#okay enough rambling thak u so much anon u seriously don't know how happy i was to recieve this jlhgfttdfyguk
whirlybirdwhat · 3 years
Hey, so I wanted to know if you're planning to write and publish a physical book someday, because I have to say: your writing is amazing.
I have been thinking it since I read your East Sea of Monsters AU on AO3, but what did it to me was your Till The Sea Gives Up The Dead one shot. I couldn't stop crying for some minutes even as I finished reading.
HI ANON??? ANON??? thank you so very much for this ask when i first read it i could not stop smiling and like. vibing in excitement this is truly just me going <333333333 at you rn because this is honestly one of the sweetest things anyone has said to me about my writing!!
as to actually answer your question instead of just showering you with thanks - yes! one day, when i am financially independent and such aha. I have,,,, three specific ideas for an original work!! one is essenntially an enders game meets dimensional travel + found family shenanigans, which i have 50k for currently because i did that for my first nanowrimo, and hope to come back to someday, another is a space pirate novel which im REALLY excited about, and the last one is a novel about a young child who decides that conquering the seas isn't enough - she needs to conquer the sky as well, and give herself that horizon. None of these besides the first have any substantial writing to them or charactters as well -
original writing is a different beast than fic. while creating the world is easy enough to me, the characters need to all be fleshed out,,,, and plot. Plot is a need.
so, short answer: yes! i am planning to publish an actual book someday! i most likely will not link it here due to my real name being on the book (unless i choose to write under an alternate name), but hopefully you'll be lucky enough to stumble across it someday :DDDD
(and also im so glad you enjoyed esom and till the sea!!!!! two of some of my beloved fics, and im so overjoyed that you enjoyed them. that's a lot of joy. ah well i feel joy rn aha. but look forward for an update to till the sea in the coming days!!!)
thank you so much anon, this ask truly made my day!!! <3333
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