#omg what if karen sacrifices herself for the kids
tenscupcake · 7 years
tenth doctor adventures: vol. 2... my thoughts!!!!
basically, i think this is going to be a live-blog of sorts... i’ve got notepad open and i’m going to write stuff down as i listen and probably go back and add in some more in-depth commentary where i feel it’s warranted... here we go!
infamy of the zaross.
okay, right off the bat the theme song made me very emotional and long intensely for the days when i loved this show and got super stoked about watching. i mean the thrill running through my veins at this song man… god i miss it.
totally loved the beginning... it was a much-welcome interaction with jackie. and i loved her sticking up for rose from marge... god what an unpleasant woman
“flash mob?” lolol the doctor still proficient in pop culture slang i see
“well, i am that good” yes you are 😄
the taRDIS sounds ❤️❤️❤️
jackie doesn’t back down from these brutes at all it’s very IC
“stitch this” C L A S S I C 👍🏻
i love when the doctor is so angry he /almost/ appears calm it’s frightening as ever and i can picture it so well. i think they really did justice to how his rage tends to manifest
“we save planets, the three of us” w2g jackie
“the tall skinny thing” (in reference to the doctor) lmao
i like how rose played a huge part in saving the day in this story, and that they didn’t relegate her to a supporting role, or worse - a helpless one. that was one of my major concerns about these audios if i’m honest. it was a relief!
“oh you’ve got guns do you? i’ve got a screwdriver” - frankly amazing
i love rose’s speech to jess. just goes to show how far she’s come bc i think she used to feel similarly when we met her back in s1, you know?
“who just saved the world - karen or jess?” rose slayin’ it again! i also like how they didn’t put arbitrary family relationships on a pedestal in this story. that was one thing that annoyed me about the end of the idiot’s lantern, and i think a common thread that seems to run throughout dw.
“i’ve got the tardis. i’ve got you! (THERE WAS EMPHASIS HERE NO ONE CAN CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE) what else does a wandering time lord need?” YES THIS IS THE CONTENT I AM HERE FOR
“who wants to watch a tv series about me?” HAH!!! cheesy but i DO NOT CARE I LOVE IT
overall, i enjoyed this story a lot! i feel they kept everyone in character and i can’t recall anything cringe-worthy or that i wish they’d done differently. what a pleasant surprise! 😍
the sword of the chevalier.
rose still wandering off after all this time lol
“we were having a lovely day out, i was hoping for ice cream” how utterly domestic i love it
has the doctor been listening to too much sia btw??? he won’t shut up about that chandelier lol
“you little devil” admittedly at first i didn’t know WHAT she had possibly put on to make him say this, but in retrospect knowing it was ACTUALLY a devil costume i still feel like this was 100% meant as a double entendre the way it was delivered (thank you david)... they’re def gonna be roleplaying later
his name is LUIGI in this little scenario WHY omg
honestly i’m sorta bummed we didn’t get to hear ten attempt to sing
the doctor munching on sandwiches at such an inopportune time lol so typical
protective!ten is back with his angry growling voice and i am here for it
“you try and put a price on life you only expose how worthless you are” good line doc damn
“i’m not one for killing blows” no you aren’t bb and it’s why i adore you
when they addressed him as their ‘master’ and he was like ‘that’s more like it’ all seductive like ngl i sort of got off on that whole interaction 😂 i love it when the doctor gets to acknowledge and capitalize on his power for a second 🔥
“tell rose how good i am with a sword” ok at first i was like man he’s still constantly and desperately seeking rose’s approval i see and that was thrilling enough in itself BUT THEN IT GOT EVEN MORE RIDICULOUS
“about 30 seconds of good” - ROSE TLYER
this is what they acted like isn’t it???
(also ten you gotta step up your endurance game bro 😂😂😂)
my only true issue with this story was i felt like they didn’t handle the ambiguously transgender character with as much sensitivity as i might like? but i also don’t feel qualified to offer an opinion here, i’d be interested to hear what any trans listeners out there thought.
aside from this, overall i still thought it a solid episode that felt pretty authentically rtd who. and it was just as vivid and easy to picture as the first story. made me feel like i was watching a bonus episode of season 2, which is quite a feat i think. i am getting sooooo nostalgic the longer i sit here listening. i miss these two so much.
cold vengeance.
they were going to go skiing and i am so disappointed they didn’t get to their intended destination bc if that ain’t the start to a glorious christmas fanfic idk what is
“me? guess? never. it’s always informed deduction.” too true 😂
losing the tardis... ah, classic ten/rose
i don’t think i’ll ever get tired of hearing david say ‘i’m the doctor’ (and lbr i don’t think he will either)
i love that there are scottish characters in this ❤️
“you believe you can give me (long pompous title here) an ultimatum?” “yes, i do” slay ‘em, babe
“i’m a time lord, and you do not want to get on the wrong side of me!” there it is again 🔥
“one chance, that’s all rose tyler ever needs.”
i do love that rose once again saved herself (with help) they really didn’t fall back on the ‘doctor has to save the helpless human companion’ trope in these stories and i am grateful for that, it was another one of my fears going in
“i was planning to come back” “yeah right, that’s what you always say” well, that stung 😟
“i’m not going anywhere without rose” that’s my boy 👌🏻
“nobody is expendable!” 🙌🏻
callum’s (sp?) mom seems strangely un-bothered by her son dying? or is that just me
“you don’t know what real honor and sacrifice mean. take it from someone who does” CHILLS
“after this, can we go somewhere warm?” did anyone else hear this with a 😏 ? or am i just still flying on the high of the last super-suggestive conversation?
another great story!
this whole experience was so much better than i anticipated. i had some characterization issues with volume one. the experience wasn’t quite as immersive as i was expecting; it did feel disconnected from ten’s original run in a way that’s hard to pin down. so i came into volume two quite worried the same would apply here, and it’d only be worse since this is OUR SHIP, the couple that means more than literally any other couple in all of fiction to our little fandom sect. any damage done to them was bound to leave scars, since all the lines were being read in their proper voices. i was so worried that they would mess up one or both of their characterization, or throw in something gross like a moffat casanova trope.
and i am SO GLAD THEY DIDN’T. i feel like they did my fave characters justice this round and david and billie simply NAILED their performances despite it being like ten years since they last played these characters opposite one another... i am simply floating on happiness right now.
i won’t lie and say i wasn’t wishing for more shippy tsr style dialogue b/w them, but we did get a few, and i think nothing but fanfic could ever satisfy me in that respect, probably ;) so i let them off the hook for that.
as long as they continue in this vein...
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