#ohhh the mood. I love the grayscale
ghostsnbees · 6 years
HELLO here’s the short story I worked on for a couple of hours for a school contest,,,,,,,,,,,,,, its called “And Time Stopped When I Saw You”
tw for hints of self-harm (though theres nothing explicit and it just seems like thats whats being implied) and bleeding ;;
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.
Another minute passes by.
Tick. Tock. Tick. To-
“Okay, fine, you win.”
I pressed the ball-point pen a bit too hard, leaving a visible red mark on my forearm. The badly scribbled sentence on my arm was barely legible- nobody I knew understood it. Except for one particular person.
All of a sudden, as if like magic- blue ink strokes were swirling on my arm. If it really was “magic”, it didn’t feel that way anymore. This was normal for me. This was normal for us. The once unrecognisable strokes became clearer and clearer, until it formed..
The culprit of the blue and neatly drawn smiley face was Karamveer- or K for short. He was to me what most would call… a soulmate, perhaps. We were bound together by fate or whatever- and though most people had what we called “The Red String of Fate”, or the “Grayscale view” that connected two soulmates, K and I were tied differently. Different in a way that whenever he drew on himself, the marks would appear on me, too, and vice versa. We used this to communicate with one another- because for some odd reason, he doesn’t want to tell me where he is, or if there’s any other way i could communicate with him. So we were stuck like this- drawing dumb marks on our limbs in a somewhat desperate attempt to talk with one another.
“See? Even you admit it. I’m just that irresistible.”
“Yuck, shut up.”
I let out a small chuckle. This boy is gonna kill me someday— if he hasn’t already.
“wait brb gonna do smth. don't die while I'm gone lol”
My eyes blink over towards the clock rested beside my bed— it was 2am. I had school.
“on the subject of death, i’ll be signing off for tonight. its like. 2am here. Night K.”
I wince at how hard I pressed on my forearm again, and at how bad my handwriting was. I hope he could still understand.
“Gnight Ani <3”
I feel something flutter in my chest seeing the little heart scribbled beside the stupid little nickname he gave me. After staring at the blue symbol on my arm for what felt like a while, I brush the feeling off and head to bed.
“Animosah Agbon?”
My eyes tear open upon hearing my name. I was dozing off in class again.
“What’s the answer for number 11?”
I blink at the chalkboard and reposition my big reading glasses. “Uhhhhh….” The whole class is staring at me, a few of my classmates snickering and talking between themselves. I frown.
“Sixteen…four… no, in the equation 2y+16=6y-4, y is equal to 5.”
My classmates whoop and cheer while my teacher subtly smiles to herself. I slink back into my chair shyly and take my favorite retractable black pen out of my pencil case, rolling up my long sleeve to see if he’s written anything.
“please save me. i don’t like it in school anymore.”
Not a few seconds later, a reply is scribbled on my palm. “Ohhh, i hear ya. The only thing that kept me sane was the actually decent food they had there. Other than that, school is quite literally a juvenile prison.”
“,,,,why are you talking in past tense????”
“its for me to know and for you to find out :))”
“I hate you”
“ I love you too <3”
I try and hold back a small smile, but it peeps out anyway. I look around to see if anyone else has noticed. They’re all pre-occupied with something- Alvis with her string of fate, Callum asking his friend Xavier what color the chalk on the board was, Elenoir re-checking the ink of his token pen. Before I can fully fall asleep, the school bell chimes and everyone is rushing to their next class.
I plop onto my bed and read the conversations we shared throughout the day. He kept me awake through the majority of my subjects but stopped replying by the time I was writing on my ankles. I wasn’t sure what his timezone was, but I do admit- it would look pretty weird if he was scribbling with a colored gel-pen on his leg in public. Not even in public- just in general.
“I dont know if your still awake but good night”
I groan and scrawl a small ‘e’ beside the misspelled word.
The next few letters don’t come, and the text smudges itself. I subconsciously frown. What was he doing? I feel my stomach turn in knots in worry and I choke on my spit. Head screaming for relief, I shut my eyes tight and force my probably malfunctioning body to fall asleep.
When I open my eyes the next morning, the sun’s rays immediately burn and blur my sight, causing me to roll out of bed with a unceremonious thump! After lying on the floor for what seemed like 5 minutes, I check my arm to see if K wrote anything new.
Before panic settles in, I lift the hem of my pajamas to check if the ones he wrote on my right leg were still there.
..All of his marks were gone.
Perhaps he just took a bath?
That’s.. impossible. He never washes the ink thoroughly enough for it to disappear.
..Is he okay?
“Are you okay?”
5 hours later and he still hasn’t replied.
At this point I’m awkwardly sprawled on my bed, occasionally lifting my arm to see if he’s said anything.
Where did he go?
2 weeks and still nothing.
I’ve been doing worse in school. My parents are getting uneasy, my teachers are concerned.
I wish I could talk to him again.
One month.
One month and my limbs are clean, aside from the numerous writings I’ve left asking where he was.
I haven’t slept well since the day he stopped replying. Am I too clingy? Am I too concerned? Should I stop trying?
..Maybe I am. Maybe I should. But no, I won’t.
I guess I just.. really, really miss him.
“Class dismissed!”
I stand up quickly and fumble for my bag and everyone rushes out of the room.
“..Animosah, can you stay for a bit?”
I grimace at my teacher, and she responds by softening her worried smile. I approach her slowly without maintaining eye contact with her.
“Are you sure you don’t want to talk about what’s bothering you?”
“I’m sorry, Ma’am. I really don’t want to.”
She must’ve noticed me rubbing my forearm because her face grows with concern.
“Animosah, what’s on your arm..?”
“It’s nothing.”
“Animosah. Show me.”
“Ma’am, please-“
I almost gag at the nickname she called me.
Hesitantly, I shakily roll up my sleeve and lift up my right arm. It was nearly fully covered with ink marks- desperate pleas begging to know where my soulmate was. Tears start to roll down my cheeks as I quickly withdraw my arm and bend over to stifle my cries. My teacher quickly leaps to her feet and kneels to reach my eye level. She cups my face in her hands and pulls me into a hug.
“..Everything will be alright soon, dear. He will come back to you soon. I promise.”
And I hoped she was right.
My eyes feel a little dry after crying.
The town was a bustling, lively place of no sleep. The people there were a smiling and happy bunch- nearly everyone knew each other, and nearly everyone was friends. Though the townspeople greeted me with countless ‘good morning!’s and ‘hello!’s, I wasn't in the mood to even wave back. I felt like a sulking rat in a sea of adorable rabbits.
I hated it.
The roads were already familiar to me, so I walk in an almost rhythmic pattern to try to lighten my mood. Street Maya, Street Kassel, Street Avida, Street Ramas, Street Ettiel, Street Maya, Street Kassel, Str-
I glance at the street sign. I’m at Street Avida.
Suddenly the air feels tight in my throat. I gasp ang gag, silently crying for air. I’m kneeling on the sidewalk when I see someone walking towards me. HELP! HELP! I try to scream, but I just cough harder.
The person walks past me without any sign of acknowledgement.
No, wait-!
In an instant, I’m dragged by the collar into an alleyway I didn’t even notice was there. When I’m pushed against the wall, I feel the air get knocked out of my lungs and I’m left hacking and coughing on the floor. The stranger who dragged me looms over me in a somewhat curious manner, examining my features slowly. They brush the hair off my face and I get a clear look at them- Their face is shrouded by a black hood, but with what little light peaking through they appeared to be young. The hood extended into a cloak reaching until their feet. The only eye-catching thing about them was a carefully-crafted pocket watch dangling off their hand.
“Who.. Who are you?”
“That’s not important, dear.”
Their voice rung in my head like an alarm clock- except it was less annoying. They spoke in an echo-y mixture of voices- my mom’s, my dad’s, my teachers’, my friends’, and so many other people. It felt calming in so many ways, but it also raised a dozen more questions.
“What’s important to you is what I have to offer.”
“What? Offer? I’m really sorry but I’m not interested in another car de-“
Even if I couldn’t see their face, I could tell they were glaring.
“It’s quite alright, love.” They look at my arm. “..You miss your soulmate, yes?”
I painfully look away and nod lightly.
“I see. I was like you once. I had a left wing of white feathers and my soulmate had the right of black. We flew together in the skies, hands intertwined. One day, however, he stopped wanting to fly with me. He never told me why, but all answers came to me once all my feathers fell out. I suppose we both flew too close to the sun.”
I gulp and mouth a subtle “I’m sorry”.
“..I’m sorry too, dear. I’m afraid I might've gone on a little tangent there. See, that might’ve happened to me, but that doesn’t have to happen to you, too.”
I look up at them. “What do you mean?”
“Fate has given you a chance, sunshine. As a sorceress of time, they’ve instructed me to give you a choice.”
“Time will stop in this world and shall only go on for you both. You have all the time in the world to look for him. And when you two meet eyes, the cycle of the earth shall continue. But you must hurry. Best of luck to you, love.”
“Hurry? Why? Is something wrong?”
..They’re gone.
When I wake up the next morning, everything is in black and white.
I check my alarm clock and it’s frozen at 6:12 am.
..That wasn’t a dream?
..That was real. Which means-
I jump out of bed, throw on a long sleeve blouse and pants and bolt towards the door. I almost trip on the stairs and when I fling the front door open, I tumble on a package that nearly sends me flying. I regain my composure and open the package. In it was a necklace with a red gem etched with mysterious writings and a note. The note said:
“This necklace will be able to transport you to whichever place you wish to be and light up whenever he may be near. Just say the word and you shall be there. Good luck, my dear. May the stars be forever in your favor. -SHUVHISKRGH”
I didn’t feel like decoding their name anymore. All I knew was one thing- I had to look for him.
I bring the necklace to my lips and whisper..
“Bring me… Bring me to my heart.”
The gem glows, and the mysterious writings ring in my ears in a unknown language. I shut my eyes tight as I’m enveloped by the red light and..
I fall to the ground and I groan.
I quickly get up and stumble a bit. Where was I? I was somewhere unfamiliar and new, that was for sure. I shuffle on tiled grounds. The place was filled with people that didn’t look all that friendly. The buildings surrounding me stood proud and tall like skyscrapers- and it was driving me crazy. I try to remain calm and examine my surroundings.
The necklace I held tight in my hand glowed faintly.
He’s here.
I dash from street to street, checking if the necklace would glow any brighter. And when it was as bright as a fire in my hand, I look up and see a figure looking down from a window.
The shadow places its hand on the glass, and glances at me. Suddenly my chest feels like its being tugged towards it, causing me to stumble. I hit the ground and before I can get up, something taps my shoulder
“Are you alright, miss?”
“Yes, I-“
..Wait, what?
The stranger has his arm stretched out, so I take it and heave myself up.
“..Thank you, sir.” I say as the man begins to walk away.
Time’s moving. That means-
I shoot my head up and see the figure by the window. It looked clearer now- it appeared to be a young boy my age in a hospital gown. He writes something on his left arm, lifts his right, smiles, and I realize who he was.
I run towards the building as quick as I can. My chest is pounding and I’m running out of breath but I don’t care. Before I reach the entrance, pain shoots up my left arm and I fall over. Blood was seeping through my sleeve and I cry out for help. With the little strength still left in my body, I roll up the cloth and see something etched into my inner forearm in very familiar neat cursive writing. When the realisation hits me, I start to cry even harder.
“i love you.”
..Always and forever.
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