#oc: j'iro
theshijlegacy · 2 years
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TBT: J'iro checks out the Coruscant stronghold and gets some fresh air (Aug 2015)
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mothman-vincent · 3 years
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It took me roughly 2 days of on-and-off work to finish this. Everyone to the right past Newton was taken from already finished artworks because those are OCs i struggle a lot with when it comes to drawing them.
Here's a list of everyone starting from the left side:
J'iro - Mouse Alien - part of a worldbuilding project i'm working on and my main fursona
Karo - Chimera - older character of mine, clowney boy
Ceero - Heffalump - also older character of mine, fluffy boy
Vincent - Mothman / Garden Tiger Moth - secondary fursona, even fluffier boy
Wade - Warner - Animaniacs OC I haven't used much yet but i'm loving his design enough to keep him in my lineup
Teke - Yoshi - i was always a big fan of yoshi and I honestly love this guy
Aiden - Firefly - originally Vincent's boyfriend (and he still is when i'm not shipping Vincent with everyone else )
Fynn - Dumbo Octopus - He's my Spongebob OC , heckin cute boy
Penny - Furby - my little steampunk furby
Timmothy - Worm on a String - cute little cakey boy
Epsilon - Half Demon - they're an apprentice necromancer and my artist name comes from his first incarnation when he was still a Timelord
Newton - Steampunk Robot - He's my SPG fan-OC haven't done art of him in eons but a friend demanded I include him
Snowflake - Ghoul - My Ghost (band) OC , shy boy , everyone loves Snowflake
Reda - Half Angel - originally a Welcome to Night Vale OC , had received a bit of a design update
Khelagar - Human - also originally a Welcome to Night Vale OC
Archon - Angel - Angel dude, keeper of the solar system
Maxwell - Dodo - just a Dodo >_>
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theshijlegacy · 2 years
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TBT: J'iro gets a letter from Sumalee and heads to Rishi... and he is the coolest looking guy around (Feb 2015)
I always love looking at old UIs in screenshots. So many little tweaks and changes over the years!
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theshijlegacy · 2 years
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TBT: J'iro has a bad time in PVP (Oct 2015)
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theshijlegacy · 2 years
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TBT: J'iro and HK chatting. These are separate conversations but work pretty great together. (Aug 2015)
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theshijlegacy · 2 years
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Rakghouls are back on Alderaan!
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theshijlegacy · 2 years
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TBT: J'iro and Nico being Slinger Space Bros on Yavin 4 (Oct 2015)
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theshijlegacy · 2 years
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SWTOR gone wrong: remember when the Odessen banners were WAY TOO FUCKING BRIGHT?
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theshijlegacy · 4 years
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Best line of 6.2
(I know I’m not the first to post it but it’s just so fucking funny.  And the M!Smuggler line delivery is perfect)
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theshijlegacy · 4 years
6.2 thoughts & stuff
J’iro once again got the honor of being my first toon through the latest content.  Spoiler city below the cut!
Okay.  Anyone at Bioware or any Bioware-adjacent companies, if you’re listening or can get this message to them somehow:
Now that I got that out of the way...
Yeah, I am totally over Tenebrae/Vitiate/Valkorian popping up in Yet Another Goddamn Form Because He’s The Emperor And Fuck You.  All of the cameos at the end of the final-no-really-we-mean-it-this-time fight (Syo!  Suri!  Master Surro!  etc!) were cool, but I’m so done with this guy I all I could think was “oh hey it’s GamemasterAnthony’s Birthday again.”  And killing every form of the Emperor at once felt a lot like the ending of Season 1 of Legends of Tomorrow, when they had to kill Vandal Savage in three time periods to finally get rid of him.  (...maybe that’s not the best analogy, since he popped up again in a later season.   oh fuck now I’ve done it)
As far as other reappearances go:
Revan. I actually said “this motherfucker AGAIN?” out loud when he showed up.  Not quite as tired of him as I am of the Emperor, but let’s give this dude a rest, PLEASE.
DARTH MARR!  One of the few characters I don’t mind seeing pop up again, because he’s always been way too good for everyone around him.
Meetra Surik!  In non-ghost form!  I am down for this.
Vaylin/Thexan.  Mixed reviews on these two.  First impression, “didn’t we settle their shit in KOTET Ch 9?”  Thought it was really nice that you could finally apologize to Vaylin; doesn’t quite make up for how badly she got treated but it’s something.  Seeing Arcann and Thexan fight together was pretty cool.  And of course I took the [Flirt] option with Vaylin.
Satele.  The only one we knew would come back.  Nothing unexpected, I guess, but THANK YOU for not killing her off.
That final fight, when you get all those temporary abilities for your buddies?  I got click-happy and just hit whichever one was off cooldown.  XD  Way too much happening for me to do much other than “take cover, shoot, shoot, Hightail It to get out of shit, repeat.”  I’ll have to take a closer look at the abilities on a later run.
Disregarding my feelings about That Fucking Guy coming back again, the story was pretty good.  The ship that Satele and her students were on was appropriately creepy, and I do like that the Hand and the Scions - possibly the most fanatical of That Fucking Guy’s followers (aside from those poor Zealots stuck on Nathema) - were the ones to find it.  And then we got to trip balls inside Satele’s head!  Another appropriately creepy locale.  Between the ship and the mindscape I spent damn near the whole run waiting for some creepy shit to jump out.  A+ mood, can’t wait to freak myself out again.
The new flashpoint definitely had me hooked (despite the excessive trash mobs) - it’s really too bad that it’s bugged, I want to see how things go with Marshal Kol!  Cool concept, cool layout, cool new character.  A bit of platforming to get your heart rate up, and later an intentional huge drop to REALLY get your heart rate up, and lol I’m a Gunslinger so I’ll just Hightail It away from the tentacles.
The best part about the new stuff?  The visuals.  The look of everything was fucking top-notch. 
The creepy-ass ship that had a lot of STUFF in it, crates and supplies and a whole crapton of other things you’d expect in a ship that’s on a journey of indeterminate length.  The members and minions of The Hand, lots of distinctive looks in faces and armor yet still unified.  The overall feeling that something here has gone horribly wrong.  
Satele’s mindscape that was its own unique thing, and still had echoes of other places - KOTET Ch 9 of course, but also KOTFE Ch 2, KOTFE Ch 12, and the Raptus & Calphayus fights in Dread Palace.  The stark contrast between the dim rocky landscape and bright memories of Tython.  The creepy mobs.  Lots of places to fall to your death, several times.  Even the little glowing bits (fungi?) felt not quite right.
The ships in the Spirit of Vengeance!  More ships that felt lived-in; lots of supplies and weapons and mobs (even if you have to fight a billion of them.)  Again, a super-cool layout overall.  And I could have spent hours just looking around The Fortune’s Folly!  (To-do for future runs - cheevo hunting!)
Overall, mostly good, and as always I’m eager to see how things turn out with different characters.  J’iro romanced Akaavi, sided with the Republic on Iokath & Ossus, and rejoined the Republic at the end of Onslaught so he’s now Commodore.  It’ll be fun to see how this goes with a Force-user, a Saboteur, an Imperial-aligned toon, a Theron/Lana/Kira/Scourge romancer, etc.
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theshijlegacy · 4 years
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For the Ilum story arc, both the Republic and Empire have lots of important people show up, from multiple class stories - even if they don’t say anything.
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theshijlegacy · 4 years
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As mentioned in my post about hitting Renown 999, I got every class to Renown 100!  Took about 5 months total (Dec 2019-May 2020) and that includes lots of overlap with the Renown 999 grind.
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theshijlegacy · 4 years
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Happy Rakghoul Week!
Head to Alderaan, kill some Raks, infect some people, have a good time.
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theshijlegacy · 5 years
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It only took about a month and a half to get one toon of each class to Level 75.  (Getting the Renown cheevos is taking a bit longer)
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theshijlegacy · 5 years
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I’ve been sick as shit all week.
But at least it’s not the Rakghoul plague! 
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theshijlegacy · 6 years
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My time in SWTOR hasn’t been all snowballs for the last month.. just mostly.
Following my epic datacron run with J’iro, I ran Lanaa and Kreye through the storyline as well, and have been keeping up with weekly Ossus runs on each toon.  I’ve long since depleted my Unassembled Component stash on Satele Shan, but there’s still plenty to go around for Star Forge toons.  J’iro and Lanaa both have the 252 set bonus and I should max out the Ossus reputation this week.
I also stumbled into a conquest guild on Satele Shan and have been slowly chipping away at the “Conqueror of X” titles and cheevos.
I have no fucking idea what I’m doing next.  I’m finally - finally - getting over the worst cold of my life, which has knocked me on my ass since New Year’s Day.  SWTOR gameplay was mindless enough (snowball snowball Ossus snowball snowball snowball snowball) that I could just hit keys and mouse buttons like a zombie.  But now that I’m on the mend... fuck, which of my 10,000 things do I want to work on next?
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