#okay i don't think I'd forget EVERYTHING but i know I'd most likely fumble more often
foxxsong · 2 years
On one hand, I want to show off my ability to understand some of the Hebrew aleph-bet, given I've started from absolutely nothing and have only ever known the English alphabet.
On the other hand, I just KNOW that if I try in front of anyone I will immediately forget everything I've learned and look like a fool.
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frunbuns · 2 years
I read Resistance Reborn recently so here's some quotes I saved from it
(Spoilers, duh)
The citizens of Coronet City watched the TIE explode into nothingness. Some curious, most apathetic. And then they continued on home to waiting families and household pets, or to the cantina to meet with friends, or to a thousand other places under the setting sun. The exploding TIE tighter didn't even make the evening newsfeeds, and by the next morning, it was all but forgotten.
She wondered how much she was supposed to suffer in a single lifetime, how much exactly one person could take.
It was the nature of war, to put its children through hell, to murder their parents.
"Say it again, Zay. I'm having trouble hearing you. You're breaking up."
"Oh." And then louder and slower. "SHRIV AND I... HAVE GOTTEN... SOME PROMISING LEADS...?"
Leia smiled good-naturedly at the girl's exaggerated overcorrection. "I can hear you fine now. Speak normally."
"Poe, can you do something for me?"
"Anything, General."
The heaviness that Poe had been carrying lifted a bit. They weren't saying what he did was okay, but they weren't going to abandon him either. "I'll work to make it better," he said, quietly, head down, shame heavy on his shoulders. "I swear it."
And then there were arms around him and faces too close and steady words of encouragement. Poe soaked it all in like a dying man given an impossible reprieve.
"She's a great! But she's also nuts."
"All the best pilots are," Suralinda murmured, loud enough for everyone to hear.
"[...] Not that these people aren't responsible for their crimes, but they might have something to offer the Resistance, and something the Resistance can offer in turn." Even as he said it the words struck close to home. Was he talking about former Imperials, or was he talking about himself?
"Be the light, Poe."
"[...] I always did like your hair a little long."
"Now you tell me," he said. "Right before I join up again."
"The Resistance will let you keep your hair. Have you seen Poe Dameron?"
"He does have nice hair," Wedge agreed.
"Maybe my expectations were too high," Poe admitted. Or maybe the problem was the messenger more than the message. Maybe Maz didn't trust him, didn't respect him. These days, he barely trusted himself.
[...] But now the doubts were closing in again, making him question how he was going to overcome the mistakes above D'Qar and the mess he made on the Raddus. Black Squadron had at least understood, and Leia seemed to understand, even if he still suspected she was disappointed in him.
[...] It was a shame he would have to live with for the rest of his life, and the only thing he could think to do to make up for it was to give his all, everything he had—body and blood and soul—to rebuilding the Resistance.
Poe hadn't known Paige Tico well, but her sacrifice was etched into his memory. He was responsible for her death too. [...] But at the expense of Paige's life, among others. So many others. Blood on his hands, and he wouldn't forget it.
"You're absolutely right. I disobeyed a direct order, I got people killed, I undermined my commander, and led a mutiny. And if you don't think that eats me up, that it haunts me every day, every minute, then you don't know a damn thing."
"[...] you could lock me up, throw me into space, [...] trust me, if I thought my death would bring them down, I'd sacrifice myself in a heartbeat."
"We've all made choices," Poe said. "Choices that caused harm, led to destruction, even at times death. We are all responsible for our deeds. The great and the terrible. But if we define ourselves only by what we've done, only by our failures, then this Resistance, this spark? It dies here and now."
He waited a moment, but no one interrupted. Keep going, he told himself.
"We're all here because we have a chance to change things. A chance to change the galaxy. A chance to change ourselves. But we have to make that commitment. That choice. A choice..." Poe hesitated. It sounded good when he'd started, but now he was fumbling. He looked around as if trying to summon the words from the air around him.
"A choice to be better." A voice pierced the silence, and the girl Zay stepped forward. She was young, easily the youngest among them, but her voice was clear and strong and her eyes shone with conviction.
Poe pressed a fist over his heart, grateful. There it was.
"A choice to be better," he repeated.
"For the record, your parents would be proud, space baby or not."
"Hmmm," she said, sounding inconvenienced.
"Especially your mom, especially Iden."
Poe quickened his pace, scared that failure even now dogged his steps. But we wouldn't let Leia down again. He would not fail. He would get this right, even if it killed him.
But when Hanhee went down, a piece if Leia's heart went with the Twi'lek warrior.
Snap nodded. "I'm just glad you're okay, dad."
Something in Wedge's chest swelled. His heart, he guessed. Dad.
"I'm great, son. Just great." And he meant it.
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Date Night Pt. 2
Okay, so a lot of people enjoyed the first Date Night so I figured I'd make this one. The first one is fine to read on it's own, that's how I wrote it. This is just extra content, basically. 😌
The elevator opened up to my floor of Addison apartments. My face was wet with tears. Larry was so great in the beginning of our relationship, and I didn't think that would have changed so quickly.
"Fuck Larry." I say out loud this time, speaking to the dark and empty hall. I was fumbling with my key card to get through the door when the apartment door to the left of me opened.
"Hey, y/n." A boy with almost orange hair and glasses emerged.
"Hi, Todd." I say, sniffling, still not being able to get the damn card in the door the right way. Our conversation didn't last much longer than that, with Todd walking off, seeming too busy to pay attention to what I was doing. "Bye, Todd?"
Finally, I heard the lock click open and it let me through. God, fuck this fucking door. Fuck literally everything. I sighed and walked towards my bathroom to shower and take off the makeup that was itching my face like crazy. My phone buzzed with a text from Ashley.
"Hey, are you ok? Larry just called me and he's freaking out, because he thinks you're mad at him??"
"I am mad at him. He's a jerk. Tonight was date night, just us, and when I showed up, he didn't even remember he made plans with me."
I sent the text off, and sat my phone down, not really sure whether I wanted to respond again or not. I stripped and hopped into the shower, standing under the stream of water, letting it mix with my tears. I'm not mad he was stoned, I'm not mad he was with Sal. I'm mad he talked to me the way he did, and the fact he couldn't even be bothered to remember our plans.
Ashley told me she would talk to him, and more power to her, but I certainly wasn't. Not tonight anyways. And as soon as the thought finished running through my mind, I heard a frantic knock on my door. I shut the water off hesitantly, my mind running off into the most horrible things it could muster up. I was naked and vulnerable and not ready for a fight, if it came to that. "Uh, yeah, h-hang on! I'm coming."
The person on the other side of the door didn't say anything, so I scrambled to get dressed. Throwing on a shirt and some pants, and tossing my towel into the basket in the corner of the room, I reached the front door. I, of course, looked into the peephole first. It was Larry, speak of the devil.
"No, go the fuck away. I don't want to talk to you, dude." I refused to unlock the door.
"Y/n, come on. I'm sorry. Let me come in and talk to you. Please. I even called Ash and told her how badly I fucked up and we both know she's gonna kick my ass for that."
"I heard, she texted me too. Said you were panicking." I definitely had a smirk on my face, and I hoped he could hear it in my voice. I opened the door a little, to look at him face to face.
"Larry, go back to your apartment. I've showered, gotten into pjs, and I'm going to bed. I don't care about date night anymore. You're off the hook." My voice wavered a bit and I silently cursed myself.
"I-...I don't want to be off the hook. I want you to tell me I fucked up. And I KNOW I did. I'm sorry. I didn't forget our plans because I didn't care. I didn't think you wanted to do it anymore. We talked about it like, weeks ago, and I should have noticed how excited you were about it, and I'm sorry. Please let me in?"
I didn't know what to say, so I just shut the door and stood there for a second. I wasn't going to immediately forgive him, but I guess I could let him in.
"Okay, Larry, you can co-" The sentence wasn't even fully out of my mouth before he was in the living room, scooping me up into his arms and planting kisses all over my face.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I love you so much, don't ever get that mad at me again. I was stressing, Sal even told me it was fucked. Fuck I'm sorry."
Did I hear him right? He said he loved me?
His face went red when he realized what he said. My face was red. Everybody was embarrassed.
"Uh, I mean...I like you. Totally. Yeah, that's what I meant, I just like you. A lot. Tooootally."
"Larry, I love you too, ya big dummy. And if you EVER forget our plans again, we're actually fighting next time." He sits me down and is smiling softly.
"Okay, I won't. I promise. Pinky promise. Cross my heart, even! I definitely meant to say I love you, and I'm relieved you feel the same way. I love you. Iloveyouiloveyouiloveyou!"
"I love you too, Larry. Now, do you wanna just stand here in my living room or go cuddle and watch scary movies?" He was already halfway down the hallway.
"Oh you already know what I wanna do babe!" His giggles linger after him. I smile and follow him, shutting my bedroom door.
This was sorta rushed, but I hope you guys like this one. I'm not very good at writing sappy romantic things, but I really tried. Haha. This is finished now, but if you guys want anything else, my inbox is open 💕
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