#ofc with grace & pogo too but
ellasprouts · 5 years
you don’t need or want this but I review the TUA characters
im bored and its Saturday night so I plan on reviewing characters from the best show: the umbrella academy
1. Luther
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Luther is a character that’s really hated on, but personally I don’t hate him all that much. Sure, he makes a lot of mistakes throughout the season but he really doesn't know what it’s like to live without his everyday actions being approved by Sir Reginald. He’s got a lot of issues, and is a dick sometimes, but overall 5/10.
2. Diego
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I love Diego and he’s such a good character with great development. In the beginning of episode one, I immediately thought he was a douchebag but I ended up loving his character. He’s so nice... in his own way, of course. But you can see as the series goes on how much he cares about his family and Eudora... :(!! Overall, 10/10. Kind of a dick, but I’m letting it slide because he loves his mom and his knives which makes up for it.
3. Allison
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I love Allison so much, even though her “big-sister skills” are questionable. Her character is so *mwah* and I can’t help but love her. She has a big, big heart but sometimes she focuses more on herself than others in the heat of the moment. She made a lot of mistakes with Vanya in the season, which put me on edge, but I thought the scene at the concert with her, Vanya, and the gun <3, really made me SOB. Her character really portrays how nothing can stand in-between sibling bonds, especially when she chooses to save Vanya instead of the world. 8/10.
4. Klaus
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I love Klaus and he’s one of my favorites, (him, Diego, and Ben). I truly LOVE how much he progressed through the season. I relate to him most out of all character’s by far. When Dave died it was so amazing how Klaus pulled through his addiction just to see him again, which I think is so wonderful. I can’t wait for next season when we get to see more of his powers!! 11/10.
5. Five
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Five’s a real dickhead, but I honestly love how he risked everything to save his family from impending doom. His cocky and ambitious character lowkey annoyed me throughout the series but I was also soft for the other side of him which was trying so hard to save the world. He may not show it, but he loves his family a lot. And he loves Delores which adds 0.5 points. 7.5/10.
6. Ben
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I love Ben so much. I feel so utterly bad for him and I’m dying (lmao) to find out how he died. His character is so wonderful and just improves the show by 100% anytime he’s on screen. I love and think it’s so amazing how much he’s trying to help his brother be the amazing person he sees him as. Ben is so wonderful and he needs 800 more minutes, at least, of screen time next season. Ben is one of the best characters in the show for his heartfelt nature. 11/10.
7. Vanya
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I’m in love with Ellen Page Vanya. Her beautifully portrayed character makes me SCREAM. Yes, she tried to end the world and had already once killed everyone in a different timeline but that doesn't matter. She is so kickass and awesome. I feel horrible for how she was treated by her father and her siblings, which Allison tried to make up for during the season. Her powers are so cool, too. I love Vanya, but I feel as though ending the world because of your childhood trauma is a bit much. But we also should remember she didn’t have much control over her powers and her anger must’ve taken the best of her. Her sibling, Luther, also put her in the one place of her childhood that was most traumatic which was so horrible. I’m going have to take away 0.5 points, though. She kinda slit Allison’s throat :/. 9.5/10.
8. Hazel and Cha-Cha
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The two most badass characters of the show. I love them so much even though their relationship is a little toxic. But that’s not completely their fault. 
Hazel: 6/10
Cha-Cha: 5/10
9. Leonard Peabody/Harold Jenkins
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I hate him, I don’t even know why I included him in this. -1/10.
10. Grace 
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I love Grace so much! She is the best robot mom in history and I feel so bad for how Reginald treated her. Grace gets a 200/10 from me, chief.
11. Sir Reginald Hargreeves 
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Who hurt this man to make him such a monster? Reginald is the worst character by far, he hurt and traumatized all of his “children”. Sure, they’re superheroes and need training to save people or whatever but they were just kids. They didn’t deserve to be hurt so badly by the man they deemed their father. 0/10.
12. The Handler 
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“Wow, what a bitch,” I said ten seconds before falling in love with her. So, whatever. She’s kind of the bad guy but she’s so funny, idk why. I love her. 4/10, just because she did a lot of messed up shit but she just gave me vibes whenever she was onscreen.
13. Pogo
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Pogo was an enabler to Sir Reginald’s abuse which makes me give him a 2/10. Yes, he cared for the kids but he was an enabler to his abuse and could’ve told them the secrets Reginald kept hidden instead of forcing them all to slowly suffer as they uncover more and more. 
14. Agnes Rofa
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ok that’s pretty much it of all the characters I wanted to review/that’s pretty much all there were other than side characters. I love this show so much so :) enjoy my dumbass review
you guys should go follow me and like all my other stuff cuz I kinda post a bunch alright thank u <3
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androgynousblackbox · 6 years
like i know Pogo can talk and all but....he's still just a monkey. he was one of reginald's experiments just like the kids. we're really gonna argue that an android and a talking money are abusive because they didn't save a bunch of kids from the same guy who created them? ofc the kids are justified in their anger at pogo but that doesnt mean pogo isnt a victim too lmao
Yep, exactly. I still don’t put it pass Reginald just straight up fucking with the brain of Pogo so he is basically like a dog when it comes to him, and he is literally incapable of ever badmouth him, just like Grace. He could have easily hold that against him too. “Do you ever want to be a shit throwing pet locked up on a zoo for children to laugh at and point all day? Do you? Then don’t you ever contradict me”. Tell me if that doesn’t fit well and nicely with the kind of asshole that guy is.The number one bad guy is still Reginald for fucking everyone on the first place. He even screwed Leonard until he couldn’t take it. Literally everything wrong was his fault first.
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