#of course if she offers u strawberries and you refuse them.... char vc OFFENCE TAKEN what d u mean ur allergic that's not a real thing
absensia-archived · 1 year
charlotte loves to eat fruit. her all - time favourite are strawberries, but she also loves oranges, mandarins, grapefruits, cantaloupe, honey dew, kiwis, peaches, and nectarines. charlotte will often buy fruits whenever she has the opportunity to do so. if she doesn't have any place to store the fruit or a chance to get the fruits home and into a refrigerator, she will simply eat them immediately. it is not uncommon to see charlotte cradling a basket of strawberries or blueberries in her arms, or with a fruit in her hand. like with all her foods, charlotte enjoys sharing whatever fruit she’s recently purchased. more than anything else, charlotte will often buy people fruit as a small gift.
for charlotte, FRUIT IS A LUXURY. fruit wasn’t always something she could afford. it was often something she would steal just to have as something to eat. more than that, buying fruit likely means having somewhere to store it so that it will not go bad quickly and be wasted. this was also not always the case of charlotte. therefore, fruit became something of a special treat in charlotte’s mind: something she enjoyed immensely for their freshness and tastes, but could only have when she had enough money not to spent on something more substantial or resistant to spoiling. even though she can usually readily afford to buy fresh and good quality fruits now, she holds onto this mindset of it being something of a luxury. to her, fruit is precious.
charlotte is not picky about the places she buys fruit from — if it looks good and the price is reasonable, she’s alright with it. she’ll buy from grocery stores, both small and large, from stall vendors, at farmer market’s, etc.
lastly, here are some connections between charlotte and fruit on a narrative level:
fruit are perishable, easily bruised, and, in some cases, quick to spoil. SO IS CHARLOTTE.
fruit can be deceiving in their appearance. how many times have you bought fruit thinking it looked good only to cut it open or bite into it to find it is sour, rotten, or not at all sweet? on the flip side: how often have you avoided buying the poor looking fruits only to learn later that the fruits may look bad, but are actually very sweet? charlotte doesn't always look the way she actually is.
some people insist on the idea that many fruits appear naturally made for sharing. think of mandarins, which divide neatly into pieces, or watermelons, which could feed a family like a meal. even fruits which are smaller, like grapes and strawberries, often come in large batches so that they may be enjoyed by one person for a long time or by multiple people for a short time. this idea of sharing goes hand - in - hand with charlotte’s predilection for making connections.
as a final thought, there is a more morbid connection between charlotte, her origins, and the manner in which, as a vessel, she is often consumed in her own chaos. fruits are meant to be bitten into, split open, and cut apart to be enjoyed. charlotte's form and flesh, like fruit and both at the time of assembly and during her existence here, is often pressed and prodded to check for quality, split open, cut apart into fragments but not to kill her - rather, to make her easier to consume. . . that is, easier to slip into the minds and imagination. something sweet, something a little bitter, something to stay.
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