#on the other side of it tho the one where sj has more control is also the one where sy has less
dc41896 · 5 years
Random Act of Kindness
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Prompt: Florian’s nice gesture for his girl doesn’t end the way he expects
Pairing: Florian MunteanuxBlack Reader
Warnings: None all fluff 💕
“I’m sorry ma’am, but it looks like your doctor hasn’t made the request for the medication to get refilled yet. We’ll try to call them again tomorrow tho-,”
“But I need that medicine now! I only have 2 pills left!,” the irate customer interrupted clearly not grasping what you were trying to explain.
“I understand the inconvenience you’re having, but as I said there’s nothing we can really do-,”
“No you don’t understand! Where’s your manager?”
“He’s just gonna tell you the same thing I just said!,” you thought to yourself before mentally taking a breath.
“I’ll go get him for you just give me a moment.”
Making your way to the back of the pharmacy, you receive a knowing look from your boss as he shakes his head clearly hearing what happened.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of Mrs. Henry you take a break. You deserve it,” he smiles before retreating to the front counter. Although at times you hated your job, mostly when you had to deal with angry customers, having an amazing boss who was heaven sent made things go by a little easier.
Finally able to sit down and take a few breaths, a vibration from your front pocket removes you from your temporary meditative state.
👅Muscles💪🏼: Hey babes😘! How’s everything?
Y/N: Hey love🥰😘! And honestly terrible, I’ve had 2 customers so far yell at me today for stuff that I clearly can’t control 🙃
Y/N: Definitely ready to go home lol
👅Muscles💪🏼: Aw I’m sorry, need me to come by🤨?
Y/N: Lol no babe it’s ok, but I appreciate the offer tho☺️! How’s everything with you today?
👅Muscles💪🏼: You’re welcome, you know I’m always a call/text away if you need 😉 and it’s alright. Still in training
👅Muscles💪🏼: Speaking of, my breaks over and coach is giving me “the look” lol so I gotta go. See you tonight, love you😘😘!!
Y/N: Lol ok see you then and love you too🥰😘😘😘!!
After hours of standing on your feet and a couple more disgruntled citizens later, you were glad to see the 4 walls of your loft apartment. So happy that you didn’t even make it to the living room; instead, sliding down the door as soon as you closed it with a content sigh.
“I hope you’re not planning on staying there all night,” Florian laughed squatting down in front of you in his usual grey sweats and black tee.
“I mean I wasn’t but my feet hurt so bad I don’t think I can make it to the room,” you pout, looking up at him with puppy dog eyes.
“I think I can help with that.”
Swiftly picking you up in his arms, he carries you upstairs to your bedroom before lightly tossing you on the bed and making you giggle.
“And for your Uber ride to the bedroom, that’ll be $40,” he jokes, taking off your sneakers and socks.
“Alright I’ll pay you back,” you laugh, wrapping your arms around his neck as you stood on your knees to kiss him.
“I know you had a rough day today, so you shower and get comfortable and meet me downstairs for your surprise.”
“Ohh surprise! Can I get a hint pretty please?”
“No you can’t, but you can see it as soon as you shower and get dressed,” he deeply chuckles, kissing your cheek as you poke your lip out not happy about having to wait to get your surprise.
Although you planned to shower quick so you could get to Florian and your surprise faster, your body had different plans once the hot water hit you. It seemed all the tension caused by the day started to melt away the longer you stood there letting droplets of water cascade down your body. And when the water hit your back?! That was another level of relaxation as the comfortable beating of the water felt like a mini massage, making you slowly breathe in and out.
Finally done with your shower, you walk downstairs in an old shirt of Florian’s and your pajama shorts to see your table nicely set, along with lit candles and flowers. Finishing his conversation with who you assumed was his parents, he places two plates down across from each other before extending his arms to show what he did.
“Aww babe, you made dinner?! And bought me flowers?,” you smile hugging him.
“Yea, I wanted to do something special for you not only because you had a bad day, but because I love you and hope you always know that.”
Standing on your tip toes, you wrap your arms around his waist as you kiss his lips. “Thank you babe, and trust me I know and I love my surprise and you so much!”
Pulling out your chair for you, you sit down peering into your steaming plate full of color from the different ingredients he used.
“It’s a traditional Romanian pasta dish with a side of mixed vegetables. Before you got home I FaceTimed mama to help me with it since we both know I’m not the best at cooking,” he explained with a smile. “Hopefully you like it!”
“I’m sure I will, it looks good and smells amazing!”
Taking a bite of the pasta, you let out a satisfied moan as you lightly nod your head giving him your seal of approval that it tasted good. Florian, meanwhile, quietly letting out a breath he was holding in, afraid that you wouldn’t like it or something worse happening.
Before you could take another bite, a sneeze creeps it’s way through your nose making you sniff before returning to your food. “Bless you, you’re not getting sick on me are you?”
“No I feel fine, it was just a lone one. Or possibly from the pepper,” you smile before continuing with dinner.
As you both ate, you talked about what happened today at the pharmacy and he told you about what the studio was making him do for his next role. You also asked him how mama and tata were doing, to which he answered they were fine and wanting the two of you to visit soon.
Both of you full from clearing your plates, and from also getting seconds, and in Florian’s case thirds, you got up to wash dishes thinking it’s only right since he did all the cooking and was probably tired. Turning the water off as soon as you cut it on, he lifts you up to place you on the counter next to him, apparently not letting you lift a finger today.
“I got this, you sit there and look pretty,” he winks scrubbing the first plate.
“But you cooked though and I know you’re tired from training earlier today, I can wash-,” you started before sneezing not once, but twice back to back.
“You sure you feel ok? You’ve sneezed a lot during dinner.”
“Yea I’m fine, if anything it might be allergies,” you sniff, well try to only to find that one nostril is blocked.
“What is going on with me?,” you thought pinching the bridge of your nose in hope of relief. Out the corner of your eye, you see the 3 vases filled with various flowers on the table.
“No no no!,” you spoke to yourself as you hopped off the counter, hoping what you were thinking wasn’t true.
“What? What’s wrong?!”
Searching through the flowers, you see the culprit for your sudden sneezing fit: purple aster. Although they were beautiful mixed in with bouquets, you were extremely sensitive to them and had been since you were little.
“It’s this purple aster. I’m allergic to it which is why I’ve been sneezing,” you answer, sneezing yet again.
“I’m so so sorry Y/N! Here let me get rid of them, you go lay down upstairs.” Not giving you a chance to respond, he leads you towards the stairs before returning back to the table to pick the aster out of one vase and search through the others just in case.
“It’s ok you didn’t kno-Flo! Put me down I’m ok!”
With you wiggling on his shoulder, he takes you upstairs, placing you on the bed yet again today.
“Please stay here so you don’t get worse or else I have no problem doing that again,” he jokingly warns before kissing your forehead and going back downstairs to finish cleaning up.
“Flo please don’t feel bad, I’ll be better tomorrow or the next day. This doesn’t last long,” you smile rubbing his stomach. After cleaning up the dishes, Florian joined you in bed, handing you a tissue whenever you needed as you snuggled into his side.
“I can’t help it though, if I knew you were allergic to those flowers I would’ve never bought them.”
“But you didn’t know, and it could always be worse! You could’ve given me peanuts-,”
“Wait you’re allergic to peanuts too?!,” he asks looking down at you worried.
“No! I’m not,” you answer laughing. Sitting up, you gently tilt his bearded chin so you could look into his eyes.
“I was just saying that things could’ve been worse so don’t beat yourself up about it. You didn’t know I was allergic to aster, but I’m not allergic to the other flowers you bought, which definitely made me feel better after a crappy day.”
“You sure? Seeing that now you can’t breathe?,” he asks with a raised eyebrow.
“Yes I’m sure,” you laugh snuggling up to him again before sneezing into your arm yet again. “And I’m also sure that I love everything you do for me no matter what the outcome is.”
“Aw thanks! I love you Y/N.”
“I love you too Flo,” you yawn before closing your eyes. Although he already knew you loved him, hearing you say that made him smile to himself as some of the guilt from earlier began to disappear.
Another quick idea I had (plus my allergies have been killing me lol), so I hope you guys like it!🤓
Taglist: @crushed-pink-petals @honeychicana @lady-olive-oil @themyscxiras @fumbling-fanfics @melinda-january @lovelymari4 @nunubug99 @felicity-x0 @ellixthea @jojolu @jnk-812 @brwn-sgr @captainsamwlsn @itshinothey @wildfirecracker @nina-sj
If anybody wants to be tagged, has asked to be tagged and don’t see your name, or only wants to be tagged for certain people I write for just let me know☺️!
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zandyin · 7 years
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Ace’s Mostly MegaTen Room Tour
It’s hard to put into words how I feel about MegaTen, so… here’s my room instead.
Feel free to ask me where I got something! A ton of pictures under the readmore + optional ramblings about my set-ups.
A while ago, I moved into this room cause it’s slightly bigger than the old room I was occupying. It doesn’t have the nice minty blue my old room has, but my decorations are more than colorful enough to make up for it!
Because I planned on moving into this room for ages (it used to be my dad’s band room) I master planned the placement of all my furniture and all the wall décor I had at the time. :B
I love DSRK the most! So it got to decorate the area around the head of my bed!!
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Then for the foot of my bed – obviously I had to pay tribute to my personeys, as p3 is kind of my reason for being. It’s a long story, but let’s just say p3 came into my life at a very good time and I have built my current happiness from there. I got this huge B1 size wallscroll with all the characters! The blue is very calming.
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Of course, I had to add a bit more SPARKLE to it. So I put in a string of blue LEDs behind the frame. The effect is much nicer when it’s dark.
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At the side of my bed is my weird shelf/desk, which I bought specifically cause it was a shelf/desk. I never put up the desk part, lol. It’s just my night stand now. My Surface Pro is right there… with like 8 doodles open in CSP that I’ll never post. :B
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Remotes, controllers, a DS that has an 80% finished play through of Strange Journey, 3 tubes of chapstick cause I always misplace them… what more could I ask for? Oh yeah, some Jack Frosts are there too cause you can never have too many Jack Frosts.
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Unfinished garage kit of nendoroid Raidou smh. I will start and finish it one day. After my grad degree. I have Raidou’s manga despite not being able to read it, and also the dsrk2 fan book? I used google translate to look at it a bit and laughed at how it calls Louis beautiful/handsome.
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Upper half! Some mish mash, another untouched garage kit of Raidou, a Dahn standee that got the top of his hair chopped off when the printer decided to offset the picture, IGNIS, and the Baron! My old prints are behind on the wall along with some free stickers I got way back when from an artist who saw me in my Raidou cosplay, lol. The paper luck locust box is gonna be replaced EVENTUALLY with a really cool 3d printed version my friend modeled!!
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A view from my bed. So colorful. Don’t laugh at my shiny drawer paper plastered over the backside of my shelves. >:v Notice P5 doesn’t have a frame yet. It will once I decide I feel like spending money on getting it one. It’s my least favorte personey game, tbqh. I’m actually indifferent to it, but I did buy the CE for collecting’s sake. :p
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Another view from my bed. My closet! Funny story about the “DEVIL SUMMONER” over my door – my brother and I went to Home Depot to get some stuff and I wanted some cheap letters to spell it out. My brother goes, “Imagine when we get to the register and the cashier scans them to spell out DEVIL SUMMONER, lol” I shuffled them up to avoid that, but did a shit job so it read, “DEVSIL UMMONER” :x
It’s hard to see but on the coat rack there I have a Raidou-esque cape and hat hung on the third rack. It’s so fun to wear out. ‘ p ‘ I can’t wait til it’s cold enough to wear again!
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That curtain rod wouldn’t normally be there, but I discovered it’s a nice way to have some privacy while keeping my door open. I hung up my own prints smh, tho that was kinda the point of ordering them, haha. Katsuya there, ah, he’s like a “good vibes” board where I post good things that have happened with the date on them. I haven’t added to him in a looong time, mostly because I stopped needing to? Everyday’s a good day now. It is nice to look back sometimes if I’m feeling down. I even used cupcake sticky notes since it was Katsuya. I just remembered I even photoshopped him to be smiling, lol.
Also – the fact he’s on the back of my door means as long as I keep my door open then ppl can’t ask me why I have a bigger than life size Katsuya on the back of my door.
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An idea I carried forward from my old room. Clear files have art on them and need to be displayed!! The top ones are a paint to keep from peeling off the wall. I’m using an ineffective method that needs changing – I’m just tooooo laaazyyy to get the big ladder upstairs to fix it.
My Yasogami High letterman is on display forever since IT’S NEVER COLD ENOUGH TO WEAR IT IN THIS GODFORSAKEN STATE, at least not yet. I have a lot of jackets to choose from. Maybe I should do a jacket tour.
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The thing that divides my room between sleep & play + my little “office”. Raidou, my best boy, is displayed here! I got a light up moon to put behind him. I am a SUCKER for things that light up. You can see Demifiend and Lucifer behind him, then of course Satan there acting as an impromptu jewelry holder. So spiny.
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Jack Frost photobombs Satan.
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Back to the other things in my room… here’s a poster of Demifiend I absolutely love and a Strange Journey poster I recently acquired! Fun fact, I had a chance to obtain a SIGNED Kaneko SJ poster but hadn’t played it at the time so I didn’t bid. No one bid and it went off the market. This was before the SJ remake was announced too so demand/popularity was nil. Ah, well, at least I got a nice original SJ poster. I wholly prefer it over the remake’s poster. >_> It’s very soothing to walk by… the pictures don’t do it justice!
I plan on buying a blacklight to hang above Demifiend’s poster later. Later.
On the ottoman below the SJ poster is my school backpack (with a small P3/P4 tarot card keychain) and then my general bag I take everywhere. A slightly professionally looking cat bag that I take to work. The “Don’t quit your daydream” pillow was an indirect purchase cause my mom wanted to buy a cushion to put between some huge pots we bought from a home goods store and I got to choose the pillow.
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My keychain board! Plus some memories. Look at that good Raidou/Dahn my friend drew me. ‘ p ‘ I love it! There’s also an old xmas/bday card my long time friend sent me a few years ago. I’m sentimental.
Oh yeah, I moved the smt4 wallscroll that used to be in the SJ frame to here. I haven’t played smt4 yet and no idea when, but bought the wallscroll cause it was hella cheap. Maybe there was a reason for that, lol.
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Other side of my desk. Catch a glimpse of my Sky High butt mousepad. Hunting that one down was fun.
I bought that blue double frame to put P3 art cards in, smh. Nick Valentine watches over me while I work. He was a gift from my long time friend and was delivered on Valentine’s day!!
Then these next few pictures are just close ups of the collections I have on my tall shelves.
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My reason for being… there’s not much else I want for it. I don’t collect EVERYTHING, I collect until it feels “complete”!
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Ah, yes, T&B! The otp for life. Those 1/6 scales were not cheap, man. I seriously got my first job at the bux just to start collecting P3 and T&B merch, y’know.
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More T&B. I’ve been meaning to get Rock Bison and Blue Rose for a long time, it’s just not so pressing that I’m going to do it any time SOON however. Of course I had money to drop for my best boy Ryan, tho. :B The background thingys are displays I swiped from the bux before they were tossed out.
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For someone who’s least favorite Persona game is 5, they have a shelf anyway cause dammit it looks nice. Mostly flash and little substance, as I tend to say when the subject gets brought up. I put Morgana in a shopping cart I picked up at a Daiso for no good reason.
AND THAT’S IT……………… That’s my room. This was an accumulation over 4 years of collecting. I’ve slowed down CONSIDERABLY and don’t buy as much these days simply cause they don’t make what I want. Which is good for my wallet lmao.
I hope you enjoyed whatever this was! And maybe understand how much I enjoy MegaTens, even if I don’t really draw it much.
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