#one of my side pets is based on a zim oc but I never do anything with them
jimmythejiver · 6 years
So I find an Invader Zim fic in Russian and I know browser translators are crap, but I still put it threw anyway and a lot of it doesn't make sense, but I got this gem out the last sentence of the story synopsis:
Two of the enemy do not forget about each other, unbreakable thread of hostility weaves their destinies, cooking for everyone the outcome.
The fate of the universe boils down to a cook off. No I know in context that's not it at all, but still Zim would have Dib beat on that one, you got to admit.
Other Notes Of Interest: Zim's name translates to Winter every time his name should be Zima, I thought I was reading an OC for a second there Gir's name becomes Gere The Tallest are The Highest, they are also tagged as Almighty Supreme Red and/or Purple, kind of reminds me of Boris and Natasha, sorry to bring them up, I bet Russians are tired of them Dib is sometimes Deeb, or Diba Apparently their rating system is NC-21 instead of NC-17 I haven't started reading, but the artwork is fucking good. It's like nothing I've seen for this fandom before. The only way I can describe it is 70's magazine Sci-fi meets 90's dark and gritty with a side creepy? I've never seen Rarl Kove look so boss. Is Red involved with this adventure with Dib and Zim? Where's Purple?
Here's the link: https://ficbook.net/readfic/1286704/
I'll need to devote time to reading it, but I know some things are going to be lost in translation, but like I read a whole Final Fantasy VII Rufus/Yuffie from badly translated Spanish so... In that one thoughts got translated into clarifies one's ideas and walking alone became going solo. Also Rufus and Yuffie would change gender a lot, which amuses my enbyness. This also happened in a German fic i read too. I think I still got the gist to that wild story that I swear was more inventive than some of the play it safe stuff the English speaking world churns out and it didn't have to make Tseng a villain to make a plot.
Major pet peeve: Turning Tseng, or Tallest Red into the defacto villains, while letting Reno and Tallest Purple off the hook. Undoing Rufus's redemption and turning him back into a villain.
Here's the links: https://misfanfics.wordpress.com/me-gustan-los-retos-yuffie-y-rufus-sin-terminar/
It never finished though, so you're left hanging. This takes place many years after the game.
This one is graphic, but trust me it's post-Advent Children, possibly DoC based on Vincent’s status quo, so Yuffie's definitely overage.
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