#omg he slepy
southie-dakotie · 7 years
uh.. all of the s.o. questions.. blease. (if u think this ask is from dex ur WRONG and also u have no PROOF so get fuckd. my identity remains a secret)
you’re right i have an xkit extension so therefore all anons are Ryuko Matoi so how about YOU get fuckd, Not Dex?
gonna put under a read more cause...Long
1) Describe them in 3 words
memes, RvB (abbreviations count as one word fuck u), and... was gonna say Bodily Possession since it seems all his favourite characters have something to do with that, but that’s 2 words gfkgjhdf. Whatever
2) Their favourite style of clothing
maN this boi sure loves his fuckin minion pajamas dont he
I can never describe styles? but I know he likes his blue plaid shirt and his jean vest so. that’s his style
3) What mannerisms do they have?
I know! he has shaky hands! I Hold Themn
his mannerisms change depending on the mood tho so gkjfhdgfjk
4) Do they play an instrument?
I know he wants to play a guitar!! but he doesn’t have one ;/
5) How did you meet/become introduced to them?
I technically met them through Jeff. which is hilarious cause when I first saw them on here I thought ‘these guys are way too cool for me’ but little did I know. they cry over fucking Peepo
6) Favourite thing they’ve ever said/texted/messaged?
I have screenshots that I cant post cause gkjghdj Laptop BUT it was probably when he messaged me at 2 in the morning ranting about Greeds fashion sense and his shitty glasses
7) What do you like doing with them?
well, with it being long distance, we can’t do much. but watching his favourite movies is Good because he gets so happy!!! I may not understand half of the movie but he gets excited so its Good
8) Their favourite colour
PURPLE i know that much
9) Do they keep up to date on pop culture?
he’s up to date on Memes and RvB so
10) Sweetest thing they’ve done for you?
he’s flirted with DnD terminology before and honestly I’ve never been more gay
11) Have you dreamed about them?
I? Think so! I dont remember half my dreams tho gkjfhfdjgkf
12) Have they dreamed about you? (if you know)
I... Don’t remember. he’d have to answer that
13) Can they dance?
PFFT PROBABLY NOT?? sorry babe I feel like u dance like a Fool which is fine cause I do too
14) What does hugging them feel like?
OOF I bet really good!! my sof squish boy he giv Strong Hugs
15) Your favourite thing about them?
He’s very imaginitive!! it’s so fun to talk about headcannons with him omg
16) Their favourite thing about you?
I.... Don’t know??? he seems to enjoy every tiny thing about me im aaaaa
17) Best memory of you together?
Im from the future best memory is of me flyin out there to see his dumb butt
18) What are they like when they’re tired?
oh god. Very cute. he’s funny when he talks I love talking to him when he’s slepy
19) Could you imagine growing old together with them?
tbh I dont think either of us can imagine living older than like 25 but! yeah I guess so!!!
20) Could they imagine growing old together with you?
idk! ask himn! gkfjdhgf!
21) What would an ideal date with them be?
anywhere between walking through gardens or something to screaming at mariokart
22) Are they competitive?
he’s a filthy red of course he’s competitive
23) What do you do together?
we do as much as we can with the distance!! video games, movies, random skype calls and stuff
24) Which smells remind you of them?
idk :/ I dont usually associate smells with people so gkfjhjkdfh
25) Do they remind you of any music?
literally when I think Dex+Music I think of Man Man and Muse so
26) Could you tell them your biggest secret?
yeah!! We’re both really open with each other I think
27) Could they tell you their biggest secret?
I would think so? we’ve opened up to each other a lot I think
28) How do you greet each other?
I wake up before him because Timezones so when he wakes up and messages me he’s kinda jsut ‘hhey im Unfortunately Awake’ and I almost always respond with some variation of ‘!!!!! Helo!!!! Aaaaaa!!!!!’
I am bvery excited to talk to my boi
29) What makes you blush that they do?
gjhj any compliments? I dont think it’s very hard to make me blush
30) What makes them blush that you do?
31) Would you say you love them?
Heck ye!
32) Would they say they love you?
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