#oh yeah just to be clear on this blessed website where people piss on the poor: i do not condone Way's actions he
the-innefable-idiot · 8 months
Way is such a deliciously angsty character rip king your suffering will be missed
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smolbeandrabbles · 5 years
End Up With You - Johnnie x Reader (Prime Mover)
I wrote this in like an hour after watching the movie...  I’m sorry I love him so much. Help me!
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Author’s Note: Yes - he gets a cover, basically because I SWEAR there is one gif on the entire Website even though... he’s just... so... 🥵🔥 I mean I might turn this into a mini-series, I already titled it, as you can see. End Up With You - Carrie Underwood - I might have decided on this simply because of the aesthetic of the lyric video... BUT it also works! Disclaimer: Prime Mover and Associated Characters not mine.  Premise: Dating a truck driver didn’t come easy, and one thing was for sure, you always loved him being back from a run... Words: 1421 Warnings: Innuendos.  🎉  I’ll leave it to you if they’re even talking about the truck or not
_______   I don't really care 'bout making any plans Leave it up in the air, give it up to chance Seein' where it goes, seein' where it lands I just wanna go as fast as we can
And we could end up broke down on some back road Lovin' in the back seat to the radio Wouldn't be the worst scenario 'Cause all I wanna do is end up with you
To the end of the world if you wanted to Don't leave it up to me, I'll leave it up to you 'Cause I just want one thing when the night is through... 
There was no such thing as late. There couldn’t be any such thing as late; not in this line of work. There was rarely ever early either; with the amount of miles to cover and the number of hours to do it in, drivers were constantly pushing themselves to the limit to meet required work. Which meant surprising – although nice – was never good. It usually meant he was cutting time out of jobs, and you’d rather not see him at all than for five fleeting minutes before he was dashing back to the cab of his truck and off again. That didn’t mean that even when you knew scheduling, he wouldn’t surprise you at all. And today was one of those nice rarities when it was a good surprise. “OH GOD! Phil-! Are you still using female mechanics-?! Geez  - I’m gonna have to stop coming here!” You leant your head against the truck you were currently working on, but couldn’t stop the chuckle from escaping at the sound of his voice. Asshole! You took a pace back, setting your tools down - and slowly raised your gaze to the man standing in the door way with that grin on his face. “I hope yours doesn’t need anything big doing to it…” You leant against the wall for a second – trying to ignore the elation running through your body at seeing Johnnie for the first time in months “Or this mechanic might just forget what she’s doing…” He ran his tongue between his teeth as he smiled; “…Oh c’mon, you know the only people allowed to touch her is me and you.” “Thought you might be forgetting that…” He still had that grin on his face that you now couldn’t help but mirror; “Miss me?” “As if, asshole.” You pushed yourself from the wall and took several running steps to him. He knew what was coming and braced himself for your jump. You wrapped yourself around him, and couldn’t help but let out a contented sigh at the feeling of being in his embrace again. And then he kissed you, and it was like electric fire. The first one was always the best one, and the last by far the worst… But that was the way you lived. He would leave you, and you would stay here until he came back. And you’d always wait for him to turn back to you hold his hand out and ask you to ride with him for this one; Aw, it’s a long trek… It’s gonna get pretty lonely… Phil often let you go, because he could tease your significant other if he did that; God, yeah, you better go – he’s gonna need a hell of a mechanic on a trip like that with the way he goes. Then you’d have to push him back to his truck (laughing) before retaliation got neither of you anywhere fast… Of course, that was both a blessing and a curse. Because you reckoned, even though with you there he should be more careful, Johnnie took it to heart that he had a good mechanic with him and decided he could be just that little bit more reckless… Which often just left him leaning against his truck as you fixed it on the highway in a pretty bad mood. You guessed that was all part of the fun for him though, because without fail he’d make a sweeping statement about you maybe having to stay out here. And then getting promptly shut down with a scathing look from you ‘If you think you’re getting that out here with your truck in this state…!!!’ Johnnie tipped his body back in order to balance you, whilst running one hand through your hair – the other dangerously close to wending its way up your shirt. This making out continued for a few minutes until Phil sighed; “Jesus, you two-! That’s enough! Get a room..!” Johnnie barely pulled away enough to retaliate; “Come off it! It’s been like, what, 4 months!?” Phil waved his hand across the yard to the neatly parked vehicles, all of their drivers currently having well-earned rest (save one, anyway); “What, and you can’t walk back over to your truck first..!?” “Why the hell do you think I’m here – I need a fix!” “Yeah… I’m sure that your truck is really what you’re thinking of…” “OH F-” You pushed a finger to his lips; “Okay… Okay…” You hushed him as you hopped down, “That’s enough.” “Did you hear what he just said-!?” You swayed your head; yes, but… “I’m aware that he also employs me…” Johnnie grumbled to himself but remained fairly silent besides that, which earned him you closing the gap again for another kiss. “What’s wrong with it?” “Regular maintenance – I didn’t do anything stupid…” He knew that smile that ran across your face, “…Mmm hmmm…” Tell me another “I’ll take a look…” Your arms folded between the two of you as he took you back in his own; “I missed you…” “I know…” you whispered gently as he pushed you back against the chrome plating of someone else’s truck that you’d just spent the last 3 hours on, his lips found yours again. You were lucky that you knew Phil wouldn’t be clock watching – he trusted you to do your job and you did it well. You weren’t sure how the owner of the vehicle you were now pressed up against would feel about your hand prints all over it, though. This time you had to breathe; “How long are you back?” You didn’t say home. You didn’t want to say home… There was too much hope in calling it home… He gave a shrug; “A couple of days…” He pulled back enough to look at the roster sheets that lined the back wall. His was blank – for now “…Until something gets posted there. But you know how it goes. I won’t be back more than a week.” “Couple of days is still better than hours.” “Shhh-! You’ll jinx it…!” He claimed your lips rougher this time, which had you wrapping your arms around his neck again, and him pushing you up the grill of the truck. Phil wasn’t going to like this one bit. Indeed he wasn’t. And he cleared his throat. Johnnie pulled away from you with a roll of his eyes; “What?!” “Got something for me?” “Yeah it’s back in my truck – what is your problem!?” “Can you please leave my mechanic alone to do her job! Or you can have one of those.” He jerked his thumb over his shoulder at the papers attached to everyone’s clipboards. Johnnie took a deep breath, that wasn’t an invitation for banter – but a warning, and this time even his arms left you, “Yeah, I’ll go get it.” 90% of the time Phil was good to you, and if he could he’d keep paper from Johnnie’s roster until he had absolutely no choice but to put them there. And you appreciated that. But sometimes, because of his experience there were runs that Phil would only trust your other half with – and even when he came back here on a scheduled stop, he’d be off again less than an hour later. And that was without counting depots wanting him to do other work around the country. “I better get my duty papers… don’t go anywhere gorgeous.” He winked, making you shake your head again; “I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be. I’m going to go back to working.” He laughed; “Not if I can help it!” “Then maybe you’d like to tell the pissed off owner why I’ve not completed repairs.” “Easy, your boyfriend needs servicing and is far more important.” You opened your mouth as the cheekiness of his almost serious facial expression, and found yourself folding your arms again. Then thought better of it, and flicked your eyes up and down what he was wearing; “Well… you are wearing my favourite leather jacket… But it’s only worth it if I can steal it.” “Oh no…” He took a pace back “Last time that happened I forgot it… How can I complete a run without this?” He put his hands in his pockets to fan the jacket out for you. “Ugh-!” You placed your hand against your heart; “You’re killin’ me, go get your paper work – boss is waiting…!” “Don’t forget which truck is the most important.” “I’ll get to her.” “She can wait until after me-!” “Oh don’t worry, I know just how to fix you up…” “Damn right…” You couldn’t see his grin, now he’d turned around and slid his sunshades on – but you could hear it. He held his hand up, in a casual wave goodbye. But only for a few minutes – not the months you were used to, and he walked back towards his gleaming red truck; even with the runs he did, you were glad to see he always took care of her. You bit your lip watching him walk away. If you had your way, and you would, you’d be wearing that jacket by the time the sun went down.
@dennismitchell @happyskywhale @wltz-bby #MendoTagSquad.
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