#okay last one before i try to tackle some drafts now that im home
kazliin · 7 years
You've talked about au swaps but imagine LAF Viktor and OBS Viktor switching places for ultimate mindfucks
I asked @lucycamui about this and we ended up actually rough drafting how this might go! 
(warning, long post under the cut)
K - This world collide would be WAY too confusing for themboth 😂
L - Oh my god. I don’t even know how that would happen…just…. Well obs!Victor would probably be super happy XD
K - Obs Viktor would love it but it would be so…alien. It’snot like him swapping into a universe where he’s still a skater or anything, it’s a completely different world and completely different people. You’d needseveral hundred K of him just trying to get over the culture shock and figureout what the hell is going on 😂
L - Wandering around a fairytale village going “….wtfam I… is this Disneyland?! How did I get to Disneyland?!”
K - ‘This is Hasetsu’. ‘No it isn’t’. He just SO CONFUSED
L - Except no one would talk to him cause he’s the prince. Andwhy dafuq is the prince wearing such odd clothes. Is this another new trendfrom the Giacometti kingdom?
K - No-one is talking to him. What if it happened when he’swearing his stammi vicino costume for maximum confusion
L - Ohmygod
K - Because he looks kinda like royalty
L - Phichit pops up in a flash of glitter. “DUDE!”
K - Viktor is like 'HOLY SHIT’. 'WHY ARE YOU SPARKLING?’ Phichitit like 'I’m a fairy godmother duh?’ And Viktor is just standing there like 'thekind that…grants wishes?’ 'Yes but what would you even bother to wish for.You don’t need a fairy godmother’
L - “Honey I already granted all your wishes by gettingyou that fine pastry ass”. Phichit narrowing his eyes at Victor“…..You’re not the prince”. “IMPOSTER! ”
K - Viktor panics. Everyone is looking. There’s a glitterydude that looks like Yuuri’s friend and claims to be a fairy godmother yellingat him. It’s not a good start to the day
L - Phichit would glitter puff them to the palace and startinterrogating Victor. “WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH THE LOVE OFYUURI’S LIFE, DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD I WORKED ON THAT?! ”
K 'I think I might be in the wrong world. And also my Yuurihates me in mine’ 'WHAT?????’THIS ISNT THESIS WORK THIS IS HOW YOURFAIRYGODMOTHER GETS A PHD’. 'I don’t think my world has fairy godmothers.’ 'Wellif my two needed the amount of help they did to get together then you and yourpastry boy are definitely a hopeless case’
L - “He’s not a pastry boy, he’s a skater.” “Awhat now?”
K - An ice skater. Like me. ‘What do you mean LIKE YOU???’
K - Getting a bit meta there 😂😂😂 Viktor’slike 'uhhhhhh, I’m not the prince and also Russia didn’t have a great historywith how the monarchy ended to maybe give whoever you think I am a heads up onthat. Also what do you mean Yuuri’s a pastry boy?’
L “……Gimme one second.” Phichit puffs away andpuffs back a second later, eyes the size of elephants.“Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh… so seems like there was some magic that wentwrong and umm….. nice to meet you? I’m Phichit?”
K - 'Totally routine, totally fixable. We think. Well, wehope. 'Funny thing really, it turns out when someone, say the prince forexample, tells his husband that he can’t imagine a world where they’re notcompletely in love while the fairy godmothers are having their graduation ballwith a lot of fairy liquor then accidents sometimes happen’
L - “….HUsband?!?!”
K - 'Yes, yes. Husband. Big wedding, lots of flowers. Thedelegation from the Giacometti kingdom brought a pole to demonstrate the newtype of dance, it was all very lovely now shut up and let me think’
L - “Wait wait wait, you’re saying I’m married Yuuri?Here? In this world? I married Yuuri? Yuuri Katsuki? He married me???”
K - 'Was it…an arranged marriage?’ (He doesn’t want tothink it could be a marriage of love, not yet. He’s can’t get his hopes upuntil he’s sure)
L - Phichit blinks and then throws a handful of glitter intoVictor’s face. “Yuuri’s been head over heels for you since he was twelve.So much so he was scared to ever meet you, but thanks to the most amazing andwonderful ME, you guys are the happiest couple in the kingdom. Possibly on theplanet. The fairy economy is in the biggest boom in history. It’s non-stopparties… I guess that was the problem.”
K - 'There can’t be a universe where Yuuri doesn’t love you.It just can’t exist. Which means something must have gone very wrong in yourown world if you think that he doesn’t’. And since I am the EXPERT in thesematters I will kindly offer you my services to help you out’
L - That’s the moment that Victor.exe stops running. ImagineYuuri coming in and seeing him, running up and nearly tackling him in anembrace, all worried. “Where have you been? You just disappeared, I was soconcerned something happened to you!”
K - Viktor would absolutely short circuit at that. His armswould automatically come up to wrap around Yuuri and he’d just…hold him.Press his face into his hair and breath in his scent. Phichit coughs awkwardly
L - “Ummm, don’t go making out or repeating yourwedding night or whatever because there’s a small problem of…. that’s notVictor. I mean, it’s Victor, but it’s not /our/ Victor.” Yuuri looking upin confused wonder because hell, certainly looks like his Victor
K - 'What do you mean, not my Viktor?’ I know my husbandwhen I see him. Viktor’s brain still hasn’t quite managed to get over thehusband thing yet. 'Yes. Well.’ Phichit looks a little shifty as he says it.'There was a slight…accident’
L - Yuuri hears the word accident and panics a little.Grabs Victor’s face and rolls it in his hands, checks the top of his head,searches him all over to make sure he isn’t injured. “Victor, are youokay??”
K - Phichit gulps a little. 'More like a, uh, magicalaccident’. Yuuri’s head whips around. 'Phichit I swear to god if you and Viktorgot drunk together again and tried to invent another new spell I will end you.I couldn’t sleep with him for a week after the last time went wrong!’ Viktordecides this is a good moment to step in. 'Phichit was right before,’ he says,wishing he doesn’t have to admit it but knowing that he does. 'I’m not yourViktor. And you’re not my Yuuri. Where I come from my Yuuri isn’t…mine’
L - …you just broke my heart
K - Because it’s me, what did you expect 😉.Can you imagine Yuuri’s face? It just…crumples. 'You didn’t…want him?’
L - “W-… what do you mean I’m not yours?” TwT. allof his insecurities come flooding back. WHY YOU GOTTA RUIN MY FAIRYTALE
K - IM NOT RUINING I PROMISE. Because Yuuri is going to getsuper assured since not only does Viktor love him here but he loves him onother worlds too. Viktor’s love is a universal constant. Yuuri isn’t used toseeing Viktor as the insecure one, the one who doubts his love. But if Viktor’slove for him is a universal constant across worlds then the only thing thatmakes sense is that his own is too. If this Viktor loves his Yuuri then Yuuriknows that the other Yuuri must love Viktor just as much. He’s just got tofigure out what went wrong with them to make sure they have the same fairytaleending
L - “Maybe you should stop interpretive dancing so muchand actually tell your Yuuri that you love him?” Yuuri suggests. “Ifhe’s like me, he’ll be scared that you’re too much for him. He loves you somuch and can’t believe you could possibly feel the same, so he won’t show youunless you show him.”
K - 'Do you really think that Yuuri could love me?’ Viktorasks. After everything that’s happened he barely dares hoping but now he’s seenthis world where Yuuri is his and they’re so happy together and it makes himbelieve. 'Tell him you love him and you’ll know’ Yuuri replies.'But I can’t imagine a world could exist where you didn’t have my heartentirely’. 'And now that that’s sorted out,’ Phichit interjects.'Now we need to figure out how to get you home. And let’s hope our Viktordidn’t do anything too dramatic in your universe’ 
(This is a futile hope)
L - Oh you know Prince Victor is running straight up toYuuri and leaping into his arms, showering his face with kisses “MYDARLING SWAN~!!!♡♡♡ I’VE BEEN LOOKING EVERYWHEREFOR YOU”
K - Yuuri SCREAMS. He thinks it’s some kind of cruel cruelprank because Viktor is beaming at him and clasping his hands and what theactual hell is going on?? 'Viktor, what the hell are you doing??’ Viktor pouts.'Why, just greeting my darling husband of course’ 'HUSBAND?!??!’
K - 'Viktor stop it it’s not funny. I know you don’t thinkof me that way but I’d started to think that you were better than this,pretending’. Viktor is just gobsmacked. 'Yuuri my love what do you mean? Mylove for you is endless. I would chase you to the ends of the earth and backjust to be allowed to look upon your face again and bask in your presence. Howcan you still doubt that I love you?
L - Victor would think he’s joking. “Oh, is this a newgame? Say the opposite of the truth? Sounds fun, sounds like something Emil ofNikola would enjoy. Okay…. I didn’t fall in love with you at firstsight!”
K - Yuuri snorts. 'Of course you didn’t fall in love with meat first sight. You don’t even remember the first time you saw me. And someonelike you is never going to fall in love with someone like me so you can dropthe act now.’ And Viktor recognises this part of Yuuri, much much worse thanhe’s ever seen it before but that little tiny part of his own Yuuri that stillsometimes doubts that a baker is worthy of a prince. That’s what he’s seeingnow. And the obvious solution is to prove Yuuri just how wrong he is. 'Okanother back to front thing then. You weren’t the most beautiful person that Ihad ever seen. You didn’t change my whole life around in just one night. I’mnot the luckiest person in the world because I found you and you let me’
L - But Yuuri still looks confused and in disbelief,frustrated, so Victor does what he always does when Yuuri needs a bit ofreassurance. Sweeps him into a dance and showers him in compliments as heswings him around.
K - And Yuuri…wants. He wants to believe this is true sobadly. And just like always with Viktor he goes along with whatever it is thatViktor is doing because even if it’s momentary it’s better than nothing. Andhe’s really enjoying being held in Viktor’s arms and spun around and showeredwith compliments
L - “Haven’t I told you every day how much it means tome to have you with me, finally? That you bring color into my life? That I’dsail the world to hold onto your love?” Because he needs Yuuri to rememberhow much he adores him, to not doubt it for a second no matter what happenedthat might have upset him like this. So he takes Yuuri’s palm and kisses it,kisses his knuckles like he did in the garden, then his cheek and his temple tomake sure Yuuri knows how deeply he means in
K - It’s only when he pulls back that he realises that Yuuriis crying. Not full out sobbing but silent tears rolling down his cheeksbecause it’s exactly what he’s been dreaming of for a while now and he wants SOBADLY for it to be real. And maybe he’s been wrong. He was wrong about Viktorbefore, maybe he was wrong about Viktor’s feelings for him as well. FinallyViktor tips his chin up and kisses his lips, gentle and sweet. And of course,this is the exact moment that Phichit manages to switch the two Viktor’s back
K - Of course they do! The cute fluffiness of LaF cures allthe Rivals angst. They break apart, mainly because Viktor is in shock. He hadthis all planned out, what he was going to do, going to say, how he was goingto approach Yuuri. But that all gets chucked out of the window the minute heswitches back to find himself kissing Yuuri. He just blurts out 'I love you’straight away and then they both stare at each other like morons for a solidthirty seconds before he adds 'I can explain’. Then they talk. Meanwhile in theother universe Phichit and Yuuri are patting themselves on the back for a jobwell done. Viktor is just confused but Yuuri is happy so he’s happy
L - 10/10 i approve
K - And so the happy ending happens. Almost like magic 😉
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