#obviously the keep reading thing still doesn't work on mobile šŸ™„
musette22 Ā· 5 years
Hi I'm feeling very down, and pessimistic about Evanstan being a thing, now have been for months especially if its true that Chris said that Scarlett was the only one of his actor friends to come and see him in Lobby Hero? on that Variety thing- I can't find it Not I'm wondering if he and Seb were ever actually that close or I just built it up in my head. ( I mean Stackie has more basis in reality at this point) Help me get back to that happy place
Hi! Okay so, Iā€™m getting a lot of asks about this which I totally understand, but Iā€™m only going to answer one, because otherwise I would just be repeating myself. Sorry guys, Iā€™m not ignoring anyone on purpose, just donā€™t want to spam everyoneā€™s dash with the same answer over and over again! Also, this is going to be a long one so Iā€™m gonna put it under the cut.
Iā€™m really sorry you guys are feeling upset and disillusioned about Evanstan at the moment, itā€™s understandable but not fun, and I wanna hug you all and make you hot cocoa and tell you everything is gonna be fine, which it will be! šŸ’—
So I do get why people are a bit upset about this, because itā€™s like, ummā€¦ no she wasnā€™t the only one who came to see you Chris, Seb went too (and Paul Rudd and Mark, for that matter, letā€™s not forget that!). It wouldā€™ve been nice if he had mentioned Seb, especially considering we all love that Lobby Hero moment so much, but I really donā€™t believe heā€™s ACTUALLY forgotten that Seb was there. Nor do I believe for one second that he was throwing shade at Seb or purposefully omitted him because he hates him, as some people have suggested - heā€™d have to hate Paul and Mark too, then! Plus,Ā honestly, these two have never given any indication of actively disliking each other, plus theyā€™re two of the most likable people in the business so I highly doubt they wouldnā€™t get along. And I know some people would say ā€˜but what if they had an ugly break up or something else bad happened?ā€™ but I see no reason to think anything like that just because they donā€™t mention each other as much.Ā 
Yes, there is a possibility that theyā€™re not all that close anymore and just drifted apart, and that would suck, and it would upset me too. But I enjoy shipping them for a big part because I believe they WOULD make an amazing couple, whether they really are or not. Having said that, I highly doubt there wasnā€™t ever anything going on between them. We have enough material to suggest otherwise! Sure, we see Seb and Mackie interact a lot more, but Iā€™m never going to ship them if I donā€™t see that spark that I saw between Chris and Seb. I donā€™t think you just built it all up in your head, because that would mean ALL of us on here did, and I doubt weā€™re all delusional haha (at least I hopešŸ˜‚).Ā But also, even if we donā€™t get any real Evanstan content anymore in the future, I wouldnā€™t let it completely put me off shipping them either. Thereā€™s enough to go on in the past to believe there was something, whether itā€™s still there or not, to make it worthwhile for me.Ā I donā€™t blame anyone else if itā€™s just not enough for them to keep shipping them, thatā€™s super understandable! But I personally love thinking about the possibilities and the what ifā€™s and writing about them too much to give it up! A bit like with Stucky, I suppose. Theyā€™ll always have my heart ā¤ļø
As for this interview, the way I see it, Chris was either just exaggerating a bit as youĀ sometimes do in conversation (especially since he was actually talking to Scarlett). LikeĀ ā€œyou were like the only one, omg, all my other friends are rude!ā€ when in reality he knows full well thatā€™s not the case, and he doesnā€™t mean it either. Just him being a bit of a goofball as we all know he is often :p He was most likely just joking around and yeah, I also wish he hadnā€™t done that because ugh, can we please have some crumbs now and then?? šŸ™„ But I also really think itā€™s not as big a deal as it may seem at first glance!
Having said all that, I can also think of at least a couple of reasons why all this actually would be another reason to think there IS something between Chris and Seb after allā€¦ šŸ˜ If they are together, after all, then Seb isnā€™t just an ā€˜actor friendā€™ to Chris, so it would make sense he didnā€™t mention him in that senseā€¦ Heā€™s much more than that! And who knows, maybe itā€™s even that Chris didnā€™t want to want to bring Seb coming to see him up again because he knows they were being wayyyyyyy too obvious that night. I feel like heā€™s signed that photo of them together often enough at cons to know itā€™s something that makes people believe theyā€™re a thing! So if they are, it makes sense that he would be like ā€˜Iā€™m just going to distract by joking NO ONE but this friend Iā€™m now talking toĀ came to see me!ā€™
Sure, maybe Iā€™m clutching at straws here, but letā€™s be real,Ā thatā€™s what rpf shipping often is šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Comes with the territory, sadly. And I for one am not going to let something which is probably entirely innocent put me off shipping these two, because I still believe theyā€™d make a wonderful, amazing, beautiful couple and I think they still could be
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