#omg this started off so calm but ended so chaotic i just got rly excited im so sorry 😭
yhsujin · 4 years
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first of all i haven’t been in a group for some time so excuse me if i’m fuckin’ slow but omg im!!!! so excited to be here!!! i’m lea ( 22, she/her, gmt+8 ) and this is my baby nam sujin, who is the leader & lead vocalist of june. tbh i’m still in the middle of figuring her out so pls bear with me. here are her stats / profile / biography if you wanna read, but i’d also talk about her more under the cut!!! no plot page bc we don’t do that here aka im actually lazy rip please give this a heart if you would like to plot and i shall slide in your ims soon <33 if you’d rather plot on discord, feel free to ask for my username or give yours so we can talk there!!!
tldr bio:
nam sujin, 23, idol, leader & lead vocalist of june
she came from a middle class family, is the second & youngest child, has been living in her older sister’s shadow since she was born bc her mother thinks her sister is better than her :’)
she grew up trying to impress her mother but nothing she did was ever good enough, so by the time she turned 14 she’s like im over it and started to do things just to piss her mother off
literally just a nice kid turned bad bc Life Made Me Do It
music has always been a huge part of her life and she genuinely enjoys singing - another thing that pissed her mother off bc she thinks singing and listening to music are a waste of a time, but that’s the only thing that makes sujin happy so she’s like sorry mom can’t hear u im busy listening to music
never thought of becoming an idol bc she didn’t think she’s good enough for it but she accompanied a friend to bde audition one day and was encouraged by the company to give it a try, so she sang for them and surprise. she passed the audition!!!!
her mother wasn’t too happy about her decision to become an idol, thinking it wasn’t even a real profession to begin with, so she left home and never looked back bc she’s determined to make her dream come true (and also bc she just hated being home)
one of the ace trainees in the company, but it took her multiple delays of debut and two survival shows for her to finally become an idol - she had almost wanted to quit when she failed the second survival show but she ended up staying when bde announced they would be debuting the first girl group!!! and she’s in!!!
kinda upset that she’s not the main vocalist and hated the idea of being a leader at first. she thinks it’s Too Much work, but somehow managed to suck it up and did her best anyways
still hates her role in the group, but girl is Trying Her Best. keyword: try
wants to produce her own songs one day 
sujin was bright as a child, but eventually she grew bitter and jealous of her sister (mostly bc she always gets everything and is absolutely better than her, but she’d never admit it out loud)
actually a smart kid. she’s not that far behind her sister, but her mother always makes it seems like sujin is 1000x worse than she is, so bc of that she becomes really insecure and thinks she’s never good enough for anything but also at the same time she’s like i’m better than u
which means she fakes self-confidence bc she has none and to quote marina and the diamonds: 'cause i feel like i'm the worst, so i always act like i'm the best
due to her upbringing and the constant failure she went through during training, she’s gotten a little cutthroat in her ways of doing things, so if she’s set her mind on something, she’s gonna get it no matter what it takes
although she seems calm and relaxed on the outside, she can get hella competitive when she needs to be bc she hates losing
often misunderstood as cold and unapproachable bc she’s usually quiet and distant, especially with strangers, but she just needs the right people to bring out the goofy side of hers sometimes
on-stage persona: playful, flirtatious, sometimes sensual, girl crush
off-stage persona: quiet, distant, could be chaotic when she wants to, savage
has definitely twerk on tv several times before bc she can
loves her june girls to death, and it shows from the way she takes good care of them, but won’t deadass admit she cares for them
about her rumor that she hates her members: sujin just naturally has bitchy expressions on her and some netizen has called her out for being unprofessional or whatsoever bc she definitely has been giving looks or stares at her members and staffs on camera before, and sometimes her actions or words get mistaken for her hating her members (she used to be on bad terms w some of the members and was the Biggest Bitch to them but nope you didn’t hear that from me)
also the type to rarely express her affection in words bc 1) she doesn’t know how to do that shit and 2) she’s a huge tsundere so all she’s got is tough love to offer
will definitely 10/10 judge you bc girl can have opinions, she said
she’s quite blunt when it comes to her opinions, doesn’t really like to sugar coat things
skill-wise she’s a great vocalist, is also quite decent in dancing but again it’s a Lot of Work, she would rather just sit down and sing her heart out instead
would deadass self-sabotage when things get a little too happy and peaceful for her bc she thinks she deserves nothing good :(
which is why shes always caught up in toxic relationships but they usually start with her bc shes a Messy Bitch
instead of talking about her feelings she would just rather lash out at someone bc that’s easier and that’s how she copes with stress, except now she goes clubbing and gets her ass drunk when she needs to unwind
has a nasty temper especially when she’s super tired, but would totally try to keep it lowkey when she’s in public bc she has a Reputation to maintain but will likely go off if it’s in private
really likes to go out and spend time w her friends whenever she has off days
looks like a bad bitch but she’s actually rly sensitive and just wants to be loved
i repeat she’s a messy bitch so if our plot suddenly goes from soft and wholesome to angsty out of nowhere it’s her, it’s ALWAYS her
with that being said pls gimme angst plots bc i live for them <3333
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saveme-ruinme · 7 years
Boyfriend Minhyuk
A/N: this was requested so long ago omg im so sorry that this took me this long! But i did it! I hope u like it!
Highkey fuckin annoying
Bothers you allllllllll the time
Sometimes to be cute sometimes just to piss u off
Depends on how bored he is and how mischevious hes feeling
Always texting and callin u
Doesnt matter if hes got nothing to say he just wants to know what ur up to even if ur not doing anything
Sends u hella selfies and expects hella selfies back
Doesnt care if ur sitting on the toilet just show him a pic of ur face
Hates being ignored but will ignore u if u piss him off
Which hardly ever happens tbh bc hes super chill and easy going so it takes a lot to piss him off
He really only gets mildly annoyed with u but doesnt go much further than that
Mostly bc u back off when he does that stare where hes trying not to look annoyed but he u and sticks his tongue in his cheek
Thats when u know u better chill before he gets super upset
Tells u he loves u in the most cheesy way he can think of bc he likes the way u get all flustered when ur embarrassed
Tells u while doing aegyo or greasing up to u or singing it to u while down on one knee and holding ur hand out in public so everyone can see
And ur like omfg minhyuk can u chill i get it u love me
Wont stop embarrassing u until u also proclaim ur love for him
Then will try and make out with u on the spot
AFFECTIONATE always playing with ur hair or pinching ur cheeks and telling u how cute and pretty u are
Like what he does to the other members mostly jooheon tho
Theres a reason why all the other members go to him to be cheered up hes rly fuckin good at it
Hes described as the mood maker in the group and its the same with ur relationship
Minhyuk is such a bright and cheerful person that its so easy to get consumed by it
Its honestly so refreshing especially if ur like me and spend the whole day in a sorta dull haze
Having Minhyuk around is that feeling right after u finished spring cleaning and u get to sit down and enjoy ur clean house and relax with a cup of tea or something
Always happy and energetic and it rubs off on u so ur always smiling around him
Sometimes it does get a little overwhelming but hes so good at reading ur emotions that when he sees that its becoming too much for u he will calm down immediately
Hes hella extroverted too so hes always gonna wanna go out for dates
Like lets go out to the amusement park! Or the zoo! Or the aquarium! Lets go somewhere!
And ur like ……..minhyuk pls its 9am can we eat first
Then minhyuks like oh yes food! Oh where should we go? Oh lets go to this cafe! It has dogs!
Everything is an adventure with him he always makes the most mundane things exciting and fun idk how he does it but im jealous
Said he likes chubby girls so hes gonna always wanna get food tbh
Asking u if u have eaten when he sees u
Offering to buy u food all the time even if u have eaten
He just wants to make sure ur eating well doesnt care if u gain weight
If u complain about ur weight hes gonna give u a detailed analysis on why ur beautiful plus make a whole album dedicated to u accepting ur body the way it is and ending it with food and making sure ur eating well
Into alllllllll the pda
Kisses u
holds ur hand
hugs u
does everything
Minhyuk had absolutely no shame he will grab ur ass in public he does not care
Especially if someone is eyeing u up then he will literally grab and squeeze an entire handful of ur ass while making eye contact with that person like thats right bitch this is mine dont even think about it
The jealous type
Like hes a scorpio even if he seems chill with everything he will get jealous
And he gets petty when hes jealous bc hes a snake
Like i said he will shamelessly grope u in front of whoever just to prove a point
Will probably apologise later if it makes u uncomfortable and will try and not let it get to him but yeah probs not
Once whoever was makin eyes at u is gone hes back to normal
And ur just like bitch pick a mood goddamn ur giving me whiplash
Likes it when u baby him
Bc hes a big baby and just wants to cuddles and kissed
Gets whiny when u baby him to the point where u roll ur eyes
But ur not gonna stop babying him bc hes cute when hes like that even if it is exasperating
Dont tell him tho bc then he will never stop acting like that and it will get real old real fast
Sings to u!!!
Whenever u ask and even when u dont he will sing to u
Like full on serenades u sometimes and makes a whole show out of it and makes u laugh
The two of u have stupid little debates over everything if ur very opinionated like him
Not in a mean way its always just minor disagreements that sometimes get too loud
It why the rest of monsta x doesnt like hanging out with the two of u lmao
Well that and minhyuk is all over u all the time
Probably a sadist honestly
Minhyuk is chaotic neutral on a good day but when hes in a mood hes in a mood
Obviously hes gonna get the okay from u and set boundaries and stuff bc at the end of the day ur well being is the most important
But man once he does he jumps in head first
Teases u til u start crying and just smirks at u mocking ur tears
Like when he eats u out he will only use the tip of his tongue or just play with ur pussy
Enough to stimulate u but not enough to get u off
Degradation is his shit he loves to demean u if ur okay with it Its such a stark contrast from how loving he is during the day that u sometimes wonder how hes the same person
Makes u choke on his cock bc its fun watching u gag and seeing ur eyes water as i struggle to swallow his entire length down ur throat
The type to dabble into all sorts of weird shit if ur cool with it
Honestly its such a turn on when he turns into a snake and decides that he doesnt give a fuck about anyone but himself
No? Just me? Cool alright but he takes that approach with sex
Not all that rough tbh just very meticulous in how hes going to wreck u
He will u tease u to tears then use u to get off and be like alright that was fun goodnight and leave u high and dry
Ur not allowed to get urself off either sorry u gotta wait for when minhyuk wants u to cum good luck
When he does tho he goes in
Its borders on overstimulation bc he will make u cum seven times in one night if hes left u hanging for like two weeks
Will probably just keep going til u pass out
Bright side is the next morning u wake up feeling refreshed and minhyuk is there to take care of u in the soft loving way
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