#okay also am i a Bad Gay if the idea of doing gay pride for this prompt didn't even cross my mind??
onepintobean · 6 months
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COC day 9 | pride
I had not known you a month before I felt that you were the last man in the world whom I could ever be prevailed on to marry.
- Pride and Prejudice
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lu-lus-duckies · 4 months
Hi, here's about me and some questions you might have!
Updated: april 26th 2024
Important!! Please don't use real money to do things for me in any capacity. It makes me uneasy, uncomfortable and puts a lot of pressure on me. Thank you for your understanding <3 also Important: I can not and will not take anything seriously, if you want to say something serious to me, send me a DM, I'm more likely to respond seriously there
Who are you?
@ nunalastor's emotional support white boy™
People just call me lulu on here. I'm 20 and go by any pronouns. AFAB (and cis). my gender is whatever makes you gay. somewhere on the ace spectrum.
Also CEO of forcing people to get some fucking sleep!
important note: I respond in the horniest ways to @ nunalastorscursedkitten, but they have explicitly stated they don't want sexual stuff directed towards them without their consent. I have confirmed that they are okay with me responding in a horny way and you should make sure before doing it too
tags (will not sort these out at all):
lulu is delulu - my posts babygirl anon fest - asks specifically from babygirl revoke lulu's art license - my art stuff nunwhiskers - the ship of nunalastor x huskers-bar lulu is feral - reblogs where I am feral lulus nun reblogs - I just tend to reblog everything of nunalastors so it's a tag now lulu reblogs - art/theories/incorrect quotes ect lulu convos - me interracting with peeps here lulu crooks - going into detail about things i shouldn't be going into detail of. (maybe infodumping) cursed polycule - me and the 100+ husbands/wives interracting (xxx-angie list in their pinned) lulu asks - me answering asks this is a nunalastor simp blog - anytime I openly bark for nunalastor lulu lore - me accidentally dropping irl lulu lore lulu fun facts - exactly what it says lulu polls - polls lulu is a boomer - me not knowing basic pop culture things cuz I live under a rock lulu loves nunalastorscursedkitten / and paincaat too / lulu loves paincaat / and nunalastorscursedkitten too - my interractions with @ paincaat / @ nunalastorscursedkitten lulu loves getting called slurs - me getting called the f-word lulu infodumps - infodumps about stuff that might not always be hazbin hotel fools being sexy - @ the-aprilfools-bitch tag
who is safe here?
everyone except minors. I don't judge. This is a safe space regardless of race, gender, sexuality or anything else. Be as cringe/not cringe as you want
What is this blog?
Used to be a hazbin blog, now turned to me simping for daddy nunalastor and interracting with the cursed polycule
What can I ask or share with you?
Literally anything you want to share, no limits. I respond to everything, even hate so if I haven't responded I'm either asleep or the message didn't appear in my inbox.
One thing I don't respond to is chain sends cuz I can't be bothered with that shit. Anything else is a yes
What's with the bad English?
English is my second language. I pride myself on being able to read it fluently, but I might have problems with talking in a way that flows naturally to native speakers. So sorry bout that
What time are you active?
Honestly, all over the place. Don't look too much into it, but I'm from the country of Georgia if that helps
Can I use your ideas?
Absolutely! You don't even need to ask. I won't say this is a necessity, but If you decide to use them, I'd love it if you'd tag me. I love seeing all kinds of things people make and I'd love to see yours too!
Why are you so unhinged and sexual? Aren't you ace?
Asexuals aren't all sex-repulssed and can enjoy it too. I am uncomfy with the act of sex but I love joking and shitting about it. Me saying something is hot/sexy/makes my dick hard is just me saying "I love this and i think it's cool" when that isn't enough to express my love. (I think I'm being funny)
Is the art on nunalastor's blog you sometimes repost yours?
Yes, the art posted on their asks by mylz-flick is by me. It's my primary blog and i don't use it for anything so all my asks are submitted through there
Why don't you post as often anymore?
Because all my posts go straight to nunalastor's blog. Go check them out, it's great
By nunalastor s request:
Who hurt you?
Nunalastor did when they rizzed up my mom
What's with the worms? That's disgusting
Well, nunalastor made this post and it turned me on a little ngl
What is the cursed polycule?
Well, I spontaneously decided that my go to funny (not funny) joke would be to start asking everyone who agreed with me or had similar tastes to kiss me. Long story short, now I'm a whore™ with 100+ husbands that I can't keep track of and that's the cursed polycule
Why do you keep calling nunalastor daddy?
Many reasons. First, Nunalastor saying they would fuck my mom in the DMs when I told them about her. So naturally, if my mom and nunalastor got married they would be the dad hence, daddy. Also, nunalastor is unapologetically my favourite blog on here and the title "daddy" is reserved for them. Also their word is law to me and they deserve the respectful title
The way you interract with minors is disgusting
I have minors please don't interract in my bio for a reason. I expect a decent human being to see that and kindly leave my blog. I don't check who I'm responding to most of the time so I probably didn't even notice it was a minor. I'm just trying to be fun.
If you are a minor and I responded/reblogged your art or post with some batshit crazy shenanigans like I do with everyone, send me a DM and I'll delete it. I'd rather it be in the DMs instead of out in public because out here I have people acting like they hate me and I don't want to accidentally take something that's meant to be a serious request to stop like a joke.
What's with that one pregnant anon stuff at nunalastors blog?
Listen, I don't care what shit people send me, but if you even dare harm, harass or just in general be an asshole to the ones I consider nice people, I will not take that lightly.
To everyone: if you get haters, tag me so I can draw them pregnant.
Is the cursed polycule an actual relationship or just a joke?
It's just a joke between us.
Can I join the polycule?
Daddy has revoked my marriage license so you'll have to consult with the other members. I take what daddy demands very seriously
You can however, talk to the other members of the polycule and join. We could also have a platonic relationship going on in the polycule if you want
What is up with you and pronouns?
Sorry, in my native language there are no gendered pronouns. We just have a singular he/she/they for everyone. I use he/him for me (despite being a woman) because it's what rolls off the tongue easier for me. For everyone else I use they/them because you can never go wrong with neutral.
Are you actually attracted to nunalastor?
Honestly, the only time I've experienced attraction (i think? Still unsure if it was that) was with one girl at my uni and the feeling I have for nunalastor is very similar. It's not the exact kinda feeling but I have a very strong desire to make them proud. Not sure exactly what it is but no, I don't want to actually fuck them and I don't want to kiss them either. That seems gross. I do however wanna hold their hand and recieve headpats from them. Idk just know me as the nunalastor simp, that's easier to explain.
(and yes both mods)
Why do you keep mentioning nunalastor calling you the f-word?
Because I genuinely /gen /srs loved it. This isn't a joke. It made me overstimmed and honestly was a little overwhelmed with giddiness. keep in mind though, that while I enjoy getting called the slur, I will not be calling anyone that because that makes me uncomfy.
why haven't you responded to my reblog/comment/ask?
I generally respond to everyone I can. but either it was
lost in my notifs
was posted by a minor and I don't want to attract minors here
If it was on a reblog of something, I assumed it was meant for op
I just couldn't think of anything to respond with (which is rare)
feel free to let me know if it was either 1 or 3 but I won't respond to minors
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thelastattempt · 6 months
Mate you’ve sent me this ask every day for over a week and I’ve had a shitty week and I’m gonna take it out on you (with a little cut cause I don’t want this rant clogging up my whole blog. cheers.)
A) the social construction of ‘coming out’ gives me the ick. the idea that anyone is obligated to tell strangers, their friends, their *mothers* ‘hey this is who I like to fuck, or this is who I’m attracted to’ just to what?? make others comfortable?? makes me feel a bit ill actually. by all means, the announcement can be really cathartic and validating for some people and if that’s you, then do you, but you can’t put that expectation on other people cause like - who I want to bang is my business and I have absolutely no idea why it would matter to you or any stranger. this goes double for celebrities who have cameras all up in their face all the time. why should they tell you? why why why. they’re not gonna bang you regardless so what’s the drama.
2) I bet you’re one of those people that say ‘it doesn’t matter, I just wanna know’. well you know what - fucking tough. if you wanna know so bad then it *does* matter to you. for what reason, irdk, but you need to figure that out cause it’s giving unhinged??
!) and on the subject of why you’re so incredibly interested in the orientation of other people, is it for validation? like if they’re a little bit gay then it’s okay for you to be a little bit gay? cause honey, it’s okay whether celebrities are or aren’t. but that’s very much about you and not about them. is it because you enjoy seeing gay iconography in popular media? cause there’s plenty of ‘out’ celebrities you can get this from, and the iconography is there whether you know the specifics or not?? you want him to raise a pride flag for your enjoyment - okay, he’s a real person though, capable of his own decisions that are also nothing to do with you?? or is it because you’ve got a little headcannon that you desperately want to be true?? again, this is very much a preference or need for you, as an individual, as a viewer, as a voyeur, and I’m struggling, bro, I really am cause orientation doesn’t make a good person, doesn’t add anything to personality or values or even talent. It absolutely doesn’t affect your enjoyment of the product Louis is selling - music, in case you’ve forgotten. unless you’ve got some dotted line from ‘gay’ to ‘deserving ’ and like, that’s not how this works?? by all means, support out gay artists for being out and gay if that’s your bag, go wild, but saying you can’t enjoy the content of a musician because you’re not sure who he’s shagging is warped to me
D) the jokes you see on the dash are literally just jokes. we’re sat here on tumblr, razzing a friend even tho he’s not our friend, because we’re all a little unwell and none of it is serious serious jfc.
5) and for you last question, what do I think? what do I think? I think I spend less time contemplating where Louis’ dick has been than you do.
TLDR; mind your business, you’ll be happier
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carlyraejepsans · 2 years
What do you headcanon everyone's sexuality to be?
honestly I'm very um. whatever about sexuality headcanons. I don't think monsters in undertale see gender and sexuality as we categorize them in real life, so things are a lot more flexible. that being said, i do have Some Thoughts:
alphys is bi. like just bi, she's the only one i have a straightforward headcanon for. she even has the lil pride flag stickers on her water bottle n shit.
i like the idea that asgore and toriel are so old that they still view sexuality as something you Do rather than something you Are, like people used to do back then. i mean asgore obviously loved rudy at some point in his life and toriel has some wild stories from her youth that she'll play coy about, but neither of them would describe themselves as queer. just because that's not how they think of sexuality As A Concept.
i... don't see sans as the kind of guy with a label ? i think when you get down to it, he would technically fit the definition of demi, but he'd zone out halfway through the kind of conversation that leads to that conclusion so he just shrugs it off when you ask him and makes a bad joke to change the subject. also it varies, i like ace sans and i like bi sans too, but straight sans still feels more accurate to me than him being into dudes lmao. he does joke about kissing the homies goodnight tho ("WAIT A SECOND... YOU NEVER KISS ME GOODNIGHT. AM I NOT PART OF THE HOMIES??" "i never kiss anyone bro, we don't have lips" "OH! THAT'S RIGHT!!! ...CAN I STILL BE A HOMIE??" "sure man, knock yourself out")
okay okay i know how it sounds, but y'know that action movie dynamic where the machomen hero duo fights together side by side and spends all the film having very high homoerotic tension with one another except they both have wives and play it off as a bromance because if it was truly gay they would alienate over half of their fanbase? PAPYRUS AND UNDYNE ARE LIKE THAT, BUT PLAYED COMPLETELY UNIRONICALLY. it is completely 100% platonic, they're both HUGE homos in opposite directions and it has no bearing whatsoever on their individual sexualities. it's just the kind of spontaneous homoeroticism that spawns from beating the same guy up every day for enough days in a row. but yeah they're both gay as hell. (also undyne feels like the "10 years ago i married my best friend. my girlfriend isn't too happy about it but me and papyrus were drunk and we thought we could get away with tax fraud" kinda gal).
oh and papyrus doesn't do romance at all. full stop. aro!papyrus my beloved
mettaton had his gender identity crisis already and when he finally worked it out and saw the sexuality crisis in the distance he just decided he wasn't gonna deal with any more of that bullshit
frisk is a baby. they grow up to be very bi and very flirty, tho. which surprises no-one.
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marley-manson · 2 months
56, 63, 28, 16
Thank you <3
56. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
I am kinda proud of my characterization. Obviously it works for me because I write how I see the characters, but yk, I think I do a decent job of capturing their voices as well. I also take pride in my descriptive metaphors and details, because I spent a long time feeling inadequate when it comes to description, and it took a lot of work before I figured out how to describe stuff in a way that I both enjoy writing and think works.
63. Something you hate to see in smut.
Pure opinion and personal taste here, but squirmy awkward inexperienced shy emotionally overwhelmed nervous reluctant (unless it's deliberately dubcon) etc bottoms and cool suave tops, in any gender configuration (though I don't like to apply the words top and bottom to het couples, but ykwim.) I don't fault anyone for liking that dynamic, it's popular for a reason, but few things turn me off faster.
Also, because I feel like I probably complain about that too much lol, I get bored quick by scenes that feel like they're following a safe sex guide. Kinda refers back to my desire for more smut scenes that feel IC and unique rather than generic. There are no actual hard and fast rules for sex beyond 'communicate enough to be on the same page' and 'don't kill or permanently maim anyone.'
And especially on that note my biggest smut safe sex pet peeve is characters using safewords during vanilla or mildly kinky sex, because that's just pure 'read a guide on safe sex and didn't actually understand it.' 'Stop,' is your safeword if you're not doing edgeplay or rape roleplay, and it's not only weird to suggest that 'stop' is somehow inadequate during regular old sex and you need a special codeword instead, it's kinda bad? Like, the reason people use safewords during edgeplay is because 'stop' or 'no' is too easy to say automatically and you need an additional mental barrier so you're actively making the choice to stop a scene, rather than it slipping out because of the intensity of what's happening. But you don't need or want an additional mental barrier between you and your ability to communicate your desire to stop during most sex.
(Also constantly checking for consent stops being considerate and starts looking kinda coercive and/or painfully insecure at a point lol. Why all the checks? Does the sub's body language seem reluctant? Why is the dom not beginning a real conversation in that case, but simply pressing for yesses over and over? That's the vibe I get. Okay now I'm done complaining about "safe sex" in fic lol.)
28. On average, how much writing do you get done in a day?
On average, like 10 words lol, I don't write every day and often the little writing I do manage is like a paragraph in a notebook by my pillow. If I'm writing a new idea and I'm on a roll, I can maybe manage 1.5-2k? But that dries up quick. If I'm actively working on something ongoing, I'll probably manage like 500-1k words per dedicated session, but that's def not every day.
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
I'm thinking about 9ish? I mentioned one here, but I'll share another: a Henry/Johnny undercover as gay The Sting fic where the twist is that it's not Henry and Johnny playing lovers for a con, it's Henry and an old lover while Johnny plays third wheel and lowkey seethes with jealousy.
ask meme
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readersrealm · 6 months
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I'm new to this...Ive never had a blog before but I've always liked the idea of having one. Combining two of my favourite things: reading and (even tho i like it less and am fairly bad at it) writing. Its a dream! Shall I start by telling you facts about me maybe?
Alright. Since you cant answer I just will.
I'd rather not tell you my real name if I'm being honest. With the whole digital footprint and doxxing and all. I'll have to think of a username I'd like. What do you think of something with bubbles (even tho that does sound like a bunny name) or boykiller (that'll start an argument probably with all the boys that think theyre undeserving of being killed) orrr smth with silent (i like that but what? maybe silent bookworm but then again that sounds kind of weird) well... I'll think of something. For now I'll just sign with "unknown" that'll be okay.
I CAN tell you that i am a female human (i am at that point in life where you dont know if you should call me a girl or a woman).
I turned 16 in august. I'm really lucky that my birthday's in august, because its always warm and its ALWAYS in summer break at least where I'm from. We have the whole august summer break. I LOVE IT.
I WAS born in germany and both my parents are german so no english roots what-so-ever (well in the near past) but when covid started back in the beginning of 2020 and school had to stop for a while, while they had to figure out what to to do with the whole pandamic and all so my mom suggested I'd start watching my shows and films in english to learn better english so I did that and it's degenerated a little bit into reading English books. BUT i have to thank my mom for getting the ball rolling.
Im bisexual, meaning I like girls AND boys (figured THAT out finally when i was 13) and if you have anything mean to say about it to me I'll cry (especially when you start talking about the connection between being gay and god - when you say bad things because nobody can say good things about THAT relationship)
My hobbies are
dancing (jazz which is a mix of ballett and hiphop if anyone cares),
reading (fanfiction AND actual books)
and by now probably meeting my friends (I've never considered that to be a hobby...not because i didnt have any friends, no. More because I usually dont like meeting up with people)
and i should probably put "going to the gym" on that list too, but I kind of dropped the ball on that one...
My first book I remember really LOVING that really got me into reading (when i was 9) was (and now this is going to be german so just ignore it if you dont know it) "Alea Aquarius" and I read it now too sometimes. Even though its a childrens book, it became a comfort book too, thinking of all the good times I had as a child especially reading (not just that book but in general). Even young it became an escape from the world (even without screaming parents).
I usually read everything, depending on what people recommend me. But I do have genres I read more than others. Romance, Fantasy and Crime are my favourites even tho romance is getting predictable. MY ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE TROPE tho is unreliable narrator. It is THE best!! The genre I read the least tho is non-fiction. I just need books that transport me into a new (often better and more interesting) world. Classics too are a genre I dont really read. Doesnt mean i havent read a classic and also doesnt mean i dont own some it just means that reading classics in english as a german person is really not that easy...so i dont OR i buy the book in german too. I did that for pride and prejudice (that i bought solely because it was mentioned A LOT in a random wattpad book hehe) and I love it now and own three copies (2 german, 1 english).
I dont read my fanfiction on wattpad anymore either. Ive transferred to ao3 instead. If you dont know the platform, you ABSOLUTELY should. Its amazing what people can write and how EASILY a book can be longer than the bible is magnificent. The fanfiction on there can easily be published as actual books. No problem. And we get to read it for free! Im so grateful for that all the time.
Dont immediatly think Im weird just for reading fanfiction (be honest, who hasnt). I mightve read some dream smp once...(a bit too many because i used to be REALLY into dnf and even bought dream hoodies but lets not talk about that phase of my life. Its embarrassing) but now i love drarry and marauders (especially wolftstar and jegulus) but i also enjoy the "all for the game"-fanfictions - especially "Black as is the Raven" (which is also longer than the bible. dont worry, i checked, am not spreading false information) on ao3 (a trilogy, sooo... actual books) nowadays.
On my spotify wrapped (people who use AppleMusic are weird) it said i listened for 219,139 minutes which are 152 days so I can call myself the music queen now (which is also cringe). My favourite songs (yes i listen to music while reading) are
"NOT!" by straykids
"winterherz" by JAS, "Memories" by Leonell Cassio,
"Summertime Sadness" by Lana del Rey,
"we're all eating eachcother" by Juliet Ivy,
"I miss having sex but atleast i dont want to die anymore" by Waterparks,
"Homemade Dynamite" by Lorde,
"Iris" by The Goo Goo Dolls
"Just You and I" by Tom Walker
"Why am i like this?" by Orla Gartland (thx heartstopper)
"Happy little pill" by Troye Sivan
"DLMLU" by straykids
My favourite artists are Straykids (yes I listen to (and read) KPop, so what. Im not weird -> me, trying to convince myself), NF, Halsey, Lorde, The Weeknd and probably Lana Del Rey (probably have that from my dad...).
I think that was it for now...we can do a part 2 of my introduction when i think of more to say hehe. But i think this is a nice start (and yes i know use the brackets too much, sue me.) and well get along right? Remember, dont be too harsh on me and ignore any minor grammar or spelling mistakes.
Love ya,
Unknown (told you, i need a name)
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ohii-san · 1 year
hello can i hear how you think a rinne mayoi dynamic would be 👁👁
okay so you sent this ask like three weeks ago minimum but i am so bad at answering things in a timely manner . i will in fact humor you now though SO sorry i took literally like years :FUCKKK: i'll put it under the cut also i'm going to she/her mayoi because i have a headmate who's a fictive and we don't like to use he/him for her source . jsyk . I HOPE YOU ENJOY SORRY FOR THE RAMBLES
so first off i want to note rinne mayoi and niki are very do not separate to me . putting aside my insanity about rinne long enough to detach hiyori, i think niki is very integral to the rinmayo dynamic whether he's there romantically or not . because niki and mayoi are friends !! but i will try to keep this mostly rinne/mayoi . also sorry this is more like a list of 'hcs' than actually explaining their dynamic . i ramble
"niki-kyun who's thiiis" "this is my friend mayo-chan ! she's in alkaloid with otouto :]" ( mayoi is seen cowering behind niki because rinne is notoriously So Loud and Overbearing )
rinne tries to dial himself down a little- because he's not incapable of it, it's just that his default is sort of A Lot, so he has to make a conscious effort to be gentler to not overwhelm mayoi
at first mayoi doesn't see the appeal but she realizes he must be pretty nice if niki deals with him so much
since mayoi is in the sweets club with kohaku and himeru, i like to imagine she'd hear a lot about rinne through those two complaining about all the shit he pulls HAHAH and she'd warm up to the idea of him through that, probably
"rinne-san seems so scary, but .. he's not such a bad guy, after all ..?" <- mayoi realizing that she and rinne may have something in common
mayoi puts herself down a lot and when rinne hears this, he immediately cheers her up to the best of his ability and praises her sooo much
"i'm so sorry for bothering you, rinne-san .. i'm such a waste of space" "NOT TRUE ! yer a real good friend to niki an' meru, hiiro too !! never a waste of space, mayoi-chan <3"
they hang out together and talk about their cultures .. because they are both indigenous .. mayoi doesn't discuss hers with as much umm openness due to the fact that, if i understood correctly, she's like . undocumented and she doesn't want people ratting on her but rinne talks about his ainu culture with pride and tries to teach mayoi some things when she asks !!!! this is probably similar to what hiiro and mayoi might do too btw :] i think they should bond
mayoi and rinne are both sort of considered strange in different aspects- mayoi has her little freak teeth and rinne is umm . well i have to tread lightly because he's such a bad stereotype of indigenous people, but the fact of the matter remains that he's got a fairly shitty rep and i think they would comfort each other when it gets to be too much . mayoi has such poor self image that even if people aren't cruel to her, i think she'd find ways to believe she's hated, while rinne sort of .. KNOWS that he is because he causes so much trouble for people early in the main story- and i'd think he would continue to do so later, just in more harmless and "fun" ways such as allowing kanata to flood the dorms- so . basically rinne would teach mayoi to try and embrace how she's viewed by others and figure out whose opinions she wants to Actually care for
bonus idea; they are cis guy with no interesting gender x transfem girlthing with a lot of gender . hc rinne saw mayoi and thought she was another producer and she was like oh .. no i'm an idol .. aren't you hiiro's brother .. shouldn't you Know his unit ..
alkakurei jam sessions where they all hang out after the amagis sort of reconcile <3 kohiiai and rinnikimayo do their little gay things and tatsumi and himeru fucking kill each other in the bg
"i'm sorry, i hope my teeth don't bother you .. i know they're odd .." "your teeth are THE coolest thing ever . you should get piercings mayoi-chan" <- conversations that occur a week before rinne and mayoi get matching tongue piercings
kanata and mayoi should also be friends as weird little freaks who love to be in places they should not . i think it makes sense and then mayoi can go to see the hikari dorm and be like omg .. rinne AND kanata .. in one dorm .. best dorm in ensquare ..
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thegeminisage · 1 year
back at it in KAKARIKO!! finally...they better let me climb these damn ruins ive been waiting to do it for 165 hours
god and these poor kids can visit their moms grave again...
MINERU, SAGE OF!!!!! oh man i knew it i KNEW it. i love to be right
man calip is such a fucking loser. he's been blocking people this whole time & now he's mad about getting upstaged by a woman. get a life dude
WOW and hes making tauro say "fantastic" again. dude, COME ON!!!
ok wait i changed my mind. before i go to faron i wanna go back to the castle. i know my tunic and shield are both there!! i doubt i'll wear the tunic much bc i got my oot gear but i NEED my hylian shield. ive been using a zonaite shield the entire game!!!
man the music here is still SO intense
i remember zelda's diary said the tunic was in the throne room behind the throne but i dont see any way of moving it...
okay i looked it up. torches!!! and i GOT IT!!!!! wah......
now the shield...NO idea where this is, i'm gonna have to look it up fr
you have to go thru hands :|
well. how badly do i want it...
wtf this korok had extra dialogue???
"id heard korok forest was allw eird there for awhile but now its back" what the hell?? the other koroks just say ya ha ha......
korok hunting is so stressful here btw. why would anyone put so many seeds here. evil evil evil
OH my god okay i found a video that shows you a way to go around the hands. WHEW. thank you internet. im gonna try it!!!
oh i do Not like it in here. i thot about getting all my korok seeds rn but it is like 1am. no fucjing way. this whole goddamn place is cursed
GOT IT!!!!!! i am getting the FUCK outta here. i can't believe i could have done that the whole time lol
apparently it's 3k to rebuy it if it breaks but...i got the cash.
also tbh. im gonna keep wearing my oot armor bc i was gonna anyway but also bc i think the tunic looks nicer in botw. shoulder guard bad. i mean its more practical but less stylish
lol i went to the tower next to the zonai ruins and calip is there like waaah tauro had to go on ahead wahhhh im slow
suck it up!!!
man i remember being SO put out there wasnt anything here. but i guess there is!
quick stop to deliver this mf claw...
2 down, 1 to go. i have dinraal's claw but idw go back to the power spring bc theres hands near it lol
omg lol this is so skimpy and girly. love it <3
this outfit is SIIIICK i LOVE dragon armor!!!!!
DAMN OK....................THAT WAS SICK AS HELL
the storm is gone above the dragon islands!!!!! which is a shame almost bc this armor would have made me so deadly up there lol
man i think calip just has a fucking crush on this dude. problematic gay rep happy pride
ah, too bad i never was able to get a fast travel point up there...
i can fly over from the great plateau though. goddammit. great SKY ISLANDS
ooh, i still see some flashing...maybe an opportunity to use this new armor after all
there are storms! and the music is so cool...
right where i landed before...i know bc i DID get this gacha machine. and i remember this trio of like likes lol. very hard to do with zero visibility
ah man there's so much to see here!! but it's getting late so i have to pause for now :(
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pulsar-ray · 1 year
Today's thought is the ETERNALLY HELPLESS mindset / state of being .
"What the hell is that?"
I made up the term to refer to myself from some years ago but it seems broadly applicable I think so I am sharing it. Don't rb this post unless I know you or you're adding your experience . Copy paste it I am a very paranoid schizo who hates notes !!!! /lh
My silly silly experience is I got myself in silly silly abusive relationships twice & also never really felt emotionally attached to anyone for various reasons & also my ex pushed this onto me through her own whatever & her actions [btw I'm gay now. Happy Pride!] so anyway . silly silly brain pushed this ideology onto me :
EVERYBODY IS EITHER HELPLESS OR COMPLETELY INVULNERABLE !!!!! Does that make sense. Like either you need help or whatever or you DON'T EVER AT ALL mainly on issues of interest but also sometimes in general. Idk my brain didn't really go that far & I don't feel like vivisecting my ideologies .
Okay anyway so that set in. which of course led me, the helpless, to be all eternally getting worse & worse so that I finally get help, hence the name. [But oddly enough not like. in a showy way . Just to myself . Like if I made it obvious enough I was suffering though being literally unable to hide it I'd be saved. Anyway this is a poor idea on many levels.]
Examples of this include : Always had to have mental state [think depression et cetera] worse so I would make it worse even if I didn't tell anyone , could not comprehend both regressing & caregiving in one person , can't hear people I depend on cry or be otherwise vulnerable et cetera etc cetera
"Wow how unfortunate! How did you get better?"
Mostly just experiencing things I was afraid of & being fine to be honest . Getting actual care & help & so on. & I'm not completely better but we are chugging along. We are getting there . It's less bad than it was so that slays .
"Why did you post this."
Someone else has to relate right. I want to make it known enough that it's a bad mindset to live in so ergo if you see yourself in my post you can . stew on it in your little mind brain & hopefully feel better after a nice conclusion . I guess this could also qualify under BPD splitting so . do with that what you will. Et cetera . Anyway. Feel free to share experience NO VENTING PLEASE I WILL BLOCK YOU . If you're not sure it's a vent it's probably fine . Sorry for my silly tone throughout this the schizophrenia makes me oddly whimsical sounding to everybody's dismay. We ball
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i’m a lesbian, but i keep questioning it and i think it’s mainly because my brain can’t come to terms with the fact that i don’t like men after all the years of thinking i did
do you have any tips to help with this?
(also i love you and your account so so much thank you so much for everything you do and i hope you are well and the universe treats you amazingly)
YO noice lesbians r dope!! shoutout to lesbians yall r cool as hell!!
Fr tho as a bi dude like, all of the lesbians Ive met have been The Awesomest people ever!!! You’re part of a community of very very kind and considerate people who are unashamedly themselves!!!
Ahhh yea good ol’ internalised homophobia!!!
First, as a dude who likes dudes lemme just say: it is Fine to not like men. it is, like, completely okay. putting on my misandrist hat for a moment here, 99.9% of my gender is SHIT so you kinda dodged a bullet there also lmao
But seriously. Society’s ingrained it into the minds of girls and those raised as such that like, you HAVE to like and be attracted to men. 
and see, when you realise you’re queer, or like, don’t conform in some way to society’s expectations, you’re gonna start to learn, slowly and surely, that societal expectations are absolutely BULLSHIT
you do not have to like men. you do not have to be attracted to men, you do not have to date men, you do not have to sleep with men, you don’t have to marry a man.
i need you to like, fuckin drill this into your mind, or you’re gonna feel like shit. you are not bad or weird for not liking men. being a lesbian and not liking men is perfectly fine, and there’s gonna be a lot of people who are gonna be weird about it, and you can tell them to go fuck themselves!!
now i’m not a lesbian but i am also queer and like. lemme tell you, kid, i know what it feels like that moment you figure *it* out and it feels like the grounds crumbling beneath you, doesn’t it? because all these years, you had this idea of who you were and now here’s this big solid proof that you were wrong, saying here, look at me, you’re not who you thought you were and it makes you feel like fuck, who am i really?
listen. it may not feel like but this is an important and good time. cocoon breaking. silver threads of a chrysalis. this is who you are, and that’s beautiful, okay?
being a lesbian, is, fucking amazing, okay? you are part of *such* an amazing fucking community. filled with so many kind and proud and beautiful people, such brave and amazing and caring people. you have such a rich history of people like you existing and fighting back and being proud.
lesbianism is fucking amazing, loving women is a beautiful thing. and who *cares* if you don’t like men? who gives a shit? 
like hey, my guy you didn’t ask to be gay you just got fuckin’ lucky!
also, like. cmon. girls are hot. can you imagine being straight and missing out on that??
honestly, i’d just say, get involved in the lgbt community. if it’s safe for you to do so irl, then go to lgbt meetings and pride parades and gsas and shit! if it’s not safe for you to be out irl, then get involved with the community online (so be careful about this though, don’t get involved with exclus, transphobes, shitty people)
talk to any lgbt friends you have, especially if you know any lesbians, ask them about their experiences with internalised shit
consume lgbt media, queer media with lesbian characters, let yourself get adjusted to it and let the idea of lesbianism slowly become normalised for you.
i know how much it hurts. i know how scary it is. it’ll get better, kid, alright? keep going, keep hanging in there, keep remember to be proud of yourself, keep remembering you are loved and there is a whole history of people like you.
you are loved.
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
Hola Dani, how are you? How are things going in your country?
In case you're feeling bad about not posting this chapter "on time" let me tell you that I was so relieved when I saw that because I've been super busy this week (end of the school year 😒) I was like YAY!! 🥳 I won’t miss Dani's ask box (I really enjoy this ok) I will still be able to inflict my weirdness on others 🙌🏼🤣
Only the last part because I'm a dumb dumb and accidentally deleted the rest 🤪
Rafael Lightwood-Fucking-Bane
Mi bebé precioso lo amo demasiado!! 🥰
Ok so from the first part I absolutely loved their family dinamic and how well they complement each other those 4 are a set made in heaven
From the middle part I went crazy over Anjali (as one should) their date was so adorable 😍 I mean!!!! ALSLQÑDMA!!! THEY ARE THE CUTENESS OK!!!!
Rafe mi amor te tienes que relajar!!!
“Ben!” Rafael smiles. Then he frowns. “You okay? You don’t look good.”
Ben 😍😍😍
Oh no Ben, my beloved gay disaster what are you up to?
But why does Ben has such bad luck 😭😭😭 is he secretly a Lightwood-Bane?? WTF???
“Bitch please,” Ben rolls his eyes. “You are like that man through and through. Don’t worry. It’s a very attractive trait to have.”
Agreed I mean I know you're angry with him right now but hijo mío don't lie to yourself!!!
He hears a bit of shuffling and then he sees Ben’s face again. “Rafael. Something LGBT just happened to me.”
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Maybe he has to learn how to establish boundaries and tell people off when they were leaning too hard on him.
Maybe?????? Bitch!!
Mavid has been trending for more than 24 hours now.
As it should!!!! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 I am living my best life now that they are together, thank you Dani, thank you pride month!!
“I came to see my brother,” Max shrugs. “And my hole needed a break.”
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“That’s awesome,” Max says and sits up in bed. “Because I’m moving to England.”
What??? I mean... yay Mavid but also I don't like the idea of Alec all alone 😭
“What about you?” Rafael asks. “You shouldn’t be doing things just to make other people happy. Trust me. It doesn’t end well.”
At least we're learning and growing
So everybody hates the mansion!!
“I don’t know,” Max whispers. “But I’m trying to figure it out. Can you please trust me?”
Maybe he can start working with Shinyun!!! She'll be super happy about that!! Alec would flip a table but it can work
“Um,” Max says. “Babe. I’m gonna have to call you back. Enjoy your shower!”
“David really do be bringing people together with his heart and his dick,” Max says solemnly.
He is a 10 like that!!!
When will Magnus tell his family that the Minyun boat has sank???
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Diego hired someone else to do his work.
No sweetie!!! Is not what you think!!!
Right Dani????
“Oh,” Rafael says. “I thought you were going to fire me.”
“Why would you think that?” Diego chuckles.
Because he never listens to me mr Rosales!!
“It was actually your brother,” Diego smiles.
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Rafael lets out a little gasp. “Dad did all my work?”
Holy shit, an emotional train just hit me!!
And Magnus too!!!! This family I swear 😭😭
“Alright!” Shinyun says cheerily, as she comes out bapak’s bedroom. “Let’s play Monopoly. Oh. Rafael. Hello.”
Shinyun and Max are in a whole other world, quibbling, and hissing at each other like feral cats.
Come on!!!! These two would be the greatest business partners ever!!!
Bapak blinks. “Um. I was, uh, referring to the Chairman.”
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Oh no my poor twin!! He must be dying looking at this scene 😭😭
UnFun fact about me: I hate Monopoly!!
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“Magnus,” dad says – his voice tight. “Can I use your bathroom?”
See I told you my twin was in pain!!!!! 😭😭😭😭
The man looks up. He is crying.
Of course he is crying... he's had nightmares about these type of scenarios 😭😭😭
“You’re not supposed to be comforting me! You’ve done enough!”
Nooo Alec that's not how it works!!!
“I’m so proud of you too, Rafael,” dad tells him. “That’s what I feel about you. Pride. So much pride. Not an ounce of disappointment. Okay?”
At least they talked!! I'm glad they finally saying what they feel!!!
Dad laughs at that. It’s loud and beautiful. “God, I love her.”
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“Me too,” dad sighs. “I’m glad he is moving on. I’m glad he is happy.”
“Are you?” Rafael asks.
Dad doesn’t say anything in response.
The answer is NO!!! This man has been happy for like two paragraphs in this entire story!!!
“Can you grab me a shirt from bapak’s wardrobe?” Rafael asks. “Leave it on the bed.”
My sneaky little child!!! Lo amo demasiado!!! Es un genio precioso!!!
Mavid supremacy!!!!! That's all I see!!
“Whatever works best for you,” bapak says. “We want you to have a choice this time. And whatever you chose, we will support you.”
This is everything!!!
It feels good to have choices.
I love Rafe and I'm really happy for him!!!
I am love this chapter... I won't even think about the amount of chapters lefts those are future me tears to shed
Thank you Dani, these last few chapters have been the Sarah and Tony of my life, it's like you went...
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And I love that for me!! ❤❤❤❤
and of course, I live to serve the LGBTQ community.
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beybladefanboy · 2 years
Some More LGBT Headcanons For Pride Month
Happy Pride Month everyone! Here’s a few more of my gay blader headcanons. Most of these are either newer or just stuff I left out last time. Starting with:
Kyoya: Polyamorous
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I also headcanon him as a trans man, which I’ve discussed a few times. (To simplify, some of his behaviours remind me of how I act as a result of my dysphoria and his shirt in Fury looks like a binder.) As for being poly, I have shipped him with both Gingka and Benkei equally for years so instead of choosing between the two, I see it as a polyship. Heck, on rewatch, I could even see potential for shipping him with Nile and Chris. Because I’m poly too and think it’s cute.
Julian: Bi
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His bey swings both ways :)
I'm so sorry. I can't help it. I don't have any evidence I just think the bi beys having bi Bladers is funny. I also wouldn’t blame him if he had crushes on Da Xiang and Sophie. Or his whole team for that matter.
Tetsuya: Polyamorous trans girl
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Honestly, if you’re uncomfortable with this idea, I don’t blame you at all and I’m not trying to insinuate in any way that Tetsuya is automatically a girl because of that one episode where they wear a ponytail and prance around talking about friendship.
So why is this my headcanon? Well… I honestly just think it’s cute. Yeah, that’s the whole reason. I’ve written about it in some private writing due to my trans sister presenting the idea and I’m in love with it. The narrative of her growing out her hair to experiment is cute. Her not really knowing or understanding because she… you know, lives with crabs is sad and cute. I have no good reason for this headcanon honestly, I just like it.
And the poly part is because I ship them with Ryutaro and Tobio. And the poly part is because I ship them with Ryutaro and Tobio. It would be the craziest throuple of all time and I am here for that kind of chaos. Speaking of:
Ryutaro: Polyamorous Bi
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Bi Ryutaro 100% supporting his transitioning girlfriend, helping with her makeup and hair and such. It’s freaking cute, I have no real reason for it other than that.
Tobio: Polyamorous Bi
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Blader Dj: The straight shooter! Captain Capri!
Tobio: Bi shooter, actually.
I swear these headcanons range from having actual reasoning to being good for bad puns. But also, it’s the same reason as the Ryutaro one.
Jack: Pan
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Jack just exudes the energy, he actively thirsts over Ryuga and especially Tsubasa. He needs the most beautiful bladers for his art, I don’t think he’d have a preference for gender. He can see beauty in all.
I’m also just a Jack simp, let me have this one :(
Masamune: Pan
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Masamune kinda reminds me of Yuma from Yugioh Zexal: arrogant, loud, and don’t give no crap about social norms or gender, just who a person is and whether they can Beyblade. Also, I won’t say a name yet, but Masamune may just have his eyes on someone in my writing :) So my ship is making me biased.
Hyoma: Gay
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I acknowledge Hyoma now, guys. And I acknowledge that this boy gay. Good for him.
Madoka: Sapio
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Okay, this is like half a joke but I do have some canon backing. For people who don't know what "Sapio" means, it's attraction to intelligence. I'm just saying Madoka instantly fell for Aleksei for being the only remotely smart person around her who wasn't too busy angsting. That was 100% a crush. A brief crush but still definitely a crush, she was fawning over him like crazy. The only one on Team Gan Gan Galaxy who's even remotely on the same wavelength as Madoka is Tsubasa, who she's seen with a lot in Masters. And it's not just standing next to each other. They're the only ones who don't eat like slobs so they sit next to each other, they narrate Gingka, Masamune, and Yu's battle against Sophie, Wales, and Julian during the Festival of Warriors, talking with a seemingly even understanding of beys. They're the only ones on the team with brain cells, or at least a similar kind of intelligence, and they also spend time together later in Fury and Shogun Steel. Not that I wrote this entire headcanon just to justify TsuMado, I'm just saying that Madoka seems to admire or at least click with people she perceives to be as smart as her.
These two gay
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I don’t think I really need to explain this one. We’ve all seen the episode.
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zezzydergy · 2 years
8. Do you believe there should be non-human pride? What do you imagine it being like?
I’m assuming the point of reference here is the LGBTQ+ pride parade and event. My answer is no. At least not now and maybe never. Pride started out as a protest for the rights of LGBTQ+ folk who suffered from violence and oppression. Being gay was a crime and we had to fight for our right to marriage. This is what pride is. A fight for our rights. Despite having come a long way, trans people are still in danger, with trans women being murdered a whole lot more than anyone else in the community and some countries in the world still viewing being gay as a crime.
You may tell me that pride is only a celebration in this day and age but that isn’t quite true. Perhaps you love your pride so you can be proud of being you, and that is a wonderful experience, I am happy you get such a beautiful feeling when going to pride. I just feel it is not a good idea to ignore the history of what pride is, along with robbing the place for those who continue to fight for their rights and bring awareness to the violence the community still faces to this day.
I am Nonbinary and omniromantic. In my country, if I want to get rid of my uterus, I need to take testosterone for 2 years. I know this because they forced my best friend, who is also nonbinary, to do that. They went through hell with their body changing and have gone through horrible dysphoria because some cisheteronormative illogical bullshit dictates that we as nonbinary folk need to prove we want this. There is no real medical reason for being on testosterone for 2 years to remove your uterus. Heck, a cis woman wouldn’t need to in order to remove hers. So I fight for the right to transition. Yes. in 2022.
So many things could be written as to why pride is the way it is but my general opinion of an alterhuman pride is that if it isn’t to protest for our rights, then is it only a celebration? As alterhuman, we aren't an oppressed group. If it’s only a celebration, is it really respectful of what pride is for LGBTQ+ folk? There’s a reason straight pride is not okay and that causes me to wonder if it’s a bad idea to make anything into a “pride”. Maybe in the future, we’ll have the need to fight for our rights as a community, then, we’ll most likely make our own movement. We’ll have that for ourselves and it will be its own, unique thing. These are just my thoughts, I do not represent the LGBTQ+ community as a whole nor do I have all the information on the subject, and honestly, as much as I am critical of the idea, I am not outraged by it.
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fruitcoops · 3 years
i would love to read coops doing one of those lie detector youtube videos!!
This was such a fun fic to research! I highly recommend watching the Try Guys Lie Detector videos if you'd like some context. Coops credit goes to @lumosinlove!
“Why are there so many of these?” Remus muttered, shaking his hand around. A series of multicolored wires smacked the table and Marlene rolled her eyes as she passed. “Sorry.”
“Welcome back to Lion Pride!” Sirius said as he turned to the camera with a smile. “I’m Sirius Black, and I’m here today with my husband, Remus Lupin, to get some answers.”
“We are also joined by Mark, who is an expert at reading polygraphs,” Remus added.
A middle-aged man in a blue shirt raised his hand in a slight wave. “Thanks for having me. Since you’re already hooked up, you’ll be going first. This machine measures your sweat, your heart rate, and a couple other common tells for liars. Do you lie often?”
Remus hesitated; Sirius hid a smile in his hand. “No, since I suck at lying, but I’ll do it if it makes somebody feel better. I think I’m pretty good at that.”
They stared at the polygraph for a moment before Mark nodded. “Checks out. Take it away, Sirius.”
Sirius cleared his throat and took a notecard from his stack. “Was going to college worth it?”
“Yes,” Remus answered almost immediately. “I don’t know what I would have done without getting my degree and staying close to hockey. Wouldn’t have met you, for one.”
“True,” Mark said without looking up.
“Do you like my playoff beard?”
“I do, yeah.” Mark raised his eyebrows and Remus pressed his lips together. “Okay, sometimes it’s a little much, but you’re pretty good about keeping things under control.”
“Alright,” Sirius said with playful skepticism. “Good to know. Who’s your favorite Lion?”
“Besides you? Talker.”
“Yeah, we don’t need a polygraph to know that,” Sirius laughed when Mark nodded. “Did you like my last haircut?”
“Oh, fuck,” Remus said under his breath, looking away.
“I knew it.”
“It wasn’t bad—”
“He’s lying,” Mark interrupted.
Remus turned to him with betrayal written all over his expression. “Dude!”
“You are.”
“Answer the question, Loops,” Sirius said, leaning back in his chair. “How did you feel about my last haircut?”
He bit his lower lip. “It was a little too short and really threw me off for a couple days. But you didn’t like it, either.”
“I didn’t,” Sirius agreed, grinning. “But I vividly remember several ‘no, honey, you look great’ conversations.”
“Next question,” Remus sighed.
“Ha! This one is self-explanatory. Have you ever lied to me?”
“Yes, but only when I knew it would make you feel better.”
“True,” Mark confirmed.
“Do you think you’re a better dog owner than me?”
Remus thought for a moment. “No.”
“Do you think I’m a better dog owner than you?” Sirius asked.
“No. I think we balance each other well, and we wouldn’t be as good apart.”
“True again.”
“Interesting.” Sirius surveyed the cards. “Do you trust me?”
“A hundred percent,” Remus answered without hesitation. Mark nodded.
“Do you think I would be a good dad?”
He rested his chin on his hand, then smiled a little. “I do, yeah. I think you know what to do and what notto do, and you’re very protective without being controlling. So, yeah. You’d be a good dad.”
Mark glanced over. “He’s telling the truth.”
Sirius leaned across the table and kissed Remus on the cheek. “Merci. Oh, this’ll be fun. Is any of our relationship just for show, especially on Lion Pride?”
Remus narrowed his eyes with a hum. “Yes and no.”
“Pick one,” Mark said.
“In a general sense? Yeah, sure. We’re not perfect all the time, but we pretend to be. The specifics stay honest, though. None of our relationship is based on building clout. We keep the core genuine.”
The polygraph beeped for a moment. “He’s telling the truth.”
“This one is super morbid. Ready?” Sirius rested his elbows on the table. “You are Spiderman, and you’re holding two trolleys over a lake. One holds me, and one holds Jules. Which one do you drop?”
“I love you, but I would absolutely drop you,” Remus said after only a brief period of thought.
“Oh, thank god,” Sirius huffed. “I would be so upset if it was the other way around.”
“Right? I love you more than anything, but it’s Jules.”
Remus turned to Mark, who shrugged. “True.”
“Do you think we live together well?” Sirius asked.
“After a full year of it?” Remus laughed. “Yeah, I do.”
Sirius checked the list and his eyebrows rose. “You’re going to hate this one.”
“Am I?”
“What do you really think about my parents?”
Remus’ smile turned thin and Sirius spread his hands in a see? motion. He was quiet for a few seconds, then ran a hand through his hair. “I don’t think I’m allowed to use those words on this channel. Um, I don’t like them.”
Mark snorted. “Very true.”
“Last one,” Sirius warned, though his eyes crinkled happily at the edges. “Do you know how much I love you?”
“That’s cute,” Remus said. “And…yeah. I think I do.”
“Wrong,” Sirius said before Mark could answer. “You have absolutely no idea.”
“Sap,” Remus scoffed. His cheeks were pink, and he pressed a quick kiss to Sirius’ temple while they swapped chairs.
“He was telling the truth,” Mark informed them as he helped Remus untangle his arm and hand, then transferred the devices to Sirius. “Though I am interested to see the flipside. Do you lie often?”
“Not anymore. I’m pretty good at it, though.”
“First one: have you ever had a crush on one of your teammates?”
“Oh, for sure,” Sirius said with a light laugh. “I never did anything about it, but I was the king of pining for a solid decade.”
“True,” Mark affirmed.
Remus cocked an eyebrow. “Who is the handsomest Lion?”
Sirius bit his lip, making a thoughtful noise. “That’s a tough one. I’m assuming a player other than you?”
“In that case…I think Dumo is the classic definition of ‘handsome’ even though he is so not my type, but Kasey might be the most attractive.”
“Not Pots?” Remus teased. Sirius pulled a face and flicked him on the arm.
“He’s being honest,” Mark said.
“Do you think you’re the best player on the team?”
“He’s lying.”
“Shit.” Sirius sighed heavily as Remus looked at him over the edge of his notecard. “Look, it’s—it’s not an ego thing.”
“It’s the captain thing, isn’t it?” Remus sounded quite amused.
“Yeah,” Sirius said, defeated. “It’s stupid, I know.”
Mark nodded. “He’s telling the truth.”
“Oh, another parent one,” Remus remarked. “Did my parents scare you?”
“Not really.”
Mark furrowed his brows. “You’re right in the middle.”
“Huh.” He thought for a few seconds. “I think seeing you all together was a lot like meeting Dumo’s family the first time. You’re just so…normal. And you genuinely like each other. So I wasn’t scared, but it was definitely an adjustment.”
“He’s telling the truth.”
Remus nodded. “Yeah, they adore you. I’m glad we didn’t chase you off, though. Does it really bother you that I leave my socks around the house?”
Sirius pressed his lips together as several people off-screen began to laugh. “I can’t answer that.”
“See, that’s all the answer I need.”
“Fine. Yes, but only because I don’t know where you get them from. You don’t actually own that many socks, and I still find them every-fucking-where.”
“True,” Mark said.
“I’ll try to keep a better eye on things,” Remus assured him, smiling. “You are Spiderman, and you’re holding two trolleys over a lake. One holds me, and one holds James. Which one do you drop?”
“Goddammit,” Sirius muttered, tilting his head back. He thought for a long, long moment. “I can’t answer that.”
The polygraph buzzed. “False.”
Sirius shook his head. “Neither of you. I wouldn’t drop either.”
Mark raised his eyebrows. “True.”
“On a much lighter note,” Remus said with a cough. “Which of us is lazier?”
“Really?” Remus gave him a baffled look. “You work so hard all the time.”
Sirius shrugged. “Agree to disagree?”
“Fine, but I hope you know taking time for yourself doesn’t mean you’re lazy.” He shuffled through the cards. “Oh, this’ll be very interesting. Do you think I talk too much?”
Remus sat back in his chair, a pleased blush coloring his cheeks. “Wasn’t expecting that. Good answer, I love you. Do you think we’ll get divorced someday?”
“Oh, god, no.” Sirius’ previous self-satisfaction turned to revulsion. “I don’t even want to think about that.”
“True,” Mark said again. “For someone who said he was good at lying, you’re very honest.”
“No point in lying with that thing around, is there?”
Remus shrugged. “Saves time, for sure. Have you kissed any of our friends?”
“Yeah,” he snorted.
To his credit, Mark didn’t even let a smile slip through. “True.”
“Do you enjoy getting stopped in public by fans?”
“Fans, yes. Ex-fans who take it upon themselves to explain why I shouldn’t be gay, no.” He paused, then shook his head with a smile. “I’m not good at talking to people, but I do like it when people say hello. It’s cool.”
Remus raised his notecards. “Two left, and the first one is hella morbid.”
“Hella,” Sirius murmured, earning himself a teasing glare.
“Watch it. If I died, how long would you wait to get remarried?”
The playfulness dropped away. “What?”
“If I died, how long would you wait to get remarried?” Remus repeated.
Sirius looked horrified by the very thought. “I wouldn’t.”
“True,” Mark said, seemingly uncaring about the alarm on Sirius’ face.
“Even if it happened tomorrow?”
“First of all, thanks for my new nightmare. Second, no. I wouldn’t get married again.” He kissed Remus’ forehead gently. “Let’s not test that, though. Like ever.”
“Deal. Ready for the last one?”
“As long as nobody else is in danger of death.”
“I dunno, it’s a tough one.” Remus gave him a solemn look across the table. “I need you to be really honest with me on this one. Do you think you have better hair?”
Sirius blinked at him, then burst out laughing. Even Mark’s lips twitched into a suppressed smile. “Oh my god.”
“What’s so funny?” Remus asked, completely poker-faced. “This is important, honey. I’m really counting on you to be genuine with me here—”
“You can’t even—” Sirius broke off again and gestured to Remus’ face, which turned steadily pinker as he bit down a grin. “You can’t even keep a straight face.”
“My face is the only straight thing about me. You know this. Answer the question.”
“He’s trying so hard,” Sirius managed as he looked to the camera. “So hard, mon dieu.”
“Shit,” Remus muttered as he finally gave in and hid his laughter in the crook of his elbow. “We were doing so well until now! It’s the last question, just answer it!”
Sirius wiped a tear from the corner of his eye and nodded. “I do think I have better hair, but I love yours, too.”
Mark chuckled. “True.”
“It would help if you finally got a haircut that was different from the one you’ve had since you were thirteen.”
Remus closed his eyes, sighing. “Y’know, exposing my haircut choices for the entire internet to mock really wasn’t how I planned this day going.”
“Isn’t that the point of this whole video?”
“Mark, I’m not sure if we owe you an apology or not, but thank you for putting up with us.” Remus turned back to the camera with an easy smile. “Thanks for joining us today, everyone. Make sure to like and subscribe to Lion Pride for more videos like this!”
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absolutebl · 3 years
This Week In BL
May 2021 Wk 2
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Lovely Writer Ep 12 fin - that was a long arse final ep, but solid performances. I liked that we focused on the fallout amongst the side characters. (Very clever of them to depict Chap with Tae, his Y-Destiny pairing. Especially as both actors are slated for new BL roles with different partners again, The Tuxedo and You’re My Sky.) The camera certainly enjoyed wallowing in Sib & Gene’s separation, but that’s an Asian drama for you. They like to DWELL. (Frankly, I like a bit of wallowing myself.) I thought the inclusion of the “actual” writer at the very end thoroughly unnecessary. I don’t think they had to beat us over the head with the 4th wall meta quite that much. Still, this is probably one of the best BLs we’re getting from non-GMMtV Thailand this year. RECOMMENDED 
Y-Destiny Ep 8 - (Thurs) I found the first half uninteresting but once Casper the Friendly Gay showed up it was fine. The ghost reminded me a bit of Fuse from MIR. 
Close Friend Ep 4: (Just One Life) - is it just me or is Talay insanely charismatic? Anygay, the director got ahold of a drone for this one and would like us to KNOW ABOUT THAT FACT. Look, I just don’t think YoonLay have great chemistry but this was alright, cute enough. 
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Fish Upon The Sky Ep 6 - This was a better installment than we’ve had in a while. I like the obsession vs love explanation from Mork, insightful if creepy. Meen & Duean are okay, I guess. A bit annoying. Everyone in this show is a bit annoying. But the wipe toothpaste then wipe eye crud got to me. Toothpaste in the eye, yech! And then I was all, oh that’s basically this show: toothpaste in the eye. It just reviewed itself. (Also why do they keep switching aspect ratio between the two pairs? It’s like they were filming with two completely different camera types... oh. ah. Weird, GMMTV usually doesn’t make mistakes like that.) 
Call it What You Want Ep 6 fin - I skipped to the last ep on this, I told you I do that sometimes to find out what happened. So CIWYW ends happy for the main couple, but trigger warnings on: eating disorders, suicidal thoughts, depression, mental abuse, and a few other things. If you don’t mind your BL dark, gritty, self aware, and honest then you should be okay with this show. But if your preference is for fluff, then there are other fish in the sky. Speaking of... 
Nitiman Ep 2 - Giving me My Engineer vibes. This is OLD school Thai uni BL. I kinda feel like it was meant to come out in 2018, the gap year that was, but I am SO GRATEFUL we’re getting it now. Pay TF attention FUTS this is how you redeem a tsundere uke. Also I love that Bboom is just a terrible flirt and the football match twist was great. I love this show.  
Top Secret Together Ep 1 - it’s out there but no eng subs. It’s an office set romance with multiple couples all tangential to one building. A bit stilted and low production values but I’m intrigued. I hope we get subs... eventually.  
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
HIStory 4: Close To You (Taiwan) Ep 9 - gets the safe sex gold star for lube + condoms AND a verse discussion? Not to mention asking for sex advice from queer fam? Is this a first in BL? Might be. (I still think it’s weird that product placement hasn’t jumped on the lube bandwagon, too slippery perhaps?) I like the embezzlement drama. I always enjoy good outside conflict playing to setting, and this is the kind to be easily resolved in next week’s finale. What a roller coster this series has been. 
Papa & Daddy (Taiwan) Ep 5 - I LOVE THIS SHOW. A heartbeat after i thought, “they better address what he’s doing to the girls he’s dating,” they did it. Clever scripting that. The messaging is gorgeous, the idea that pride and media coverage and knowing about a changing world can broaden minds and lead to acceptance was basically Taiwan making a case for itself paving the way for marriage equality in Asia. Genius. 
Most Peaceful Place 2 (Vietnam) Ep 1 (AKA 4) - dropped with subs and improved production values, someone is learning (or got more dough). The younger brother’s drama is a bit confusing, but I am here for cute boyfriends being cute boyfriends together. And I love that they took the seme’s previous pair (from Nation’s Brother) to be the faen fatale, very crafty of them. Even though it’s not a trope I like, there’s great chemistry all around. 
My Lascivious Boss (Vietnam) Ep 6 - I weirdly love this show, okay? I’m just hoping Long has known Minh’s secret all along and is playing a reverse long con cat & mouse game, waiting for Minh to tell him the truth. Because that would be THE BEST. I could do without the faen fatale but ya can’t have everything. (I’m so glad it’s not the standard 6 ep arc, MOAR!!!) 
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Rumor is GMMTV Thailand started shooting Baker Boys (here’s the teaser trailer). This is a remake of Antique (AKA Antique Bakery) a 2008 Korean movie (you can watch it on Viki) which is a remake of Antique (a 2001 Japanese series) with is an adaptation of wildly popular manga Antique Bakery. Knowing the plot I’m not sure this will qualify as BL. I’m still predicting Lee gets his first gay kiss in this series from Singto. More details about this series here. 
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Breaking News
Love Area release pushed out, reportedly due to C19. (source DramaCool) 
Be Love In House: I Do (Taiwan, of course, with that title) got a new softer trailer (no subs). It drops next week, May 19, 2021 on Viki. All the information I have is here. 
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Tangential to BL 
Two BL-adjacent shows, both from Taiwan. 
I’m watching Love is Science? on Viki which has a het foundation, but it’s a good one. There’s a BL side couple who are on an enemies to lovers slow burn trajectory; featuring a disaster bi slut meets elegant bad ass super gay. So there’s THAT. The mains are an older career woman and the sweet boy from her distant past who has pined for her for years. (He is the softest sweetest service sub you ever saw.) Props to Taiwan for a seriously underused het dynamic. As usual in Asian rom coms the straight boy love interest is a Perfect Cinnamon Role (yes I’m looking at you True Beauty & Love O2O) but I find Taiwan’s version more palatable than Korea’s or Mainland China’s. It’s not finished yet but... RECOMMENDED. 
Starting this week is Love Outlet a 50 (?!) episode show about a mall that sells relationships. It is supposed to have a main gay romance, but it might be a side dish. Very little else known about it. Coming to Line TV.
Honestly, I’m at the point where if Taiwan makes it, I’ll probably watch it. 
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Next Week Looks Like This:
Some shows may be listed later than actual air date for International accessibility reasons.
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Be Loved In House: I Do (Taiwan) 
Golden Blood (Thailand) we think, like Love Area this may be delayed due to surging C19 cases 
Love Outlet (Taiwan) we think 
Upcoming 2021 BL master post here.
Links to watch are provided when possible, ask in a comment if I missed something.
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angzlicas · 3 years
Would it be so bad (as in career ending) for Jensen and/or Misha to come out as bisexual? (Keep in mind that I’m not American and I also know nothing about the industry)
With pride month and all I’ve been thinking about people on the public eye and LGBT+ issues. Ofc that no one that doesn’t want to come out, should do it. But I wonder on the why wouldn’t they want to, considering that the western world today is a lot more accepting of LGBT nowadays. They’d loose a part of their fanbase for sure, but they’d gain a lot more young LGBT fans that could compensate it. I apologize if this isn’t the kind of ask you wanted in your inbox, I was just thinking about it today and came across your post
I was actually just talking about this with a friend of mine! I'm not industry-savy enough to be able to have a super well-thought out response to this, job-wise, so I'll just give my take.
Jensen was raised in the south. Same region as me, actually, in a county right next door. We have a few generations between us, so I'm sure his experience is much different, but I've seen interviews where he talked about being in theater in high school and being made fun of for it, called slurs, etc. People here are definitely not as accepting as further up north, so that most-definitely left an impact. Now I don't like to assume anyone's sexuality, so I'm not going to say he's afraid to come out. However, if he is bisexual, there are a lot of factors working against him.
One of those factors is the biphobia across the mainstream media, making bi people and characters out to be whores and sluts, feeding into the 'will-sleep-with-anyone' stereotype so many of us face.
Now let's say Cockles is real. Jensen comes out, chooses to come out with Misha. (This is literally me spit-balling a very hypothetical situation.) This could be seen as feeding into the above stereotype, helping to (wrongly) reinforce the idea that bi = unfaithful = slut. It could tarnish his reputation, he'd be seen as "the famous actor in love with two people, one of which he's married to. Each a different gender". It could lead to the media questioning if he's not actually gay and just not admitting to it, writing and saying that his marriage to Danneel is fake, leading to hatemail and threats. A lot of bad things could happen here.
Okay, so we covered the Cockles side of it. Let's talk about if he's just bi and closeted.
He's married, been married for 11 years. Coming out isn't exactly a priority for him. While, yes, it would be amazing to all of us in the LGBTQ+ community, and more specifically, the bi community, he doesn't owe us anything. He's in a happy marriage, with happy kids, and a happy life. If you look at it that way, there isn't much reason for Jensen to come out that wouldn't bring hate and the threat of violence to his family, not to mention what the media will say. There aren't many "out" bisexual actors, especially married ones. And probably for the reasons I listed above.
On to Misha.
Misha has never, as far as I know, explicitly stated he's straight. There are pictures of him with pride flags of all kinds (outside of fan photo ops) that encourage this idea. His wife, who is bi, even wrote a book about her and her husband (she never uses his name but they've been together since high school so it's obviously Mish) and their experience with threesomes. He may not be explicitly out due to the same reasons for Jensen, but I honestly think it's only a matter of time before he comes out, whether that be bi, pan, or any of the other all-encompassing sexualities. Misha also isn't really a labels man, so we may never have an outright answer. But if and when he comes out, I think it'll be in a "of course I am, couldn't you tell?" way.
That's my take, and I tried to be as respectful as possible, as they are real people. I hope this helps, nonnie! If anyone wants to add, feel free!
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