#on the plus side I'm basically caught up on all of Philza's vods
dotterelly · 8 months
[This is entirely stream of consciousness and I know only a small corner of the lore so forgive my ignorance]
There are 9 keys, but only 4 were present for the meeting. At least one cucurucho was murdered just before they got sent to prison. I'm curious how close they'll weave the creators personal lore to the over arching qsmp lore? Will some of the personal lore villains turn out to be in that group of 9 that have keys? Richarlyson told Philza the mission to purgatory to rescue Celbit and Baghera would be in a week or two, and I wondered a little why Richars picked Phil specifically for that, and seemingly only Phil of all the adults? When he does have other people about who he could asked. Like Etoiles would have been so down, he lives for that kind of adventure and he'd do anything for Pomme. So I was thinking maybe there's a plan for Philza (as leader of Bolas) to encounter purgatory lore and maybe come face to face with the watcher? Or maybe I'm overthinking it, maybe it's just that he's the only one Celbit and Baghera would trust and follow in their probably fragile state of mind? But heck knows how they'll prepare for that mission now. It's unclear how much of their stuff will survive the upheaval. I really hope Missa is there when Phil leaves for that because he's definitely not telling Chayanne and Tallulah where he's going and why because they'd never let him go alone. A lot is uncertain about the effects of the reset, but Rose's sanctuary is for sure saved. Like it makes absolutely no sense to the lore if a sanctuary protected by a demi Goddess would get destroyed by something that isn't world ending. On the other hand this is definitely going to significantly sap her strength and I wouldn't be surprised if the sanctuary were to be compromised in the not too distant future.
OK I'm going to shut up now.
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