#obviously i can't physically stop y'all but y'all could please learn some basic tumblr social cues and internet etiquette
hollytanaka · 10 months
Friendly reminder to the COD fandom: stop having random, personal conversations in the reblog captions of other people’s gif sets and original edits.
For examples of what I mean, see the two screenshots below 👇🏽 They are both from COD fans under my gif sets.
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[Image ID – (Left) Two COD fans, whose names and profile pictures have been redacted, @ing each other and discussing a chiropractor under my gif set of John Price from Modern Warfare; and (Right) A COD fan @ing a fanfiction writer about their work under my unrelated gif set of Nikto from Modern Warfare II]
Tumblr introduced the DM system years ago, so that if you want to send a post to another person, you can do so without tagging or @ing them and having a full-blown conversation in the reblogs. Thus, the DM system prevents users from annoying the shit out of the original post's author and others interacting with the post. Whether you like it or not, when you tag/@ other people, we get notified of what you type too.
So, please learn to make use of the DM system. 🙄 This annoying tendency is not exclusive to the COD fandom, I'm sure. But COD fans are most notorious for it, especially because many of you have not had a Tumblr blog for more than a few months and are newbies.
It's rude and inconsiderate to have full blown convos all over a gif maker's post while totally ignoring the gif maker... This total disregard and indifference toward gif makers is even more obvious when I've asked the above users to please move their conversations to their DMs so others don't have to see them, and they do not respond.
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