#obviously its not technically their first kiss but its the first kiss theyll have as like. a marker of a real relationship
nautilusgays · 8 days
Hey I love your nemonnax content!! It’s good to see some content with our sea gays lol. Do you have any more relationship headcanons for Nemo/Pierre? NSFW or SFW - anything you have in mind, Im really curious to hear what you have in mind:)
Hi!! Omg thank you so much!! I'm so glad you enjoy it that means a lot 🥺🥰
Sorry it took me so long to reply!!
More headconnons! I love thinking about these two!
SFW Headcannons:
- They have flirty chess games that people hate being in the vicinity of - especially before they get together because the unresolved tension/feelings is unreal.
- The first game they ever play Pierre wins and he looks up through his eyelashes, smirking as he purrs "check mate, Captain". Nemo is completely caught off guard and gets so so flustered and quickly leaves. Pierre pouts "I would not have expected him to be such a bad loser." Ned is losing his mind.
- After they've gotten together Pierre sometimes uses his rizz to distract and fluster Nemo to increase his chances of winning. Nemo sulks because its often effective.
- Pierre enjoys sketching Nemo but is anxious about Nemo ever seeing them. The thing is when Nemo is in the Saloon and Pierre is sketching him he's incredibly unsubtle so Nemo knows the entire time. Pierre is mentally doodling hearts around every drawing.
- There are times Pierre reminds Nemo a lot of his wife and sometimes it causes him to have mental spirals of being worried he's being unfaithful to her or is forcing Pierre into being a replacement and projecting her onto him.
- Nemo has one of those therapeutic dreams where he's talking to his wife about it. She approves of Pierre and thinks they would have been good friends; and that they would have drunk tea and gossiped together. (I wrote this as a drabble lol)
- Pierre is very tactile. Before they get together Pierre kept having to stop himself from touching Nemo like he would with his other friends. Nemo at first appreciates the respect but as the months go past he gets a little frustrated that he's the only one Pierre doesn't touch.
- When they're together Pierre is a cuddle bug now that he has permission - Nemo loves it (he didn't realised how touch starved he was poor guy).
- Nemo radiates a lot of heat and Pierre has declared him his hot water bottle.
- Pierre enjoys swimming and Nemo will occasionally make up issues so they spend a day or so in one place so Pierre (and eventually other crew too) can swim. It took Pierre way too long to realise the 'lucky coincidences' of the Nautilus having a technical issue when they're in warm areas were not just coincidences.
- The crew greatly approve of them, and had a betting pool on if/when theyll get together going from the first day.
Again thank you so much for the ask! I'm sorry I took a while to respond I've been moving house.
(NSFW/Explicit Headcanons under the cut!)
Spicy head cannon time!
- Power bottom mode Pierre makes Nemo very flustered especially if Pierre straddles his lap and starts kissing his neck - it's almost guaranteed to have Nemo raring to go very quickly.
- Pierre obviously having had more experience teaches Nemo about many things and helps him become more comfortable with sex in general since it's been loooong for Nemo.
- When Pierre first talks to Nemo about being tied up Nemo is a bit confused, also hesitant about putting Pierre in such a vulnerable position especially since at first he was imprisoned in the Nautilus and of course Nemo had drugged him once. But they talk it out and slowly ease into such dynamics.
- Nemo becomes much more confident quite quickly and Pierre is enjoying it but also suffering because Nemo will walk past him in the ship, place his hand on Pierre's lower back, whisper a sensual promise to him, and keep walking; leaving a very flustered Professor behind.
- Nemo is a bit embarrassed that he's become more...lustful...he thinks he should be better than that. Doesn't stop him tho lol.
- Meanwhile Pierre is delighted to climb that man like an oceanic tree.
- Conseil is slightly traumatised by the time he walked into Pierre's room and saw him and Nemo in a comprising position.
- Pierre loves to ride Nemo, who enjoys lying back and enjoying the view everything and getting to watch Pierre.
(part of me wanted to be more explicit but also I didn't want to go too wild lol)
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chucklerjuergens · 4 years
Dodgeball au (its a movie not just a general dodgeball au lmao)
Leckie is a journalist turned gym owner who is so apathetic towards his gym ownership he ends up not collecting memebership fees for like a year and the gym across the street (owned by some gym rat health obsessed asshole idk) goes to buy his gym and leckies ends up in foreclosure. Vera comes in working for the asshole to go through all of leckies paperwork thats been shoved into the closet. Leckie needs $50,000 to get his gym back and the only way to do that is to enter the dodgeball tournament in las vegas where the prize money for first place is ohohohoo $50,000
So the members of leckies gym r a rag tag group of people who are total nerds and weirdos theres hoosier who just falls asleep on the equipment and doesnt actually do anything, theres chuckler whos too tall and gangly to really be any help athletically, runner who is pretty athletic and the only reason he goes to leckies gym is bc its cheaper (theyre all stupid dumbasses which is why theyre a rag tag group and theyre nerdy and strange in their own way) theres also jay de leau whos skittish and nervous and scared of the ball. Sledge whos very not athletic just bc his mom never let him play sports in school. Snafu whos an absolute mad man but doesnt listen to/know the rules so hes not very good in that sense
Theyre absolutely hopeless on the court and cannot play AT ALL theres no communication, coordination, or ability and they win the play offs (the entrance into the actual competition) bc the other team was cheating
Enter gunny haney, who was at his prime during the 40-50s and did an informational video on dodgeball and was a pro dodgeball player. He shows up super old and totally crazy always saying shit that doesnt make sense but he pulls them together to be somewhat a team and teaches them the rules in an abolsutely batshit way. One day, vera shows up to watch them and see how theyre doing or something and she gets the ball and she throws the ball so hard the dummys head flies off (softball she says) leckie begs her to join but shes no its a conflict of interest BUT the asshole shes working for comes onto her at her house and gets her fired so theyll be able to date. She gets pissed obviously, leckie shows up, and the asshole is vanquished. Leckies comes inside and turns out veras just as much of a weirdo nerd as the rest of them so she decides to join their team to see the asshole crash and burn
So they make it to the playoffs and they (somehow) win against all the other crazy and wild teams with strange themes until its them and assholes gym left BUT in a sick twist of irony something falls on haneys head and he dies (i promise this movie is very funny i just shit at explaining things) so the team is feeling TERRIBLE they feel like they have no hope!! Leckie goes to mope in his room and asshole comes in and makes a deal to sell asshole leckies gym for $100,000 dollars so they do that and leckie checks out of the hotel and leaves to go to some casino. Meanwhile the team is like ‘oh my god whats happening wheres leckie we lost haney wtf are we gonna do??’ They have no choice but to forfeit the match
So leckies drinking at the bar and who shows up but athletic superstar andrew haldane (lance armstrongs character) and hes like ‘man i hope this doesnt turn into what you regret most in life’ and basically changes leckies mind SO he goes back obviously and makes it just in time before the official win goes to assholes team. They need a 2/3 vote to get them back in the match which they get so they do the match and everyone eventually gets out until its vera and leckie. Vera takes a hit for leckie and while shes walking off asshole hits her super hard in the head and the whole team gets super pissed and (idk what happens next but) they enter the death match between leckie and asshole and leckie, remembering haneys wackass advice, blindfolds himself and successfully dodges asshole ball, takes his ball, and throws it hard into assholes face thus getting leckies team to win the tournament
Asshole is like ‘haha actually you sold your gym to me last night so!! You suck i win youre all losers’ but it turns out leckie went and bet on his own team to win the tournament so they actually get $5,000,000 and he takes assholes place as owner of his gym and through that, he fires asshole and gets his gym back bc technically, as owner of assholes gym who just bought leckies gym, he would own his gym again.
Hes obviously in love w vera but her gf (stella) shows up all ‘oh i wouldnt miss this for the world’ and they kiss and leckies all ‘shit’ but vera turns around and is like ‘im in love w u too’ and she kisses him and the team ends happily ever after as a new and improved gym
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