#oh the 2nd one is what's on my mind when people talk about sweatshirt idk why
hello lovely! can i request a cake? 🍰
i’m 5’3 with short brown hair that i’m going to dye purple soon! i have green eyes and a lot of beauty marks. i’m kinda chubby but it’s not a big deal lol. i usually wear whatever is comfy so mostly hoodies and sweatshirts. also i actually have a stick and poke that i did myself on my ankle :)
when it comes to personality, i’m definitely an introvert but when i’m around my friends i’m more bubbly and funny. i have anxiety so i tend to overthink and stuff like that sometimes. my hobbies are writing, baking, and playing video games! i’m just now getting into spiritual stuff like crystals and meditation. oh and i have two cats who i adore :3 if it matters, i’m an INFP gemini!
thank you so much! have an amazing day sweetheart <333
🍰 for @thedaddie
Romantic Matchup
Kenma Kozume
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How yall met
So you guys actually have been friends since middle school!
Very classic friends to lovers trope
You guys often played video games together
And your parents didn't care if you two had sleepovers
So yeah lots of fun times even before you guys started dating
(if you want i actually wrote a small fic on him confessing a while back)
What they love about you
He loves your style!
Like you just always look so comfy
He definitely lets you wear some of his hoodies
And since he's just a smidge taller than you they're always just a little bug
And he finds it so cute!
He obviously likes that you play video games
Like that's a given
We been knew
However what he doesn't expect is how good you are at some games
He always thought he was going to have to throw a game or two when he first met you
But then you kicked his ass when he was actually trying
He loves the little treats you give him when you bake
Idk why but i think he has an obsession with chocolate chip cookies
Again idk why i think that but i do
What you love about them
You love that he's kinda an introvert right along with you!
So you guys can be socially awkward together
But he was also your friend before you started dating so he knows how you act when your around people your comfortable with
So when you guys are alone it's always a fun time
You also love how he seems to know exactly how to handle your anxiety
Like my mans took the lead in a social situation cause he noticed you were about to have an anxiety attack
That's love right there
You love how he seems to appreciate everything you do
You bake him something
You help him practice his sets
You text him good morning and goodnight every day
Favorite things to do together
He doesn't really care to bake with you
BUT he likes to be AROUND you when you bake
If your baking you can usually find him sitting on the counter watching you
He really likes to meditate with you
Shocking i know
But he says it allows him the clear his mind
So he usually asks you to meditate with him before a game
And of course he loves to play video games with you
Random Hc
He helped you dye your hair
Once he saw your stick and poke he asked if you could give him one
He loves your cats and your cats love him
He writes poetry sometimes but your the only one he lets see it
Astrology ✨
Gemini + Libra
Compatibility 78%
Gemini and Libra partners are not exactly always a perfect couple
Although their signs support each other. If a Libra partner has trouble being alone and doing things by themselves, this isn’t something Gemini will easily understand.
Due to their lack of personal boundaries, Libra representatives will often let their Gemini partners lead the way until all of their energy is gone
They feel like they should only lie down and turn their brain off. If they want to work on their relationship and be happy, Libra needs to respect their Gemini partner enough to let them be their teacher, lover and a friend.
In return, Gemini will have to take care of their Libra partner, respecting their limits and their need for togetherness.
Friendship Matchup
Yachi Hitoka
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How yall met
You two men at a training camp
It was your first time as a manager and yachis 2nd
Even though she was still new to the whole manager thing she tried her best to help you
Which started your guys friendship!
Why you became friends
You became friends with her because once again even though she still wasn't that confident in her managing abilities she still found it in herself to help you
She became friends with you because she saw herself within you
So she just wanted to be the person she wished she had, for you if that makes sense???
What yall love about each other
You both are shy
So that makes it easier to be around one another
Two shy peas in a pod
And you both come out of your shells once your comfortable with each other
You two are just so bubbly and fun!
And yall really just have this type of understanding of each other
She really loves how zen you are
Like she wishes she could meditate and feel calm like you can
Random Hc
You guys made a tradition to bake for all the teams on the last day of training camp
She's tried to meditate with you before but just can't seem to get the hang of it
When she saw your stick and poke she almost fainted
You let her use some of your hoodies but there all kinda big on her
She introduced you to kiyoko and now they are who you hang out with every training camp
Gemini + Virgo
Compatibility 40%
Ok so not the best match astrology wise but you guys seem to make it work!
Gemini and Virgo are ruled by the same planet, master of communication, Mercury.
They may have their differences, but we wouldn’t say their communication is bad.
Even if they have a fight, they will still be good at talking.
Their view on intellect could be a bit different though.
Gemini’s superficial nature could seem extremely stupid to their Virgo partner.
This will set Gemini off to be even more irritating on purpose, because they are everything but stupid.
In return, Gemini will see Virgo’s obsession with details and think of them as crazy. Virgo will probably not fight this, but sit in their room and cry, alone, in the dark.
They need to find a way to recognize each other’s “flaws” as good qualities and they will get there if each of them lets the other help.
When these minds come together, there is no problem to stay unsolved, for together, they are Mercury in all its glory.
These signs have a mission to unite and transform heavenly ideas into real life, and lift human knowledge step by step, towards divinity.
This is a relationship of the Air side of Mercury and its Earth side, grounded and well thought of.
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