#on a personal level i am a lestat girlie but objectively i hope they have enough poc in the writers' room
viridianstars · 2 years
something that just occured to me is the question of what it means for the events in paris that louis was the one to “kill” lestat. in the vampire lestat, lestat confesses to armand that claudia “killed” him (not with the intention of having her killed tho since he doesn’t know her and louis are in paris yet) and in interview with the vampire, he repeatedly tells santiago and co he wants them to spare louis so he can go back to new orleans with him. armand then uses lestat’s info to have claudia killed because she broke te rules, but also because he wants louis all to himself.
but how is this going to work in the show? if lestat lies to armand that claudia killed him in order to protect louis, i feel like that’s going to make it even harder for him to be somwhat redeemed in the tvl season(s) in the eyes of a lot of fans since it’s straigh up not a good look. and if armand has claudia killed despite knowing louis actually slit lestat’s throat, that might make armand into more of a villain than in the books. 
i love lestat’s “death” in episode seven so much, it’s beautiful, tragic, poetic etc. i’m just kind of worried about what it means for season two.
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