#oc: Bran Yahto
bravelittleflower · 5 years
Which of your OCs would fall for Lani, Faith Reed, Audrey Hargreeves, and Ellie Coulson?
Lani ->  definitely Juniper (daughter of Jasmine and Aladin)Juniper is a disaster bisexual who is in love with Audrey. Juniper thought that if they are best friendsthey could be something more but Audrey cruelly rejects her and makes everyone in school hate her and being  an outcast (except Ben because we know that he wouldn’t hate her since they grew up together and they are the purest brotp)  so enter Lani who just doesn’t deal with Audreys BS and befriend Juniper and they could be really soft girlfriends...
Faith Reed-> Bran Yahto would be cool with her.I mean at first they would totally hate each other because Bran is a mage and werewolfes and vampires are more than enough to deal with but now mages too?! That’s just too much even for her. But just like her Bran is a protector and he also protects the people he loves and wants them safe. So yeah this two would be that 5000 words slow burn where they still are at each other throats and makes you want to rip your head out of your head because they are so obviously in love with each other and they can’t see it.
Audrey Hargreeves-> I’m thinking either Arashi fron my One Piece or Nate because they are pure sunshine and cinnamon rolls and impossible to hate them, really.
Ellie Coulson->  At first I wasn’t really sure but the best to work with Ellie would be Nova. Nova is Peter’s partner so she and Ellie have to get along and they do much to Peter’s surpirse.They are pure opposite to each other but they work wonderful. From what I’m gathering Ellie lacks in self-confidence don’t worry Nova got a lot of that.And Ellie would help Nova with her self-control and meanwhile deal with her powers.(if she survives the snap).Ellie and Nova are supportive of each other, best friends and definitely help the other when she doubts herself.
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bravelittleflower · 6 years
Full name: Suzume Yahto
Nicknames: Suzu
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Gender: female
Sexuality: straight
A Song I Associate With them
Lauren Aquilina-King
3 Important Relationships
Natsu-He’s like a big brother to her and he always protects her.
Gray-He’s also like a big brother but more like one who she always fights with. He is the one who first called her Suzu.
Bran/Ellie-They are OC’s from me but they are really important to her
2 Fears: Wolves and small spaces
1 Element of their backstory:
She has amnesia. Everything before meeting Natsu is blank and acording to Porylusca someone stole her memory...
Thank you for asking ^.^
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