Old People and Career Guesses
I waited on a lovely group of old people yesterday. I adore waiting on old people because they remind me of my grandparents and they are ultimately so predictable. These folks were probably from Harvard and spent a lot of time discussing Norwegian culture. *Classic* It was not a busy night and I had a lovely time chatting with them about such mysteries as mushroom ice cream and the benefits of funky desserts. 
When I brought their dessert over they stopped me and the hostess explained that they at taken bets-- actual monetary bets-- about what I wanted to do for my career. They informed me that the majority of the ladies were convinced I wanted to work in the soft sciences. They assured me nobody thought I was an engineer *woot woot.* This was going exactly how every discussion I have with tables about my career ever goes. “Where do you go to school sweetie?” “How how wonderful what is your major?” “Oh boy are you studying theater you behave like you’re on stage!” The usual. 
However the older gentleman at the table, the man who has not spoken to me this entire night, looks up and says “I told them she seems to be a person with a passion for hospitality and food, and actually wants a career in restaurants.” It blew my mind because nobody EVER guesses. People always look shocked when I explain I want to be a sommelier, to open a restaurant, to spend the rest of my life in a crazy chaotic world of food and entertaining. 
The women were shocked when I told them the gentleman was in fact correct. The hostess cautioned me that she had owned many a restaurant and it was a brutal life, but when I explained my interest in wine, she grinned and said that was a wonderful idea because there are now some incredibly talented female sommeliers. She graciously admitted defeat and paid the gentleman the $2 she owed him. 
They were a positively darling group of individuals and it warmed my heart that I seem as excited about hospitality to others as in my own head. 
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