#once i submit final grades for the courses i'm teaching this semester it should be a bit easier
lololollywrites · 5 months
I hate trying to write when my Sherlock hyperfixation is (temporarily) waning... it'll come back shortly (I think y'all know how it is with revolving obsessions), but I hope it's back in time for my FTH fic to get the boost of energy and motivation it requires. I adore the prompt given to me, but thus far I only have the first chapter loosely outlined and I feel like I've hit a wall. Even the Hozier-inspired title hasn't gotten me as hyped as I want to be before I attempt to write.
How do I get my obsession back? Do I binge S1-3? Re-read all of my bookmarked fics? Stare at pictures of Martin and Benedict? MUSES, PLEASE COME BACK TO ME.
I'm going to expose my status as former English Lit major and say that a line from Philip Sidney's sonnet sequence "Astrophil and Stella" from the 1580s or so (literally about a man in love with a woman in a doomed affair - a man named "Lover of Stars" loving a woman named "Star", which is sweet... Shakespeare who?). I had to memorize one of the sonnets (Sonnet 74) for a course back in like 2008, and this line has always stuck with me:
"And Muses scorn with vulgar brains to dwell: Poor layman I, for sacred rites unfit."
Yeah dude, same. He does go on to say that despite his general lack of inspiration, the words are now magically flowing because of his love for Stella. But I'll ignore that part so I can wallow for a second. Or two.
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