#okay you mostly just let me yap about it until I picked it out myself but still
You know what, I’ll put my superstition* aside for now (and also I don’t really have that many followers) and drop my chosen middle name because ldfjhdidbfbf
It’s Anthony
I’m Tobias Anthony and that’s literally so cool elskskhxbdjdbdjdbfbdb
Being trans is so cool sometimes aaaaaaaaa
*if y’all use my middle name against me, no you didn’t, plague of rocks in shoes upon thee
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heavymetalover · 5 years
Strangers In the Night (Xavier Plympton x fem reader)
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Summary: You’re hitchhiking when getting picked up by an unexpected stranger.
Warnings: smut, dirty talk, oral sex, vaginal sex, daddy kink, fluff (omg).
Word count: 6.2k
A/N: im SORRY about the daddy kink AGAIN… i have daddy issues.
this ended up being wholesome, i feel letdown tbh.
~mostly inspired by the beautiful ones by prince~
  You chew away on your gum, taking small steps through the gravel going towards your destination. Surrounded by nothing but a narrow road and some woods. As night begins to fall, you become a little more suspicious of each sound rocking in the trees. After all, there’s been a crazy murderer on the loose around LA. Gives you shivers just thinking he could be lurking, watching.
The sound of a car approaches and you follow the routine of turning towards the road and sticking a polished thumb up in hopes you’ll attract a Good Samaritan. The dusty red Nissan slows down to give you an unbearably loud honk and speeds away, you spit into the dust it leaves behind. “Fucker!” you yell out, although certain the road hog wouldn’t hear.
Another driver approaches, quite a large van. You shyly stick out your thumb again and feel a smile inching onto your face; sometimes friendliness can tempt the strangers. You can’t see them from where you stand, but their van pulls to the side of the road for you.
Not wasting a beat, you spit your gum out onto the road and skip over to the van. The window’s rolled down and a dapper man sits in the driver’s seat. Frosted hair hairsprayed to perfection, green tank top exposing his trim arms, and sunglasses tipped slightly over the bridge of his nose, exposing ravishing blue eyes. “Hey honey,” he greets with a smirk, “need a lift?”
You jump onto the step for the passenger’s door and lean into the window, head resting on your arms. “You headed north?” you ask, biting your bottom lip to entice the stranger.
“Sure am,” he replies looking out onto the road. “Just stopping at Oasis, is that far enough for you?”
You shrug your head into a shoulder, peering out onto the road with half a smile. You lean back on the step, gripping onto the window with your fingerless gloves. “Hey, beggars can’t be choosers, right?” you joke, leaning back into the window and turning to look at the handsome man again. He’s taken his sunglasses off completely, biting the tips seductively with his dazzling eyes plastered on you. Your heart sinks in your chest, not even bothering to hold back your nervous smile. You run your tongue between your teeth and his eyes find the floor of his van.
He shakes his head and puts his sunglasses back on. “You better get inside before you get me in trouble, baby,” he says with a slight sigh.
You jump off of the step to swing open the door and eagerly hop into the passenger’s seat, throwing your backpack into the back of his van and slamming the door shut. Digging through your pocket for a pack of cigarettes that you stole from your roommate before fleeing; you hit the box, taking the single stick that jut out, and sticking it between your teeth. “Mind if I…?” you trail off, dangling the cigarette between your lips.
His eyes dart towards you and back onto the road, “Oh no, of course not. Go right ahead,” he blurts, adjusting himself in his seat. “Actually,” he reaches beside him and grabs a small lighter, “I got that for you.”
He hangs over his seat, keeping one hand on the wheel. He sparks the lighter once, twice before it ignites. He holds the flame to your cigarette, his eyes meeting yours only for a moment. You sharply inhale the oaky, bitter taste of tobacco before hastily blowing it into his face. He leans back into his seat, suppressing an obvious smile as he goes back to focusing on the road. “You’re going to get someone killed one day if you wanna act like a gentleman, lighting up my cigarette and being all chivalrous.”
“Pfft,” he jeers. “Can’t kill anybody when there’s no one around.”
He glances at you, cross earring hanging from one of his ears and you feel a drop in the pit of your stomach. “You look so familiar,” you mention before taking another drag.
“I get Simon Le Bon a lot,” he nods.
“No,” you shake your head.
“George Michael?” he guesses with an apathetic shrug.
“No, no, not like that,” you take another drag. “I’ve seen you -your face- before somewhere,” you tap your chin, “somewhere.”
“Oh!” he sounds enthusiastic. “I teach aerobics! Maybe you came by the studio?”
“No, I haven’t,” you reply mindlessly, drawing more thick smoke into your lungs and tapping the tip of the stick to remove excess ash. You’re searching every crevasse of your brain for where you’ve seen this man before, but coming up empty.
He looks nervous with the more time you spend silently pondering. “I’m a pretty serious actor, maybe you’ve seen some of my stuff,” he suggests, trying to break the silence.
Your heart skips a beat and you accidentally fling your cigarette out the window from excitement. “Oh my gosh! Yes! That’s where I’ve seen you! I have seen some of your stuff, ooh baby, I’ve seen all of your stuff,” you exclaim, pointing down to his crotch. “One of my old roommates was gay, had a total hard-on for your VHS.”
The man shakes his head, nervous laughter evading his lips. “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he says through gritted teeth.
“Oh, don’t you dare bullshit me,” your voice cracks into a squeal as you push his arm. He’s still shaking his head as confutation. “No, no, no, don’t even deny it. I saw a skinny guy taking a hard piping from you! I know it was you, how could I mistake that beautiful face? And you even have the earring, c’mon.”
“Look, I don’t know who you think I am, okay?” he snaps in distress. He doesn’t entertain your claims, instead shaking his head weakly. “I’m not…” his voice quivers. “I’m not gay.”
You feel an instant pang of regret for making such a big deal about the tape. “Oh,” you sigh, “well, I never thought you, you were.” You slump back into your seat, positioning yourself to face the road again. The man has gone silent. “I mean, for what it’s worth,” you start, but your mind screams at you to stop. Just let it go, he’s clearly uncomfortable.
You purse your lips together and sigh, suffocating your hands between squished thighs. You fill your cheeks up with air in hopes it’ll get you to stop yapping. The only sound present is the tires going over the gravelly road. “For what it’s worth?” he finally asks.
You hold back a smile, turning back to him. “I was just going to say you looked like you were really good,” you blurt out. “And big,” you bring your voice higher in an attempt to sound more flirtatious, “very, very big.” He exhales a lazy snicker and shakes his head. “What?” you throw up your hands defensively, “It’s true!”
He continues shaking his head. “You’re too much,” he exhales.
“Well apparently you are too,” you quip, raising an eyebrow.
His mouth is agape, no words coming out and too stunted by yours to even attempt a rebuttal. He glances at you, eyes peeping over his glasses to get a better look. “Who are you?” he asks.
You perk up in your seat, offering your hand to him since he’s already proven himself to be a careless driver. “I’m y/n,” you say with a jaunty smile. “And you are?”
He takes your hand limply into his. “Xavier,” he says, leaning down to give a small peck onto your gloved knuckles.
“Classy,” you whisper while retrieving your hand, Xavier returns his focus to the road. Part of you is kicking yourself for even wearing the gloves and missing out on the feel of his soft lips against your skin. Dammit, why did Madonna have to make them so fashionable?
You itch to cross your legs in your seat, but knowing that would expose Xavier to what’s underneath your dress, instead you opt to just sit on them. Would it be so bad to expose myself to him? “Xavier,” you say his name to fill up the conversational lull. “Xavier, Xavier, Xavier,” you singsong. “Why did you stop to pick me up? Pick up a lot of hitchhikers?” you keep your eyes glued on him and lean your head back on the seat to get comfortable. His van does have a very homey feel.
“No, you’re my first,” he responds.
You dramatize a fake gasp, placing a hand on your chest. “Little old me? Why am I so lucky?” you press.
“Well, the sun’s setting, you’re in the middle of the woods and you’re a girl. Not to mention the lunatic Night Stalker going around the area, guess I was feeling a bit generous,” he smiles. You begin nodding your head, satisfied with his answer, when he cuts you short. “Or,” he adds, “maybe I just thought you were one, very foxy chick.” You feel your heart flutter and cheeks burn hot; you want to fan yourself like they do in movies. “Either way, I still picked you up, didn’t I?” He asks, cocking a brow.
“Oh yes sir, indeed,” you smirk with a slight shake to your head.
The woods have disappeared behind you two and in no time, you’ve reached Xavier’s destination on Oasis street. He parks his car on the side of the road and takes the keys out of the ignition, finally turning in his seat to face you like you’ve done during the whole ride. The sexual tension is beginning to become an insufferable elephant in the room. “Where you heading from here?” he asks.
You shrug your shoulders. “Don’t know, maybe crash at one of those twenty-four-hour diners until they kick me out,” you say with a slight chuckle, recalling how many times that’s happened to you before. “Just gotta get out of this place, y’know.”
He tilts his head up. “Running from something?” he speculates.
“Aren’t we all?” you roll your eyes with a slight nod.
He grins, “You can say that again.”
You take one long look at him before letting out a bitter sigh. “Goddamn it, I guess I should bounce,” you say with a frown. You reach into the back of his van to get your backpack, making sure to spend extra long bending over in your short dress. You lean onto his seat, feeling your ass press up against his arm and can only pray he’s getting a good look at it.
You eventually recover your bag from the back and sit down, body twisted towards Xavier. You prolong the inevitable, not wanting to leave his van, not wanting to leave him. There’s something about this stranger that excites you, that makes you thirst for more of him. You can’t explain it, there’s just an overwhelming attraction.
You open the door to leave his van, sliding out when he grabs your wrist. “Wait,” he protests. You stand on the step to the passenger’s seat. “Ehm,” the words get choked at the back of his throat. “I’m not in a rush, you can stay with me for a while and chat,” he suggests. “Only if you want to, obviously. You can leave too if you want, but… I think you’re a pretty cool chick.”
You purse your lips to hide a smile. “Thought I was a foxy chick,” you joke, adjusting the backpack that keeps slipping down your shoulders.
“Oh yeah,” he lifts his brows, “mighty foxy.” He nods his head, half-lidded eyes ogling you with a wide smile spread across his gorgeous face, you can’t resist him. You climb back into his van and shut the door.
You settle into the chair and he pulls out a box of cassettes from under the driver’s seat, fishing through them to find a keeper. You dig through your backpack and pull out a cherry lollipop, his eyes squinting in confusion as you unravel the plastic. “Don’t give me that look, I feel myself about to crash,” you explain yourself.
“No judgement here,” he replies, fingering through his cassettes.
You nurse your lollipop, peering into his box to find any recognizable artists, but they’re mostly mixtapes. You pluck out a black tape marked ‘Purple Rain’, the newest Prince album. “Didn’t this movie just come out?” you slur your words, lollipop sitting passively against your cheek.
He glances up. “Yes, but the album came out a while ago,” he explains, still pawing through his collection.
“Well, I haven’t heard it yet,” you shrug and shove it into the cassette player. The machine takes a moment to read the tape.
“Songs are a bit wonky and out of order, I recorded it from my friend’s album,” he confesses.
The album starts playing with a funky pop beat. “See, it’s working. Now, put that away,” you order, grabbing the box from him. “Let’s talk.”
You throw his box into the back of his van and spin towards him again. He looks up for a moment, seemingly in thought, then back at you. His enchanting light eyes capturing you from the lightening fast contact. “W-what are you running away from?” he asks with a moment of hesitation.
You take the lollipop out of your mouth. “Wow, already with the hard-hitting questions,” you tease. He stares at you, but you can’t bring yourself to meet the bright blue that sweeps you off your feet. Instead, looking at your hands and cleaning under your nails. “I guess just a bad living situation. Been house-hopping for as long as I can remember, but I basically just live out on the road now,” you meet his eyes for a second, only to embarrassedly look away.
“I get it,” he nods.
You finally look at him, sort of in disbelief. Usually the people who drive you places always lecture you about making better life decisions, finding a job, pursuing school, yatta, yatta, yatta. ‘The whole world is at your fingertips’ spiel. It takes you by surprise that he understands. “You do?”
“Yeah,” he breaks eye contact, his thumb ghosting his full bottom lip. “I was in a tough spot not long ago. We’ve grown up in the prime time of being doped up drug peddlers and I was dumb enough to fall into that bullshit. And I’m talking about the hard stuff, not like M.J. or cocaine.” I don’t do many drugs, maybe a bit of weed here and there, but I thought cocaine was a hard drug. “But,” he breaks your inner monologue, “the strongest people always go through the toughest shit.”
“Cheers to that,” you smile and cheers the air with your lollipop, penetrating the sticky candy between Xavier’s lips.  He accepts the intrusion gracefully, keeping the sweet, ravished ball of cherry between his lips. “Any summer plans?” you ask.
He takes the candy out of his mouth, the crimson orb glossing over his perfectly plump lips. “Nothing much, just teaching more classes. Got this gnarly gig up at some camp in a few weeks, should be fun,” he answers.
“I don’t know of any camps around here. Which one?” you ask, half paying attention and half peering onto the road.
“Camp Redwood.” Your head snaps back to look at him and you instinctively slap his arm in hopes it’ll get rid of the idiot in him. “What?” he shrugs.
“What’s your damage, dude?” you gasp with a facetious smirk. “Are you honestly telling me that they reopened Camp fucking Deadwood and you’re stupid enough to go work there? Please tell me you’re joking.”
“Why? What happened there?” he asks, eyebrows knit in confusion.
You sigh, you’ve been on the road for so long and even you’re more up to date on the folklore of Camp Redwood. “There was a huge massacre there. Every single person ended up dead, stabbed to bits, and all of them had one ear missing. It was a psycho killer they called Mr. Jingles because his only giveaway was the sound his keys made,” you pause to imitate the sound of keys jingling, “ching cling cling, right before he slashed them to bits!”
He smiles and squints at you, taking a moment to absorb your story. “Not even! You kind of had me until you oversold it with the keys thing,” he exclaims, waving the lollipop around as he speaks.
“Xavier, I shit you not, that actually happened,” you explain, leaning closer to him. “And the worst part is that Mr. Jingles is still alive today. Probably waiting for the day that that fucking camp reopens to escape the loony bin and do it all over again,” you make your voice low to freak him out.
He scoffs. “So what? I’m not afraid of some drip named Mr. Jingles. If anything, he should be the one scared of me.”
You laugh a little too hysterically at his comment. “Mhm, yeah right,” you mock. “He’d take one look at your George Michael lookin’ ass and run in the opposite direction,” you deliver sardonically. You fetch your lollipop and slump back into your seat, turning the dial up on the radio. A song with a raunchy beat starts up and both you and Xavier exchange a glance. “What song is this?” you ask, puckering your lips against the lollipop.
He clears his throat, “S’called Darling Nikki.”
“Mmm,” you lean back in your seat, but keep your eyes locked on him. “It’s pretty sexy.”
He nods. “It is.”
His eyes meet yours, pink tongue running over his bottom lip. You shove the candy into your mouth, sucking on the sweet taste of artificial cherry. The song puts you in the mood. Not that you weren’t already in the mood, but it offers the perfect opportunity to stop beating around the bush.
You close your eyes and tilt your head back, bobbing on the lollipop in your mouth until the savory ball hits the back of your throat. Gagging, you pull it out of your mouth slowly, opening your eyes and giving Xavier a knowing look.
He slowly exhales watching you, now leaning against his seat and lightly covering the bottom of his face with one large, veined hand. “Holy shit,” you hear him breathe.
The lollipop clings to your lips before bursting out, keeping a connection through a filthy pink string of saliva. It detaches and smacks against your chin. You keep your eyes peeled on Xavier and he studies your mouth. You slap the candy against your sodden tongue and slurp up the mess you made, keeping the lollipop pressed against your lips. “You’re a nasty girl, aren’t you?” he whispers, white teeth tugging slightly at his lip. Fuck.
“You want to see something nasty?” you ask, leaning the passenger’s seat back in preparation. “I’ll show you something nasty.”
You suck on the lollipop one more time, slobbering on it just before it’s completely drenched in your saliva. Leaning back on the seat, you hike up your short dress and expose your favourite skimpy panties. After building up so much tension between the two of you, your pussy is already wet and craving the touch of his big hands.
You rub your clit in circles before pulling the fabric to the side. Xavier’s eyes watch every movement as you trail the drenched lollipop down your body, stopping at your pussy. You run the cherry-flavoured orb down your folds and press it against your tight hole. You apply pressure until it penetrates and let out a soft moan. Recalling how long and fat Xavier’s cock was in his dirty movie, you can’t imagine how it would ever fit inside of you.
You shove the lollipop further into yourself, trying to stretch yourself out a little bit in readiness for Xavier. Wiggling the stick around inside yourself and pushing it to the point of nearly disappearing inside your hole. You shimmy it some more before dragging it out against the resistance of your retentive walls. Reinserting the candy into your mouth and getting a saltier flavour this time.
Xavier shifts around in his seat, erection booming in his tight pants. A palm over his crotch for readjustment, he leans closer to you. You can feel the warmth of his body, it makes you tingle. “I find it rude not to share,” he finally speaks.
You take the lollipop out of your mouth and veer yourself towards Xavier, setting a small kiss on his lips. He puts a hand on your cheek, guiding more of your kisses towards him, while the other hand crawls down your body. His hand stops on your thigh and you feel a thousand goosebumps erupt on that leg, a shiver running through your veins.
His lips don’t part from yours, fusing with your face and sucking ever so gently on your lips. He combs his hand towards your pussy, fingertips grazing your thighs as he inches to the throbbing in your clit. You bring the candy back down to your folds, but he takes it from you, insistent on that whole ‘sharing’ rule.
Xavier leaves your lips for a moment to spit down onto your wet cunt, rubbing the candy against your slit before pushing into your hole. Once again, it demands a meager moan out of you, this time you moan onto Xavier’s lips. “That’s right, moan for me, baby. Moan for daddy.” You summon more moans as he fucks the lollipop into you, playing them up to turn him on even more.
You gnaw on your lip and look at Xavier, light sobs still faintly spilling from the back of your throat. You must seem irresistible to him because he mashes his lips into yours and leaves your pussy to place both hands on your face, pulling you closer to him. You pull out the candy he left inside of you and detach from his kiss to pop it into his mouth.
Xavier grabs both of your wrists and slips into the back of his van, bringing you along with him. He sucks all your juices off of the lollipop before spitting it out onto the floor. As he takes a seat in the back, you sit next to him, resting both of your legs on his thighs as you two join at the lips once again. His hands brush up and down your legs, feeling the rapid growth of goosebumps with each swipe.
The kiss intensifies, tongues colliding and lips smacking. You pull at his tank top as if silently begging him to take it off. A new song begins and he moans against your lips, pulling away eagerly and leaving you lovestruck, leaning in an awkward position and trying to reorient yourself. He slides away from you and pulls his top off over his head, then begins undressing you as well, pulling for your dress to come off. You lay onto your back and shimmy your dress off, still wearing a bra and panties set. In a matter of seconds, you’re skin to skin and Xavier is on top of you, teasing you with soft kisses. His lips pulling away to mouth the lyrics: “Baby, baby, baby. What’s it gonna be? Baby, baby, baby. Is it him or is it me?”
You bring him back, kissing the sweet cherry off of his lips. His hands rough up your body, grabbing a hold of every bit of you like he hasn’t touched anybody in years. One hand squeezing your hip while the other finds your cunt to rub back and forth on your swollen clit. When you push back from his kiss, pardoning a loud groan, he kisses your neck. He savours you, handles you like a prize possession, it makes you feel warm.
You palm the bulge in his briefs, feeling him grow and heat up under your touch. His breath catches and he jerks his waist away from you. You pause your kiss to shoot him a flustered grimace. “I want this to be about you, baby, not me,” he explains, before giving one more kiss on your lips. Then one on your neck, chest, belly, down to your pelvis. You let out a broken breath when he kisses right above the line of your panties. He slides them down your legs and taunts your aching clit with his delicate breath; appointing extra sloppy kisses on your thighs as he works his way to the main dish. He looks up at you, baby blue eyes unabashedly beaming with excitement before diving into your candied cunt.
You throw your head back as he begins licking you up and pushing your legs further apart. The pleasure so built and intense that you feel it hit the moment he lays his tongue flat onto your dripping core. You feel your muscles quivering under his lick, under his touch, and your body burns with desire. One hand lays limp on your leg while the other continues pulsing your clit, his tongue shoves its way down your gaping hole.
You reach down to grab onto him, grab onto something, anything. He holds up his hand and you lace your fingers with his, squeezing at each undeniable moment of pleasure. You scrunch up your feet as he quickens the pacing over your clit, then slowing it down. He plays your pussy like a gifted musician, speeding up and slowing down just when you need him to. “Please fuck me,” you beg, the words pouring out on their own, “Xavier, I want you inside of me.”
He stops gluttonously licking up your cunt to look up at you for confirmation on your words. “Y’sure?” he questions, making sure there are no misconceptions.
You prop yourself on your elbows, raking a hand through his perfectly gelled, thick head of hair. “Unless you’d like to stay down there, daddy,” you say, squeezing him between your thighs slightly on the pet name.
“Baby, I can stay down here forever,” he lays his head on your leg and you sit up, pulling him to meet your lips. His kiss makes the world feel dreamlike, so tantalizing and hypnogogic that you swear you’re tripping on acid when he touches you.
He gives an unexpected slap to your raw cunt and you jump, unable to hold back a short peep hiccupped into Xavier’s mouth. He smiles. “I love making my kitten purr,” he whispers into your lips, slapping you once again and you chirp another calculable yelp.
Xavier climbs on top of you with his lips pressed passionately against yours, fighting for dominance. His long fingers grip the back of your neck while his thumbs massage the curve of your jaw reverently. His big hands soon venturing to other parts of your body, running down your back and promptly unhooking your bra like a burden that could no longer be adjourned. The fabric falls artlessly and Xavier paws at your breasts before he can even see them. Still locked on your lips, he circles a finger around your nipple, motivating them to get hard sooner than you’d expected. Nipping at the tiny buds, he leaves your lips to suckle them; running his tongue against your areola and giving strong sucks. You appreciate the moment so much, watching Xavier suck on your tits like his life depended on it, that you completely forgot you were in his van.
You reach down to his crotch and he lets you this time. Rubbing his long cock in his briefs, feeling how rock-hard he is turns you on even more. A shudder rumbles through your body and you take his dick out. It’s already ready for you, long and thick, harder than ever. He stops worshipping your tits to kiss you again, this time lightly pushing you down so you lay in the backseat of his van.
He stands over you, holding his cock and spitting onto it to lube it up for you. He rubs his saliva onto the head and up and down the shaft before resting it on your hole. You prop yourself up to watch it go in, feeling your heartbeat quicken with each tiny amount of pressure he puts. “Are you ready for it?” he asks, smearing the head into your wet folds.
“Mmm,” you moan, just feeling his cock against you is enough to send you to euphoria. “Yes, daddy.” He slowly starts pushing himself into you, stretching you out so much that all you can do is stifle a moan. Your nails dig into his seats, no doubt leaving some kind of mark or even some polish flakes. “Slow, slow, slow,” you plead through gritted teeth.
He accommodates and moves into you at a snail’s pace, stopping every so often when he thinks he’s hurt you. Once he’s half in, he starts pumping in and out, stuffing you up with his chunky length. “Oh my,” is all you can contrive through deep breaths.
He sees how unravelled you’ve become and leans down so you could rest your head on his shoulder. “Hold onto me,” he requests. You follow orders, grabbing onto his back and guiltily digging your nails into him with every thrust. “Let me know if I’m hurting you,” he whispers into your ear.
The rational part of your brain has already called quits on taking his dick, but you’re too charmed by Xavier to tell him to stop. Of course there’s the pain, but his cock is so deep and so big that it vellicates a sensitive area inside your pussy that you’ve never felt before. Each plunge poking at it slightly and stimulating it just enough to keep you from surrendering to his length. You’ve explored your body enough to find your g-spot, but he tickles an area that’s causing you to completely shatter. He pumps again and you feel yourself loosening up to him, although that doesn’t stop your nails from clawing up his back.
All the pain you’ve felt is absorbed into overwhelming thrill. You sit up even more now and watch his cock pump into you, your pussy accepting more of him with each thrust. He keeps hitting that spot in you and your whole body tenses up with it. You look at him, trying to find his eyes, but he’s too lost in your pussy to meet yours. What kind of witchcraft is he doing to make me feel this way?
His hands, resting on your lower back, scooch you closer to him. He doesn’t even have to move much for the both of you to feel elated, just a slight wiggle is enough for you to feel everything. You sit up on his thighs and grind your hips against him. “Your pussy,” he whispers between breaths, “so fucking good, kitten.”
Your cunt writhes with each little movement, you can feel yourself dripping onto him. “Ugh’m God!” you throw away your integrity and scream. “Jesus Xavier, oh my…” you trail off, rolling your eyes back and feeling him hit that sensitive spot again. Your tendons tightening, teeth grinding, and eyes shutting with every movement.  
You lean your chin on his head, still slightly rocking your hips, but unable to bring yourself to complete the motion from crushing alleviation. His forehead is perched on your shoulder as he tries shimmying around inside your pussy. He’s too far gone to form a sentence, too. He holds onto your back, rests his head on your shoulder and breathes rapidly onto your chest. His eyelashes give your collarbones light butterfly kisses while he blinks himself back into reality.
The song is at its climax when you take the initiative to try to finish, unsure if you can even bring yourself to conclude this little affair. You start grinding harder against him, both of you undoubtedly withholding groans to save face. You rock yourself on him harder and he finally allows himself to make eye contact with you again. A pleading look in his pool-of-blue eyes already tell you everything you need to know without saying a single word.
You fuck him as hard as you can burying your head into the crook of his neck. You take in the smell of his cologne, now mixed with sweat. It smells so good. He contributes by gyrating himself inside of you.
“Fuck!” the word weeps out without your consent. You feel yourself unwinding, again you feel it coming with each thrust, the shattering. “Oh, my fuck! Daddy, your cock is so f-fuck!” you’re crying, jumping on his rock-hard dick.
“Shit,” he seethes under you, grabbing your hips and guiding them into his cock. “You fuck me so good, baby girl,” he groans.
You jump on him, his dick so deep you think it’ll push on your belly. “Son of a- huh,” you breathe, feeling yourself starting to come. You keep beating up that tender spot deep in your cavity, providing it all the love it was once deprived and smacking it with each stimulating bounce on his cock. “Yesyesyesyes,” you don’t take a breath, “ooh there.” You keep pummelling him into you, Xavier is close too. “Right. Fucking. There,” you breathe between each jump.
You can’t get any words out when orgasm engulfs you. You stand up to prudently pull his length out of your clingy lips, giving your clit a rub before soaking his cock in your juices. “Shiiiiit,” you moan, squirting a clear liquid out of your hole and all over him, all over his van.
“Damn, baby,” he utters. You feel a single tear drop escape your eye and swat it away before he can see. Without a word, you insert him back into your, now soaked, hole; not leaving until you’ve made him come as hard as you did. You slide him back inside of you, his length hitting you all at once again. It seems to hit him hard too, because his face knots the deeper you insert him. “Fucking tight,” he sighs.
He pushes you to lay back again and starts hammering himself into you. You moan with his harder thrusts, feeling him fill you up makes you fall apart; your whole body feels weak. He can’t control himself, contorted moans escape from deep in his throat. “Where do you want daddy’s come?” he asks, trying to hold himself together, but fails miserably.
“Right in my dirty mouth,” you reply, licking up your bottom lip.
He rolls his eyes back, “Oh, fuck you,” he says with a slight laugh. His smile immediately dissipating to a twisted expression. You feel him coming to release, his grip on your arm gets tighter and he pounds harder into your pussy. He pulls himself out of you and jerks his long length above your face. You obediently open your mouth and lay your tongue flat for him to use up.
He takes a second, zealously jerking himself over you, until he empties his seed onto your tongue. You feel the warm liquid hit your tongue and immediately swallow it down for him. Pressing your lips to the tip of his cock, giving a suck to clean him up and a small kiss on the tip.
He breaths out an exasperated sigh and limply lays down on top of you. “Get off,” you giggle, “you’re crushing me.” He rolls onto his side beside you and you roll onto yours so you’re facing him. He holds out his hand, wiggling his fingers with a small frown. You grab his hand and band your fingers together, he smiles when you accept his invitation. A moment of silence is shared between the two of you, not awkward, just comfortable.
“You know you’re the only one,” he says, a slight crack in his voice. You lift an eyebrow in response. He looks down at the hand you’re holding onto, “Everybody that knows about that tape doesn’t believe me. They think I’m gay or… they just cast me out for even doing it in the first place,” he opens up, caressing your knuckle with his constricted thumb. You stay silent, letting him get it off his chest and studying the woe that washes over his face. “I don’t know,” he gives his head a slight shake.
“Fuck those people,” you shrug, “you don’t need them anyways.” His pillowy lips twist into a smirk. You use your free arm to prop up your head. “Besides,” you continue, “they don’t know what they’re missing. You snooze, you lose, right?”
He smiles. “I like you, y/n,” he sighs. “I’m not letting you slip through the cracks.”
You unbind your hands to move a piece of hair that was stuck to his forehead. “Don’t worry about me leaving, I have no where to go. I’m all yours, baby,” you say with a jokey tone, but you hope he takes you seriously. He’s usually easy to read, like an open book, but when his face turns neutral it’s agonizing to imagine what’s going on in that pretty head.
“So… you want to meet my friends?” he asks, breaking the silence.
You cock your head to the side. “Huh?”
“Come to Camp Redwood with me?”
smallest fucking taglist:
@codyswhore @odongreentea @liliesandforgetmenots @avesatanormalpeoplescareme
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endof-theline · 3 years
Day 26- Tropetember: Supernatural
Day 26 of super early Tropetember with Supernatural! Growing up, Steve always whined about how badly he wanted a dog, Bucky could have guessed that it would end up biting him in the ass.
On Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32841991
Growing up, Steve always whined about how badly he wanted a dog, Bucky could have guessed that it would end up biting him in the ass. The pair always knew that they would move in together in the future so Bucky really should have told Steve his secret instead of keeping it locked up and close to his chest, this secret was probably right next to the secret about how deeply he loved Steve.
Now they were walking around an adoption shelter and Bucky was having to keep himself in check to make sure he didn’t out himself, see the problem with Steve and Bucky getting a dog was as simple as the fact Bucky is a werewolf and being a werewolf with a strong love for Steve made it very difficult to watch as dog after dog jumped at Steve and made him laugh. The dogs were all avoiding Bucky, normally because they could sense that Bucky was angry and was probably scenting just as much.
“Isn’t this amazing, Buck?” Steve chirped excitedly and it was only because Steve had said his name that Bucky turned his scowl into a smile, the name was the only thing that pulled out of Bucky’s own head and tuned back into what was going on “You like any of them yet?”
“Sure, few of them are cute I guess” Bucky shrugged a shoulder but kept smiling at Steve, he had to cough to cover his growl when a dog jumped at Steve even as Steve laughed and easily pushed the dog away carefully. Bucky bit his tongue when the dog that had leapt at Steve licked at his face, it reminded him of himself when he was a pup and he was always told off when he did it so why did this dog get away with it and get cuddled as well!
Luckily for Bucky, their time was up and Steve agreed to wait on it, Bucky let out a small sigh of relief when they got to walk away without a dog. He wanted to make Steve happy, but bringing a dog into their apartment would drive him insane so Bucky vowed that he would tell Steve this secret tonight.
It was easy to tell he was making Steve nervous, but Bucky couldn’t help the pacing as he tried to work up the courage. This was something that Bucky had kept from Steve for years, they have been best friends since they were kids and the whole time Bucky had kept his werewolf nature a complete secret.
“Okay so I need to tell you something and I should have told you years ago, but it’s never been a huge problem until now” Bucky started off and he could see Steve sit up straight as he nodded along, Bucky took a deep breath before stopping in front of Steve and looking him in the eyes “I’m a werewolf, I was born a werewolf, I’m the only sibling that’s a wolf, and us getting a dog is kind of difficult for me”
“Oh, okay, not what I was thinking but alright” Steve let out a breath as he sat back against the couch, Bucky desperately tried to stop himself from pacing again or worse since all his wolf wanted to do was jump onto the couch and give Steve all of the cuddles to cheer him up.
“I understand if you want me to move out or you don’t want me in your life anymore and I’m really sorry that I’ve been keeping this from you” Bucky rambled out anxiously and before he could blink Steve was on his feet and holding Bucky’s shoulders, a determined look on his face as he caught Bucky’s attention and held it.
“I don’t want any of that, Buck, you’re my best friend and I’m so glad you trust me with this. You shoulda told me that it would make your life harder, I wouldn’t have dragged you to the shelter!” Steve told him with a laugh as Bucky ducked his head down bashfully, he had never imagined Steve accepting this part of him so easily and now that it was happening Bucky couldn’t remember why he thought Steve was going to throw him out “So is it like in the movies when you only shift on a full moon or can you do it whenever?”
“The movies are trash, whoever decided that I’m some mindless, killing machine should be in prison for crimes against my kind! Forget anything films taught you about werewolves because it’s mostly wrong” Bucky grumbled angrily making Steve laugh hard at him before Bucky shook his head “I can shift whenever I want, but it’s like getting an urge to scratch at a rash. It’s uncomfortable to ignore it but I can if I need to, it’s also better for me to shift on full moons than not too. Oh, and I’m fully in control of myself, we don’t go feral or whatever”
“Good to know, so you could shift right now if you wanted too?” Steve asked and immediately looked excited by the idea “Can I see you shifted?”
“Sure you can, we just can’t talk when I’m shifted so if you have anymore questions then get that out first” Bucky explained and laughed when Steve just shook his head, a smile still wide on the blonde man’s face “Alright, so like I said I’m still me but I always have like a wolf in my brain and when I’m shifted it’s harder to control my instincts so if I act really wolfy, that’s why”
Steve just nodded and sat back on the couch when Bucky pushed him down before darting into his room to strip off his clothes and shift into his wolf, he stretched out and enjoyed the feeling of freedom that came with being shifted. He strolled back into the living room and quickly remember that his wolf brain was also in love with Steve and he fell even further in love with the man when Steve sat forward and he grinned excitedly, he was resisting cooing at Bucky and the wolf knew it so he quickly padded over to him.
“You are so cute” Steve whispered like Bucky wouldn’t hear him and Bucky just sat at his feet with a huff, a look on his face that conveyed how unimpressed he was by that comment “This is so cool, y’know having you as a roommate is like having a dog but I don’t have to take you to a vet or do the gross stuff”
Bucky huffed again and shook his head before nudging Steve’s hand with his nose, encouraging Steve to pet him and immediately leaning into his hands the second Steve touched him as he let out a quiet rumble. His wolf was pleading with Bucky to roll over and let Steve rub his belly or jump on the couch and rub his scent all over Steve so that all the dogs at the shelter would know that Steve was taken, but Bucky kept himself in check since this was the first time Steve was seeing him like this.
“How upset would you be if I took you to a pet store to buy you a collar and lead so we could go on walks like this?” Steve asked and burst out with a startled laugh when Bucky’s tail wagged immediately, his human brain not even being able to deny how much he would love to go on walks with Steve in this form or even join him on his morning runs “What about tomorrow since we’re both off work?”
Bucky barked excitedly and nodded his head before he couldn’t stop himself from giving Steve’s hand an affectionate lick, he could taste the other dogs on Steve’s hand and couldn’t stop himself yet again as he growled softly and lapped at his hands.
“Taste good or something, Buck?” Steve teased him before Bucky let out a grumpy growl and nipped at his fingers a little to really drive home the fact Bucky was annoyed at him, sure Steve didn’t know why and Bucky sure as hell wasn’t going to tell him, but that was Steve’s problem.
The rest of the night was spent with Steve fussing over Bucky for a little while longer until Bucky shifted back and answered more questions that Steve had, Bucky thought he did very well in not growling at Steve when he was teased mercilessly over his instincts and ignored Steve’s rude comments about dog treats.
Bucky was starting to think that he shouldn’t have let his wolf brain answer Steve about the pet store because now Bucky was sat in front of Steve as the blonde was helping Bucky pick out a collar, Steve was currently trying to fit a collar that was black and red around Bucky’s neck without catching any of his fur.
“How’s that feeling, good?” Steve asked and grinned when Bucky nodded and shook his body to settle it around his throat “Looks good, and they have a matching lead too” Steve clipped the lead to Bucky’s collar making the wolf grumble slightly as his instincts argued for a moment that he shouldn’t want to be tied to Steve like this but also this is Steve holding the lead. Steve laughed at him before leading him down an aisle full of toys, Bucky whined and tugged at his lead as he tried to avoid Steve’s teasing because he remembered what his sister was like with him as a pup.
As soon as Steve found out his weakness then it was over for him, and it took Steve all of ten seconds to find and exploit said weakness. He picked up a ball and made it squeak before he had Bucky at his feet with his tail wagging excitedly and his tongue hanging out his mouth, looking just like those dogs at the shelter that he hated.
“Oh you like the ball, huh?” Steve teased and squeaked the wall again, Bucky tilted his head as he whined desperately and shuffled on his paws in the hopes of getting to play “We can’t play in the store, Buck, but we can definitely buy it to play with later”
Bucky whined and butted his head against Steve’s legs sadly, the temptation to whimper and give Steve puppy eyes just for the chance to play was so strong. That is until a dog came rushing down the aisle and straight to Steve, barking and yapping at him which turned off Bucky’s human brain in an instant as he shoved his way between Steve and the dog as he growled angrily.
“Bucky, easy, he’s just playing” Steve cooed at him and gently tugged at his leash to try and pull him away, the yappy dog’s owner came running down the aisle and clipped it’s lead onto it’s harness before Steve snapped at him “Bucky, heal and silent”
Bucky grumbled but moved to Steve’s side and sat down, his eyes narrowed at the offending mutt as he stayed silent and the owner quickly rushed to apologize “I’m so sorry, I had no clue my kid had unclipped his lead until he was running, are you and your dog okay?”
“We’re fine, little guy just spooked Bucky is all but no harm done” Steve said with a grin on his face, Bucky just knew that Steve was trying not to laugh at the man calling Bucky ‘his dog’ and at the pause the man did before saying ‘dog’ like he wasn’t quite sure if that was correct or not.
“I’m glad, Bucky’s so well trained, I’ve never seen a dog so well trained before!” The man said before they could hear a voice calling from the other side of the store “Shoot, I gotta run, sorry about Buddy again!”
Steve waited until the man was out of sight before he started laughing his head off, letting Bucky growl and nip at his hands when Steve reached out to pet him “It’s a good job you’re so well trained Bucky, should buy you a treat for being such a good dog”
Bucky’s tail started to wag excitedly at Steve’s words before he suddenly realised that Steve was still laughing and that it was just another joke, Steve was laughing harder after seeing Bucky’s tail wagging but quickly caught himself when Bucky tucked his tail between his legs and flattened his ears sadly.
“Oh Buck, I’m sorry, do you want a treat for real? We can find you a bone or something” Steve cooed at him again as he crouched down to scratch behind Bucky’s ear and ruffle his fur gently, Bucky leant into his hands with a nod and subtly scented Steve’s hands to make sure the annoying dog didn’t get his scent on Steve at all “Come on then, let’s get the ball and find you a treat”
Bucky nodded and happily stayed at Steve’s side the whole time while they walked through the store, helping Steve pick out some natural treats that smelt super good to Bucky and missed the way Steve looked at him when he scrambled under a shelf to retrieve a ball that had rolled under it and held it up proudly in his mouth. Bucky also missed the way Steve stashed other things into his basket without Bucky seeing them, too busy watching someone that was carrying a tiny dog in their bag to notice the dog tag Steve got engraved until he clipped the red star tag onto his collar with a smile on his face.
When they got home from the store, Bucky immediately rushed into his room and shifted before he realised his mistake as the collar was still wrapped around his neck and his fingers always took a minute to work before he could use his fine motor skills after being shifted for a while. Bucky thought about hiding until he could do it himself but soon heard Steve calling him from the living room and knew that he was going to have to face Steve.
“Stevie, I could use some human hands” Bucky whined pitifully, hoping if he made himself look all sad and needy Steve would be kinder to him. Steve betrayed him in an instant as he laughed at him making Bucky frown and let out a sad little whine, knowing that Steve wouldn’t judge him for his nature after the day they’ve had “C’mon Steve, I can’t do it straight after a shift”
“How come?” Steve asked even as he wandered over to Bucky, brushing his long hair away from his neck to fiddle away at Bucky’s collar.
“Things like undoing a buckle is hard after not having fingers for several hours, it comes back to me in a couple minutes but I don’t want to accidentally scratch it up” Bucky explained and took a deep breath when Steve took the collar off from his neck, Bucky cocked his head curiously when Steve took it over to where they hang their jackets and hung the collar on the same hook as the leash. A warm, fuzzy feeling spread in Bucky’s chest as he looked at the physical evidence of Steve’s acceptance of his wolf form, no longer having to worry about this one particular secret anymore and could focus on keeping his feelings for Steve safe without his wolf somehow exposing him.
Maybe Bucky should have noticed the bright smile on Steve’s face when Bucky found the extra treats Steve had brought for him, or the extra toys that had been stashed in a different cupboard. He definitely should have noticed when he was chewing on a toy happily in his wolf form and Steve was taking pictures of him with the same fond grin, when Steve called Bucky to lay on the couch with him and let Bucky lay all over his chest with his head pressed to Steve’s neck.
Bucky was oblivious for now, but he was happy to be accepted and was happy to be in love with his best friend in private… at least, for now.
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King Falls AM - Episode Twelve: All the Pretty Flowers
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Summary: October 15, 2015 - Against Ben's wishes, Sammy broaches a touchy subject after witnessing a hearse delivering white roses on his way into the station. Is it a King Falls Halloween tradition or could it be something more sinister? #RedRumRoses
[podcast intro music]
[jazz music]
Chet Well the clock on the wall is telling me that’s all, y’all. So I’m gonna mosey on down to The Red Rock bar and buy all the ladies a drink on me. But don’t try to fool me again, Dennis. This has been Chet Sebastian’s Jazz Corner. Until next time… keep it cool King Falls.
[Sammy & Ben Show intro music]
Ben Good evening, you’re listening to King Falls AM [door closing]– that’s 660 on the radio dial. [slightly irked] And this is the Sammy and Ben show— sans-Sammy at the moment.
Sammy Sorry about that, Ben! everybody at home. I was just running a little late. I was j- Y-you know, I just saw the weirdest thing!
Ben Was it Chet leaving? I told him to take that fur coat off. Guy looks like he walked off a set of a Blaxploitation[1] film.
Sammy *laughs* No, I wish I’d seen that. But I was driving in tonight- I was running a tad bit late, as you can see, and I swear to you: I’m coming up Main Street, I got behind a hearse delivering these giant white rose bouquets! Like, every couple of streets the damn thing’s stoppin’!
Ben No.
Sammy No *laughs* yeah it did.
Ben … SOOOOO… Weee’ve got a great show for you folks tonight. Uh, Ernie Salcedo…
Sammy Ben.
Ben *pointedly clearing his throat* … Yes?
Sammy Okay, I can see you slashing at your neck furiously and shaking your head “no”, but the audience can’t. Sooo, what’s the issue here?
Ben *nervously* I’m sorry we… just don’t talk about this, Sammy.
Sammy So you know of it! Is it like some kind of weird Halloween thing?
Ben [flatly] Halloween? Are you serious? We don’t celebrate Halloween here in the Falls, Sammy.
Sammy WHAT? This is like friggin’ Halloween Town! You know those shops that open up every year around Halloween and close the day after? King Falls is where all those shops should move to when it’s not Halloween.
Ben Two things. 1) That’s a horrible business model, and 2) Halloween is one, big, diabetic pumpkin.
Sammy Come on? You don’t like decorating? Trick-or-treating?
Ben ALL OF IT. It’s like you’re— tempting these ghouls and goblins to come and mess with you. We get enough of that here. And again, diabetes.
Sammy Okay, I can see where you’re coming from, but I’m not gonna lie— this is kind of a surprise.
Ben What can I say? We’re more the Christmas or Arbor Day types.
Sammy Okay, so the hearse is delivering flowers. What’s the deal if it’s not a Halloween… ritual?
Ben Did you really see that? Did someone tell you to mess with me about this?
Sammy Scout’s Honor. I was late because of it! I illegally passed on a double yellow line (sorry Deputy Troy) just to skate around ‘em and make my way up the mountain.
Ben … I don’t like this. I-I don’t know that I’ve ever known anyone that saw the flowers delivered. Usually businesses and people just find the wreaths the next morning. D-Di-Did you see inside the hearse? Was it… people?
Sammy You know, I didn’t look, but I’m gonna go out on a limb and say… it was a human being.
Ben Well, that’s good. *breath* It’s something.
Sammy Okay, so the roses…
Ben [voice breaking] Damnit, Sammy! We got a show scheduled, ya know?
Sammy I’m well aware! Just fill me in about the roses and we’ll move on.
Ben [muttering] Yeah yeah, okay, so… *deep breath* Every year, around this time—
Sammy Halloween…
Sammy Uh-huh…
Ben Every— October… there is a certain society of people— and I use the term “people” loosely— that congregate and deliver the rose wreaths to individuals and businesses. That’s— a fact.
Sammy And?
Ben Annnd… nobody really knows what happens after that.
Sammy [audible grin] But legend has it…!
Ben Don’t “legend-has-it” me! Nobody knows for sure! Why gossip?
Sammy Okay. What do you think happens, Ben?
Ben *breathes in* Uuuugghhhh… Well, I think people either accept this weird— invitation or… they don’t. But I can tell you, the people that don’t? Well… they don’t, last long after that.
Sammy Okay. So we’ve just went from spooky 1-800-Flowers to murder in only a few easy steps.
Ben Not- murder- per say, but… businesses that decline tend to… move away or go under. Or tragedy strikes. Sure, I-I’ve heard stories of these folks winding up on the wrong end of a funeral ceremony, but… I couldn’t prove it. Are you satisfied now?
Sammy Of course. Thank you, Ben. King Falls, you’ve heard our story, now let’s hear yours!
Ben DON’T open the phone lines!
Sammy We’re-opening-up the phone lines here at the station! 424-279-3858. Have you had contact with this demonic annual floral delivery? Hit us up!
Ben Don’t call or tweet us. Please.
Sammy Give us a call or tweet us @KingFallsAM, [smugly] Ben will personally answer every tweet #RedrumRoses[2]
Ben NOPE! Not gonna happen.
Sammy Ben…[faux sympathy] It looks like the phone lines are lighting up, buddy.
Ben I expected better of you, King Falls.
Sammy Lucky Line 1, you’re on the air with Sammy And Ben.
Pete Low-down, gossip-mongering, muckraking filth.
Ben [flatly] Pete?
Sammy [quiet and amused] Escobar?
Pete N-uh- it’s Pete. You know damn well I’m listenin’.
Ben Wwhat’s on your mind tonight, Pete?
Sammy Did your mom teach you to start off phone calls with name-calling, Pete?
Pete [faint creaking in bg] My mom taught me to… stand up for myself! Don’t start a fight, but don’t be afraid to end it.
Sammy Who’s fighting?
Pete Oh, what a short attention span you have, Sammy. Not dwelling on you and Mr. Howard Ford Beauregard III issues; you’re picking a fight with the Unknown! Ben told you to shut your trap. [very faint sounds of driving]
Sammy Heh, lemme tell you, this would a long four hours if we didn’t talk and, y’ know, sometimes you have to—
Pete Yeah yeah, I get it, Mr. Nincompoop Radio Host. [creaking] You gotta blab. But that’s something you don’t trifle with. You should know this.
Ben Sammy, you know I hate to say Pete is right about anything, but—
Pete But I’m right about this! I know you know, Ben. That’s all I need to know. Stop yapping about things you don’t understand.
Ben Thanks, Pete.
Sammy [mostly resigned] Did you have a question or an experience with the flowers, Pete?
Pete Abs-absolutely not! I– d-don’t try to get me in trouble. [car door closing]
Ben You okay over there, Pete?
Pete [failing at being nonchalant] Yeah I’m just out, and… uh, just out.
Sammy [incredulous] This time of night?
[car door slamming]
Pete Yeah! I’m- runnin’ errands and- stuff like that, y’know. ‘T’s- It’s not- it’s not your business!
Ben [literally tongue-in-cheek] Uh-huh…
Pete You’re makin’ something of this. Yer- you’re doin’ somethin’, you’re getting me invo— Stop.
Ben It’s just weird, Mr. Beauregard’s gardener is out at 2 in the morning, running errands.
Sammy So your boss doesn’t have anything to do with the roses, does he, Pete?
Pete Ben Arnold. If you’ve got a lick of good sense, I wouldn’t walk too close to Sammy for the next feww… mm— mmmm… lifetimes! He’s gonna wind up on the bottom end of an anvil.
Sammy You know, I just don’t think asking questions is the equivalent of buying ACME rocket kits and trying to catch a damn bird.[3]
Ben [semi-stern] Y’mind answering his question, Pete?
Pete Oh, HELL NO. You two are a couple ‘a horse patoots. I’m never listening to this show again.
Ben Until tomorrow.
Pete PETE OUT! [click, dial tone]
Ben Are you happy, Sammy? Is this what you were hoping for?
Sammy Civilized conversation is the only thing I look for. That said… I’m gonna say, it’s a tad bit suspicious.
Ben There are dots we don’t need to connect. MOVING ON!
Sammy Maybe you’re right.
Ben Folks, we’re gonna take a break to pay some bills, and we’ll be right back and on schedule.
[rattle, guitar strums]
Dale (presumably) [voice is a low murmur (for lack of a better word)] Dale’s Dollar Tree… [strum] at dirt cheap prices… [strum] it’s almost free. [guitar,western music] Hi, everybody, I’m super excited to tell you ‘bout some unbelievable deals we have right now… at Dale’s Dollar Tree. Let’s segue to the savin’s [eagle screech] Our low prices are guaranteed… Who’s guaranteeing it, you ask? … Me… [guitar stops] How do you take advantage of these savings? [strum, rattle] 1) Walk into Dale’s Dollar Tree [strum] 2) Throw somethin’ in your cart [strum] 3) Savings. [guitar] Dale’s Dollar Tree. [eagle screech]
[S&B theme]
Sammy Ladies and gentlemen, we are back and you’re listening to King Falls AM. Now we were just talking about me running late this morning, because of a, uh, hearse—
Ben [cutting Sammy off] So we’ve got a great show scheduled tonight. We’ve got Mr. Eli Goldblum on later in the hour.
Sammy And who is Mr. Goldblum?
Ben Are you kidding me? Only the most renowned post-mortal psychologist known to man! He’s on his spoken-word world tour, and this Thursday, you can see him live at the King Falls Convention Center.
Sammy … That’sss-something.
Ben Indeed! So that’s in about… forrrty minutes. Uh, we got Rose, (from Rose’s Diner, of course) calling in to talk about how the Bee Crisis is affecting her honey-baked ham specials for the- foreseeable future.
Sammy [TIL] Really? That’s something that’s happening?
Ben Come on, Sammy. This bee situation is serious business.
Sammy You get points for not buzzing or saying “beeees-ness”
Ben You don’t wanna know how hard that was…
Sammy -eh- Okay. So, how can we help with the bees?
Ben Uhhh… cut- back- on swatting them?? *awkward laugh* I-I-I don’t know for sure that’s-that’s why we’re talkin’ to Rose.
Sammy Gotcha!
Ben And our first topic of discussion this evening— was gonna be—
Sammy About the flowers.
Ben Don’t.
Sammy Okay, look. Can we open up the phone lines again? I’d like to talk about these flowers. Uh, you tell King Falls your topic, and then we’ll see what they wanna talk about.
Ben You know they’ll talk about the damn rose wreaths!
Sammy You heard it here, folks. Line 7, you’re on with Sammy and Ben.
Herschel Ugh, I can’t sleep with all this damn racket going on! You two DINGLEBERRIES keep it down!
Sammy *laugh* Herschel??
Herschel Oh, hell. Don’t make me get out of bed and give you a full blast so late at night! [muttered] Don’t even know where my slippers are…
Ben Mr… Baumgartner, you realize you called us, right? This is- the radio station.
Herschel I know who and what I called. I dialed you DICKWHISTLES because all this [mocking] cry-babying about the damn flowers. Turn that jazz fella back on so- so I can get some rest!
Sammy Chet is on from 10 to 2, Mr. Baumgartner. This is Sammy and Ben and we- talk about—
Herschel I don’t give a damn if it’s Tricky Dick Nixon calling to give me a Congressional Medal of Honor! You shut your nose holes about the damn funeral flowers. And play me some heroin-fueled American art! [click]
[dial tone]
Sammy We’re gonna count that as one for the flowers…
Ben Line 14, you’re live on the air.
Creeper Long time listener here!
Sammy [click, dial tone]
Ben Did you hang up, Sammy?
Sammy Yeeaah, sorry. I hate that guy.
Ben Line 3,*chuckles* this is King Falls AM.
Beauregard Good evening, Benjamin. Samuel. This is—
Ben Beauretard?![sic]
Beauregard *sigh* Mr. Howard Ford Beauregard the Third. My man told me that you were spreading more lies than usual on your little “radio show.” I thought I would call and clear the air.
Sammy Mr. Beauregard, can I just say, before this call goes ANY further— that we will not accept any abuse towards us or the listeners of this show.
Beauregard How cute that you think people listen to you two buffoons.
Ben That’s abuse! That’s exactly what we were—
Beauregard Oh, that’s a joke where I come from. You millennials would never have lasted back in my day. With your emotions and feelings and the like.
Ben When was that day, again, Mr. Beauregard?
Beauregard Information about myself and my family, can be found in my international, best-selling e-book, “King of King Falls” … I don’t have to answer to— well— you.
Sammy *sigh* Did you have a reason for the call tonight, Beauregard?
Beauregard Indeed, I do. While men with any couth wouldn’t speak about festivities that they know nothing aboouut—
Sammy So, you’re behind these deliveries?
Ben Also, while I would never name names and throw my friend under a bus— you should know this wasn’t the agreed upon topic of the show.
Sammy Oh, stop it.
Beauregard [agonizingly insincere] I don’t know a thing about the supposed yearly white rose deliveries you speak of. My family, nor myself, have ever been involved with such jovality.[sic] In fact, in all my years I can’t recollect such a thing.
Ben I don’t buy that for a second. Maybe you’ve never sent the roses, and— let’s play devil’s advocate and say, sure, you’ve never received them (which I doubt), but there is No Way you haven’t heard of this.
Beauregard Maybe it’s something you commoners have made up, like, uhh- the tooth fairy or the Illuminati orrr— equal rights for the sexes.
Ben I can’t deal with this guy! Just dump him and let’s take another line.
Sammy Wait… Mr. Beauregard. If you don’t care about this— and, in fact, haven’t even heard of it until tonight— why would you bother to break your Hate-Silence with us to call in?
Beauregard You’re not nearly as dumb as you look, Stevens! And while I continue to honor my statement before— I’d have to assume that this “rose” ordeal is a real thing. It’s probably a very special thing! An intimate invitation sent by the upper echelons of King Falls. A way of making amends or bring people worthy of attention, into a conversation that normally would not have been invited to have.
Ben Just for everyone keeping score at home: I took a college course on Crazy and I believe he is saying he knows that the wreath deliveries are real, and he is probably behind them.
Beauregard Time is money, gentleman. Not that you understand that concept. But instead of painting a ceremony you know nothing about as tragic and scary— perhaps it’s not. Perhaps it’s something more than that, entirely. In any case, it’s not something that should be spoken about in public. [phone pings] Ahhh… I’ll be going now, “gentlemen.” And while I do use that word lightly, perhaps take a break from your radio program and… check your door.
Ben Isss that a threat?
Beauregard Trick-or-Treat, Samuel… Benjamin. [click]
[dial tone]
Sammy I wonder what he sounds like when he has something nice to say to people.
Ben He probably hasn’t said anything nice to a person since the 60s… The 1860s.
Sammy Ya know, I didn’t mean to ruffle anyone’s feathers tonight. Especially crazy old billionaires who try to drive us off the air— so let’s just—
Sammy What?!
Ben Yeah. [chair sliding out] I’m sorry, man. Beauregard gives me the willies [squeak] and I wanna make sure there isn’t—
Sammy A sugar-glider on a noose?
Ben Too far. I was just gonna say— that he hasn’t had Pete ding-dong-ditch us- or something.
Sammy And here I thought the Williams boys had that market cornered.
Ben I’ll be back in a sec. [footsteps rushing off]
Sammy [shouting after him] Don’t talk about Pete that way, Ben! He’s never gonna listen to the show again! Alright, folks. We are just a few hot minutes away from Eli Goldblum coming into the studio to talk about, [ominous bg music starts] uh… I’m guessing- ghosts with lingering mental issues? Ah, sorry— apparitions. [footsteps rushing back] I’m holding out hope for an apparition with multiple personality disorder, but I don’t know if that’s a thing or not… [chair squeak, Ben sitting] Ben? You okay, buddy?
Ben [upset] How many times, did I ask you to stop talking about the stupid, hearse, Sammy?
Sammy What’s wrong?
Ben [sarcastic] Oh, nothing. You wanna go outside and take a look?
Sammy You know, I don’t think I want to. I’m happy with you filling me in.
Ben Well, I didn’t go outside, Sammy! I didn’t have to. I looked out the front window.
[ominous bg music getting louder]
Sammy Yeah? And?
Ben [hissed] damnit
Sammy … Ben. What is going on? Do we need to call Troy?
Ben The whole parking lot- your car, MY car— as far as the lights will let me see— Nothing but white roses, man.
Sammy … Are you serious?
Ben Go look!! Just don’t go out there, huh? It looked like it was snowing, that’s how many of those damn things are out there.
Sammy [scrambling for optimism] What’s the chances that it’s just a non-Halloween bouquet from Emily to you?
Ben ZERO. Zero percent chance, Sammy.
Sammy [seriously] Folks, we’ll be right back after a word from our sponsors.
[KFAM outro]
[1] Blaxploitation - Blaxploitation or blacksploitation is an ethnic subgenre of the exploitation film that emerged in the United States during the early 1970s. The films, while popular, suffered backlash for disproportionate numbers of stereotypical film characters showing bad or questionable motives, including roles as criminals.
[2] #RedrumRoses - Redrum is from the psychological horror film The Shining. It’s “murder” spelled backward.
[3] “ACME rocket kits and trying to catch a damn bird” - I sincerely hope no one will ever be too young for this reference, but I once had my little brothers ask who Mr. Rogers was so: this is a reference to the Looney Toons cartoons, Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner. In each episode, Coyote repeatedly attempts to catch and eat the Road Runner, a fast-running ground bird, but is never successful. In order to catch the Road Runner, Coyote uses absurdly complex contraptions- most acquired from the mail-order company ACME- to try to catch his prey, which all backfire comically with Coyote often getting injured in slapstick fashion.
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aidayazid · 6 years
India IV
India Part 4, have finally arrived and i should close this off with my already most elaborated trip ever experienced in my whole life on 24th Sept 2018. I actually went on this trip somewhere late June and i am still yapping about it until september. that is exactly 3 months later, well but dont the best trip of life runs for eternity? heheh. 
well anyway, my next year bucket list is full of places i have yet to visit, except for korea but im going back for jeju and i havent been there so im already crazy excited for that. my other trips includes, nepal, trans-siberian trip and hopefully a europe tour? well this europe bit is unconfirmed but i would still love to go. that would means i will need to leave this job. 
If i ever do quit, i will let you guys know again. By guys i mean me, myself and i in this tumblr page of mine. ha ha ha. but if theres anybody out there who actually bothers to read my page secretly, please please please do hit me up so we can be friends, or at least just talk. i would love to find out what inspires you to stay so thanks. 
anyway lets get back on with it. i will probably only be posting more pictures in another post as i am typing with laptop and not by my phone. i remember vividly after we managed to score a trip to nubra valley and panggong tso (which N kept bargaining for price) and even the salesperson was like usually the girls are the one doing all the haggling but this time N did most of the work while F and me are just too tired and we agreed with almost everything haha. Anyway the jeep that picked us up was driven by 21 years old Mehboob. At this stage, we didnt know the drive would end up with a broken window with only a plastic sheet to shield me from the furious winds and snowy colds. I am absolutely being very serious that we travelled more than 1000km in the mountaineous region with a broken window and me, being the sacrificial sitting next to the window throughout the whole entire trip. It was not pleasant when the winds kept on hitting against the plastic, making that dreadful slaps again and again interrupting your sleep. I pardon Mehboob too as he is just at an innocent age of 21 and probably havent had that much driving experience like Ali or Bilal, but the next time you wanted a driver for this kind of road trips, it would be best to know who are your driver first perhaps. Yessss~
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The car with broken window at the back. Yup thats my seat for 2 days.
Anyway, after the awful drive of 5 hours (with in between of cries and sobbing and vomitting) we have finally arrived at nubra valley. it was realllllly not what i expected. we wanted a cheap accomodation, and we were obviously sharing with a rich/middle class family in the same jeep but they stayed at a resort for 5000 rupees per night? and we didnt have that kind of money to burn so we settled for 1600 rupees per night at an okay 2 star house guest? well cant complain what you paid for right? i even saw toilet bowl full of shit on the next morning but what i did? i held my nauseousness and went on to the other empty clean room and pissed in the toilet instead, voila. i cant believe i managed to do that. wonder what would my mom do? LOL.
I dont even know if i wanted to elaborate on the valley, but truthfully it was really nothing much. i mean of course the views, the climate, the people is something you dont get often coming from singapore but i was very much disappointed i would say. it was such a letdown.
*continuing on hp on 25th sept* anyway, the valley had overworked and underweight camels, ferrying people after people for rides and i honestly felt really bad for the camels, its almost like the tigers and elephants case in thailand. Please stop abusing animals for tourism purpose, they are so precious and should be saved from these kind of abuses. #stopanimalabuse
Almost felt like a campaign wasnt it? Haha. Anyway, the second journey bit was more interesting should i say? But first i have to talk about our lunch pitstop cos it had maggi! And i downed a bowl of tomato soup with hot tea ahhh alhamdullillah subhanallah. I think i got the hang of enduring my motion sickness already, maybe, sort of. Haha but i definitely need to eat, cant leave an empty tummy for a bumpy journey and especially not when im travelling in the mountaineous region.
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Opps, not hot tea but just hot water i guess. It was more than enough because the trick here is not to overeat or undereat but just filled?
So we went on for about 2 hours plus and we finally reached Panggong Tso! This place was frigging cold, legit and i was giddy af when i got off. I needed to breathe on my own and simply catch my breath, or mostly to pee actually. So i seek alone for a grandmother to get a key cos the toilet was locked and owned by the shop owner's grandmother. Ha ha ha. Off i went to one of the camp calling 'Dadimaaaaa...'. I think i have a knack for calling people on friendly terms without feeling embarrassed. Lol. Enough toilet talks, heres Panggong Tso....
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Just look at the difference in color of the lake and right opposite of the lake is already China! MasyaAllah. I think i cried for abit here, but mostly i was cold. It was definitely mindblowing, i would definitely have stayed longer if it wasnt too cold :')
From this point onwards, we were just heading back to Leh. Nothing much happened here, we had dinner and some last minute shopping. It was this time too that i received news of Hairil's passing. Hairil was my dikir barat instructor, he had only recently got married and just had a daughter. But he was gone too soon. I hope and sincerely pray that Hairil will be at ease, may Allah SWT forgive Hairil and may his good deeds on earth be accepted, may Hairil also be happier in the hereafter than he was in dunya. May we see each other again Hairil, and thank you for your knowledge which you have shared with us. Ameen allahumma ameen.
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One of the book i read in the plane cos my phone was dead. Ha ha ha
So the greatest trip of my life thus far, ended with me reaching Singapore fetched by my parents and my youngest sister. I still remember having mcspicy the moment i touched down. Alhamdullillah, i can never thank You enough for allowing me to travel so much and to do as much as i can ya Allah. Thank you 😢😞😭
"We travel not to escape life, but we travel so that life does not escape from us."
Till next time in my other travel blogs, insyaAllah.
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