#on a side note kai from ajin
Before and After Ajin Volume 1
Part Two
[Part One]
So @taco-belle​ shared this link to a twitter thread about the transition from Tsuina Miura (I will be referring to them as TM) writing to Sakurai and, yep, the transition began at volume 2 with chapter 6. It’s also interesting that Sakurai notes that TM has a writing style where they just make things happen without thinking too far ahead, but he likes to have more of a plan. 
TM’s writing style gets to flourish in Tenkuu Shinpan where things just happen and happen which makes it incredibly fast-paced and you don’t really have an idea of where it lead to.
Anyway, for this part, I’ll go over
Izumi and Tosaki
Antagonistic Side Characters
Spoilers ahead
Before Volume 2: Izumi and Tosaki
So, initially, Izumi and Tosaki’s relationship seems to be more ambiguous. He’s curt with her but that’s the extent of it in volume 1. He takes her out for breakfast even lol
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TBH, I was going to say that maybe it’s possible Izumi wasn’t an Ajin yet in this scene. However, the nature of their relationship, that Izumi is his Ajin bodyguard, is actually hinted at in the oneshot that came before the series. Tosaki mentions that he wants to have an Ajin’s help since the job is so dangerous. He even laments that Tanaka, who they do have on hand, isn’t able to fill that role which is a wild thing to think about.
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The Transition to After:
Izumi is Tosaki’s bodyguard under threat and she seems to take that threat pretty seriously at this point. It kinda makes Tosaki taking Izumi out for pancakes kinda weird. (The pancakes aren’t canon, I’m just guessing for fun lmao) 
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Okay, so I wanted to avoid bringing the anime up since it’s been a while since I’ve watched it and it’s not entirely fresh in my mind, but Izumi seemed to have some kind of (one-sided, probably) romantic tension with Tosaki, no? 
Sakurai does not do this :)
Izumi protects Tosaki and while that role is imposed on her, she seems to own the role and almost define herself by it over time.
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Well, why the enthusiasm?  Well it makes more sense when her backstory is revealed. 
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Things seem to have gone downhill after the death of her biological father. Her home is broken and she often goes hungry. It culminates in her having no choice but to leave home for her own safety with nowhere to go. Her dreamy future life with her boyfriend away from her family also goes up in flames when it seems like he’s lost patience with her. On top of that, she ends up contracting a terminal illness! 
Even though she's made a deal with the devil, so-to-speak, the life she has now gives her the financial independence and freedom which were both sorely lacking before.
Izumi and Tosaki do get closer but it's in a very professional way, developing a mutual respect for the other.
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Before V2: Izumi
So, before, Izumi is just a bit cuter. She slips up and says too much or accidentally has Eriko slip through her fingers. Her dialogue also seems to be more emotionally charged. Though tbh, most of her dialogue is just her relaying information so it’s hard to say where her character might have gone.
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 An emotional appeal to Eriko.
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Transition to After:
Here, Izumi is horrified at Kou's condition after Tosaki ran him over. 
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After Kei and Kou join them and we go to her backstory, she becomes a lot more stoic.  
This stoic nature has a basis, though. In volume 1, she was pretty clear-headed in her battle with Tanaka.
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Izumi seems more cool and collected overall. 
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She has an air of mystery around her and doesn’t really engage in small talk, seeming to prefer to be alone with her thoughts.
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However, she seems to show her anger and frustration more often as everything progresses
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Before V2: Antagonistic Side Characters
Antagonistic side characters tend to be bad just because to an almost theatrical and campy extent.
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After: Antagonistic Side Characters
Antagonist side characters are bad but for defined reasons. They're also more grounded in reality.
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And that’s all for that. There’s one more part left (I hope) and it will have Kai and Tanaka.
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origami10 · 5 years
Ajin ch. 72
Spoilers under the cut
SPOILERS    YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED There’s like a 99% chance this chapter is going to kill me
Here we go   [already saw spoilers that Satou floods, and saw that Kai and Kei are on the first couple pages?  I already can’t even]
There did a pretty hefty summary on the editor’s catch-up page... this chapter is probably going to pull in the most people who have dropped out of reading
ok well that was... kind of a lame beginning hahaha
Kai said sa
I don’t think my brain can process that this is finally happening
lmao Kai doesn’t even know Satou’s name LMAO HE’S NOT EVEN SURE SATOU IS THE ENEMY
at least he’s still worrying for Kai’s safety
this is late to write it down but they both look so much more worn out that I’ve been imagining for so long, even though it obviously makes sense
Oh man Kei didn’t know where Kai has been... I pretty much forgot about that      :|c   Tosaki tells him in the anime, but maybe that’s not in the manga...?
omg Kai ‘prison is more fun than I expected’  made another “friend”
maybe it is like the drama CD dynamic and Kei’s just tired of putting up with Kai being either intentionally or unintentionally dumb
ok pages 64 and 65 are redeeming this for me
I really do love how Sakurai mixes humor into this manga
WAIT IS KAI ACTUALLY GOING TO GO SOMEWHERE SAFE? this is like the most unexpected plot twist if so, lol
anime opening: this series really is entirely about wanting to sleep
oh interesting there are page numbers for just the chapter I say as I try not to actually cry
how can this manga go on for so long and then take this many flips back and forth in one chapter side note I almost forgot Kei would probably die after being shot in the head I thought he just laid down for a nap uhhhh
I do love when series do that thing with blank pages
oh sweet, IBM tornado
HEY  YES PLEASE WAIT if it’s just a ‘let’s fix him up like Yusuke’ then I would like to take it back 
well, Kai > Satou in Kei’s head at least
oh, that’s interesting to know about Satou... max 3 IBMs
too cute old man face
I thought Blep was Kuro from that angle
alright Satou you already took out Kai do you really have to go and flood too
I mean I guess we’re not completely out of hope yet but honestly it’s looking like my worst case scenario is getting even worse than I imagined
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tumblunni · 6 years
How to fix those messes
Tooru: can literally just be a trans man who is good and on the hero side. The entire yandere flip flop evil love triangle plot didnt need to exist, it feels like it was only there to "prove" that "she's really a girl" because this author thinks gay people dont exist outside of creepy cannibal fetish pedo men.
Creepy cannibal fetish pedo man: just fuckin kill him. Seriously why on earth was he the one treated the most synpathetically out of all of these characters??
Back to tooru again: also you didnt have to introduce him being trans by showing some old man molesting him and revealing his binder. You could have just had him..yknow..say he was trans. Show the same flashback but its just him confessing to his new friends cos now he trusts them and all. But yknow that wouldnt have been a ~shocking gory twist~ i guess...
Nuts hammer boy: please punch yourself in the face for even considering this idea. The idea of a ~poor cis boy forced to act trans by abusive parents who wanted a girl~ is nonsense fearmongering and i hate how its more common in anime than actual real trans characters. And adding a disgusting note of sexual abuse and fucking GENITAL MUTILATION just takes it up to 11! Its like the author read a cliffnotes summary of how puberty blockers can help delay stuff like the lowering of the voice and etc, and went off on some wild assumption that they literally cause being transgender and also literally ripping off a child's balls is what this thing means. Cos i mean seriously this is traits of being trans played as a horror story? It reminds me of naoto from Persona 4 where a sex change operation is presented as a terrifying death trap you have to rescue "her" from, because yknow despite her showing multiple heavily implied signs of being trans she was really just ~sad about sexism~ and ~pretended to be a man to get more respect~ and her literal worst nightmare as represented in this nightmare dungeon is the idea of being trans. Also the bumfuck stupid idea that if you took puberty blockers/literally had your nuts chopped off, it would not only give you a higher voice and less muscle mass but also CHANGE YOUR PERSONALITY INTO NONBINARY. Gahhhh! Fashion taste isnt a biological trait! The definition of manly and girly changes every decade anyway. God how to even fix this.. I guess just either or..? Like either have a regular nonbinary character or have a horrifying sad story of genital mutilation. One of those does not cause the other. Also seriously please remove the bit about the genital mutilation being motivated by his mom WANTING him to become trans, like what the fuck? And somehow it fuckin worked?? Seriously fuckin presenting trans women/nonbinary people as a creepy fetish of an abusive parent who wanted someone 'submissive', ughhjhh...
Also: like seriously man dont abandon the entire character of Hide five seconds into the plot and struggle to think of anything to do with him for the entire rest of the series. Like man he was pretty well established as an accidental really good love interest, one so good that the idea still kept massive popularity in the fandom over years of Hide not even getting five seconds more screentime. In comparison it took all those years and like five different personality changes for Kaneki and Touko to actually develop the slightest bit of chemistry together. Tho i mean dont look a gift horse in the mouth i guess, i was glad i at least managed to go 'yeah meh they kinda seem in love, im happy with that' by the end of this whole shitshow. Tho its funny how i initially thought that Ajin was a ripoff of Tokyo Ghoul ENTIRELY because Kei and Kai had such a similar relationship to Kaneki and Hide. I.e real good and gripping well established relationship in the first few chapters that could easily have carried the whole damn series, but instead the best friend is dropped as if he has no importance whatsoever and you're left wondering how the fuck someone could have written such realistic chemistry for gay teens entirely by accident. And yknow.. Even just looking at it platonically its still shitty! Like he was the protagonist's Most Important Person for like five seconds and we're expected to believe he suddenly isnt despite not having a reason for the change? Except i guess the author thinks that a normal human's perspective on the supernatural battle nonsense is just not interesting, despite the entire audience seeing these dudes as mega badass for trying to stand up for their monster friend despite not having powers. Sigh! Also weird coincidence that Kai and Hide even look similar lol. Let's split the difference and just crossover ship them with each other! XD
...man i went on a tangeant again
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aliciaevers · 7 years
Day 1: Favorite IBM
Kai is interested in Kotobuki’s IBM. 
696 Words
Note: For the sake of this I’m assuming Kai actually did get to see Kotobuki’s IBM during the fight. It seems like he might have but I’m not totally sure? 
“That thing of yours…how do you do it?”
Takeshi glanced back at Kai, raising an eyebrow. Kai didn’t speak, watching earnestly and waiting for the ajin to realize what he meant. After a few moments of silence, Takeshi let out a sigh.
“You mean that thing, don’t you,” he frowned. Takeshi tapped his fingers against the ground, musing over what to say next. Kai understood that this may not be the most ideal place for this conversation, and gestured for Takeshi to follow him. The ajin pushed himself up hesitantly, clearly unsure about what he would say next.
Once the two managed to find a more private space, Kai leaned in close.
“It’s an ajin thing. I’ve only ever seen it after everything that happened,” Takeshi paused, looking Kai dead on.
“I’m not the only one who has one, either.”
“Can I see it again?”
Kai could only remember its feet, but he’d been unable to get the image out of his mind. Even with Kei he’d never experienced something similar, increasing his interest.
“Maybe tonight.”
Takeshi woke up to see Kai kneeling beside him, one hand on his shoulder, gently shaking him awake. Despite the darkness, Takeshi could make out the excited expression on Kai’s face. His eyebrows were raised ever so slightly, and his lips were barely parted. He leaned back as he saw Takeshi’s eyes open, rocking back onto his knees.
“Can I see it now?”
“Yeah, sure, whatever,” Takeshi yawned, rubbing at his eyes. He looked out the window, wondering what time it was. Too early to be awake, in any case. He pushed up against his palms, bringing himself closer to Kai.
Takeshi took in a deep breath, focusing on pulling out the ghost. He’d gotten better at it over time, but it remained easiest during a fight. He watched carefully, the black particles blended in so well with the night they were almost invisible. Still, Takeshi would catch sight of one every now and then through the moon’s minimal light.
Eventually the ghost came to stand in front of him, its wings curled in to avoid touching the sides of the cell. It shifted its weight, waiting for an order.
“I don’t see anything,” Kai responded, standing up slowly. “Where is it?”
“You don’t see it?” Takeshi asked, looking between the large ghost and Kai’s soft steps toward it. “It’s right in front of you.”
Kai reached out, carefully brushing his fingers against the edge of the ghost’s wings. He pulled his fingers back rapidly, unprepared to actually come in contact with something. He took in a short breath, then reached forward again, this time more confidently. He found the top edge of its wing with his fingers, and ran them across it softly.
Takeshi stood up, walking over to Kai and helping direct his hands.
“This is a good place,” he moved Kai’s hands to the top of the ghost’s head. Kai hummed his thanks and kept petting, still unable to see what he was touching but wholly unbothered. Takeshi felt himself smiling, happy to see Kai interacting with his ghost.
“We only have a few more minutes with it, so enjoy while you can.”
“Thanks for helping us,” Kai whispered into its neck. Takeshi crossed his arms.
“I helped us,” he grumbled. The ghost turned its head, moving away from Kai to bring Takeshi closer. It rested its head on top of his lazily, still waiting for direction. He leaned into it, watching as Kai stared at him. He realized he probably looked like he was about to fall over without the ghost visible, but he pulled Kai closer to feel its support as well.
Kai tentatively leaned in, facing Takeshi as he put his head against the ghost’s chest. The blond’s face was partially obscured to him by the ghost’s head, but on the other side Kai could see perfectly, everly sleepy blink and little yawn.
“It’s not going to last much longer,” Takeshi said, sliding away from the ghost. Kai followed, seemingly disappointed. As the two crawled back down to bed, Kai turned to face him, speaking quietly.
“Can we do this again tomorrow?”
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haramura · 7 years
ajin chapter 50 thoughts
it seems the general reaction to this chapter is confusion which makes sense, honestly. there wasn't a lot happening and what did happen was left open-ended for next month's chapter. what we do know is this:
the "final showdown" is going to be held at the iruma city civic gymnasium
kei apparently does not have a better plan than just trying to stab satou with a tranquilzer dart. or, if he does, he's not telling tosaki about it for whatever reason
ogura explained to kei how (they suspect) floods are created and kinda encourages him to have one, if possible
tanaka showed up to the gymnasium without satou and co., and this makes sense to kei for whatever reason, with him insisting they run
it's hard to tell exactly what's going on, but i thought i'd throw out some ideas. in regards to tanaka's sudden appearance, the main question seems to be what is satou planning?
we know tanaka is on the brink of a redemption arc, and part of me has to wonder if this is it, exactly? like if he abandoned the group to try and resolve things peacefully with kei & co. or just to see where they're at (maybe to confirm that this final act of violence doesn't need to happen) all on his own.
the thing with this idea is that it feels... rather lacking. if this is him getting away from satou once and for all, it'd be pretty disappointing, so i feel like if anything, it's tanaka trying to resolve things without violence before the whole fight happens. that could be what sparks tanaka's full redemption, but the question with this is why would satou let this happen?
one could argue he's letting tanaka do it because he thinks it'll make things more interesting and/or just doesn't really give a damn about tanaka's loyalties and which side he's on, but once again, it could all be a deliberate part of the plan. there's not really anything to indicate that it's tanaka going even semi-rogue besides his prior mentions of not wanting anymore bloodshed, so it seems that the question still remains what is satou planning? guess we'll have to wait to find out.
another thing is that kei's plan, or lack thereof. from what we know about kei, he's rational, and going headfirst into a battle without a plan is a really irrational thing, which is something he's been displaying more and more the past couple chapters because of his emotions/desperation. as mentioned in the last chapters, he doesn't seem hopeful that they'll succeed at all, but feels like he has to least try to offer a chance.
i kind of wonder if he has an extra idea he's not mentioning because he plans to use it out of desperation? it doesn't really make sense he'd keep it a secret, but maybe it's something he doesn't want to happen, possibly dealing with his own decapitation or creating a flood or some sort
but i don't really know if it'd be possible to play the decapitation card again; satou wants to decapitate kei, of course, but if kei just offered to let him that'd be no fun for him, so hm. alternatively, it seems pretty likely that with ogura's mentions about the nature of flooding, kei will end up creating one, but in what situation / due to which emotion is yet to be seen.
(this is a side note, but along with the flooding, i thought it was pretty interesting how they 'confirmed' shinya's flood to be out of malice for yusuke's death. he was really devastated and i miss shinya nakamura)
also, they're finally in iruma again, which means it's possible for eriko to show up again. i honestly don't know if it's ever been mentioned where kai is being held at the detention center, but perhaps this could be when he finally comes back if he's still there? either way, it'll be interesting to see things happening on kei's home turf, and what advantages (if any) that could prove to have.
there's so much we don't know so it's hard to try and accurately predict what might happen, but i thought it'd be interesting to try. please feel free to let me know your thoughts on any of these or what you think might happen instead, i really love to hear anyone's input!
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Tsukigakirei 4 | Kado 4 | Boku no Hero Academia 18 | Grimoire of Zero 4 | Oushitsu Kyoushi Haine 5
Tsukigakirei 4
By the by, episode 5’s title (Kokoro) is a reference to a Natsume Souseki book, just in case you were wondering when we were properly going to get to the Souseki stuff.
That gold dragon case Kotaro has is cool as. I want one…
There’s one scene with a lot of iron poles that I can’t quite decipher in regards to whether it’s CGI or not…(around 4:56 on CR).
Why is it that every time characters do Touristy Things ™, there are slow pans of scenery? It kinda pisses me off ever since it happened in Blue Exorcist…
Selfies are still popular with people, I see. Thought they’d died out already…
Oh gosh. The CGI got so obvious in this, it’s about the same level as cars in Alice to Zouroku (which look hella blocky)!
(when Akane walks out of the store) I know the feel, Akane. I know the feel too well.
Why is getting on the scale such a big deal in Japan? I get it for Akane’s friend who does it here, since girls are conscious about their weight more than boys, and I get it for Atsushi (Boueibu) as Boueibu’s a parody of content targeted at girls, but the scale is in such an obvious place in bath places…
Although the show has passed the Bechdel test already (unlike some of my works…ouch…) I feel that even with the “honesty” thing Tsukigakirei has going, it does kinda fall into a stereotype of “girls talk about boys” if it’s not focussing on the track stuff and that feels kinda disappointing. Girls can be more multifaceted than that, just like boys can.
The girls are eating dango. You can see those in Touken Ranbu all the time.
The CGI people makes this look like (what I know of) Ajin, and that’s bad.
Do you know about that Japanese graffiti where you put two names under an umbrella as a sign of love? Yeah…this is kinda like that.
“I want to talk wih you more” does not equal “I want to be your boyfriend/girlfriend”, kiddos. Remember that.
Kado 4
I’ve noticed between the start of the Sports Festival Arc (BnHA), Kado and Tsukigakirei, I’m yelling “hurry up!” at my screen a lot. Considering how great the latter two are despite their slow pace, I don’t mind those ones being subjected to my yelling, but BnHA is meant to be a fast mover by virtue of its genre. Also, since the three are received in the same 2 day period, it’s inevitable they’ll continue to get comparisons to each other.
29th of what month?
I should’ve known…Shindo would’ve decided to release children and mothers first, because it makes sense. *nods understandingly*
Oh, it’s the 25th of July this stuff started on. Okay. On the subject of Kado, I must say the artstyle of both the adaptional manga and the Railgun one (for after ep 5) don’t do the show any justice. Shindo and Shunina’s faces are too squashed on the Railgun promo image (plus the dot style is weird), while the adaptational manga’s faces for those two don’t look as beautiful as the merch images (exhibit A is the cover page for the linked chapter, the noses don’t look right there). (Then again, I can be very picky about this stuff, considering I am a lover of bishies and I tend to have high standards of “beauty”…)
The manhug was unintentionally suspenseful (when it happened) and funny (after it happened).
I’m not sure if bob girl (forgot her name) should be happy about this, because she sure looks happy.
Why Hanamori, the incompetent one? Then again, there must be a reason why Hanamori hangs around with Shindo and I can understand Shindo’s need for movement.
Wowee, Shindo. I can’t believe you just fired yourself…
They’re focussing on the UN, that’s rare…! I should’ve known it was coming due to Shindo belonging to it, but anime is normally very Japan-centric and never moves from that sphere.
I’ve never been to Haneda (as of this commentary), but what’s up with that dancing girl statue?
It’s quite interesting, not as a fellow person but as a viewer of this show, to note Shindo overworks himself and that he operates off adrenaline. He seems basically superhuman with all his negotiation skills.
A senpai is getting scolded by a kouhai tsundere. Never thought I’d see that in my life. Also, when Saraka thrusts the iPad at Shindo, notice how fluid and fast the motion is. That truly is evidence for how good the CGI is.
“Yahakui zaShunina is hot.” “I love the pattens on the side of Kado.” – *nods* I agree with these people. Two of many reasons why I’m in Kado hell at the moment. However, do note the exact word used for the Kado statement is ステキ, not “love” (suki) but rather “wonderful” (suteki), i.e. “The patterns on the side of Kado are wonderful”, there appears to be an unsubbed statement saying “あれプロジェクションマッピング?” (“Is that projection mapping?”) and the Shunina statement appears to say “Yahakui zaShunina is cool”, rather than saying “he’s hot”, so the “hot” is an implication at best, nonexistent at worst. If you find these words familiar, it’s because I copied them for this post.
Hey, it’s this guy. No wonder the staff needed ep 1.
Google-sensei says plastic is not conductive normally, but since it’s organic, it can be made to be conductive. Hence conductive plastics. Also, NMR appears to be this.
Senbei. After all the big sciency things I’ve noted for this show, senbei is a real laugh.
So basically speaking…it’s kinda like nuclear bombs all over again...
La Luna (White Parasite) was into human stories, and it had a collection of storybooks which gave it inspiration to make the magicians themed after fairytales and itself after a kitsune. The Kado staff applied a similar concept to Shunina and I must say they’ve done it much better than I ever did.
It’s heartbreaking to see the bromance end. Just seeing Hanamori in tears makes me wanna hug him, dangit.
It’s an odd choice to note China was one of the countries highlighted in the explanation of “countries”, as Japan and China don’t have the best relationship in history.
Even if the Japanese fought in self-defence using the JSDF, they wouldn’t be able to fight against international military action…and the Japanese Constitution said they renounced war after World War II…*gulps* (You can really tell I brushed up on 20th century history before getting here, eh?)
Seeing Shunina using a phone is just…*laughs* fabulous! It’s something I never would’ve thought of for La Luna, although I did accidentally stumble across a spoiler for it on Tumblr last week (…so I knew it would happen eventually, but that’s my fault).
What in this dimension and Shunina’s do the government people want with Kanata??? Man, these cliffhangers every week are really getting to me, dangit! (Sidenote: I love, love, love shows that make me want to watch the next ep every week, but simulcasts do give you the unique hell of waiting one week to find out what happens next, assuming you don’t want to get spoiled in the process.)
Boku no Hero Academia 18
“Yaoyorozu’s Creation is too hard to deal with!”
Interesting to note Bakugou only says “Kirishima”. (I noticed it last time but only made a note of it this time.)
I knew this from spoilers already (in fact, Monoma was how I learnt the Japanese word for “to copy” – monomane suru!) but Monoma is a copycat guy. I didn’t know how the Quirk was introduced though, so that was great.
Wowee, Monoma really likes provoking people, eh?
It’s the small things, like the knocks on Kirishima’s head, that make this show a delight to watch.
Small sidenote, but I think Endeavour’s flaming beard is great. As I said, the small things are what makes it a delight to watch…because it’s so unique.
Grimoire of Zero 4
Oh great, this merchant again…
Those apples are so misshapen, I sometimes think they’re pears.
At first I thought the subbers were lazy but then I realised…it’s a montage. D’oh.
“The sky is so blue.” – Yeah, and the rainbows are all rainbowy. (sarcastic)
At least Albus knows where the fish is, LOL.
It’s a bit dizzying to have a sudden cut to a rock, but at least that makes for a unique humour experience. Not ina metaphorical sense, mind you – I almost felt like I was going to be dizzy because of the suddenness of thecut.
I have a bad feeling about Latette, because of what Albus said. It’s kinda like that point in Mulan where they’re singing “A Girl Worth Fighting For” and suddenly, bam! You get my drift?
A burnt doll. See? Mulan de ja vu all over again. The only difference is how the houses are intact this time.
Grimoire of Zero isn’t bad, and I still want to know what happens next in it, but it could aim to be less cliché. The chemistry of the characters really sells it, so maybe the show should learn to focus on that in the future while continuing its worldbuilding and theme exploration (instead of going on about, say, Zero having romantic interest in Mercenary).
Royal Tutor 5
In this one shot of Viktor on a horse, it’s like someone crossed Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure with Napoleon…and that’s funny(!)
Ooh, who’s this guy with the green eyes? He looks a lot like Sebastian (Michaelis, Black Butler) or Pad-kun’s human form (Classicaloid).
Was that green statue CGI? If it was, the CGI was pretty obvious.
I never explained this earlier, but I found the word oushitsu in a Japanese-English dictionary. It means “royal family”, despite the second character meaning “room”.
Ooh. The King. Such pretty, such wow. (I like him.)
Hmph. This sort of plot is what you’d see in something like Masamune-kun’s Revenge. (In fact, I bring that name up because in one of the episodes, a plot like that does indeed happen.) Does this mean this show’s getting sloppy? I hope that’s not the case.
I guess the feeling of defeat setting in means the battle’s over before it’s even begun, eh? So don’t feel down, get motivated, Leonhard…or something like that.
One plus one can equal 11 or window, depending on how you look at it.
Wuh? That’s just your interests, Licht.
Oh! Sachertorte. Didn’t think of that, even though Kai did foreshadow it.
I think all teachers (and then some people who are not teachers, me included) understand that sentiment already, Heine. It’s called the “growth mindset”, to use some buzzwords from a former teacher of mine. (Speaking of “growth mindset”, I got a poster about it from said teacher. That’s why I still remember the concept.)
I think the animators aimed for a determined expression (at “Hurry up and teach me!”) but Leo’s frown makes him look like a sorrowful puppy.
I think this anime would benefit if it had more of that thick line style Leo took on for a second there.
Oh. The palace is CGI in those sky shots. No wonder I thought it was off somehow. The CGI actually makes the palace look realistic. It’s a very Kado way of applying CGI and when Kado is my standard of CGI that I like, that is something this show should be proud of.
Oh! Another foreshadowed loophole I should have seen coming.
There is a strange object in the back that appears to be CGId. It looks like it’s shaped like a fireplace, and it’s a good thing that it follows the Kado application style. (Then again, me noticing weird CGI things is just a habit…)
Well, this is a new interesting development. Hopefully we can get to the truth behind Heine’s past without having the anime be sloppy or cut off in the middle of the developments (like Nanbaka).
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origami10 · 6 years
Ajin ch. 65 thoughts
Under a cut for spoilers! Although they’re probably mostly incoherent without the chapter to look at...
What a jerk lady, did I understand that correctly?
Well, that was swift revenge... o_o
Sakurai’s author comments are so useless... “Now the weather got cold suddenly. Oh, but by the time this gets published it will be the new year. I’m writing it at the end of the previous year.”
nice cars
Wow, Kei picturing all his notes in his head. I wonder how they’re going to translate that. I also wonder if that’s Sakurai’s handwriting... Suffice it to say that he’s doing a lot of calculations about sizes of things (like arms), size of holes, whether he could put it down a drain, whether to get the Anti-Ajin squad involved, where, and how much time is left, etc. 
Oh, I like how we keep getting snapshots of what’s happening with Taka/Gen and arm/Satou. 
lol Satou likes google maps too
I can’t really tell what the ezoshika thing is about... is it someone’s name or is he thinking of how to observe wild animals from far away...? There’s a bunch of bubbles that I’m not understanding in this chapter D:
LMAO  to Akiyama and Kou- “When you fought with the other guys before, do you think Satou realized you were here?”  This is funnier when you remember that at least on the drama CD, Satou totally forgets about Kou existing, and maybe Akiyama too.  Oh, good thinking of you Akiyama to have checked that he didn’t report on you!
Aw, Kei doesn’t know Okuyama’s name...
Oh, distraction plan XD  Good idea. Hopefully ^^;;   Taking advantage of Satou enjoying messing with Kei god what if Kai and Kotobuki show up and distract the K side instead... D:
lol, people not locking their cars
anyone else think it’s kind of ironic that Akiyama and Kou are the ones looking for a hole to throw Satou in
That’s kind of a tall order to fill all those requirements in a short time frame Ha, Kou thinks so too
Gen’s face, ha
oh WOW the telescope user can see the numbers on the phone screen????? well, at least a few of the previous bubbles are making more sense. 
It’s not like... Kei’s house, is it? Oh, nah. But dang do they have to get moving this fast?? I don’t know why I wasn’t expecting this to be an action-packed chapter...
aww there’s an omamori (good luck charm) in the car
dang Kei must really trust Kou and Akiyama a lot to run this plan and leave the hard part to them
dsjahjdsahdsajkdskl;adk;fakakjh  I haven’t seen a Kei/Kou moment like this in a LONG time
I wonder if Satou asks because he’s expecting this I hope not...
OH what if Kou doesn’t quite make it but Kai/Kotobuki step in to save the day? (How? I have no idea...)
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