#npa banks
pebblegalaxy · 1 month
Comparing the Economic Legacy of Finance Ministers P. Chidambaram and Nirmala Sitharaman: A Decade of Transformation
A Comparative Analysis of Finance Ministers: P. Chidambaram vs. Nirmala Sitharaman Introduction The role of a finance minister in any country is pivotal, determining the trajectory of economic growth, fiscal stability, and overall national prosperity. India, being one of the largest economies in the world, has seen significant changes under the stewardship of different finance ministers. Two…
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shyamdeokumar · 2 months
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saynaija · 2 months
Economic Sabotage: Senate Invites Dangote, NNPCL, CBN, NIMASA, Others
Economic Sabotage: Senate Invites Dangote, NNPCL, CBN, NIMASA, Others The Senate has revealed plans to summon the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Nigeria Port Authority (NPA), Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited (NNPCL), Dangote Group, and Minister of State for Petroleum, Heineken Lokpobiri among others, for questioning over alleged economic sabotage in the country’s petroleum…
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townpostin · 2 months
INCAB's Financial Creditors Face Scrutiny in NCLT Hearing
Jamshedpur Cable Company’s Insolvency Case Takes Unexpected Turn Allegations of illegitimate creditors and discrepancies in claimed liabilities cast doubt on INCAB’s insolvency proceedings, potentially impacting resolution. JAMSHEDPUR – A National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) hearing in Kolkata saw dramatic developments in the case of Jamshedpur-based cable company INCAB, as the legitimacy of its…
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infocrazebyrepwoop · 3 months
Prime Bank Signs MoU with National Pension Authority
Prime Bank PLC has recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the National Pension Authority (NPA). Kabirul Ezdani Khan, Executive Chairman of the National Pension Authority, and Hassan O Rashid, CEO of Prime Bank PLC, signed the MoU on behalf of their respective organizations. This agreement will enable Prime Bank PLC to collect monthly installments from pension scheme holders…
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9to9imall · 3 months
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infinite-money-glitch · 9 months
Ensuring NBFC Sustainability Through Prudent Asset Quality
In the fast-paced world of finance, where every rupee counts and every decision matters, maintaining a robust and resilient financial structure is not just a choice; it's a necessity. One of the linchpins of financial stability for Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) is undeniably the quality of their assets. This isn't just financial jargon; it's the heartbeat of sustainability and growth.
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Understanding Asset Quality
Before diving into the intricacies of asset quality, let's demystify the term. Asset quality refers to the health of an NBFC's loan portfolio – how likely the loans are to be repaid on time and in full. It's not merely about the quantity of assets but the quality that stands as the bedrock of financial soundness.
Efficient Collection Infrastructure
Warren Buffett once said, "Risk comes from not knowing what you're doing." The maestro's wisdom is profoundly applicable when it comes to asset quality. A cornerstone in the quest for a healthy loan portfolio is the establishment of an efficient collection infrastructure. It's the unsung hero that ensures timely repayments and guards against the ominous specter of non-performing assets (NPAs).
Abhay Bhutada, MD of Poonawalla Fincorp, a leading NBFC in India, emphasizes the pivotal role of a robust collection infrastructure in maintaining impeccable asset quality levels. This isn't just a management philosophy; it's a tested strategy that resonates with the dynamic nature of the financial landscape.
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Navigating Risks
Uday Kotak, the founder of Kotak Mahindra Bank, echoes the sentiment. For a man who has steered a prominent banking institution through various economic tides, his emphasis on asset quality is more than a piece of advice – it's a guiding principle. In his discourse on financial stability, risk management, and regulatory compliance, Kotak consistently underscores the indispensable role that asset quality plays in fortifying the very foundations of financial entities.
Challenges In The Asset Quality Landscape
The road to maintaining impeccable asset quality is not a cakewalk. NBFCs encounter multifaceted challenges, from economic downturns to unforeseen global events. However, it's in the face of adversity that the mettle of an institution is tested. 
1. Economic Volatility
In an ever-evolving economic landscape, NBFCs need to weather the storms of volatility. Economic downturns can strain borrowers' ability to repay loans, leading to a surge in NPAs. Mitigating this risk requires a proactive approach in assessing economic indicators and recalibrating strategies accordingly.
2. Regulatory Compliance
The financial sector is tightly regulated, and adherence to regulatory norms is non-negotiable. Meeting compliance standards while maintaining a competitive edge is a tightrope walk that NBFCs must master. Failure to do so not only jeopardizes asset quality but also invites regulatory scrutiny.
3. Technological Integration
In the era of digital transformation, NBFCs can't afford to lag in technological integration. Streamlining processes, leveraging data analytics, and embracing digital lending platforms are essential steps to enhance operational efficiency and, consequently, asset quality.
Also Read: How Digital Platforms Drive Financial Inclusion
Strategies For Upholding Asset Quality
Now that we've dissected the challenges, let's delve into strategies that NBFCs can adopt to uphold and enhance asset quality.
1. Proactive Risk Management
Identifying potential risks before they escalate is a cardinal rule. Implementing robust risk assessment mechanisms allows NBFCs to pre-emptively address red flags, ensuring that potential NPAs are nipped in the bud.
2. Diversification Of Loan Portfolio
Putting all eggs in one basket is a risky business. NBFCs should diversify their loan portfolios across sectors and customer segments. This not only spreads risk but also aligns with the dynamic nature of the market.
3. Data-Driven Decision-Making
In the age of information, ignorance is a choice. Leveraging data analytics empowers NBFCs to make informed decisions. From assessing borrower creditworthiness to predicting economic trends, data-driven insights are invaluable in safeguarding asset quality.
4. Continuous Monitoring And Evaluation
Asset quality management is not a one-time affair; it's an ongoing process. Regular monitoring and evaluation of the loan portfolio enable NBFCs to detect early signs of stress and take corrective measures promptly.
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In the grand tapestry of finance, where every thread counts, asset quality emerges as the warp and weft that weave the fabric of sustainability. As Abhay Bhutada asserts a robust collection infrastructure and unwavering focus on asset quality are not just strategic choices; they are imperatives for the survival and success of NBFCs.
In the dynamic realm of finance, where uncertainties abound, embracing these strategies becomes more than a choice; it's a commitment to resilience and longevity. After all, in the world of finance, where Warren Buffett's wisdom echoes and Uday Kotak's principles resonate, the core imperative is clear – asset quality isn't just a metric; it's the lifeline of NBFC sustainability.
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nickyysharmi · 9 months
The Crucial Role Of Asset Quality For NBFCs
The backbone of Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) lies in the quality of their assets. It's not just about having a fat wallet; it's about having a healthy one. Imagine a financial institution as a chef preparing a delicacy. The ingredients need to be fresh, top-notch, and in the right proportions to ensure a delectable outcome. Similarly, for NBFCs, the quality of assets is the secret sauce that determines their sustainability and success.
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Understanding Asset Quality
Asset quality, in simple terms, refers to the health of a financial institution's loan portfolio. It's the measure of how well the loans and advances given by the NBFC are performing. Think of it as a report card, where the A-graded assets are the ones that bring in returns on time, and the C-graded ones are the troublemakers causing headaches.
Also Read: How to Recognize the Optimal Lender for Your Loan Application
The Weight Of Non-Performing Assets (NPAs)
One of the key indicators of asset quality is the presence of Non-Performing Assets (NPAs). NPAs are like that one ingredient in the recipe that turns stale – they disrupt the taste of the entire dish. These are loans where the borrower has stopped making interest or principal repayments for a specified period. NBFCs, being the chefs of the financial world, need to be vigilant about the quality of ingredients they use.
Building A Robust Collection Infrastructure
Implementing an efficient collection infrastructure is like having a well-equipped kitchen – it ensures smooth operations and prevents the soup from boiling over. Abhay Bhutada, MD of Poonawalla Fincorp, a leading NBFC in India, emphasizes the importance of a robust collection mechanism. He believes it's the linchpin for mitigating risks associated with NPAs and ensuring the timely recovery of dues.
Uday Kotak, the visionary founder of Kotak Mahindra Bank, echoes the sentiment of asset quality being the bedrock for financial stability and growth. Drawing wisdom from his experiences, Kotak emphasizes the need for robust risk management and regulatory compliance. For him, it's not just about stacking up numbers; it's about ensuring that the numbers represent a healthy and thriving financial ecosystem.
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The Ripple Effect On Stability And Growth
Imagine a rock thrown into a pond. The ripples that spread out represent the impact of asset quality on the stability and growth of an NBFC. If the rock is flawed, the ripples will be chaotic, disrupting the entire ecosystem. For NBFCs, maintaining a clean slate of assets is not just about meeting regulatory requirements; it's about creating a stable foundation for future growth.
The Domino Effect Of Quality Assets
Quality assets have a cascading effect. They contribute to a positive credit culture, attracting more borrowers who are likely to repay their dues on time. This, in turn, enhances the NBFC's reputation, making it an institution of choice for potential investors. It's a virtuous cycle where asset quality fuels growth and stability.
Navigating The Regulatory Landscape
In the intricate world of finance, navigating the regulatory landscape is akin to sailing through uncharted waters. However, having a ship (read: NBFC) with a sturdy hull (read: robust asset quality) ensures that it can weather storms and sail smoothly. Regulatory compliance is not just a checkbox exercise; it's a commitment to maintaining a healthy financial ecosystem.
The Role Of Asset Quality In Regulatory Compliance
Warren Buffett once said, "Risk comes from not knowing what you're doing." For NBFCs, knowing the quality of their assets is paramount. It's not just a risk mitigation strategy; it's a compliance necessity. Regulators act as the navigators, ensuring that financial institutions stay on course. Asset quality becomes the guiding star that helps NBFCs align with regulatory expectations.
The Road Ahead
In the dynamic realm of finance, the road ahead for NBFCs is paved with challenges and opportunities. Asset quality is not a one-time checklist item; it's an ongoing commitment to excellence. As a college student majoring in finance, envision yourself as the chef in charge of creating the perfect financial recipe. Your ingredients – the assets – need to be of the highest quality to ensure a profitable and sustainable outcome.
Also Read: Combating Financial Fraud: Innovations in Banking and NBFCs
Embracing A Proactive Approach
Learn from the best in the industry. Abhay Bhutada and Uday Kotak are not just names; they are beacons of wisdom in the financial landscape. Implementing a proactive approach, like Poonawalla Fincorp, and understanding the wisdom shared by Uday Kotak, can set you on the path to success.
The Bottom Line
In conclusion, asset quality is not a mere buzzword in the world of NBFCs; it's the lifeline that sustains and propels them forward. Their insights are not just lessons; they are guiding lights to steer your financial ship toward a prosperous and stable future. So, be the chef of your financial destiny, and let the quality of your assets be the secret ingredient that makes your recipe a masterpiece.
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servosys-solutions · 1 year
Best NPA Recovery & Asset Reconstrution Companies Software Solutions
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Empowering Asset Reconstruction Companies (ARCs) with Innovative Solutions! Servosys Solutions leads the way in revolutionizing the operations of ARCs, providing cutting-edge solutions to streamline processes, optimize NPA management, and drive operational efficiency.
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last-page-finance · 1 year
The ABCs of Banking Jargon: Gross NPA vs. Net NPA
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Today, we're diving into the fascinating world of banking jargon. Fear not, though, as we'll keep things light and easy for you to understand. In this edition, we'll unravel the mystery surrounding two terms that often make appearances in financial discussions: Gross NPA and Net NPA. Join me as we demystify these acronyms and explore the difference between the two.
Gross NPA: The Raw Side of Non-Performing Assets
Let's start with the less glamorous of the two: Gross NPA. NPA stands for Non-Performing Asset, which refers to a loan or an advance that has stopped generating interest income or has gone sour. Essentially, it's a loan that the borrower has failed to repay for a significant period, often due to financial difficulties.
Gross NPA is like the raw, unfiltered version of NPA. It represents the total amount of non-performing assets a bank holds without considering any adjustments or provisions made to mitigate the potential loss. Think of it as the starting point, the big picture, before any cleanup efforts or adjustments are made.
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Net NPA: The Refined Version of Non-Performing Assets
Now, let's focus on the more polished cousin: Net NPA. As the name suggests, Net NPA is the refined version of NPA that considers the adjustments made to account for potential losses. It considers provisions made by the bank against the gross NPA amount.
When a bank identifies a loan as an NPA, it sets aside some funds as provisions or reserves to cover potential losses. These provisions act as a cushion, reducing the impact of non-performing assets on the bank's overall financial health. Net NPA is calculated by subtracting the provisions made for bad loans from the gross NPA.
The Difference, Please!
So, what sets these two apart? The primary difference between gross NPA and net NPA lies in the adjustments made to account for potential losses. Gross NPA represents the total amount of non-performing assets, while net NPA considers the provisions made to offset these losses.
Think of it this way: gross NPA is like a rough sketch of the problem, while net NPA is the final, polished painting that reflects a more accurate representation of the bank's actual financial standing. Net NPA provides a clearer view of the potential impact of non-performing assets on a bank's balance sheet.
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Why Does It Matter?
Understanding the difference between gross NPA and net NPA is essential for assessing a bank's financial stability. Banks are required to maintain a healthy ratio of net NPA to their total assets, as it is a critical indicator of their overall asset quality and risk management practices.
Investors, regulators, and analysts closely monitor these ratios to gauge the health of banks and make informed decisions. A higher net NPA ratio can indicate higher credit risk and a potential strain on the bank's profitability, whereas a lower ratio suggests better asset quality and risk management practices.
And there you have it, folks! Gross NPA and net NPA may sound like dry banking terms, but they play a crucial role in understanding a bank's financial health. Remember, gross NPA is the starting point, while net NPA considers the provisions made to offset potential losses. So, the next time you come across these acronyms, you'll be armed with the knowledge to decode their meanings and impress your finance-savvy friends.
Stay tuned for more banking jargon demystified, right here on our semi-formal blog. Until next time, happy learning!
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What is the process of one-time settlement in banking? | NPA Management
Why do people take loans? It is a great way of helping your finance for various things. You may take a loan for completing your education, buying a new house, the wedding of your kids, to go abroad, or anything else.
If you are a company, then you will take a loan to diversify your business or launch a new project.
You make great planning and ensure that repayment of the loan is done in time. However, no matter how systematic your repayment plan may be, you cannot foresee all the possible bottlenecks. You may become a victim of unforeseen circumstances. There could be an unexpected loss in the business, or you lose your job due to an illness.
Such circumstances will seriously hamper the ability to repay your loan. You will miss the installment and get follow-up calls and reminders from the bank. It affects your credibility and market value.
When a bank or financial institution sanctions a loan, it expects that the loan will be repaid within the stipulated time. For a bank, a loan is an asset that generates income in the form of interest.
When the loan is not paid, it becomes an NPA or Non-Performing Asset. NPA is not desirable for any financial institution. When it goes beyond a threshold, it becomes a risk to the survival of the bank. Hence, it requires concrete npa management methods.
When a bank fails to recover the loan, it approaches the borrower with options like a one-time loan settlement. Though it looks like a simple offer, it may ruin the credit score of the borrower.
What is a One-Time Loan Settlement?
It is part of the overall npa management policy of a bank or financial institution. In this process, the bank or financial institute agrees to accept a smaller amount instead of the entire due amount. When it does so, the bank waives off the rest of the amount and makes repayment easier for the borrower. The option may be offered by the bank after six months of non-repayment.
The bank takes various measures to investigate the case before arriving at the conclusion. It will allow them to validate the reason for not paying the loan.
How Does the process of one-time settlement carry out?
First, the bank should believe that the reason for non-payment is legitimate. The bank offers a moratorium period. The option is for those borrowers who want to pay the amount in one go. After an agreement, the bank will waive off a part of the outstanding loan amount to make the repayment easy.
How much amount will be written off will depend on the gravity of the financial condition and the ability of the borrower to repay the loan. Since the borrower is agreed to settle the loan, its repayment status will be recorded as “settled” and not “closed”. The credit score of the borrower will be affected by the difference.
One-time settlement is considered an important tool of npa management policy.
It is quite obvious that opting for a one-time settlement is not advisable unless it is necessary. There are some other alternates to it.
The borrower should liquidate the savings instead of applying for a loan. Also, it should negotiate with the bank to request an extension for the repayment term. Or, it should ask for a restructured repayment plan.
The borrower can request the bank to hold off the interest rate or reduce it for some time.
One-time settlement is the last resort. For a bank also, it is not a profitable proposition. Therefore, it will use it only when there is no other solution.
For more information - https://www.npaconsultant.in/blog/blog-details/what-is-the-process-of-one-time-settlement-in-banking-1
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menjeet · 2 years
The deeper impact of the Adani meltdown
A critical aspect of the fallout of the Adani group or any similar large business is how its lenders are going to deal with the aftershock and this is something I haven’t seen addressed anywhere. Post covid all big and small lenders are aggressively liquidating assets of borrowers whose loans have turned NPAs. I know this because I proof read ads of possession and sale notices published by banks…
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livemintvideos · 2 years
During an interview with the Panchjanya magazine, an RSS- associated weekly. The finance minister narrated the story of revival the PSU banks. She went into detail about the 4 Rs that led to revival of loss making PSU banks into profit making entities. PSU banks which reported a loss of more than Rs 85,000 crores in 2017 are likely to cross the 1 lakh crore in profits mark by the end of this fiscal. Watch as the finance minister, Nirmala Sitharaman describes how the Modi government made crucial policy changes to revive struggling PSU banks.
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sageglobalresponse · 3 months
‘How Lekki Free Zone Is Boosting Industrialisation, Tackling Unemployment In Nigeria’
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The country head, Nigeria, Alaro City, Yomi Ademola has said that the Lekki Free Zone (LFZ) has become a ray of hope for local and foreign direct investments (FDIs) and a way to address the problem of unemployment in a significant development for Nigeria’s economic landscape.
Disclosing this at a media parley in Lagos, Ademola stated that the presence of industrial plots in the LFZ, along with simplified regulations and investment incentives, is attracting foreign investments and domestic capital, resulting in the development of a thriving industrial ecosystem.
He said, “Every business wants to reduce their costs and increase their profitability. At the end of the day, that is what capitalism is about. We’re a free market economy. We want people to bring those jobs and invest here. Most multinational companies who have left Nigeria, have significant relationship with the ports. Nine out of 10, if not 10 out of 10 would prefer to have their companies situated close to the port.
The Lekki Deep Sea Port is already generating more revenue for the Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA) than Apapa. Meanwhile, the largest ship coming into Apapa is roughly 4,000 Twenty-foot Equivalent Units (TEUs) capacity. On the other hand, the ships coming into Lekki Deep Sea Port are 16 to 18,000 TEUs – three and a half to four times more.”
Speaking on the Alaro City project, Ademola said the city will help to bridge the housing deficit that is linked to the industrializtion drive in the free zone.
He said, “Alaro City is designed to accommodate everybody. We have residential homes and the other size of the city is for industrialization. We have completed about 200 units, out of the 576 units of apartment. We want more SMEs in Nigeria and foreign investors to take advantage of these unique opportunities.
“For instance, Aerial Foods, which produces ready-to-use therapeutic food, is situated at Alaro City. The company not only produces for Nigerians, but is currently exporting to other countries. For a company that needs to be efficient, looking to reduce costs, without compromising jobs or value proposition to their customers, then LFZ is the place for you.
“If you can bring down the amount of money you need to borrow from banks at high interest rate to pay for your working capital, including significant duty bill by locating in a free zone, that transforms the prospects of your company’s outlook, because you are saving millions of naira, that you would have spent on transportation, levies, duties, as companies situated in the LFZ are exempted from paying income tax, withholding tax on dividends, Value Added Tax and customs and excise duties, among others. Because of these benefits, we are attracting foreign investments, we are attracting new jobs and new opportunities.
Moreover, we can generate hard currencies by exporting to other countries. So, with the LFZ, we are bringing technologies, new jobs and attracting foreign investments into our country.”
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miloucomehome · 1 year
(so good!!!)
First, first!!
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The moment where Doram and Nozaki try to get Nogi's Face ID at the restaurant was adorably funny.
Also: The Nozaki-Doram-Genghis teamup later? Love it.
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Onto the next stuff in this episode (there's so much. I'm only just touching upon some things)
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Nozaki being written and treated as a very competent state agent makes me happy. He's not hyper-competent, he has "fun", he's not hyper-serious all the time (that shit-eating-"You won't believe the plan I've cooked up heheheheh"-grin he has is golden--he's smart. He'll mess with people if he needs to and shares only the necessary info he has with those he trusts (at the moment). He also revels in messing with people haha. Plus he uses his jovial nature to get on others' good side, but he's sincere when he means it. I'm positive that prior to all this he truly has taken an interest in Nogi and is going to treat him the same way, but with more subtly poking to figure out what's going on
I love Nozaki (and I truly believe that in light of the reveal this week, he found Nogi endearing, was maybe falling for him or just wanting him to be ok idk, and now has to suspect him and truly learn who he is) but now I'm genuinely worried we will lose someone in the main cast by the finale.
(I have become a Nozaki oshi.)
A theory that had been floated about on twitter by multiple viewers in the VIVANT theories tag actually came to be. Multiple people pointed out that when Nogi was waiting outside the Balka International Bank, he was holding what looked like Ali's phone and something else. At first some wondered if it was a portable charger, but were curious when the switch happened. That was all revealed this week and I can't believe how much theorists were on the point trying to figure out what happened.
Nozaki's true past being discovered was more than I expected though. Amnesia, being sucked into the grim world of human trafficking...is this how Nogi F (or B through E) was born?
Finally: I can't tell if Sam was bad or if the CIA was trying to get Ali as an intelligence asset, BUT NOOOO SAM!!!!! NOGI F HOW THE HELL COULD YOU?! I LIKED OUR LUPIN IIIrd FANBOY CIA AGENT.
(that said, this means he met Sam at the Rongaly Military School then?!)
Jamine being some sort of "miracle child"?! Is Sakurai, Nogi's handler? Who's the head of BEPPAN?!
Now we find out that the character with Nino is Nogi's dad?! That he survived?! Nino is some kind of adopted son?! Or did his wife survive and they had another child?! Ali said he didn't meet her, but had seen the photos...but...still
The amount of silent screaming I was doing during the "execution" scene was obscene. I don't think I could've handled another episode 4 type ending. (That said, I think both Nogi F and Kurosue were willing to go all the way and cut the wires if Ali hadn't cooperated)
And I can't be the only one who is having a hard time telling Nogi A from Nogi F. I feel during the "executions", the apology was delivered by Nogi A. I think that in intense moments like the "executions" they both flip between each other, or even that the true Nogi is the one present. Not one or the other.
Nozaki slowly closing in on the TENT-BEPPAN stuff is wonderful to watch. The fact that Nogi Suguru was an officer with the National Police (and not the Prefectural Police) was surprising. Why did he quit? Why go to Balka? Nozaki being with a federal agency will easily be able to access this information now. What he does with the info he does learn will be interesting because at the moment, with the information viewers have from episode 5, it's that Nogi's father left the NPA(?), went to Balka with his wife and son, something happened, his son was kidnapped and trafficked, he changed his name and somehow he created a terrorist group based in Central Asia using his family's crest as its own symbol? I'm curious how the NPA officer-to-mystery-organization-leader thing happened.
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(help this wink after he says "We're Public Security.". helppp!!)
Masato Sakai is a wonderfully talented actor. Episode 5 was an absolute treat of his talents. (Can he get more menacing roles in the future???)
I'm also noticing NogI F's actions and interrogation methods are reminding of an older Masato Sakai drama from 2010 where he led a "double life" (it's nothing like this level) called JOKER: Yurusarezaru Sousakan. In it, by day he's a law-abiding officer of the law and at night he's a bit of a vigilante ala "You have failed this city". There's more to it, but that's all I remember. I couldn't help but feel that as a much more mature actor, Sakai dipped into that a bit.
Speaking of Nogi F, while I understand that what we know of BEPPAN's mission is apparently for the sake of saving the country from a potential attack, it's currently at the "Cool motive, still murder" stage and deeply morally grey. I'd like to know how he came to be paired with Kurosue and if he knows about Nogi F.
Which, from what the lady at the orphanage mentioned, it sounds like Nogi F (or B, C, D or E) have been around since he was a small child....
Anyway. I'm watching Episode 6 after dinner or shortly. Idk. T_T)
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bankeauction · 2 years
Bank Auctions, Property Auctions, NPA Auctions, DRT Auctions, Forward Auctions
"Find residential and commercial auction properties for sale from the leading Indian banks. View, Bid & Win Non Performing Assets (NPA), Bank Auction, Foreclosure and Sarfaesi Ausction Properties. With Bank eAuctions, Banks can create and publish events in few easy steps and monitor the entire process online. The easy to use interface requires minimal training to the bank users and bidders"
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