#one of the things lifesteal does that i really enjoy is have everyone be. kinda evil
bugsinthebayou · 2 years
I got my buddy my pal kassandra @brothbitch to name and describe the lifesteal members. (we only did the ones i know/know of.) he only knows them via osmosis. heres what we got.
-Okay so first of all his name is Branzy and he is. Well.
-Imagine a trans guy.
-Now imagine if that guy was subtlety fucked up.
-Now imagine if that guy was actually like really really fucked up but hung out with an even more fucked up guy so people just think he’s the normal one.
-Thats branzy
-Also autistic vibes but i get that from any character you like
-Okay right off the bat his name is Clown
-he has a very nice voice according to you
-He’s like intimidating but that’s just cause he hangs out with a guy more pathetic than him. In reality he’s not that scary
-Supports branzy's wrongs more than he does his (admittedly few) rights tbh
-Oh uh. Hmm… The tux isn’t quite capitalist enough when paired with the shades but does give off cooler than you energy…
-His name is Red
-He's like an authority-figure sort of character?
-Chill but will turn on you if it suits him- at the beginning.
-Eventually after an arc or 2, he realizes the meaning of friendship.
-True friends get to see behind his glasses.
-His voice is probably really nice.
-Why are his shoes so detailed and why are his soles flesh colored
-OOoH another red!
-Hmm.. He’s like, a really nice guy.
-His name is probably something like. Bl..an? Blain? His names Blain.
-He’s just a chill guy, his streams consist of being a friend.
-People give his character angst even though it has none.
-His character has a lot of music symbolism though.
-He kinda looks like an allay but I don’t think that has anything to do with anything
-What is that
-His lore is that he’s like. Glitched somehow. He’s the one with a lot of angst.
-Uhhh. His name is brock. Short for Brocken.
-His character probably has something like memory loss?
-It’s like.. a skeleton? And it’s face is split in two?
-Anyways definitely the biggest theatre kid of the server so far.
-That’s all I’ve got to say about this one though
-:0!! Parrot boy!
-You talked about this one when you were discussing the uhhh owl lingo!!
-Okay hum. Well I forgot the canon name…
-But. I’m going to call him. Cl…Ering? Clering??
-He’s like. The mischievous one. The parrots always are. Something stolen? House burned down? It was clering.
-ooOh!! Another suit boy!!
-He and red have definitely teamed up at some point.
-I’m going to call him purple which by lifesteal rules is like naming a child girl.
-Uhh. He’s like Red but more strict. That thing on his tie? Definitely from red.
-They have like a good cop bad cop thing going on but they constantly break through it to just talk to eachother.
-Definitely a ride or die duo.
-Upon closer inspection I actually don’t think purple is the stricter one.
-Okay hm.
-He and blain are like unproblematic besties except this guy actually does end up doing some fucked up shit. (Blain supports him tho.)
-I think he enjoys using tnt for his evil doings. On his streams he’s always either farming or being an evil master mind. On other peoples streams he’s just a little freak.
-Probably the most normal person on the server but everyone still gawks at him for no reason.
-Uhh.. Zackery is his real life name but on the server he’s known as Zee.
-Okay enderman hybrid obviously. Either that or like. Demon.
-This one is definitely transgender. Popular among people who enjoy crying.
-His arc probably centers around being dehumanized. Tries to be feral, is not very good at it.
-(He likes chaos he just hates the prep it takes.)
-Has a dog. Would die for said dog. Not very good at causing chaos but touch that dog and you fucking die.
-He judges people often. He is judged often. Probably the person taking this the most serious character on the server but he accidentally breaks out of it a lot.
-His and Brock’s story is pretty intertwined but it hasn’t been revealed yet
-Anyways his name is. Mal.
-Okay right off the bat he’s like. The ruler of the server.
-He’s not actually but he goes around saying he is.
-Clown and Mal have tried to kill him and they have failed.
-His name is Smiley. King Smiley.
-He, like Mal, does not have the grinding necessary for backing him up but like. Everyone likes him so it never gets him into trouble. Other than with Clown and Mal.
-But like, he’s good at PVP I think.
-Oh also refuses to wear helmets
-Cant cover up that crown y’know?
-OH KAY this guy definitely has something to with Mal.
-I think his name is something like. Icious. Or Cal. Something to do with Mal.
-He is also incredibly dark and broody. Everyone can tell he and Mal are somehow related except for him and Mal.
-They will just get into the most obvious “YOU GUYS HAVE SHARED HISTORY TOGETHER” scenarios and walk out like “what’s that guys problem.”
-They have teamed up to kill people before tho.
[i showed him vitalasy's youtube pfp]
-Oh my god I take everything back all of his videos that are not on lifesteal are bedwars related.
-Mal is really into the roleplay thing but he himself is just chilling.
-He mostly just hangs out whenever he’s on the server, his name is just his channel name. Something like Mkalk? I cannot read that so I’m assuming that’s what it says
-Mal will text him in advance to do lore, but he’ll mainly just watch until it’s time to fight.
-He is AMAZING at PVP. Absolute god.
-Also enjoys grinding and is good at it.
-Oh I’ve seen this one! Didn’t learn anything about him. I think he has a dark gray version though?
-Anyways he certainly is on the server. Mainly a neutral party but just in the fact that he has no Allies. He logs on every day and chooses violence. Also good at pvp, mid at grinding.
-After every battle he does a skin change and pretends to be completely innocent.
-Then immediately after the person he fought walks by he changes back and insults them.
aand done! god damn
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