#okay thats it for my fallout girlies
the-marxist-mash · 5 months
My "I think the fallout show is bad" post spoilers included
I watched the fallout show with low hopes and mostly for the purpose of annoying my friend whom I love and I'll be honest it was bad 👎
Gonna split this into 1: issues with writing 2: lore bs that i hated cuz im a new vegas girl 3: things i will begrudgingly admit that i liked
1: bad writing
For me the show confirmed for me that it was not going to be writen for me and my tastes was in the second episode when the enclave scientist gives the vault dweller an ominous speech about how the world is too dangerous to set a fire to camp on the road side at night whichbis something very inlone with the Bethesda style of writing the falloit universe. This show really has no interest in talking about how humanity overcomes the suffering of the post apocalypse it is focused on the power fantasy of being the strongest and most competent person who is capable of navigating a wasteland overflowing with mutants raiders and robots, community doesn't save you from the wasteland only big guns and strong walls (and even then the walls dont help as much as the guns)
Then of course there is the shows general failure in world building. For a show that is allegedly not for the long time fans of the series and instead for casual fans or new comers to the franchise just looking for a new scifi series it has a lot of things brought into the show and left entirely unexplained. The enclave a major faction of the series with a lot going on gets a montage of life in their base where we learn they have scientists doing research, use an offbrand american flag, and seem to be somewhat vaguely nefarious. Then there's moldaver a prewar human leading a cult in the post post apocalypse and the only surviver of the great war in the show who is not given a clear explination for living this long. And speaking of the post post apocalypse the new california republic being introduced as already having collapsed as a result of a second nuclear attack on California which while this does get explained is a wildly unnecessary amount of information to give in the first season of a show thats allegedly for new fans.
2 lore shit i hated
So as a new vegas girly i can only describe this show as feeling like if todd howard broke your toys infront of you so nobody could play with them anymore. From the addition of vault tech nuking the ncr in a wild attempt to have the exact same plan as the enclave in both fallout 2 and 3 but with much worse execution to ghouls now having a specific anti feral drug the lore changes are bad. And plenty of people have already pointed out the way the new timeline does not just make it so the ncr is destroyed but it is destroyed before the plot of new vegas is set with fall of shady sands occurring the same year as the 1st battle of the hoover dam which just feels like this was included for the express purpose of decannonizing new vegas because it honestly only makes the story more confusing and harder for new fans to navigate by looking up information about the existing games. Then there is the way in which the enclave is seemingly retconned out of being the shadow government (where it held effective control over vault tech as a way to experiment with human subjects for various reasons) and instead vault tech goes on to start the great war for effectively the same reason the eclave had for trying to exterminate everyone living in the wasteland. And i think the worst part is that most of these issues could have been avoided if the story was just set in a different time (between 1 and 2 or even before 1) or location (literally anywhere a major faction has not already been established existing in cannon) and the story would have benefited so much from that
3: okay i liked some of it
The prewar flashbacks did actually have good bits
The writers didn't go full liberty prime and understood the anticommunism in the series was satire
They made the brotherhood look like a facist techno cult and i had fun with the explicit religious ritual stuff going on in their base
The snake oil salesman who can heal you but also might mutate you was fun and feels very much like classic fallout
The axolotl abomination that i thought had sloghtly too human hands turning out to be a vault experiment was fun for me
4 secret section where i complain more
Yeah i know its already green lit for like 2 more seasons and has way more time to explain shit i dont care i dont think they are either capanle or interested in making this any better
Anyway the show was bad thanks for reading my rambling complaints or sorry for inflicting this on you if you actually liked it? But i put a cut on this one so thats on you. Im gonna go write my own fallout stoeies for ttrpg campaigns with my friends now since todd wont give me a story i like
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snaaaaaaakee · 6 years
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OC Meme Compilation (part 1) (part 2)
like i said i got tagged in a bunch of these, mostly by @socksual-innuendos but @worthlesssix also tagged me in one and i might have been tagged in other ones idk these are just going around right now
I split them between Kerrian and Nikolai, so here’s Kerrian’s half! I also gave both of them the companion one bc that one was really fun to answer, and Kerrian is objectively the worst companion possible
i think almost everyone i know of has been tagged in these so far, so im gonna tag specifically @sas-afras and @curriersix then in general if you’ve got a fallout OC and want to answer these do it!! pick whichever ones you want im gonna try to make it visible which ones are seperate ive realized this way of posting them all at once is. weird
Name: Kerrian Tartakovsky
I think we should travel together: “Awesome, let's get in trouble.”
Use Melee: "That's a joke, right?"
Use Ranged: “Wanna see me hit a bloatfly at 100 yards?”
Open Inventory: “Do I look like I've got room for your shit?” (his inventory is full of junk and electronics. he gets overencumbered easily. if you take any of his stuff he gets mad like when you take boone's hat)
Stay Close: “Just don't jump into anything stupid, alright? ...Or make any weird smells."
Keep Distance: “Alright, but you'll miss me soon enough.”
Stealth: (Karen's voice) "Sneaky sneaky."
Back Up: “Quit shoving, tough guy.”
Be Passive: “No complaints here.”
Be Aggressive: “You haven't got a better plan than that?”
Use Stimpack: “Man, what's in that stuff?”
Wait Here: “Ugh, for how long?”
Follow Me: “Oh thank God, I was getting so bored.”
Send her to the Lucky 38: “Yeah, see you at the Fucky 38, then.”
Send him Home: “Alright, you change your mind you know where I'm at.” (can be found in some workshop in freeside or something)
Aggression: aggressive/not aggressive/very aggressive/frenzied
Confidence: cowardly/cautious/average/brave/foolhardy
Assistance: helps nobody/helps allies/helps friends and allies
Companion perk: Mostly Pacifist (Bonus chance to cripple enemies)
Weapons: Dart gun, Varmint Rifle with scope
Karma: Good
Nine Layered Dip for OCs (okay sure)
Name: Kerrian Tartakovsky
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Style/Color: Orange, shoulder length and a mess
Height: 5'4"
Clothing Style: bits and pieces he's just sort of picked up wandering around, but if he weren't living in a post apocalyptic wasteland he'd actually like having more fashionable/feminine clothes
Best Physical Feature: He does actually have very pretty eyes
Fears: Spiders, not being able to find his dad/his dad being dead, not seeing any of his family again
Guilty Pleasure: i dont know if hes capable of shame or guilt for anything he enjoys but he does like cute/girly stuff in a pseudo-50's culture so he probably doesn't like showing that
Biggest Pet Peeve: Being told what to do, or people trying to say they can predict his actions or control him.
Ambition for the Future: i dont know if he has any idea what hes gonna do after he finds his dad. His vague idea is "robots"
First Thoughts Waking Up: “alskfjslkdfjsllsdf Oh God I'm Awake"
What They Think About the Most: Nerd tech shit, random garbage, animals, whether anyone's looking at him and whether or not he wants to be looked at
What They Think About Before Bed: Anything to distract him from everything long enough to fall asleep (he usually has to listen to the radio or holotapes or something)
What They Think Their Best Quality Is: His charisma- if there's anything he can't do he can always just get someone else to do it for him
Single or Group Dates: Depends on the people
To be Loved or Respected: Loved
Beauty or Brains: Brains
Dogs or Cats: Cats
Lie: dont believe a word he says please he lies to people for fun
Believe in Yourself: Sometimes not enough, sometimes too much, but never a reasonable amount
Believe in Love: Yes
Want Someone: idk if this means someone in particular but most likely tbh
Been on Stage: If he was he'd get kicked off immediately
Done Drugs: Karen gives him Med-X when she shouldnt so he did that, but now he refuses to have any in his inventory ever because of her. He also tried mentats once, they help him focus but he doesn't like the side effects.
Changed Who You Were to Fit In: Probably tried when he was a kid but physically could not restrain his personality from being 200% at all times
DOB: fuck i dont know i ruined my fallout timeline
How Old Will You Be: “i wanna get to my early 20's and then not get older but also not die, i dont think thats gonna happen but it sure is what i want"
Age You Lost Your Virginity: N/A
Does Age Matter: yes
Best Personality: "Fun and Nice and Weird"
Best Eye Color: All
Best Hair Color: All (if you try and ask him to pick one he gets caught up thinking about why all of them are so nice and refuses to be able to pick)
Best thing to do with a Partner: Causing trouble
I love: “My family, and ED-E, and geckos, and snack cakes,"
I feel: “Everything, all the time, way too much"
I hide: “Myself, literally and figuratively. See what I did, it's cute"
I miss: "Everything before dad got stuck outside of the vault"
I wish: “Everything could just be fixed"
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