#on the plus side I've been v inspired and poking at several fics and so many ideas
zephyr-mew · 2 years
Apologies to folks that have messaged and sent asks, I haven't really been around for the past few weeks for more than two minutes here and there. I've been caught up in writing and trying to give myself a break from social stuff bc my energy's been particularly garbage lately. I'm always having to rest after doing, like... anything. Plus random pains and lightheadedness. Think I might have some sort of health thing going on that I need to look into.
Also it's still fucking hot and humid and that also takes it's toll. grumble mumble summer's over why's it still hot
Anyhow, socializing takes a lot of energy for me, and I need to space out replying to accommodate. Thank you for being patient with me 💜
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