#of course there are some later paintings that don't include the helmet
attichoney4u · 2 years
Anyone else wondering how Pericles' head might look under his iconic helmet?
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lawrites · 2 years
Chrome & Chemises Part II
Din Djarin x Gender Neutral Plus Size Reader
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You find yourself invited to Bingley’s mansion through a strange set of circumstances. With Mando’s impertinence and Caroline’s insistence upon his attention, you fear that you may end up in worse health than Jane.
Part 1
This chapter got away from me, sorry! I cannot take credit for much of the dialogue or story, as it comes from Jane Austen and the writers of P&P 2005. I just add descriptions and the space bits :) I realize that this will be a slow burn but that is pride and prejudice babey
This chapter is safe for all ages. CW: mentions of fatphobic internal thoughts, some self-deprecation, Mando being very blunt, sickness
The last few stragglers, including your family and surprisingly the entire party of one Mr. Bingley, were ushered out of the Lucas residence thankfully before 1 AM. Bigger celebrations, while exciting, can also sometimes go into the early dawn.
While you all load into your landspeeders, you and Jane use the opportunity to lean against each other. You close your eyes and she does as well, comfortable and ready to nap a bit on the way back. It paints a picture of the trust the two of you share as siblings.
This fact isn't lost on Caroline, who is situated next to Mando in their own speeder. She scoffs and gestures towards the two of you. "Well, that is just so indicative of this little port, is it not? Unable to keep propriety. I cannot believe that the two of them cannot keep their posture for the short ride back to their residence." Bingley looks behind him at the two of you and his eyes soften as he sees Jane again. "I think sh-they both look lovely." Caroline rolls her eyes and looks to Mando, "And with how this ball went, I bet I can guess what you are thinking right now, Mandalorian." Her eyes glimmer with what she most likely intends to be mirth, but instead appears more to be desperation.
Bingley tries to insert himself into the conversation again, no doubt ready to defend the ball, but Mando holds up one gloved hand instead. "What am I thinking?"
Caroline smirks. "You must be thinking how terrible it might be to spend even one more evening with such tedious company."
Mando answers her own expression with a smirk of his own, hidden under his helmet. "Oh, you are incorrect. My mind was more agreeably engaged." Mando turns from Caroline and looks directly at you across from him, safe and comfortable in your family's landspeeder. "I've been meditating on the great pleasure which a pair of fine eyes on the face of a pretty person can bestow."
Caroline scoffs, rolling her eyes at what she assumes MUST be a joke, though the worry in her eyes is palpable. Mando stares straight ahead, his helmet betraying nothing to Caroline to further affirm her thoughts as your landspeeder sets out towards home.
The ball seemed to leave you energized and exhausted all at once. You feel entirely ready to collapse as soon as your landspeeder brings you back to Longbourn, but after you fall prone across your carefully made bed and position yourself, you find that your mind will not stop thinking.
A gentle knock at the door has you sit up slightly, and you hear the door click open and closed. Jane's hushed voice spears through the darkness, "May I join you? I'm all nerves tonight." You pat the bed next to you, realize she can't see, and respond, "Of course."
Only a few minutes later, a small nightlight has been turned on and adjusted to its dimmest setting, casting a slight glow over you and Jane under the covers. Though you are grown beyond childhood at this point, you feel young again as you both giggle and kick your feet, reminiscing on the night.
"Mr. Bingley is just what a man ought to be." Jane's eyes sparkle even in the low light. "Sensible, good-natured..."
You cut in, "...charming, conveniently rich..."
Jane gives you not even a half-hearted push, "You know perfectly well that I don't think considerations in marriage should be focused only on money."
You nod, you mouth set in a straight line to show your seriousness even as your eyes continue to hold a glint of humor, "Oh I agree entirely. Only the deepest love could persuade me to matrimony, and with my body and the way society is...I will end an old maid." You make sure to insert a laugh at the end of your sentence that was less than convincing to anyone who knows you well, and Jane knows you better than anyone.
You disguise your own insecurities with humor, as usual. You may be comfortable in your own body, but you've built armor against the worst voices in the world. If you acknowledge what they say about you first, it takes the moment away from them. Your self-confidence is usually great, but since you have to see yourself at your worst to predict what others will say, you can never forget what you consider to be flaws.
Jane bristles, as she usually does at your worst comments about yourself, and gently grips your arm, "Y/N, do not say that about yourself. While I agree that you need not settle for anything besides the deepest love, I want you to consider that there is someone out there who will love you for your heart, mind, and body."
You scoff and roll your eyes. "Well that is much easier for you to say, dear sister. Every person who looks at you falls in love with you."
Jane grips harder, and you can almost feel her impatience at you. "Y/N. Do not patronize me, I see the world for what it is just as you do. But I've also grown up with you as a wonderful sibling for all these years. Do you think that I do not see the best in you as you do in me?"
You try to search for an answer, and finding none, you instead make an attempt to change the subject. "Well, I certainly know who sees the best in you..."
Jane rolls her eyes, but sensing your discomfort, she continues along your train of thought. Thoughts of Bingley cause her eyes and grip to soften as she sighs. "Do you really think he liked me?"
"Jane, he danced with you at every opportunity propriety could give."
Jane releases your arm entirely, her hands occupied with curling a strand of her hair repeatedly. "I cannot say I expected such a compliment."
You try to break the awkward moment from before entirely by using your humor once more. Teasingly, you remark, "Well, Mr. Bingley certainly IS very amiable, so I give you leave to like him. You've liked many a stupider person."
Jane pushes you once more. "Y/N!"
You laugh quietly and continue. "You're a great deal too apt to like people in general, you know. All-" you pause and think on her previous statements, "-most of the world is good and agreeable in your eyes."
Jane turns to you, "Not his friend! Oh! I can't even believe what he said about you!"
You are reminded, painfully, of what Mando had said about you earlier. You take a deep breath and smile, "Oh? Mando? Well...I could more easily forgive his vanity had he not wounded mine, of course." You look to the nightlight and feel a tiredness fall over you all of a sudden. As you reach for it, you continue. "It's no matter, I doubt we shall even speak again." And with a click, you are plunged into darkness, the both of you finally ready to sleep.
At breakfast the next morning, you are blearily trying to butter some toast while your mother prattles on and on about the ball.
"...and then he could not dance the second with Jane and had to find another, but then the third dance was with Jane. Then a fourth with Miss King of little standing, returning again to Jane for the fifth."
Your mother appears ready to continue until your father interjects, "If he had any compassion for me he would have sprained his ankle on the first."
Your mother's eyes become hard, meeting your father's across the table. "Oh Mr. Bennet, the way you go on it seems like you expect our children to have a grand inheritance."
Your father ignores her and asks you to pass the butter, but she continues anyway. "As you very well know, Mr. Bennet. When you die, which could be any day, our children will be left without a roof overhead or a penny to their name. You know that you do not make enough to keep us all in this house, and it will pass to whoever along the line DOES at the first sign of our misfortune."
You roll your eyes and step in, "Mama, my goodness, it's ten in the morning!"
Your mother turns to you, appearing ready to continue her lecture, whether it would be focused on your duties as heirs to Longbourn or your own insolence, you cannot predict. Luckily you are saved from a lecture about insolence from your mother by an entrance from Mrs. Hill. "A message, Ma'am, on the communicator. Addressed to Miss Jane Bennet from Netherfield Hall."
Your mother and Jane both light up, and Jane reaches for the communicating tablet as your Mother squeals. "Oh thank the Lord, we are saved!"
Your sister hurries to click through the screen and open the message, the entire room falling in a hush as her eyes quickly scan over it. "It is from Miss Bingley, Caroline." She pauses as she reads more. "She has invited me to dine with her!" Her smile drops a bit as she scrolls and sees the rest. "Oh, her brother will be dining out."
Your mother retreats into herself, her face appearing introspective as she thinks. "Well...that certainly won't do..."
Lydia chimes in. "I didn't think he was that handsome anyway."
You elbow her sharply, making her cry out and glare at you as she rubs her arm.
Jane speaks up, "May I take the landspeeder? To Netherfield?"
Your mother continues to mumble to herself, looking up at the sky.
You interrupt her thoughts. "Mama! The landspeeder! For Jane??"
Your mother looks lost in thought. "Oh...certainly not. She will go on our Kybuck."
You and Jane both yell "Kybuck??" in sync, in disbelief at your mother's decision. She just smiles slightly as she hears slight thunder from outside.
You are trying to help Mrs. Hill bring in the clothes that were set to dry as a downpour is starting around you. As you run in, your mother is staring at the window, pleased.
"Just as I predicted. She will have to stay the night now."
You are at this point amused by your mother's actions. "I don't know if you can take credit for making it rain, Mama. Let us hope that Jane is safe."
A knock on Netherfield's door causes a servant to leave the lunch set up and open it. Outside, dressed in blue and looking beautiful, if not soaked due to the thunderstorm, is Jane. She smiles at the servant and starts a greeting, but instead she turns a bit to sneeze. The servant looks worried and gestures for her to come in, the door sliding shut automatically behind her.
You are clutching a communication from Jane in your hands, the family tablet seeming to give far too little information for your tastes. "...and my kind friends will not hear of me returning until I am better. But do not be alarmed. Excepting a sore throat, fever, and headache, I am fine."
As you finish reading it aloud you glare at your mother. "This is ridiculous."
Your father agrees. "Well, my dear, if your daughter dies let it be a comfort that it was in the house of Mr. Bingley."
You mother brushes off his comment easily. "People do not die of colds."
You roll your eyes. "But she might well perish from the shame of having such a mother." You try to reason with her. "We are isolated! What if it worsens? We would have to wait days to receive the shipment of medication we might need from other ports!" You stop, considering your options. "I must go see her."
You mother turns to you suddenly. "You cannot! The Kybuck is with Jane and I cannot spare the landspeeder." You look outside, "No matter, the rain has stopped and I can walk now."
She strictly replies, almost yelling now "You will be covered in mud from your walk! You won't be fit to see anyone!"
You respond as you leave the room to prepare, "I will be fit enough to see Jane, which is all that matters."
You've always enjoyed a nice brisk walk. Mr. Bingley's estate is further out of your settlement than seems reasonable, but the slight breeze causing the leaves on the trees to rustle makes you smile. At the insistence of your mother, you did end up wearing a dress, though you covered it with an old, heavier cloak of your father's that would keep you warm. You feel a blaster in the pocket hitting your hip every once in a while, his own insistence that you protect yourself in the country fresh in your mind.
A smile covers your face as you continue to march, needing this quiet moment of solitude before you enter the lion's den. Just at the moment when you consider the true ramifications of showing up as you are, a step leads you directly into a puddle of soft mud. You see your shoe almost entirely covered and the hem of your dress sinking into it as well.
Shrugging, you pull your foot and dress out and laugh as the breeze picks up again. The only thing now on your mind is Jane, even though you do dread the reactions of the Bingley's and Mando when they see your haggard appearance.
You initially walk up the steps to Bingley's Manor in confidence. Knocking soundly, you take the time to do a last minute check. Dress? Dirty. Hair? Frazzled. Shoes? Covered entirely in mud. You try to run your hands over your garments but the door opens. You tell yourself it would have been useless anyway as you inform the doorman about your purpose.
Hoping that you are just brought up to see Jane, you instead have the displeasure of being told to wait outside a room until you are announced. You hear your title and step into the room with as much grace as you can manage given your appearance.
You see Mando and Caroline sitting down for what is most likely their lunch, looking as pretty as a painting. Caroline is in a silky, stylish dress with her hair perfectly managed, and her eyes widen at the vision of you against the white stone of their home. Yes, you feel quite out of place in a home that was lavish enough to be carved out of stone instead of assembled by metal.
You hear a scraping sound and look over to see Mando has stood up straight, presumably in welcome, his posture seeming very awkward and stiff. He bows to you slightly, and you return that with a slight curtsey.
The tense silence is broken by Caroline's voice, "Good lord, did you really walk all the way here?"
You nod tersely, your mind now primarily focused on getting out of this room and to Jane. "I'm so sorry, but how is my sister?"
Mando, surprisingly, is the one to interject. It is difficult to tell with his vocal modulation, but you believe he sounds a bit softer, "She is upstairs."
To the point as usual, then. You nod in thanks and turn to the steward, who brings you out of the room.
As soon as you are out of earshot, Caroline sputters as Mando carefully sits down again. "Goodness! Did you see their petticoat? Six inches deep in mud. Dreadfully incapable of..."
She is cut off by Mando. "I thought their concern for their sister does them credit."
Caroline blinks, but recovers quickly. "Well, their hair certainly does not. I wonder if their appearance after this has..." She glances pointedly at Mando, "...possibly lessened your enjoyment of their 'fine eyes?"
Mando casually responds as he continues reading the paper in front of him, "Not at all, they were brightened by the exercise." He tries to read the words in front of him, but only can truly focus on the fact that his helmet informed him of the presence of your blaster. Could you truly use it?
You first know that you are approaching Jane's room by the vision of Mr. Bingley sitting in a chair outside of a set of doors, looking worried. He brightens when he sees you.
"Mx. Bennet! Oh I am so glad to see you. The doctor is tending to your sister now."
Your heart melts a bit. "It is nice to see you as well Mr. Bingley. Thank you for fetching a doctor for my sister."
The doctor exits the room just a few moments later, and during your discussion she mentions that your sister has a nasty cold, but should recover nicely in a few days. With the news that she will be okay, you rush into the room to see your sister.
You almost feel like rolling your eyes upon seeing her. While you are worried about her looking feverish, languid, and exhausted, of course her complexion and hair is still perfect. In fact, her rosy cheeks and the slight glow of sweat make her glow. It honestly just makes you smile as you see her, your beautiful sister cannot be taken down even by this.
She turns to you, "Oh! Y/N!" You approach and give her forehead a kiss, trying to tell her temperature with your lips. It is still slightly high, as the doctor said. "Oh, your face is cold!" She laughs a bit and then leans away from you to cough, her face hidden in the crook of her arm.
She collapses a bit after, looking slightly past you to the hallway where Mr. Bingley is discussing something with the doctor. "Oh I just feel awful. They are being so kind to me and I feel like such a terrible imposition."
You shake your head and smile, wanting to give her some better news. "Oh do not worry. I don't know who is more pleased at you being here, Mama or Mr. Bingley."
Jane chuckles and coughs a bit more as Mr. Bingley finishes up his conversation with the doctor. You turn to him, "I cannot thank you enough for taking such diligent care of Jane. I am ashamed to say she may actually be more comfortable here than in our own home."
Bingley smiles and his eyes look to Jane, not even slightly fazed by her appearance. In fact, his eyes shine as they take her in. "It is a pleasure to have her here." He pauses. "Well...not a pleasure to see her so ill...rather it is a pleasure that she is here...being ill." He trails off slightly awkwardly, unable to express that he is glad to see Jane in his house no matter the circumstances. He straightens up a bit and continues, "But you must join us as a guest, at least until your sister recovers."
You try to argue but he won't hear it. "We shall send a speeder for some things for you, it is no worry. I wouldn't have you separated from her during this time."
As he leaves, you are nervous at the thought of staying, but relieved that Bingley is truly one of the kindest suitors your sister has had. Truly, he is well suited to her. You smile at Jane and wiggle your eyebrows a bit, and though her slight push has less force behind it, you cannot help but see the absolute joy in her eyes as well.
Jane has made wonderful progress on her recovery. You have spent nearly every second you can in this unfamiliar house with her, your discomfort only second to your devotion to your sister. But, as she is getting better she is able to rest without as many coughing fits as before, and has asked you to leave her be for the time being.
Therefore, you find yourself in a sprawling room in Bingley's home. There are rows upon rows of shelves lined with actual books, desks and chairs, and a lounge area that sits in front of a chrome fireplace. More than often you find yourself settling on a comfortable couch to read, trying not to think about how much everything in the room costs as the fire crackles in front of you. You cannot keep yourself from bringing the books up and sniffing them every few minutes, the smell of old pages mixed with the burning fire making you feel content.
You are so absorbed in your current book outlining a few lesser known stories about the Jedi that you almost fail to hear the voices and footsteps approaching the room. Having only a few moments, you sit up straight, brush your outfit a bit, and place your book in your lap, leaning over it and appearing to be lost in thought.
The doors slide open, causing you to look up in their direction and see Caroline, Bingley, and Mando. Bingley smiles upon seeing you, exclaiming that it is so good to see you out of your sister's room. He approaches and you stand up to greet him as he further mentions that he is impressed at your fortitude and love for your sister. You smile and thank him, seeing that Mando has settled at a desk near you and Caroline has decided to sit in a chair between. She is purposefully not glancing in your way at all, a fact that you are glad to allow.
Mando touches the glass top of the desk and it lights up, surprising you. He pulls up something and begins to type. The low sounding keystrokes aren't enough to keep you from reading, and so you return to your stories. Unfortunately, Caroline, who had been looking casually at her own personal communicator, decides that the sounds are enough to distract her. "You type so quickly, Mandalorian."
Mando responds, rather bluntly, "You are mistaken, I type rather slowly."
Caroline, determined as ever, decides to lean over and spy on what the Mandalorian is writing. "Oh, I cannot imagine how many terrible communications your people must need to send." You look up in shock at her tone. "To talk of violence so often...it makes me ill."
You cannot possibly consider what angle she was using to gain Mando's interest, but it seems that there was no matter. She fails as Mando soon replies, "It is fortunate that they fall to my lot instead of yours, then." His final tone makes you assume that she would end their conversation there, so you return once more to the pages in front of you.
"Oh! You must be writing to your ward or his keeper. Tell him that he is just...the most talented little thing." Caroline tries to take on a jovial tone, but the slight desperation once again seeps through. Ward? The Mandalorian has a ward?
The Mandalorian makes the tab he was working on disappear and turns to Caroline. "He is to be protected and kept a secret as a foundling, Miss Bingley." His tone sends ice into your veins. But your are surprised to learn of his foundling. They are usually children taken into Mandalorian protection...so Mando has enough of a heart to care about a child? He honestly could have made you into a fool for thinking the opposite.
He turns to you. "I trust you can keep him a secret, Mx. Bennet." You nod. "Of course. I have read of foundlings before. They are to be protected as you have said." You smile softly in reassurance. "I would never put a child at risk, you have my word."
The Mandalorian seems to loosen a bit, "You have my gratitude." He moves to turn back to his communicator desk once more, but instead brings the T of his visor back to face you. "You have read of Mandalorian culture? Our foundlings?"
You force yourself not to shrink under his gaze and nod. "Only a little, admittedly." You glance to the shelves of books off to your right, trying to escape his focus. "My father has many books in our communicator, and a few in print. But as the communicator is shared...I have not had as much of an opportunity to research more."
You turn back to see that he is still staring straight at you. Or at least you think he is. Trying to appease him and find some middle ground with which you might start a friendship, you continue. "Though I would of course be happy to learn of anything through your own stories, if you would be willing to speak of them."
Mando pauses for a moment, but instead of telling a story he instead asks, "So, you and your siblings...you are not as accomplished due to your lack of resources?" It is difficult to interpret his tone due to his modulator, but you insist that you can tell his intent from his words alone. You have to keep your mouth from dropping open.
You decided to extend an olive branch and he decides to rudely comment on your family's lack of resources. It may have been true but it was certainly not polite to say. Mr. Bingley seems to sense this, and he cuts in quickly. "I would not say that Mando."
He smiles at you agreeably. "I would say from what we have seen of Mx. Bennet and their sister that both are accomplished in my book." His face scrunches a bit in confusion. "Though...the word accomplished does confuse me a bit. I have heard of many of marriageable age being touted as accomplished with little understanding of the word."
Caroline snorts, surprising herself, but seems to recover quickly. Mando turns to Bingley. "The word is applied too liberally, I agree. I only know around a dozen whom I would say are accomplished."
Caroline adds little, agreeing with Mando as usual. "Yes, I agree as well."
You must look astonished as you respond. "Goodness. You must comprehend a great deal in the idea."
Mando turns back to you. "I do."
Caroline cuts in, "Absolutely. One must have knowledge of planetary music, multiple languages, dances, and art, along with that same knowledge of the major planetary systems beyond" She gets up and walks, trying her best to glide. "And something needs to be present in the way they present themselves."
Mando adds, "My own requirements are the ability to shoot well and..." His visor looks to the book in your lap, "...read on Mandalorian culture."
You snap the book shut and look directly at him. "I am no longer surprised at you knowing only a dozen who are accomplished. I know none who hold all of the qualities you both require."
Mando meets your gaze. "Are you so severe on those who you consider competition?"
You roll your eyes, "I have never met a person who knows everything you have described. Even off-world visitors do not hold such knowledge. That person would be fearsome to behold."
Mando nods after a tense moment, almost in agreement, as Bingley chuckles a bit. He gazes at you with eyes full of mirth. You smile back at him before returning to your own stories once more.
Some time passes, and Caroline approaches you. “Let us take a turn about the room.” You are not fond of her after your interactions, but you agree that walking after sitting for so long might do you some good. As you stand, Caroline forces your arm to link with hers, and starts to guide you about. “It is refreshing, after sitting so long in one place, is it not?”
You hesitantly reply, “It is a small kind of accomplishment I suppose.” Mando looks up from his typing, and the T of his visor looks squarely at you for a brief moment before focusing once more on his communication. Caronline interupts his focus by interjecting, “Oh Mando, won’t you join us?”
Mando shakes his head and responds, “You can have only two motives for arranging this, and I will not interfere with either.”
Caroline arranges her face to appear confused, looking to you. “Now what can he mean?”
You want to roll your eyes but refrain. “Our best way of disappointing him would be to ask nothing about it.”
Caroline leans towards Mando, ignoring you. “Please, tell us!”
Mando forgoes typing entirely and sighs a bit before looking up. “Either you are in each other’s confidence and have secret plots to discuss, or you are aware that your figures appear to the best advantage by walking.” Caroline giggles and you, again, refrain from rolling your eyes. He continues, “If the first, I would get in your way. If the second...I can admire you both much better from here.”
You pause. Both? Mando would admire your figure? No. It must be a jest, one of his more cruel taunts once more. Caroline almost poses as she stops directly in front of Mando. “Oh, shocking! How shall we punish him for such a speech?”
Looking at the serious Mandalorian, his T looking directly back at you, you bring one hand under your chin in feigned concentration. The best way to get back at a man like him would be to undermime his pride. “We could always tease him, of course.” You smile widely and slightly mockingly.
Caroline opposes, “Oh no! Mando is not to be laughed at.”
You snort, almost feeling sorry for Caroline as she took you so seriously. “Oh! Are you too proud, Mandalorian? I wonder if you consider that to be a fault or a virtue.”
Mando looks back down at his work. “That I could not say.”
You do your best to smile sweetly, making sure your words appear as a jest, “Well, we are trying to find a fault in you.”
The Mandalorian looks up suddenly, his visage directed towards you once more, and he says in a rather serious manner, “Maybe it is that I find it hard to forgive those that have done me and the ones that I love wrong. My good opinion, once lost, is lost forever.”
You hold his gaze, your smile never waning. “Oh...dear. Well, I cannot tease you for that reasonable answer. What a shame...for I do dearly love to laugh.”
Caroline’s eyes shine as she cuts in, “Silliness does seem to be a family trait.”
Continuing to smile sweetly to show Caroline that she cannot get to you, you nod to the Mandalorian and return to your couch. Picking up the book, you curtsy slightly to the room. “If you do not mind, I would like to check on my sister and spend some time with her.”
As you leave, you of course cannot see that the Mandalorian has not resumed his work. In fact, his helmet seems to follow your retreating form and then stay glued to the door from which you left. Eventually, with a small sigh, he looks down to the datapad and keystrokes can be heard as he sends out another communication.
Once more, I apologize for the length and possibly dry-ness of this chapter. I just love the dialogue in these scenes and didn’t find a good cut-off point. I hope to get the next part out sooner! :)
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