#okay so basically this song sort of captures el's series long realization coming to a head
chirpsythismorning · 2 years
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More Than Words by Extreme
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#bizarre love triangle playlist#stranger things#el hopper#el's pov#okay so basically this song sort of captures el's series long realization coming to a head#which is that she never needed to hear mike say i love you for it to be real#she needed to feel it based on his actions#i don't necessarily think she was going to break up with mike here#because arguably she already dumped his ass with that from el letter#HOWEVER i do think she was prepared to solidify her concerns and how she feels now#maybe her hope was to rid mike of his misery and try to meet him on his level and put all of this fake nonsense to rest#with them both coming to the decision mutually that it would be better for them to focus on being friends#bc she will always want that even if mike is too much of a peabrain to realize that it's even an option for them (yet)#he's giving her all these signals up to this point that he does not have romantic feelings for her#it was never about him not being able to say i love you (tho it contributed in that he avoided it)#it was the fact that she needed to hear it at all to believe it that cemented their permanent romantic fallout#a consistent parallel between the endgame couples is that none of them ever say i love you out loud#bc they show it! and the other person knows as a result!#which follows the whole 'show dont tell' rule#el basically broke up with mike in vol 1 and was prepared to not see him for a long time or ever again#but then they were reuniting and she was so relieved that didn't have to be the case#and yet mike isn't kissing her#he's not saying he loves her#he's stalling#but i think el takes it as him respecting her decision to finally call it quits via her from el letter and that maybe he's matured since s3#but then he's rambling and dancing around his words#and you can literally see the pity start to be written all over her face#it's as if she's realizing he's going to try to mend their romantic relationship AGAIN even tho she can tell his heart isn't in it#she looks confused and almost disappointed#then abruplty romeo is interrupted
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