#now ventress and vos?? that's a pairing that makes sense. they would do that. they're messy bitches.
aleatoryw ยท 1 year
look I love playing around with my silly little ventrobi aus but overall it's really frustrating to me that extended universe stories keep trying to give Obi-wan Kenobi love interests. besides the problems with these characters themselves (they're nearly all white women who are then inevitably added to the heap of dead star wars women), it also just... fundamentally misses the point of Obi-wan as a character.
he's very good at following the restrictive rules laid forth by the Jedi order, to the point of other characters remarking on it, and this contrasts him with passionate, traumatized Anakin. Obi-wan is emotionally closed off, and he simply cannot comprehend Anakin's choice to pursue a relationship with Padmรฉ to the point that Anakin develops a mentor relationship with fucking Palpatine so he has someone to talk to about his feelings - even though he describes Obi-wan as "like a father to him". it's this lack of experience dealing with strong emotions and poor understanding of love that make him a terrible choice to train Anakin, that's part of the tragedy of the prequels!
and yet over and over we see writers try to add a romance arc for him bc it makes him more relatable, more "human". Siri in some older novels, ventress in the obsession series, satine in the clone wars series... I've also seen fans insist that Obi-wan is too attractive to have never had love interests. it's hurtful to me as an asexual person, honestly, to imply that characters with no sex or romance arcs are uninteresting. whether you headcanon him as ace/aro or just the order's goodest good boy, it's sad that in a galaxy of magic, aliens, and space battles, a man with no interest in sex or romance is too much for some people to imagine.
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