#once this kid was like i can count to one hundred or soemthing and i was like alright go ahead little man
chipsandwaffles · 6 years
definition of a fuckbuddy (1/5)
Synopsis: You get invited to a stupid prestigious party by some stupid rich boy who wants to get laid. Maybe you’re going half as a favor to your best friend, and maybe you’re also going to get laid. Either way, it’s still stupid. Member: Doyoung/Reader Word Count: 4,886 Notes: i thought about posting this all at once but then i said fuck it and decided to give you it in parts for extra suffering :) there is going to be smut in here just as a forewarning + this is sort of that fuckboy doyoung everyone was asking for?? or something more ;) enjoy maybe? ^^ Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
You, 7:27 P.M this guy in my econ class keeps looking at me
Jessica ^^, 7:27 P.M is he cute
You, 7:27 P.M I mean yes?? But why does he keep freaking looking at me
Jessica ^^, 7:30 P.M maybe he thinks you’re cute
Jessica ^^, 7:30 P.M or so ugly that he cant stop looking because youre just THAT hideous
You, 7:30 P.M damn jess thanks for that one
Jessica ^^, 7:31 P.M I’m kidding we all know youre pretty
Jessica ^^, 7:31 P.M but maybe confront him and see whats up
You, 7:31 P.M he’s coming ovER HERE ABORT
Jessica ^^, 7:31 P.M ooo tell me what happens
Jessica ^^, 7:33 P.M y/n?? are you still there??
Jessica ^^, 7:33 P.M did he convince you to follow him somewhere and now youre dead??????
Jessica ^^, 7:33 P.M mr cute boy don’t you kill my friend!!!
You, 7:33 P.M jesus jess chILL
Jessica ^^, 7:33 P.M youre alive ;;;;;
You, 7:33 P.M yes I am -_-
Jessica ^^, 7:34 P.M what happened with cute boy???
You, 7:34 P.M he sat next to me
You, 7:34 P.M and then passed me a note?? And then left
You, 7:34 P.M super suspicious that guy =_=
Jessica ^^, 7:34 P.M what does the note say???
You, 7:34 P.M uhhhhhhhhh
You, 7:35 P.M come to this address Friday night and find me and then it gives an address……..
Jessica ^^, 7:35 P.M …do you know this guys name?
You, 7:35 P.M uhhhhhhhh
You, 7:35 P.M I think he said doyoung? He had black hair and some fake earrings and looked really expensive
Jessica ^^, 7:35 P.M expensive??
You, 7:35 P.M like his clothes and shit. He looked rich
Jessica ^^, 7:35 P.M ………..
Jessica ^^, 7:37 P.M OAO
Jessica ^^, 7:37 P.M Y/N
You, 7:37 P.M I got passed a note from a guy
Jessica ^^, 7:37 P.M NOT JUST ANY GUY
Jessica ^^, 7:37 P.M A GUY FROM THE SM IVY CLUB
You, 7:37 P.M the what
Jessica ^^, 7:37 P.M oh my god you need to get out more often
Jessica ^^ has sent a picture, 7:38 P.M
Jessica ^^, 7:38 P.M the sm ivy club is like a super prestigious club that every guy wants to be in. they throw wild parties and EVERYONE wants to be invited
Jessica ^^, 7:38 P.M if you get invited, that meANS SOEMTHING
You, 7:38 P.M …sounds fucking dumb
You, 7:39 P.M what is that picture?? Do they have photoshoots of themselves???
Jessica ^^, 7:39 P.M yes because they’re that cOOL and hOT and rich oh my god theyre so rich
Jessica ^^, 7:39 P.M they say if you get invited youre bound to get laid
You, 7:39 P.M sounds even dumber -_-
Jessica ^^ has sent a picture, 7:39 P.M
Jessica ^^, 7:39 P.M This was the guy right???
You, 7:40 P.M yeah that’s him except without the orange hair. He looks like a fucking dork in that picture and looks way better in person
Jessica ^^, 7:40 P.M that is not the priority here y/n.
Jessica ^^, 7:40 P.M you got invited to a pARTY. HE TOLD YOU TO LOOK FOR HIM
Jessica ^^, 7:40 P.M WE HAVE TO GO
You, 7:40 P.M I have a date that day
Jessica ^^, 7:40 P.M with your couch and Netflix bllAH BLAH WERE GOINg
Jessica ^^, 7:40 P.M I’m cashing in that favor you owe me in exchange for this
You, 7:40 P.M ……..goddamnit
You, 7:40 P.M FINE we’ll go to their dumb party
You, 7:40 P.M they better have expensive drinks and food otherwise we’re leaving
Jessica ^^, 7:41 P.M im sure they’ll have everything you want ;))
You’re standing in front of a big door, belonging to an even bigger mansion, with Jess, your ridiculous best friend who you were already thinking about knocking out with enough drinks in the first twenty minutes so that you could go home early. Or a plate. One of the two.
The music inside was blaring, and the vibe from the house was no doubt going to make you want to roll your eyes at everything.
You’re sure this was going to be nothing more than a glorified frat party, but you had to endure some of it if you were going to repay Jessica that favor you owed her.
“Are we supposed to knock or?” You ask. Jessica shrugs, and you watch her adjust her skirt. You told her she should’ve worn one that actually fit, but, she wasn’t one to listen anyways. “I’ll just try the handle then.”
You push down on the ridiculously large handle and watch as it moves smoothly, opening the door before you. Immediately you’re greeted with a large foyer, brightly lit with at least three chandeliers and people lingering everywhere. There’s two sets of stairs on either side of the foyer, leading up to an upper level that had many doors. Your eyes catch to the double doors at the top that are blocked by two men, clearly keeping anyone from going inside.
You guessed that was where you were supposed to go. You take Jessica’s hand and drag her to one of the stairs, stepping past the multiple miserable people sitting on the steps, no doubt sitting there because they couldn’t get in or because they got kicked out. You step past them all until you’re on the landing and you reach into your jacket pocket, pulling out Doyoung’s note.
“What if this note doesn’t work, Jess?” You ask as you walk towards the bouncers. She shrugs again.
“Guess we’ll just have to sneak in.” You roll your eyes and stop in front of the two men. They’re far bigger up close, towering over you in an intimidating manner that makes you want to roll your eyes again. They had to be hired, of course, which is utterly stupid. Who needed bouncers at their party? Even the frat boys didn’t hire bouncers.
“Invitation?” One of them asks. You hold out Doyoung’s note, letting the man take it. He looks it over only for a few seconds, and then looks you up and down a few too many times before handing it back. “Nice try, ladies. You can’t get in here with that.”
You stare at the man for a long moment, narrowing your eyes in disbelief. “What do you mean I can’t get in with this? Was I supposed to get some stupid invitation in the mail?”
“No invitation, no entry,” the other guy says. You throw your hands up in the air and shove the note towards them.
“Some guy named Doyoung gave this to me in my class. He didn’t give me any invitation except this. How is this not what you’re looking for?”
“The boys only use special paper for invitations. You don’t have that. Did you forge that note?” The first bouncer asks. You shake your head, shoving the note into your jacket pocket again.
“Why would I forge a stupid note for a stupid party that I don’t even want to be at?” You turn on your heel and are ready to walk off, but Jessica grabs your hand, turning you back around. She gives you this look, a look you have no power to say no to, and you groan in annoyance.
You didn’t want to be here. You absolutely didn’t want to be here. She couldn’t convince you with that look. She couldn’t.
She lets out a pathetic noise and you groan again, turning back towards the bouncers. “Can you just get Doyoung out here or something? I’m sure if he saw me he’d tell you he invited me himself.”
“That’s what everyone says,” the second bouncer says. “You’re not getting in ladies.”
You turn to look at Jessica again and she frowns, a dejected look on her face. She had been so excited about attending one of the parties, and now, here she was, probably not going to get in. You’re not sure there’d be any locked doors anywhere for you to sneak into either, so, at this point it was a lost cause.
“Sorry, Jess. I tried,” you say. You reach to take her hand, ready to drag her back to your car when one of the many doors you noticed earlier opens. Out comes Doyoung and some girl, giggling and hanging off of him drunkenly. He moves to set her down near the wall opposite the door, and then pats the top of her head, smiling at her awkwardly before standing up.
Doyoung ends up looking your way, his eyes widening when he sees you. He rushes over immediately, grinning at you.
“Hey, Y/N? You came! I didn’t think you’d actually show up,” he says. You frown at him, crossing your arms.
“Why did you assume that? Do I not seem like one for parties or something?” You ask.
“Not at all.”
“You know her sir?” The first bouncer asks. Doyoung looks at him and then nods his head.
“Yeah, I invited her and her friend. I gave her the wrong paper though so, sorry for that.”
“It’s alright man,” the bouncers say. Doyoung gives them a thumbs up before coming to stand next to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. He doesn’t do the same for Jessica, instead holding out his arm for her, and she happily takes it. He ends up leading you back to the door he came out of, closing it and locking it behind him before guiding you into the party.
It is far more glorified than you expected. At frat parties you’ve been to there were lights and a DJ and furniture pushed to the side for a makeshift dance floor. There was always pizza and drinks in the kitchen, and there was always at least a hundred people roaming the house.
But this was so much more.
There was hundreds of people below you, dancing, drinking, eating, making out and talking. There was a whole section off to the side full of tables where people were sitting down with what seemed like a food station behind the tables. In the middle was a giant dance floor, something you’d expect in a club or something, with a DJ at the front of the floor. Off to the other side of the dance floor was a bar and a lounge area.
It was almost too much.
“This… is so freaking cool!” You barely hear Jessica say. You look at her, still clinging at Doyoung’s arm and roll your eyes. It wasn’t cool, it was ridiculous.
Rich people had way too much money and time on their hands.
“Are the drinks free?” You end up asking. Doyoung looks at you, shaking his head.
“No, but just tell them to put it on Yuta’s tab.” You nod your head and shrug off Doyoung’s arm, making a beeline down the stairs and to the bar area. You don’t have to wait long to order a drink thankfully, and once it’s in your hands, you make your way to the nearest corner and stand there.
It wasn’t anything fantastic, nothing like Jessica had described to you on the car ride here. It was like being in a huge club, with the usual loud music and the usual people and the usual atmosphere that made you want to go home. Jessica had also said if you were invited it meant something, but, it didn’t seem that way at all. It seemed like any old party.
Really, if you could you’d have left by now, but, leaving Jessica by herself at a party like this seemed like a terrible move as her best friend.
Leaving her with Doyoung probably wasn’t the best idea either, now that you think about it. You sigh and push yourself away from the wall, looking up to the landing you had come off of. You can’t make out much except for silhouettes of people, and, at this point you’re sure Doyoung and Jessica weren’t even up there anymore.
You pinch the bridge of your nose in frustration at your stupidity and pick out your phone to text her.
You, 11:19 P.M where are you? Are you still with doyoung???
You stare down at your phone, waiting for the reply, and when you feel something vibrate in your pocket you realize your dumb mistake.
Jessica had left her phone with you because she had no pockets. How could you forget that?
“Jesus fuck, this is the worst freaking night.” You mumble to yourself, quickly pocketing your phone. You’re about to head towards the dance floor to find her when you feel a hand grab yours. You turn to look at the person, finding Doyoung again smiling at you.
“Where is my friend?” You ask immediately, pulling your hand away from his. He frowns, and steps towards you.
“I left her with the most trustworthy person here. She’s in good hands,” he tells you over the music. You cross your arms and fix him with a glare, not fully trusting his words. You didn’t know these guys, and you definitely didn’t know Doyoung, so he could easily be lying to you. “…Do you want me to take her to you? To show you she’s fine?”
You nod your head quicker than expected and he sticks out his hand for you. You look down at it, and after a long moment of deliberation take it, letting him lead you through the crowd that lingered around the perimeter of the dance floor. You come to stand just a few feet away from the table area, and Doyoung points towards one of the middle tables where a bunch of guys and a few girls sat. You could barely make out Jessica sitting next to someone, smiling and passing out cards for everyone.
“See? She’s fine. I told my friend not to let her out of his sight for the rest of the night, so she should be fine then too.” You frown and turn to Doyoung.
“That’s awfully nice of you,” you say. He smiles, leaning in closer to you.
“I invited you to this party. If something happened to your friend, what kind of host would I be?” He leans in a little closer, his lips brushing at the rim of your ear. “Speaking of which, will you follow me to my room?”
“What, you don’t want to stay down here and party with everyone else?” You ask. He pulls away, and gives you an amused look.
“I’m not sure you understand what I’m asking of you.”
“No, I don’t.”
“If you follow me, I’ll explain it to you.”
You stare at Doyoung for a moment, then look back at Jessica. She’s smiling and clearly having fun. You didn’t want to leave her alone, but, Doyoung seemed sincere about all his statements. Maybe he was telling the truth.
Hopefully he was telling the truth.
“If anything happens to her, I’m coming back here to personally murder you.” Doyoung smiles even bigger and takes your hand once again.
“I’d expect nothing else.”
Ten minutes later of twists and turns and door after door you’re pulled into a room. The door is closed after you, practically closing off the party that was happening in some other part of the house, and Doyoung is immediately pushing you towards the bed on the far side of the room. He sits you down and then pulls up a chair for himself, sitting in front of you.
“I’m guessing you don’t know anything about our club,” Doyoung starts. You shake your head.
“Just what my friend told me. You’re rich, throw really big parties, you’re hot, uh… Something about getting laid?”
“I mean, sounds about right. What do you think?” Doyoung raises an eyebrow at you, and you, for the first time that night surprisingly, look him up and down. He’s wearing something that looked far less expensive than what he wore at school; jeans, a white t-shirt, and a bomber jacket that had a bunch of patches sewed into it. He still had that fake earring in his ear, and his hair was sporting little streaks of purple in his hair now.
He was definitely hot. Cuter than that dumb picture Jessica sent you, and more handsome than you remember.
He definitely fit that expectation.
You look around his room next, taking in all the décor. He had one wall full of posters, another full of shelves with figurines and pictures and trinkets alike, and then a wall with more shelves and a T.V bigger than any T.V you’ve ever seen in your life in the middle of said shelves. You look back at him and nod your head.
“Yeah, I think that sounds about right. You’re hot and clearly rich. That T.V is fucking huge,” you say. He laughs and then nods in agreement.
“I sit here for hours just watching T.V sometimes.”
“I am not doubting it.”
There’s a slight pause in your conversation before he’s scooting his chair towards you, talking once more.
“The last thing you said. The other guys and I… I wouldn’t call it a game necessarily, but, we bring a lot of girls here. Well, we invite a lot of girls, and then bet if we’ll get laid. If they end up coming, we end up fucking. And then if you got laid, you get paid whatever was wagered.”
“…that is absolutely a game. Is that why you invited me? To get laid?” You ask, not at all surprised by his words.
Rich people had way, way too much money and time on their hands.
“Yes, I did. But you’re the first girl I’ve ever actually gotten to come.” Doyoung moves to put his hands on your knees and you look down at them, then back at up at him.
“You must take me for an idiot,” you say. He laughs, and then smiles at you.
“I don’t. I’ve seen your test scores.”
“Test scores don’t necessarily make one smart, Doyoung.”
“Wise words,” Doyoung says. “Maybe that’s why I invited you.”
“Is it?”
“No. I don’t know why I did, really. Maybe I just like how you looked.”
“There are other girls who look better than me,” you say.
“And there are other guys who look better than me. I still think you’re pretty. Beautiful. Nice on the eyes. Whatever works for you.”
“I like ravishing,” you say. Doyoung lets out a hearty laugh for a full-on minute, his smile big and his eyes crinkled up in this really adorable way.
At least he wasn’t a super huge asshole. That was comforting at least.
“Either way,” Doyoung starts when his laughing dies down.
“Either way,” you repeat.
“Do you want to fuck?”
You look at him a second, a slight smirk on your lips, and put your hands on top of his. “Can I say no?”
“Absolutely. Though, that look you’re giving me…”
“I’m considering it,” you say. This was definitely a weird situation to be in, after all. Jessica was still downstairs too, and if you wanted, you’re sure you could just drag her out by now and leave. Though, fucking Doyoung wouldn’t be so bad. He was hot, and, if they did this often, he had to be good. You’re almost positive he had to be good. If it wasn’t, he said you could say no, which, was always a plus.
“If we don’t I’ll just end up watching T.V if you want to join me,” he says. You smile, and take his hands off his knees, placing them in his lap.
“How about we start with T.V and then see where things take us,” you say. You scoot back on the bed and immediately get cozy, patting the space next to you a moment later. Doyoung smiles back at you.
“I like where your head is.”
Soon enough, Doyoung has put in some movie that you’ve never seen or heard of before and then is cozying up next to you, an arm around your shoulders and a hand on your knee.
Two minutes into the movie, said hand is running up and down the expanse of your thigh. It distracts you immediately, but you ignore it as best as you can, knowing that whatever game Doyoung was playing, you could play it back.
You cross your arms and stare straight ahead, watching as what you assume are the two leads in the movie bump into each other.
And then you feel Doyoung’s other hand at your ear, his thumb beginning to circle the rim of it. It makes you tense up, the slow, soft movements triggering the sensitivity that your ears so easily gave.
In turn, you clench your fists and bite your bottom lip, blinking a few times to focus on the movie. Something happens with the lead girl, but Doyoung pulls your attention back to him before you can even figure out what’s happening in the movie.
Doyoung’s lips are soft against your neck, and the hand on your thigh has stopped to give it a light squeeze and his other hand has wandered into your hair. Every sensation is so much, giving you just what you could want, and yet so little, not giving you enough.
Doyoung knew how to get you to want more.
“Are you still watching the movie?” He asks, pressing a kiss to your jaw. You shake your head, and he laughs against your neck, pressing two more kisses there. “Do you want me to stop? We can actually go back to the movie.”
You think for a moment, trying to gather your thoughts, making sure you wanted this.
After a minute of deliberation, you crawl onto Doyoung’s lap, straddling him, putting your hands on his chest and pressing your lips to his. His hands find your hips and then finds the skin underneath your shirt, and then he’s pulling away, finding your neck again.
“Is that a no, you don’t want me to stop?” He asks.
“No, I don’t want you to stop. Unless you’re shit at this. Then I’ll end up stopping you,” you say, rolling your hips against Doyoung’s. He lets out a quiet moan against your neck, and rolls his hips right back.
“Don’t worry, Y/N. I hear I’m amazing at this.”
Your fingers curl tighter around Doyoung’s biceps, nails digging just barely into skin as he thrusts one last time into you. Your whole body practically tenses as you finally let go, your last orgasm wracking through your body in such a wonderful, sublime way that has you sighing in bliss.
Doyoung ends up pulling out moments later, falling onto the bed next to you, breathing just as hard as you were.
He was not wrong, at all. He was definitely amazing at sex.
Maybe it was because he ate you out or knew where to touch you in all the right places or made you come three times, you’re not sure. Whatever it was though, you didn’t regret coming here now.
“Was it good?” He asks when you think you’ve finally come down from your high. He must’ve gotten up at some point to throw away his condom because he’s patting you down with a wet cloth, the coolness making your skin tingle delightfully.
“So good,” you mumble out, letting out another content sigh. You feel Doyoung’s lips press against yours softly, and then he’s pushing a piece of hair behind your ear before letting out his own sigh.
“We should return to the party. You probably want to get out of here,” he says. You nod your head slowly and he moves to get off the bed, but you find his hand and tug at it.
“I don’t know if I can walk,” you say. He laughs and then tosses a piece of clothing at you. “Doyoungie, will you carry me?”
“Doyoungie?” He asks with an incredulous tone. You open your eyes and nod your head.
“Doyoungie. Carry me? My legs won’t stop shaking.”
You see him look down at your legs, and then back up to your body to you.
“I’ll give you a minute, and then if you’re still shaking, I’ll carry you.”
A few minutes pass, Doyoung dressing himself and helping you dress, laughter and smiles and short kisses being exchanged between you two as it happens. Once you’re finished he helps you stand up, and unfortunately you don’t fall or anything.
You pout as he takes your hand and leads you out of his room. You really wanted to be carried.
“Maybe another time,” he ends up saying. You look down at your hands entwined, and for most of the walk you just stare at them.
It’s… weird. Doyoung just brought you here to fuck but he’s still very caring and thoughtful about it. Your mind wanders to when he was eating you out, insisting on it before you and him did anything else.
You wondered if he did this with every girl he brought here.
“Hey, Doyoung?” You start when you’re nearing the party. The music is still blaring, the party probably not even close to winding down yet.
“Do you ever fuck someone twice?”
He doesn’t answer right away, staying quiet as you finally reach one of the doors that leads into the party. He opens it up and pulls you inside, heading over to the table area. Jessica is still there, but all the people that had been with her are gone, and she’s just with Doyoung’s friend, drinking something out of a bottle and hanging off of the guy in such a sloppy manner.
It was definitely time to go home.
“Hey, Johnny, thanks for watching Y/N’s friend,” Doyoung says. You let go of Doyoung’s hand and walk over to Jessica, touching lightly at her face.
“Hey, Jess, ready to go home?”
“Y/N! I was- I was just telling Johnny about you!” Jessica whips her head to Johnny and then back to you so hard she ends up stopping any speech completely, blinking many times before leaning to the side to throw up. You turn away towards Doyoung and plug your ears with your index fingers, not wanting to hear her emptying her stomach.
When she’s done she tugs at your jacket, and you look down at her to hear her whine. “I wanna go hoooommeee…”
You nod your head and then lift her up gently to her feet, putting an arm around her middle and slinging her own over your shoulders. Johnny comes to her other side and helps as well, and you begin walking awkwardly back up the stairs. You leave through the door Doyoung had brought you through earlier, the same girl he had dropped off out there sleeping on the floor now.
As you head down the stairs, you wonder if maybe Doyoung invited her to fuck and then she got too drunk before they could do anything.
Maybe if he talked to you after this you could ask.
Eventually you make it back to your car, and Johnny helps you get Jessica into the front seat. He even goes as far as buckling her up for you before shutting her door and stepping a few feet away. You turn to thank him, only to find Doyoung and him whispering to each other.
You hadn’t even realized Doyoung had followed you outside, and you’re not sure if you should drive off or wait for him to be done with talking to Johnny.
Would he answer your question from earlier if you waited? Or maybe this was your cue to leave?
You start to walk around the car, making it as far as standing in front of your door before you hear your name being called. You watch Doyoung walk towards your car, around it, and then come to stand in front of you. He presses you to the door, his hands on your hips and a smile on his face.
“I have an answer to your question,” he says. You raise an eyebrow.
“Personally, I’ve never asked someone to come back here again… I haven’t really heard anyone do it either. Stuff can get complicated and if someone gets to clingy, it gets weird…”
“If you’re looking for something more with me… I probably wouldn’t do anything with you again,” he says. You laugh and move your hands around his neck, your fingers playing with the hairs at the nape.
“Earlier was really fucking good Doyoung… I’m not really looking for a relationship, but if you are okay with being fuckbuddies, I’m all for that. If I’m asking for anything, I’m asking for that.”
Doyoung stares at you a moment, and then he’s leaning in, pressing his lips to yours in a sudden kiss. It only lasts for a few moments, but it doesn’t fail to make you feel absolutely giddy inside.
He clearly wanted this too.
“How about we start with you coming back here tomorrow and we’ll see where things take us,” Doyoung says.
You can’t help but laugh at hearing your words from earlier repeated back to you.
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