#oh noooo Xaja doesn't remember anything!
keldae · 2 years
Fictober 2022: Day 8
Fandom: Star Wars: The Old Republic Warnings: None Prompt: “Do you remember?”
The hiss of melting carbonite filled the room as Lana stepped back from Arcann's prized trophy. She lowered the gun she had used to shoot the imprisoned Jedi with the cure for her carbonite poisoning – she had been assured that it would work, even for a five year long poisoning. Still, that assurance didn't stop her from anxiously watching as the red-haired human fell out of the chamber, gasping in pain, but alive. The Sith let herself smile. "Well, that wasn't quite so bad, was it?"
Xaja Taerich looked up, squinting at Lana. "Wha… you're a Sith! Who are you?"
Lana's earlier satisfaction with the Jedi's live status evaporated, leaving dread in its wake. "Do you remember? I'm Lana Beniko. We worked together before, on Manaan, and Rishi, and Ziost."
Xaja blinked in confusion, then frowned. "I would never work with a Sith!" She struggled up from her knees, then squinted behind a rapidly-paling Lana. "... Tee-Seven? Is that you?"
T7-01 beeped an affirmative, and whistled something about being pleased to see Xaja alive. Lana tried to not feel jealous that Xaja recognized her droid, but not her.
"Thank the Force." Xaja shook her head. "Oh, my head… Where is Master Orgus, Tee-Seven? Did he come with you?"
Lana looked back to exchange a horrified look with Tee-Seven, then back at Xaja. "... Hells, you really don't remember? Your old Master, Orgus Din, was killed in action almost a decade ago by Darth Angral."
"No! You lie, Sith!" Xaja fiercely shook her head. "I would remember! He's like a father to me."
"Your birth father can explain things to you," Lana said, trying to remain calm. "He's waiting for me to get you out of here safely. Now, come with me, if you want to get out of here alive. There’s no time for me to explain everything right now, but I promise you – I’m not your enemy. I’m your ally… and believe it or not, I was once your friend.”
“A Sith? My friend?” Xaja took a step backward, eyeing the carbonite chamber as though wondering if she’d be safer in her prison. “How can I believe anything you’re saying?”
//Lana = telling truth// Tee-Seven confirmed with a whistle. //T7-01 = present for everything that happened. Xaja + Lana + others worked together for months.//
Xaja frowned at Tee-Seven, then slowly nodded. “Okay. If Tee-Seven says you’re okay, then I guess I’ll trust you for now.”
“That’s all I ask,” Lana assured her, while silently praying to any power that existed for Xaja to suddenly regain all of her memories. “Come, I have your lightsabers. We need to be gone five minutes ago.”
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