaky: a bit heavyer but still great
Claire: it's great you took her on stage, i think she had a great time!
Deaky: i still wonder how she fell asleep
Freddie: i think it was during love of my life
Claire: *gives deaky a kiss*
Deaky: i love you
Claire: i love you to
Freddie: *still sad that he's single*
Roger: *climbs on his lap* diwd youw know youw awe weawwy niwce?
Freddie: i do now
Brian: *gives SJ a kiss*
SJ: you did amazing
Freddie: anyway, we have a game of scrabble to play
Brian: you're right
They gather their stuff, RUN to the car and go to the the hotel. Once there, they run trough the crowd and lock themselfs up in Deaky and Claire's room.
Claire: *puts Laura and Roger in their pyjamas*
Deaky, Brian and Freddie: *settle down on the floor and start playing scrabble*
After some games of scrabble and the crowd setteld, it's bed time. Brian and SJ go to their room, Freddie goes to get a bottle of champain, and Deaky and Claire snuggle up whit Roger and Laura before they put them in bed. Brian and SJ had a rough night, if you know what i mean 😏
*the next morning*
Brian:*walks to the breakfast hall, hand in hand whit SJ*
Freddie: how was your night?
Brian: oh amazing!
Freddie: i heard that
Brian: we where quiet, so don't start complaining
Freddie: you would complain if you would hear "oh Brian!" all night!
Brian: shh! John and the kids are coming!
Deaky: *while holding Laura and holding Rogers hand* goodmorning
Brian: where's Claire?
Deaky: she doesn't feel so good, so she's sleeping a bit more
Freddie:*puts Roger in a highchair* i'll help whit the food
Deaky: Thank you, can you get food for Roger? Brian, can you watch Laura for a bit?
Brian: ofcorse
Freddie:*goes and gets food for Roger*
After breakfast, deaky went back to their room to comfort Claire a bit
Deaky: so, how are you feeling?
Claire: not great
Deaky: today we don't have anything to do i think, so we can stay here all day, the boys are going out to buy some souvenirs but im going to stay here, whit you *gives her a kiss on her forehead* i think you have a feaver, so just try and sleep, i'll ask Brian to buy some medicine
Roger: cawn i gow ouwt whiwt thew bawnd?
Deaky: you can, but be sure you behave.
Roger: i wiwl!
Deaky: that's great, you know where Freddie's door is so just knock and tell him you can co-
*someone knocks on the door*
Deaky:*opens the door*
Freddie: hey so euhm, we're going to town and wonderd if you are coming
Deaky: I'll stay here, but Roger can come, just make he behaves
Freddie: that's great *picks up Roger* lets buy you a present
Deaky: don't spend to much!
Freddie: i wont, *looks behind Deaky at Claire* get well soon!
Deaky: bye Fred
Freddie: bye *goes to brian's room*
Deaky:*puts Laura in her bed so she can sleep some more*
Deaky:*lays down next to Claire* i hope you get well soon, i hate seeing you sick, even worse, sick and pregnant, what if you can't take any medicine?
Claire: I'll be fine, trust me.
Freddie: so, what are we going to buy presents for mom and dad, but what?
Roger: mowm wouwd wike a stuwffewd awnimawl, awnd dawd a kewychaiwn
Brian:*standing in another isle* a present for SJ... a present for SJ... Oh! Perfect! A necklace whit a heart and a teddybear, perfect!
Roger: mawby fow mowm thew dowg, shew wiwkes dowgs, awnd fow daws thew kewchaiwn whiwt thew J- waiwt thewes a qween kewychaiwn? Gewt thawt fow dawd!
Freddie: okay *takes the stuffed animal and the keychain*
Brian:*pays for his stuff*
Freddie: anything else Roger?
Roger: mawyby thiws? *picks up a bear holding a heart whit ""Freddie"* iwts a giwft fwom mwe!
Freddie: okay, Thank you Roger!
Freddie:*pays for the stuff*
Brian: okay, lets get back to the hotel
Freddie:*knocks on the door*
Deaky:*opens the door* hello
Roger:*holding a bag* hewwo! Iwm bawck!
Freddie: webought Some stuff, I’ll leave you alone now, bye!
Deaky: bye *closes the door*
Roger: i bouwght sowmethiwng fow youw!
Deaky: really? *puts Roger on the bed*
Roger:*takes the keychain out of the bag* thiws iws fow youw *hands it to Deaky*
Deaky: thank you Roger! I love it ! *gives him a kiss:
Roger: awnd thiws fow youw mowm *hands Claire the stuffed animal*
Claire: thank you Roger, I love it *gives him a kiss on his forehead*
Brian:*comes in the room* I have some presents for you
SJ:*gets up* really?
Brian: close your eyes and put your hands out
SJ: okay *closes her eyes and puts her hand out*
Brian:*puts the necklace on and puts the teddybear in her hands* okay, now open your eyes
SJ:*opens her eyes and looks at the necklace and teddybear* I love it! *kisses him*
Brian:*goes all in* I... love ... you
SJ: I lo... love you to
Brian: *starts getting freaky*
SJ: *stops kissing him* Brian wait, I... I think I’m pregnant
Brian: f... from yesterday?
SJ: I think so, I was supposed to have my period today, maybe we’ll see tomorow
Brian:*goes to their luggage* why wait for tomorow? *takes out a pregnancy test* I always take one whit me on holidays
SJ: oh euhm, yeah! *takes the pregnancy test* let’s hope for the best *goes into the bathroom*
*5 minutes later*
Brian: *thinking* please be pregnant please be pregnant please be pregnant please be pregnant please be pregna-
Brian: you’re pregnant?!
SJ: *runs out of the bathroom* I’m pregnant!!!
Brian: you’re pregnant!! *gives her a hug* I’m gonna be a father!
SJ: you’re going to be the best father ever
Brian: we’re going to have an amazing kid together *kisses her*
*that night*
Roger:*throws up*
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