#oh god i haven't done a full thing like rendered in... So long. i think it healed me. i feel good about it anyway
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mooooore estrels. working out some more of her design
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wheresmybuckyhoes · 4 years
Squatting is my Passion, not my Purpose
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Summary: I’m a hoe for sparring with Bucky basically, and he decides to talk to you when you’re in the shower because he’s just so respectful of your privacy.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Much swearing, implied smut, female nudity
Note from me: I might make this a series but I’ll see if you guys actually like it, so let me know! It really helps me when I get feedback xx
‘Why can’t we spar’ you whined as Bucky walked around you slowly in a circle, studying your form and technique. 
You bent your knees slowly, trying to support the weight you were supposed to be squatting in the form of a bar with a weight on each end, leaning on your shoulders as you gripped the bar with sore hands. You hated this type of training, as Bucky would refuse to spar with you and just made you rip out squats and deadlifts for hours to make you even stronger than you already were. You were supposed to be killing weird alien monsters trying to destroy the earth, not trying to lift them up.
You groaned under the weight, extending your legs fully and ducking out from under the weight as you dropped it on the floor with a metallic boom, falling down to the ground, panting and sweating like a lunatic. ‘Aw come on y/n, you’re too weak to finish the set?’ Bucky taunted, easily picking up the bar and placing it on the wall stand. You watched his back muscles flex as he did this, not a shirt in sight. His arrogant expression as he turned around to look at you sprawled dramatically on the mat made your blood boil. God how you hated that smile.
‘C’mon doll get up’ he commanded as he stood there like a smug idiot, ocean blue eyes piercing into your skull. ‘No’ you replied bluntly, crossing your arms as you sat up to look at him, eyebrows knitting together in an exhausted frown. You tried to ignore the warmth you felt spread throughout your body upon hearing his playful nickname for you, spinning your body around so you were facing the enormous window rather than the enormous man standing a few feet away.
‘We’re not done y/n. You’re not sparring until you’ve finished the exercises you actually need to do. Now get up’ he said sternly, the commanding tone of his voice slightly less playful now. He walked over painfully slowly to stand in front of you again, tilting his head to the side as he waited for you to stand up. But you were done with this bullshit. Although you couldn’t always overpower Bucky, you were by far stronger than any of the other human avengers and could beat any of them when sparring. It’s not your fault Bucky is basically as strong as a gorilla on steroids.
‘I’m not getting up, Barnes’ you replied, trying to match his serious tone so he would know you meant it. You watched him narrow his eyes at you, turning around to look out of the window at Sam and Nat sparring outside, running his hands through his newly - cut hair and rolling his eyes dramatically. ‘Last chance doll. Up. Now.’ he almost laughed, the words rolling of his tongue like diamond encrusted knives.
‘Make me’ you replied without thinking, as you watched his back tense at your words. Before you realised what you had just said and who exactly you had just fucking said that to, Bucky turned around and almost ran to pick you up but your quick reflexes let you jump up just in time as you (pretty awesomely) leapt to wrap your legs around Bucky’s waist, using your body weight and full strength to knock him to the ground onto his toned front as you pinned his arms down, twisting them behind his back and digging your knee sharply into his spine to keep him there. He almost moaned out loud before remembering this was a training thing and not a sex thing, keeping his mouth shut.
‘Look who can’t get up now, Barnes’ you drawled in his ear, leaning in extra close to taunt him. You felt the vibrations of his laughter travel through you, causing you to shiver slightly. ‘What’s so funny!’ You snapped, digging your knee further into his spine as he continued his irritating laugh. ‘Stop laughing Barnes. I’m literally on top of you!’ you yelled as he just began to laugh even harder. You jumped off of him, storming out of the room and straight to the showers adjacent to the gym, immediately stripping and jumping in one of the steamy showers to wash of your heated frustration.
You were humming contently as you washed the conditioner out of your hair an hour later (you loved long showers) when you heard someone come into the shower room. The showers didn’t have doors, but that was no problem because one; this was the girls shower room and two; the only people allowed in this building are your best friends so it would only be Wanda or Nat seeing your naked body, something you didn’t mind all too much. ‘Wanda? Is that you?’ You called out as your voice echoed through the spacious room as you turned to face the wall as you rinsed your face from soap suds. ‘Wanda honey is it you just tell m...BUCKY WHAT THE FUCK IM NAKED’ you yelped as you spun around to see a shirtless, grinning Bucky, groping for the towel which he held out to you innocently, his puppy dog eyes eyeing you up and down intensely. You wrapped yourself up furiously, glaring at him. ‘What the fuck do you think your doing?’ you demanded, head tilting to the side, daring him to speak.
He smiled cheekily, replying simply ‘nothing I haven't seen before doll’. Right. About that. One time on a random mission, this weird space creature doctor strange was dealing with had somehow captured the both of you, and you ended up naked in a cell with him for hours before Nat found you both, obviously taking a few photos first. She hadn’t let you hear the end of that one for months, bringing it up at every single party. You can’t even remember how the hell you both ended up unclothed, and the memory still haunts you to this day. You shuddered at the thought. But that’s besides the point. ‘You called me Bucky’ he continued, stepping closer to your dripping body, towering over you. ‘Fuck. Barnes, trust me, I didn’t mean to’ you replied, scolding yourself internally. Now this has a bit of history behind it. When you first met the flirty soldier when he joined the avengers after that weird disagreement between Steve and Tony, he walked up to you with his unwavering confidence and told you to ‘Call me Bucky, doll, like all the ladies do’. Not only did you cringe so incredibly hard at this because honestly what the actual fuck, but you wanted to make sure he knew you weren’t someone he could just flirt with and replied simply ‘I will never call you that, Barnes. I’m not a ‘lady’ as you put it so kindly, I’m an avenger. Grow up’, and thus you began to call him Barnes henceforth.
‘Anyways, I wanted to congratulate you on that move you did. That was pretty fucking cool y/n’ he spoke softly, looking you right in the eyes. You were a bit taken aback by his sudden sincerity, almost flattered, but didn’t dare show it. ‘Thank you, Barnes. You sucked, as usual. Now please for fucks sake let me get changed in peace.’ Bucky nodded with a small chuckle, putting his hands up in a faux surrender as he stepped back, turning to leave the room. ‘W...wait actually one more thing’ you said timidly as Bucky whipped around to face you, curious. ‘Yes doll?’ he asked as he stepped closer to you and continued to slowly near you as you stepped back and jumped at the cold wall which seemed to have moved forward to trap you between it and Bucky. He was making you all flustered and you hated it. ‘Why did you laugh when I pinned you down?’ you asked sharply, looking up into his eyes as he leaned in, his metal hand beside your head leaning against the wall, caging you in. A look of amusement danced across his face as he brushed your wet hair behind your ear, the light touch of his fingertips making you shudder, aware of how close his face was to yours. ‘Because it felt good, princess. Because you were on top of me’ he whispered that last part, before suddenly moving away from you and swiftly walking out of the room. You were left rendered entirely speechless, your whole body on fire. The place where his finger tips brushed against you felt so empty now, and you couldn’t believe what he had just said. He liked you...being on top of him. Get it together, girl. You don’t like Bucky, you just find him extremely...attractive...oh I’m fucked.
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leelee10898 · 6 years
Born to Love you: Spell bound (1/?)
Leo & Alicia, what really happened....
This is from the CGW(Cordonians gone wild)universe. A collaborative effort by @ao719 @speedyoperarascalparty @cocomaxley @riseandshinelittleblossom and myself.
If you have not yet read the original when Leo met Alicia, you should do so. References will be made from that, and events will coincide with it. You can do so HERE
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Leo opened his eyes and looked around the unfamiliar room. The sound of ringing coming from across the room. He jumped up digging through his pants. “Hello? Liam is that you?”
“Yes its me, where the hell are you?”
“I'm not really sure at the moment?” He held the phone between his face and shoulder,  tugging his jeans on.
“What do you mean you don't know where you are? I thought you were in Santorini.” Liam sighed, Leo could picture him pinching the bridge of his nose, which made him chuckle at the thought.  “I am, I just don't know exactly where or who's house i'm at, right now.”
“Jesus Leo. Look, i'll be there April 9th to come get you. That gives you a month to get your shit on order.” Leo looked at the phone confused. “for what? Ooooh, the wedding,  right. How long you need me for again?”
“yes the wedding. Your the best man Leo. Look if you don't want to do it, I can always ask-”
“NO! I told you, I want to do it Liam. I'll be ready.” Leo heard shuffling outside the door. “Hey, I gotta go Li, I'll talk to you later. And i'll be ready for the wedding, don't worry.” Leo hung up the phone, he slipped his shoes on and pulled his shirt over his head.
“oooo a wedding, I love weddings. I could be your date.” The woman spoke as she walked in the room. “yeah, you're not going.” Leo snorted as he grabbed his leather jacket. “Where are you going?” she asked. “This had been great and all monica, but it's time for me to move on.”
“But my names Beth.”
“Monica, beth, susan… all the same.” He shrugged and walked out of the room, Beth following him out. “But I thought we had something special, that maybe we would end up together.” Leo spun around, one hand on the door knob “Look. Beth. Its Beth right? I don't do relationships. Never have never will.”
“But what if the right girl came along, what if i'm her and you just walked out on true love.” she pouted.
“I have been around, trust me if she's out there, I haven't met her yet.”  He opened the door and left.
Bronx, New York
“Hey Nitah, How's the wedding planning coming along?” Alicia walked down the dimly lit street, she had just closed up the bakery for the night and was headed home with dinner and desert for Mark.
“It’s going! It’s so hectic! I can’t wait for you to get here!”
"I know, I can't wait either. I need a vacation, like stat! Seriously like now would be great."
“I need a vacation too, from all of this planning. Do you have any idea what goes into a royal wedding?” Anitah dropped her voice to a whisper, “some of this shit is so ridiculous.”
"No, but I will find out whenever I get there." She giggled.
“Speaking of when you get here, I’m going to be coming to get you on the 7th.”
"The 7th? The wedding isn't until June, so i'll be staying for 2 months?"
“Please! I need you here,” Anitah whined.
"Um Fuck YES! Absolutely! I will be there. I will need to take care of some stuff for the bakery but, it's not a problem. Oooh I can't wait." Alicia couldnt help but grin.
“I’m so excited!” Anitah squealed. “I already told Liam you were coming. He’s very thankful,” she laughed. “Um...are you bringing the dick head with you?”
"I will have to ask,  you know he doesn't want me to go without him. But, I could use a vacation from him too.”
“Well I purposely sent your invite without a plus 1 option,” Anitah snorted.
"You're such a dick. Hey, I just got to Marks apartment, im gonna get off here. But Anitah, Thank you. Love you. "
“Love you too!”
Alicia ended the call, pulling out her key to marks apartment she walked inside and flicked on the lights. “What the fuck?” she screamed dropping the bags on the floor.
“Alicia, shit. This isn't what it looks like.” mark put a throw pillow over himself.
“Then what the fuck is it Mark? Because it looks alot like you fucking someone else. And fucking Tessa? Seriously dude, you're supposed to upgrade,  not fuck clown school rejects.”
“Hey! You can't talk to me like that.” Tessa yelled.
“Shut the fuck up Tessa before I punch the dicks off your brows.”
“Alicia. I'm sorry I don't know how this happened. I thought you weren't getting off until 10.”
“Yeah well got off early. I brought you dinner.” she opened the container of ziti and tossed it all over tessa.
“What the fuck Alicia. You're crazy.” Mark screamed.
“Oh you haven't seen crazy. Here enjoy desert.” She smashed the whole cake in his face. She cocked her arm back and extended it. Fist connecting with his face.
“Fuck, I think you broke my nose.” Mark held his face.
“oh. And you have a little dick. Enjoy it tessa. Were through.” She slammed the door and took off for home.
Liam walked in from the veranda as Anitah ended her call. “So Leos in.”
“Alicia too.” Liam sat down giving her a kiss.
“you think they'll get along?” Anitah asked as she leaned into him. “well, Leo's a sexed crazed playboy, who cant stay put in one place for long.  Is Alicia anything like that?” Liam chuckled.
“Definitely not. She's been with her current thing for about 2 years now.” Anitah putting extra emphasis on the word thing. Liam chuckled. “it'll be fine love, don't worry.”
One month later…
“Seriously Alicia, you've been sleeping for days, let's get a move on.” Anitah sighed sitting on the bed. “i'm done in the shower, just let me grab my bra and shit.” Alicia yelled as she ran out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. Anita's phone rang, facetime from Liam.
“Hey you. I thought you had meetings today?”
“we wrapped it up early. Im at Leo's hotel room, or dump, which every you want to call it.” Liam scrunched his face. “Haha.” Leo shouted from the background.  
“So what I was calling you for, was to let you know I'm coming home today. Well, that is if Leo ever gets his shit together.”
“Really? Yay! I'm so excited. Don't get me started about not being ready.  Were supposed to go shopping if ALICIA STOPS RUNNING AROUND IN A TOWEL.” she turned behind her yelling. “im working on it, shit.” Alicia called out.
“Who's running around in a towel?” Leo rushed to Liams side.
“Anita's friend is getting ready, they are going shopping. Will you get away.” Liam slapped Leos hands “Just, let me see,  I want to say Hi.”
Leo wrestled with Liam trying to get the phone,  he put him in a headlock, grabbing the phone and running to the other side of the room. “Heeey, there's my favorite soon to be sister.” Leo said out of breath.
“Ah hey Leo, um is everything ok? Where's Liam?”
“Oh yeah everything's great. Liam's um, over there. So your friend-” Liam darted across the room tackling Leo to the ground.  
“Liam!” Anitah shouted
“I'm trying here.” He called out as they scrambled for the phone.
“What the fuck is going on?” Alicia pulled a pair of jeans on looking at Anitah.
“oh, Liam and his brother are fighting over the phone. That's all.”
Liam grabs the phone.  “Sorry, i'm pretty much dealing with a horny teenager.” Liam chuckled as Leo snatches the phone. “So as I was saying before.” Alicia stood next to Anitah. They couldn't see her face, just her front half.
“Ooh they sound like fun,  Hi Liam's brother.”
Leo stood there stunned
“Shirt. Shirt!” Anitah hollered.
“Oh fuck.” Alicia ran off grabbing her shirt, pulling it on.
Finally Liam tackled Leo to the ground, knocking the phone out of his hand and through the open window.
“You broke my phone Leo.” Liam snapped.
“No, you broke your phone when you tackled me. That's on you.” liam rolled his eyes.
“So, you've seen this friend? What's she look like, she had nice tits.” Leo smirked as he continued putting clothes in the suitcase.
Liam pinched the bridge of his nose. “For fucks sakes Leo, NO. You're forbidden.”
Bastien entered the room, sir Anitah is on the phone. Liam gave Leo a pointed look, leo stood there and smirked. “Hello?”
A couple hours later Leo kicked his feet up on the coffee table in Liam and Anita's quarters. “So, what's on the agenda for the lead up to the engagement? Since you guys aren't doing a tour that is?”
“well a few dinners, balls, galas, charity events.  A garden party or two.” Liam folded his hands on his lap, an amused grin in his face as he watched his brothers face fall. “ugh Liam, this is the shit I ran away from, can we do something fun?” Leo groaned.
“Well, Anitah is planning a bachelorette party, we may be able to fit a few trips in before the wedding.”
“Alright, now we're talking.” Leo perked up rubbing his hands together. Bastien entered the room “Sir, we got a call. Anitah is at the bar, the guard assigned to ger can't get her to leave.” Leo snorted,  Liam gave him a pointed look.
They walked into the bar immediately finding Anitah. Leo noticing the woman sitting with her.  It was like time slowed, he felt immediately drawn to her. “Who's that sitting with Anitah?”
“Thats Alicia her bestfriend…” thats all Leo heard, he blocked Liam out almost instantly as they walked over to where the women were.
Alicia turned, her eyes locking with the brightest set of blues she had ever seen. She mumbled some stupidity she instantly regretted. God, He was sexy. His lips, his eyes, that cocky grin that sent a tingle through her body. There was something about him, a feeling she couldn't shake. Nothing bad, all good.
Leos breath caught in his throat,  she was beautiful from a distance but up close, she was breathtaking. The way her long brown hair flowed over her shoulder, those deep chocolate eyes that he could see himself getting lost in. Her full lips and that Gorgeous smile that met her eyes. She said he was hot, god he wanted to tell her she was hot to but the sight of her rendered her momentarily speechless,  a feat no woman had ever accomplished.
He took her hand placing a soft kiss on it. Both of them feeling a jolt pass through them as their eyes locked.
“I'm Leo.”
“I'm Alicia. Nice to meet you, Leo.” ........
I was a wild child between lost and found. Then you spoke my name, it was a sweet sound. - Lanco
Tag: @annekebbphotography @carabeth @moneyfordiamonds @give-me-ernest-sinclaire @3pawandme @indiacater @ooo-barff-ooo @ownworldresident @tornbetween2loves @perfectprofessorherokid @stopforamoment @editboutique @wannabemc2 @zaffrenotes @enmchoices @lauradowning29 @lodberg @smalltalk88 @gibbles82 @heatherfilliez @drakesensworld @nikkis1983 @sweetest-marbear @classylady1234 @daniv2278 @jlouise88 @jared72612 @liamxs-world @notoriouscs @blubutterflyy @captain-kingliamsqueen @whenyourheartskipsabeat @lynne1993 @coldcollectornight08 @be-still-my-aching-heart @dcbbw
@explorer-of-gems @itsstillnotwhatyouthink @hopefulmoonobject
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elisacristodero · 5 years
Prima di iniziare viene richiesto di inserire il proprio nome, che probabilmente comparirà durante il gioco, rendendo il giocatore uno dei personaggi.
Something isn't right today. You don't know what it is. >But you do have a feeling.
Il testo cambia completamente, facendo procedere la narrazione
You have this strange and eerie feeling SOMETHING is going to happen, but you have no idea what it is. >That is, until....
Di nuovo, il testo cambia
That is until your supervisor shows you the lab's new specimen. "We're not sure what it is," he says. "But it can't be human." >You take a look.
You take a look at the specimen and try to conceal your horror. "Are you sure it isn't human?" you ask. Your supervisor just shrugs. "Keep an eye on it," he says. "I'll be back in a few minutes." Then, save for the "specimen" in the holding cell, he leaves you all alone. >You feel conflicted.
The creature in the cage looks like a person to you. Different, perhaps, but either human or so close that it hardly matters. "What's your name?" you ask, hands curled around the bars. The specimen... no the prisoner wearily shakes their head. You decide to rescue the prisoner. >No. It's safer to keep your distance.
Il giocatore viene messo di fronte a una scelta.
You stay put and don't say a word, never meeting the prisoner's eyes. They'd never keep a human in here, you console yourself. You almost believe it. >Then, you wake up.
You've had the same dream for three nights in a row. (Well, actually, the last three mornings since you're on the night shift.) It never ends quite the same. Maybe you're just THAT depressed your vacation is ending now. Anyway, it's time to get ready. Who do you see in the mirror? I'm a woman. I'm a man. >I'm neither, actually.
Il giocatore è portato nuovamente a rispondere con una caratteristica che, come il nome, gli è propria, per rendere l'esperienza di gioco ancora più coinvolgente.
Holy bedhead, you think. You shower, you groom, you dress, you grab breakfast. >Time to face the day.
You get to work on time like you always do. After all, getting ahead takes making a good impression. Though sometimes, it's not easy. >Hang up your coat.
You put away your coat and head for lab A-3. When you pass some of your co-workers, they give you nervous looks. No one is outright unfriendly to you, but you know they think you're odd for preferring not to be thought of as male or female. And sometimes, they do joke about "So, what should we call you today?" >So, what's up?
When you get to lab A-3, almost no one is there. You ask an acquaintance named Kyra, "What's going on?" She tells you, "Check B-2. While you were gone, they brought in a real, live alien and everyone wants a look." "Are you sure it's all right?" you ask. She says, "It's fine. I'll cover for you. Besides, Jones is there and he wants to see you." Jones being your supervisor, who's called you "brilliant" before. >Go to Lab B-2
Phones aren't allowed in the basement labs, so you leave yours in your mini-locker. You go to lab B-2, where they keep the most secret of secrets—even for this place. You only earned clearance a week ago and you're eager to see what's inside. You swipe your card through scanner. The door unlocks. You go inside. You notice there's a card reader inside the room as well—likely an added precaution to help keep whatever's in here from escaping. Everyone is "Ooh"ing and "Aaah"ing over the new specimen that's in the cell in the corner. You nudge your way through the crowd and... and.... >Oh my God.
Huddled behind those cold steel bars is the most beautiful creature. Beautiful... and if not human, close enough that it hardly matters. You're absolutely haunted by this creature... no, this person's mournful eyes. The captive is wearing loose gray prison clothes—pants and a short-sleeved shirt. You believe this ethereal being.... Is male. Is female. >Is neither. Is MESMERIZING. You'll work out the details later.
This person is pure androgynous perfection, beyond all the standard distinctions. In a way, this alien beauty is what you might aspire to be. "What... how...?" you ask Jones. It's difficult right now to voice coherent thoughts. Luckily, he knows what you mean. "We're calling it Eden, Jones replies. "Agents discovered it three days ago in a field not far from here, captured it and brought it in for study. We believe it's an alien lifeform." "Can they speak?" "It seems physically capable of speech, but we don't know its language. And that's why I wanted to see you." >Why me?
"Why me?" you ask. "Several of us have tried already, but the creature won't respond. Essentially, it's your turn." As good an answer as any. You kneel in front of Eden's cell. "Hello," you say quietly so as not to frighten them. "You probably don't understand me, but... I'm not here to hurt you." Send them away, whispers a gentle voice in your mind. Please. Send them away. You blink in surprise since it isn't your voice. It must belong to Eden. It sounds.... >Exactly like you'd expect. Different somehow.
Their voice sounds exactly like you'd expect: calming like autumn rain. >But back to Eden's request.
Viene spiegato quali sensazioni trasmette la voce di Eden secondo il protagonista.
Eden asked you to clear the room. You look back and say, "Eden is telepathic. They asked me to ask everyone else to leave." Silence. The other scientists exchange puzzled looks and mumurs about the brain scans they took and how they were "different" from a human's. "All right," Jones says. "But I want a full report on your findings." Now, it's time to >talk to Eden.
You ask Eden: Where are you from? Why are you here? Why did you pick ME? >Eden, how are you feeling? Can you tell me your real name?
Viene data al giocatore la possibilità di porre delle domande a Eden, permettendogli di chiederle tutte senza dover seguire nessun ordine preciso
You ask Eden gently, "Eden, how are you feeling?" Eden stares at you for a long time. "You're the first one here to ask me that sincerely,"they say softly. Their eyes are shining with tears. "Thank you. I am.... I've been better." >Ask more questions.
Vengono elencate nuovamente tutte le domande, con anche la possibilità di andare avanti.
You ask Eden: Where are you from? ("A world we call Mekkari. It's... quite far from here.") Why are you here? ("There were rumors about life in this part of the universe. I wanted to see for myself, though I was warned not to." ) Why did you pick ME? (Eden says, "Give me your hand." You do. Then, they answers you. I sensed you were different from the others. That maybe... you might help me. ) Eden, how are you feeling? (Already asked) Can you tell me your real name? (Eden smiles. "Maybe later. But not yet." )
That's enough questions for now.
Ponendo tutte le domande si ottengono però maggiori informazioni, e compaiono nuove domande:
NEW: What's Mekkari like? (Eden gives you a ghost of a smile. "It's a wonderful, wonderful place. Peaceful. Beautiful. I'd really like to go home." ) NEW: What kind of warning? (Eden looks away and says, "That... the rumored lifeforms here were dangerous." Which is about what you expected. ) -Or- >That's enough questions for now.
You and Eden both are silent for a while. You feel sorry for their being held captive like this, but what can YOU do? You're not in charge of anything here., and you feel horrible for what they must be going through. How can anyone approve of keeping this gentle, intelligent person as a thing to experiment on? Try to console Eden. >Try to reach Eden with your thoughts.
Since Eden can reach you mind-to-mind, you decide to see if it can work the other way. With all your concentration, you think, Eden. Can you hear me? Eden answers, Yes. Is there anything you can tell me that might help me get you out of here? Things you've noticed? Certain abilities you have? Eden says, If I'm close enough, I can "communicate" with technology and alter it with my mind. I can do it most accurately with things I'm actually touching. I can sense the presence of other living beings. And I doubt they've found my ship since it was cloaked when I left it. If I could use something as a tracking device, I could find my way back to it. Do they know what you can do? They only know about my telepathy. And that's only because of today. Hmm. >Figure out your next steps. You're having second thoughts.
You and Eden work out a plan. Communicating mind-to-mind makes it go by quickly. Eden's technomancy skills can turn your card into a master key. They can likely disable security cameras and alarms as well, provided they can get close enough—and in very little time since destruction takes a lot less nuance than recreation. (You're glad they haven't tried that with the lock on they cell. Cell locks STAY locked if they're tampered with at all.) Also, perhaps most importantly, they can reconfigure any smartphone locate their ship. Since the cell has a keycard lock (located across the room and out of Eden's range), freeing them won't be a problem. The problem is that after that, you need to get them out of the building without getting caught. First, though, you take out your keycard so Eden can work their magic. You do your best to keep it hidden from camera view, knowing there's one behind you pointed directly at the cell. It's done, Eden says after a minute or so. It can open any electronic lock now. You put the card back in your lab coat pocket. Now, you can free Eden. But first....
You need to get your smartphone. >No, Nab a phone on the way out.
It's better to nab a phone on the way out. The coast is clear right now and you don't know when or if you'll see Eden alone again. Presently, Eden seems very focused on the camera on the wall. Trying to connect with it, maybe...? Anyway, you tell Eden, I'm going to unlock your cell. Then, you can disable the camera and get out. Eden says, All right. >It's Showtime.
Il giocatore non è più messo di fronte ad alcuna scelta.
Quickly and subtly, you unlock Eden's cell and walk to the door, waiting for Eden to take care of the camera. You hear an odd crackling sound; the room's lights flicker into darkness and the emergency lights near the floor come on. You reopen the lab door with your keycard. A peek into the hall confirms that power has gone out. It might be overkill, but it's useful overkill. Regular staff will be leaving now. However, with such a suspicious outage (and perhaps suspicious camera footage), it seems like a sure thing they'll be sending in some guards to investigate. Once you've confirmed the coast is clear, you tell Eden, "Let's go." But since you didn't get your phone, you still need to grab one on the way out of this place Time is of the essence, especially if you alert the guards. Rush ahead while it looks clear. >Better to be cautious.
Ha inizio la parte di azione, e il giocatore è tenuto a decidere come procedere.
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It's a good thing you held back. A guard just rounded the corner. Get back in, you tell Eden. I'll hide behind that counter and HOPE he doesn't come in.
Il gioco informa il giocatore che ha scelto correttamente decidendo di procedere con cautela piuttosto che correre.
The guard walks into the room and only gives things a cursory glance as if he just wants to go home. Then, he yawns and leaves. Once you no longer hear footsteps or think anyone is out there, you check to see if the coast is clear.
The coast is definitely clear now. No one is in sight or hearing besides you and Eden. You can head right for the storage room to get a disguise for Eden, go upstairs to get your phone, or check rooms on this floor to see if one has a phone. You can also >ask what Eden suggests.
Il giocatore si trova di fronte a più scelte.
You ask Eden, What should we do first? Get the phone or find a disguise for you? Eden says, My feeling is a disguise might make us safer. But we can always get it later. >Get the disguise first. Look for a phone down here. Look for a phone upstairs.
Si decide di procedere seguendo il suggerimento di Eden, che suggerisce inoltre che ci saranno possibilità più avanti per svolgere tutte le missioni.
You've reached the Storage Room.
Time seems to pass more slowly in this room for some reason. You can spend as much time here as you need. Following Eden's suggestion, you return to the storage room. This does seems like a good time to get a disguise for them. There are plenty of scientist uniforms in here as well as sundry junk from the Lost and Found. You hand Eden a uniform as well as a pair of glasses and something to tie back their hair. That should do in this dim lighting. Eden immediately starts undressing right in front of you and doesn't seem especially modest. You're still not 100% sure of Eden's sex and you can't help being curious. >Looking away seems more courteous. ONE quick peek. Eden doesn't seem to mind.
Poiché il giocatore aveva in precedenza scelto che Eden non fosse né maschio né femmina, ha ora una seconda possibilità per scegliere un genere o continuare a considerare Eden un essere di nessun genere.
More for your own sense of courtesy, you decide to look away. You can always ask Eden later once you get out of this place. Eden gets dressed very quickly—and makes an adorable scientist. Time for you next move.
Now that your business here is done, it's time to.... >Keep looking down here for a phone Check storage again for a phone Look upstairs for a phone
Ogni volta che il giocatore deve scegliere come muoversi gli viene offerta la mappa del piano su cui si trovano i personaggi, così da poter calcolare le distanze come meglio crede.
You've got your disguise for Eden. Now, it's time to get a phone. You check... The room in front of Eden's cell. (This laboratory contains an exam table and all sorts of surgical instruments, plus myriad things that remind you more of torture devices. It's possible they brought Eden in here, though you'd rather not think about that. Moreover, you've already checked here. You wish you hadn't come back.) The room to the left of that one. (This laboratory contains an exam table and all sorts of surgical instruments, plus myriad things that remind you more of torture devices. It's possible they brought Eden in here, though you'd rather not think about that.) The room to the right of that one. (This laboratory contains an exam table and all sorts of surgical instruments, plus myriad things that remind you more of torture devices. It's possible they brought Eden in here, though you'd rather not think about that. When you check shelves, you see someone left their phone behind. ...But the battery is dead. ) The room to the right of Eden's cell. (This is part of the "specimen" block, which is only in use when a new one is brought in. You didn't think you'd find a phone in here, so it's no surprise when you don't. ) The room to the left of Eden's cell. (This is part of the "specimen" block, which is only in use when a new one is brought in. You didn't think you'd find a phone in here, so it's no surprise when you don't. ) The creepy room by the stairs. (As soon as you enter, you find yourself fighting a clingy film of unusually tough cobwebs. The emergency lights aren't working in here. And something just ran over your foot. >Please, for the love of God, look somewhere else. Head up the stairs. They're right there anyway. ) The first room to the right of the exit (There's nothing in this room at all, much less a phone.) The room just above the exit. (>Keep exploring Time to go.It's a small meeting room. You check the table and chairs, just in case. There's a phone on one of the chairs! ...But the battery is dead.) The storage room. (Already checked) The room to the left of the storage room. (It's just another laboratory like the one you work in. You check the counters, and... nothing. ) The room to the right of the storage room, near the stairs. (It's just another laboratory like the one you work in. You check the counters, and... nothing. )
Il giocatore decide quindi di esplorare il piano superiore.
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You're just outside the lab upstairs. As long as there are no guards around, that should be easy enough. But you think there might be someone in there. You'll need to be careful. >Go get it.
Looks like there's no one in the lab or nearby on this floor. Either they've left or it was just your imagination. Anyway, you've got your phone. >Hurry back downstairs.
Keep going. You're >in the home stretch.
All that's left to do now is >get out of here.
Please oh PLEASE let us make it to the exit.... A guard is running after you and Eden. You want to make a break for it, but Eden says, Wait. He's not hostile. So, both of you wait where you are and try to act natural. "What are you still doing here?" the guard asks breathlessly. "All non-security personnel are supposed to evacuate!" "We're leaving right now," you assure the guard. He goes back to patrolling the area. It looks like >you're home free.
Once you're safely away from the complex, Eden reconfigures your phone. They laugh when they see where the ship is. "It isn't far from here," Eden says. "It's right through these woods." And >that's where you go.
Once you've reached the supposed right place, Eden holds out their hands and focuses with all their might. After a minute, their ship appears, silvery and shining like a vaguely sphere-shaped star. Eden's face is bright with hope. "Thank you so much," they say. They really is incomparably beautiful, especially their eyes. When you look in them, you see.... A quiet strength and thoughtfulness beyond anything you've known. >The enchanting purity of Eden's bright and loving nature. The wonder of a place so very far away.
It doesn't matter where Eden is from, save that you wish you could go there. Eden is still standing there and staring at their ship as if they can't believe they made it. You think you want to kiss them. Except you're not completely sure if that's what Eden wants. >Respect Eden's wishes. Throw caution to the wind.
Poiché si rispetta la volontà (sconosciuta) di Eden, si ottiene un achievement: la virtù
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Since you're not sure Eden wants to be kissed, you choose to hold back. "Thank you again," Eden says. You tell Eden, "I would do it all again." Eden gives you a nod and smile and walks towards their ship. It looks like this is the end. >That doesn't mean it is.
Running after Eden, you shout, "Wait! Please, can I come with you?" Eden blinks. "Are you sure?" You nod. "Absolutely. I doubt there's much left for me here, and I'd love to see your world." Eden's smile is as enchanting as the full moon overhead. "I'm so glad you said that," they say. "Follow me." >You board Eden's ship.
The flight to Eden's world seems to be over in an instant. "Welcome to Mekkari," Eden says, opening the ship's hatch. "I hope you like it here." >You take a look at your new home.
Eden's homeworld is simply amazing.
You never could have imagined such a pristine and marvelous place.
The only thing more perfect... is the person who brought you here. But you're curious. "Eden," you ask, "what's your real name? Can you tell me now?" "It's Aevra," they reply. It suits them very well. Then, Eden... no, Aevra asks, "What's yours?" "It's *your name*" you say. Aevra smiles. "I like that very much." "May I ask you a personal question?" "Yes." "Are... are you...." Aevra understands and seems amused by this. "I am..."
"I am male," Aevra says. "Does that disappoint you?" You think about that for a while and give Aevra your honest answer. "Maybe a little." >"Not in the least."
Viene sbloccato un ulteriore achievement, poiché si accetta il gender di Aevra
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You tell Aevra, "I don't care. I love you." Aevra softly says, "I love you, too." You and Aevra are gazing intently into each other's eyes. Finally, you kiss.
Aevera's kiss is passion-sweet—like honey for your soul. Though you once called Earth your home, you know THIS is where you belong. You Received.....
You received the ending: Love.
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