#obviously i saw it coming cause they didn't include any of the swimming bits (also lame) but still Sigh
crucefix · 1 year
so the last of us huh i feel like the finale (which was disappointing) encapsulated everything i didn’t like about this adaptation - they hit every story beat that they needed to, but the pacing was off and mostly felt rushed which meant it just didn’t have the impact or depth it should’ve. ellie and joel’s bond feels surface level compared to the game, it doesn’t feel as earned because we’ve spent too much time with irrelevant characters and too little with developing them. that ‘it wasn’t time that did it’ line solidified this for me, it felt so corny and unearned, though i’m sure tumblr will eat it up lol. it shouldn’t have needed to be said, their bond should’ve been unspoken. it says something to me that they elected to explicitly state it for the audience. the ending of that episode should’ve felt like a punch in the fucking gut that left you absolutely reeling - it didn’t. it felt like the entire episode was just rushing to get there. it felt hollow. the hospital section in particular was so rushed, i’m disappointed. they were in that hospital for only just over ten minutes. having THE pivotal moment of joel’s character and the climax of the season be a brief montage with no tension, no stakes was really lame. pedro’s joel seemed completely out of it and detached compared to troy’s too, who was so desperate to save ellie. where was the ‘i got you, i got you’. where was it. but my biggest complaint of all ? FUCK them for explicitly stating why ellie was immune. it takes away the entire point that they CAN’T REPLICATE HER IMMUNITY because they don’t know HOW. they needed HER, HER alone, HER specifically because she was the ONLY one, there was nobody else, there was no replicating it. but in the show they could get any ol’ pregnant lady and have her get bitten with the umbilical chord still attached! boom you got yourself an immune baby! like!!?!!? what a stupid decision from the showrunners.  man. i can only hope season 2 will be better.
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