#once again spreading my 'simon does not call everyone -dono' agenda
bonescribes · 1 year
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on simon && honorifics .
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the more intimate simon is with you , the less likely he is to use honorifics . in a way , they're something he typically uses to distance himself from others -- to say , " this is what you are to me , we are not close , i won't even use your given name "
the only exception to this is when he's using them to convey absolute , genuine respect . ( basically , if you are metis . )
it's worth noting that simon's use of the suffix -dono is absolutely not a gesture of respectfulness . if he's calling you -dono , he is , in fact , making fun of you . it's the same as if he were calling you ' milord ' in the middle of the courtroom -- it's sarcasm .
he refers to most attorneys as -dono. he refers to most of his coworkers as "prosecutor", and all detectives as "detective". he generally calls athena by her name post-aa5 .
he referred to metis as cykes - sensei ( or just sensei ) -- he never called her by her name , and never will , despite their closeness . they definitely had a very familial relationship , but simon put her on too much of a pedestal to treat her with anything other than the utmost respect .
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