#ok but flower really fits in yukari's clothes
mspaint-flower · 11 months
yuzuki yukari flower? sorry if you did that before, but couldn't find it (and was kinda baffled by the lack of one, lmao)
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muthaz-rapapa · 6 years
Idol Precure Series: A Gratuitous Costume Parade
Because that is literally what this is. An excuse to dress everyone up in cute clothes. 
Not complaining, though. The girls look fabulous~
Anyways, y’all aware they were grouped together because of what their civilian identities have in common, right?
Well, that’s how I see it so I typed this up so I can use it for reference later.
Initially, it was just a companion (?) piece to this StarPre prediction post (therefore, the StarPre girls haven’t been included yet so go check out that post until they are) but now I’ll come back to edit/update it again when more new stuff is released or I find better quality pictures.
I also have some ideas for possible new groups if they ever add or mix-and-switch the current ones but that’ll be on another post altogether to avoid confusing myself, ahaha~
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Anata no kokoro o mitoshi-tai (Team “I see through your heart”)
Members: Yukishiro Honoka, Hanasaki Tsubomi, Tsukikage Yuri, Shirabe Ako, Yakushiji Saaya
At a glance, it seems like they put all the smart ones together but it’s really because these girls all wear glasses.
Yep, the meganekko group.
I mean, they are smart but the key point here is clearly the glasses. Which is a tad bit of a shame because I feel like that (moe aspect) takes away from recognizing them for their intelligence first.
On another note, interestingly enough, I believe there’s a play on words with their unit name. If you say it out loud without knowing the context, it really sounds like “I want to look into your heart”. Can someone confirm this? My amateur Japanese isn’t enough to explain it eloquently.
Others who can fit into this group: Hishikawa Rikka
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Bunbu Ranbu (”Martial Dance”)
Members: Myoudouin Itsuki, Aoki Reika, Yotsuba Alice, Hikawa Iona
Martial arts practitioners.
Also, I’m pretty sure Reika knows some kendo along with kyūdō since we’ve seen her wielding a giant ice sword as Cure Beauty multiple times throughout the franchise. We just didn’t see her do it in civilian form. Hmm. :/
Others who can fit into this group: ...
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Eternal Moment
Members: Higashi Setsuna (Eas), Akagi Towa (Twilight)
Former villainesses who turned good and became a main heroine.
I’m so glad they didn’t forget about their evil alter-egos cuz Eas and Twilight (or perhaps just Twilight) can be considered separate characters in their own rights so it’s nice to see them show up in advertisement again every once in a while.
Hmmm, their name though... it looks like this unit might only be intended for two people (”Eternal” for Towa and “Moment” for “Setsuna”).
That is, unless they add onto it like HNMH (see below) if they plan to include more girls into this category. If so, then...
Others who can fit into this group: Kurokawa Ellen, Lulu Amour
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Mystic Diva
Members: Kurokawa Ellen, Kenzaki Makoto
Haresora Concerto (”Clear Sky Concerto”)
Members: Minazuki Karen, Hojo Hibiki
Haresora Concerto with Mystic Diva (collab?)
Additional members: Tategami Aoi
Girls with strong affiliation to music...I think?
We saw Karen playing the violin in Yes!5 Precure’s OP and her parents are famous musicians themselves (just like Hibiki’s) but I can’t recall if she ever played any instrument during any particular episode in Yes! 5 or Gogo(?). Anyways...
Mystic Diva contains those who are renowned singers from another world (I don’t think Ellen sang much after she sorta permanently remained in human form but as Siren, she was one of the top contenders next to Hummy to sing the Melody of Happiness so there’s that).
Haresora Concerto obviously are for those who practice classical instruments.
Finally, the collaboration...is it a collaboration or did they really merge the two units together? If not, then Aoi will still need to be assigned to a group and if we’re going by the above criteria, she doesn’t fit into either one (Mystic Diva isn’t really her style anyway and she’s long given up the violin to play the guitar).
Maybe they’ll come up with another unit specifically focused on the rock genre in the future cuz we have Emiru and Lulu now so that’ll be enough to start one.
Others who can fit into Mystic Diva: Lulu Amour (+ guitar) [??]
Granted, Lulu didn’t sing before she arrived in present day Hugtto but she did say she’s going to bring music back to the future so...why not count that and the future as “another world”, hmm?
Others who can fit into Haresora Concerto: Yotsuba Alice (piano), Haruno Haruka (violin), Akagi Towa (violin), Kaidou Minami (violin) [??]
I don’t really associate Minami with music even though she is skilled at playing the violin. It’s just that compared to Towa and Haruka where the violin played a significant part in their story arcs, Minami and the violin is more secondary (pfft, not even) to her connection with the sea. But then again...Karen is in this group so I dunno :S
Did I forget anyone else who plays a classical instrument? I feel like I’m missing someone...
Others who can join the collab: Everyone listed above + Kasugano Urara (singing), Aisaki Emiru (singing, piano, violin and guitar)
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Haruka Nozomu Mirai no Hana (”Wishing for the Flower of the Far Off Future”)
Members: Yumehara Nozomi, Haruno Haruka, Asahina Mirai, Nono Hana
The dream chasers.
And by far, the unit I find the most aesthetically pleasing. ^^
Also, I feel like some people would try to argue that Mirai “didn’t have a goal and therefore, she doesn’t belong in this group” so as she is my beloved daughter, I need to make them eat the dirt of their WRONGNESS.
Because MahoPre’s epilogue obviously showed her trying to find a way to reunite with Riko and Ha-chan, aka bring their two worlds together again, so that definitely counts as her dream (not to mention, the most ambitious one out of everybody else’s in this group). Furthermore, if you actually watched MahoPre more closely, you would know her dream of the two worlds coming together came to her gradually rather than happening at a particular moment and was solidified after she had to separate from her team after the Big Boss fight in the finale.
And you know what? Her wish was fulfilled in the end so y’all can suck it. :P
Others who can fit into this group: ...
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Home Maid
Members: Kujo Hikari, Minamino Kanade, Madoka Aguri, Omori Yuko, Usami Ichika, Arisugawa Himari
Cooking or maybe, more accurately, sweets enthusiasts? *makes side eye at Aguri*
Well, besides that, they also either helped out at a restaurant or provided a service that had something to do with food (tea ceremony in Aguri’s case).
Hence, the “maid” part, I guess...
...but if so, then this is a poster for a maid cafe, not an idol unit! :P
Others who can fit into this group: Hyuuga Saki (family runs a bakery) [?], Akimoto Komachi (family runs a Japanese confectionery shop) [?], Hino Akane (family runs an okonomiyaki restaurant) [?], Haruno Haruka (family runs a Japanese confectionery restaurant) [?], Kotozume Yukari (learned from her grandmother how to perform tea ceremonies) [?], Kirahoshi Ciel (owns her own sweets restaurant), Nono Hana (grandparents ran a Japanese confectionery shop)
With the exception of Ciel, a lot of “?” cases here because similar to the Karen/Minami in Haresora Concerto, their main interests don’t particularly lie in cuisine and most of them never stated any intention of carrying on their family business. So it’s really up to whether you want them in this unit or not. Personally, I think Home Maid has enough members already so...
Oh and Hana was crossed off the list since she became the president of her own company at the end of Hugtto.
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Members: Misumi Nagisa, Hyuuga Saki, Natsuki Rin, Hino Akane, Midorikawa Nao
This one’s self-explanatory. Athletes. Sporty types.
Not much else to say.
Others who can fit into this group: Hojo Hibiki, Kagayaki Homare (?)
Yes, while Homare does participate in a sport, singles figure skating is mostly an individual event so the MVP title can’t really be applied to her. I guess that was the reasoning behind why she wasn’t placed in this group even though that’s what she’s most known for.
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Members: Kurumi Erika, Shirayuki Hime, Kagayaki Homare
The fashionistas!
This is my most favorite idol unit name out of all the others not only because it sounds like the most cleverly thought out but also because just hearing the word “revolution” gets the legendary Utena Revolution OP playing in my head again. *jams to the beat*
Thankfully, it’s got no connection to this idol series cuz *GAAASP*......*whispers* no.
Anyways, I’m glad it’s universally agreed upon that Erika and Hime would get along like five runways crisscrossing simultaneously at Fashion Week. Adding Homare to this lineup is appropriate because she’s always being complimented for dressing so stylishly.
Also, having someone as tall as her stand in between Erika and Hime like a giraffe hanging between two Hyacinth Macaws, lol is really...picture perfect.
Others who can fit into this group: ...
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Secret Lives
Members: Mimino Kurumi, Hanami Kotoha, Kirahoshi Ciel
Mascots who can transform and became one of the main heroines in their respective seasons.
I like their aesthetic, too. Even though they give off cute vibes as much as any of the other idol groups, there’s still a “mystery” air about them.
Others who can fit into this group: Kurokawa Ellen (?)
Ermmm...Ellen was a mascot but she wasn’t aligned with the good side in the beginning. And after she became a Cure, she didn’t revert back to cat form again... *shrug*
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Soushi⇄Souai (”Mutual Love with Creativity”)
Members: Mishou Mai, Akimoto Komachi, Hoshizora Miyuki, Kise Yayoi
Those whose strongest weapon is the pen (or brush) in their hand. Or something like that? I was trying to go for something more artful but I guess not. :P
This group’s name gave me a little trouble in translating but I think what I settled for in the end gets the idea across well enough. They love creating so much that they’ll be rewarded in kind with lots of inspiration.
...which sounds a bit unfair for everyone else suffering creative blocks but okay.
Others who can fit into this group: Nono Hana
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Triple Heart
Members: Momozono Love, Aida Mana, Aino Megumi
The love-obsessed.
Not much else to say here either.
Others who can fit into this group: ...
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Up to Me
Members: Aono Miki, Izayoi Riko, Kotozume Yukari
The Ladies.
At least that’s what I like to think them as. “Up to Me” gives off the impression of a very decisive person. Along with how mature they act, these girls fit that description to their own special degrees.
Like, Miki is very focused on her modeling career and confident she’ll go far, Riko has good work ethic and always aims for her goals and Yukari is, well, good at almost everything and is also a very “my pace” kind of woman.
...they all have purple hair, too, so I’m wondering if that’s another prerequisite for being added to this unit.
Others who can fit into this group: Tsukikage Yuri, Kenzaki Makoto (?)
Yuri would fit in no problem but Makoto I’m still teetering back and forth on...
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Members: Kasugano Urara, Amanogawa Kirara
Ra♪Raa♪Raaa♪Raaaa♪Raaaaa♪ Suīto Suīto Puri-Kyu=AH♪
Girls who aspire for the stage (acting and signing for Urara and modeling for Kirara) and have “-rara” in their names.
If that’s the case here, guess this is another unit meant for anyone who fits those limited criteria. Otherwise...
Others who can fit into this group: Aono Miki (modeling), Kenzaki Makoto (singing)
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White Coat Angels
Members: Yamabuki Inori, Hishikawa Rikka, Kaidou Minami, Kenjou Akira
Those with a future in medicine.
But Minami...hmm, well, though it was never clearly stated what her profession was (I don’t think?) when she grew up, she could’ve gone on to become a wildlife veterinarian after she achieved her degree in marine biology so yea, she counts.
Others who can fit into this group: Minazuki Karen, Yakushiji Saaya
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Kiratto! Open to All
Members: Kira Kira Precure a la Mode
Twin Love
Members: Aisaki Emiru, Lulu Amour
Pretty damn sure the first one was made specially just for KiraPre. No other girls sport blatant animal imagery on them. Plus, there’s no point in including anymore members than how many this group already has.
As for Twin Love, it’s a canon idol pair unit in Hugtto. Adding anyone else in it would not make it “Twin” Love anymore.
So that leaves the question of where Emiru and Lulu will go in the next series, I guess. Though I’m sure they’ll stick together wherever they’re assigned.
Side B
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Royal Road
Members: Kokoda Koji (Coco), Natts, Ouji Masamune, Prince Kanata
Fairy Five
Members: Amai Shiro (Syrup), Pop, Raquel, Lance, Aroma
Did anyone else think that “Side B” also stood for “Side Boys” before Dark Party was released? (And yes, I know what a B-side track is so you don’t have to tell me)
Anyways, Royal Road is obviously for the prince characters (though I don’t think they really needed to add Ouji-senpai since he’s just a minor recurring character, not supporting but whatever) and Fairy Five is for the younger male mascots who can transform.
Others who can fit into Royal Road: Prince Zeke, Wakamiya Henri, Aisaki Masato (?)
If Dark Dream can join an idol unit despite being a movie-only character, then I don’t see why they can’t integrate Prince Zeke into this unit as well. All that matters is how popular or memorable he was in HaCha’s movie because everyone who was picked out for Side B had to have had an impact on the audience one way or another. But at least Zeke makes more sense than Ouji-senpai.
Henri needs no explanation as he is the “Prince of the Ice” but if you want a prince to accompany his occasional “princess” role, including Masato wouldn’t be a bad idea. Though I still think Masato’s more of a knight than a prince.
Others who can fit into Fairy Five: Kuroro (?)
Granted, Kuroro only got a human form by combining powers with Lock in the final battle of Go!Pri and hasn’t technically earned it yet since he only begun fairy training when the season ended...but if he can, why not?
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The Enemy Boys
Members: Irisawa Kiriya, Luntarou (Wolfrun), Kurosu (Close), Rio (Julio/Pikario)
Members: Soular, Westar, Phantom, Shut
“The Enemy Boys” ...more like “School Infiltrators” since they were the few among villains to pose as students in order to get closer to the Cures.
Off-White consists of bishounen villains who eventually came around to understanding and siding with the good side. Which explains the “off white” part, I guess, since it wasn’t an immediate reform for them but a more gradual one that needed a lot of persuasion and thinking.
Others who can fit into The Enemy Boys: ...
Others who can fit into Off-White: Charaleet
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Precure Legendary Heroes
Members: Cure Fire (Ban Kenji), Cure Sebastian (Sebastian)
Dark Party
Members: Dark Dream, Dark Precure, Regina, Bibury Vibry
Legendary Heroes is clearly a parody of the Precure franchise itself but since we already grew out of those jokes thanks to Hugtto, I’m hoping I won’t see any updates for this group ever again. And I will be absolutely livid if they dare to put Cure Infini in this unit because that is not funny.
Dark Party needs no extensive explanation as they were former nemesis/rivals to the Cures who never really got a “good” form even after their Heel-Face Turn (Dark Precure didn’t even get one of these). Which is fine because that’s essentially their charm. What makes dark magical girls so appealing is how awesome they are even when they’re “evil”.
Also gotta love the gothic lolita clothes that a number of them usually wear. If they didn’t keep Side B separate from Side A, I totally would’ve liked to put Eas and Twilight in this group as well.
Others who can fit into Dark Party: ...
List of updates under the cut...
[1/29/19] - Post published.
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