#one of which includes trying to teach a Virgin Employee how work life.. works
moki-dokie · 5 months
how to make 19 year old boy who came of age during the pandemic and never had a real real job before now realize he needs to Chill The Fuck Out and be Less eagar about working for free holy shit he is impossible to wrangle
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larktb-archive · 4 years
How to Write About Africa - Binyavanga Wainaina
Always use the word ‘Africa’ or ‘Darkness’ or ‘Safari’ in your title. Subtitles may include the words ‘Zanzibar’, ‘Masai’, ‘Zulu’, ‘Zambezi’, ‘Congo’, ‘Nile’, ‘Big’, ‘Sky’, ‘Shadow’, ‘Drum’, ‘Sun’ or ‘Bygone’. Also useful are words such as ‘Guerrillas’, ‘Timeless’, ‘Primordial’ and ‘Tribal’. Note that ‘People’ means Africans who are not black, while ‘The People’ means black Africans.
Never have a picture of a well-adjusted African on the cover of your book, or in it, unless that African has won the Nobel Prize. An AK-47, prominent ribs, naked breasts: use these. If you must include an African, make sure you get one in Masai or Zulu or Dogon dress.
In your text, treat Africa as if it were one country. It is hot and dusty with rolling grasslands and huge herds of animals and tall, thin people who are starving. Or it is hot and steamy with very short people who eat primates. Don’t get bogged down with precise descriptions. Africa is big: fifty-four countries, 900 million people who are too busy starving and dying and warring and emigrating to read your book. The continent is full of deserts, jungles, highlands, savannahs and many other things, but your reader doesn’t care about all that, so keep your descriptions romantic and evocative and unparticular.
Make sure you show how Africans have music and rhythm deep in their souls, and eat things no other humans eat. Do not mention rice and beef and wheat; monkey-brain is an African’s cuisine of choice, along with goat, snake, worms and grubs and all manner of game meat. Make sure you show that you are able to eat such food without flinching, and describe how you learn to enjoy it—because you care.
Taboo subjects: ordinary domestic scenes, love between Africans (unless a death is involved), references to African writers or intellectuals, mention of school-going children who are not suffering from yaws or Ebola fever or female genital mutilation.
Throughout the book, adopt a sotto voice, in conspiracy with the reader, and a sad I-expected-so-much tone. Establish early on that your liberalism is impeccable, and mention near the beginning how much you love Africa, how you fell in love with the place and can’t live without her. Africa is the only continent you can love—take advantage of this. If you are a man, thrust yourself into her warm virgin forests. If you are a woman, treat Africa as a man who wears a bush jacket and disappears off into the sunset. Africa is to be pitied, worshipped or dominated. Whichever angle you take, be sure to leave the strong impression that without your intervention and your important book, Africa is doomed.
Your African characters may include naked warriors, loyal servants, diviners and seers, ancient wise men living in hermitic splendour. Or corrupt politicians, inept polygamous travel-guides, and prostitutes you have slept with. The Loyal Servant always behaves like a seven-year-old and needs a firm hand; he is scared of snakes, good with children, and always involving you in his complex domestic dramas. The Ancient Wise Man always comes from a noble tribe (not the money-grubbing tribes like the Gikuyu, the Igbo or the Shona). He has rheumy eyes and is close to the Earth. The Modern African is a fat man who steals and works in the visa office, refusing to give work permits to qualified Westerners who really care about Africa. He is an enemy of development, always using his government job to make it difficult for pragmatic and good-hearted expats to set up NGOs or Legal Conservation Areas. Or he is an Oxford-educated intellectual turned serial-killing politician in a Savile Row suit. He is a cannibal who likes Cristal champagne, and his mother is a rich witch-doctor who really runs the country.
Among your characters you must always include The Starving African, who wanders the refugee camp nearly naked, and waits for the benevolence of the West. Her children have flies on their eyelids and pot bellies, and her breasts are flat and empty. She must look utterly helpless. She can have no past, no history; such diversions ruin the dramatic moment. Moans are good. She must never say anything about herself in the dialogue except to speak of her (unspeakable) suffering. Also be sure to include a warm and motherly woman who has a rolling laugh and who is concerned for your well-being. Just call her Mama. Her children are all delinquent. These characters should buzz around your main hero, making him look good. Your hero can teach them, bathe them, feed them; he carries lots of babies and has seen Death. Your hero is you (if reportage), or a beautiful, tragic international celebrity/aristocrat who now cares for animals (if fiction).
Bad Western characters may include children of Tory cabinet ministers, Afrikaners, employees of the World Bank. When talking about exploitation by foreigners mention the Chinese and Indian traders. Blame the West for Africa’s situation. But do not be too specific.
Broad brushstrokes throughout are good. Avoid having the African characters laugh, or struggle to educate their kids, or just make do in mundane circumstances. Have them illuminate something about Europe or America in Africa. African characters should be colourful, exotic, larger than life—but empty inside, with no dialogue, no conflicts or resolutions in their stories, no depth or quirks to confuse the cause.
Describe, in detail, naked breasts (young, old, conservative, recently raped, big, small) or mutilated genitals, or enhanced genitals. Or any kind of genitals. And dead bodies. Or, better, naked dead bodies. And especially rotting naked dead bodies. Remember, any work you submit in which people look filthy and miserable will be referred to as the ‘real Africa’, and you want that on your dust jacket. Do not feel queasy about this: you are trying to help them to get aid from the West. The biggest taboo in writing about Africa is to describe or show dead or suffering white people.
Animals, on the other hand, must be treated as well rounded, complex characters. They speak (or grunt while tossing their manes proudly) and have names, ambitions and desires. They also have family values: see how lions teach their children? Elephants are caring, and are good feminists or dignified patriarchs. So are gorillas. Never, ever say anything negative about an elephant or a gorilla. Elephants may attack people’s property, destroy their crops, and even kill them. Always take the side of the elephant. Big cats have public-school accents. Hyenas are fair game and have vaguely Middle Eastern accents. Any short Africans who live in the jungle or desert may be portrayed with good humour (unless they are in conflict with an elephant or chimpanzee or gorilla, in which case they are pure evil).
After celebrity activists and aid workers, conservationists are Africa’s most important people. Do not offend them. You need them to invite you to their 30,000-acre game ranch or ‘conservation area’, and this is the only way you will get to interview the celebrity activist. Often a book cover with a heroic-looking conservationist on it works magic for sales. Anybody white, tanned and wearing khaki who once had a pet antelope or a farm is a conservationist, one who is preserving Africa’s rich heritage. When interviewing him or her, do not ask how much funding they have; do not ask how much money they make off their game. Never ask how much they pay their employees.
Readers will be put off if you don’t mention the light in Africa. And sunsets, the African sunset is a must. It is always big and red. There is always a big sky. Wide empty spaces and game are critical—Africa is the Land of Wide Empty Spaces. When writing about the plight of flora and fauna, make sure you mention that Africa is overpopulated. When your main character is in a desert or jungle living with indigenous peoples (anybody short) it is okay to mention that Africa has been severely depopulated by Aids and War (use caps).
You’ll also need a nightclub called Tropicana, where mercenaries, evil nouveau riche Africans and prostitutes and guerrillas and expats hang out.
Always end your book with Nelson Mandela saying something about rainbows or renaissances. Because you care.
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ars-simia-animus · 4 years
You’ll Rise Up, Free and Easy
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Chapter Three: “Shadowboxing”
Summary: Tension mounts between Peter and Tony on the subject of Peter's education. Peter enjoys the freedom of his days at home, following his passions with ceramics, reveling in the fine fabrics in May's sewing room... He doesn't know how to explain his trepidation at returning to school. Meanwhile, Tony remembers Mrs. Ana Jarvis, the first person to feel a responsibility toward him and to reach past his barriers.
Read after the break.
January, 1903
Peter had a new routine for his days at home. He woke at six thirty, washed, and went to the kitchen where May would be singing. He made the coffee for them while May finished cooking. Then, they ate breakfast together at the dining room table, like they had when Ben was alive, only Peter was the one to read the newspaper aloud while May chided him to “leave the world’s troubles for after French toast.”
It was sweeter even than he remembered to spend his mornings with May. She always swept him away and danced with him around the kitchen as they were washing the dishes. He would laugh and encourage her back to the sink. It was a fun little charade.
If May didn’t need to visit a client for measurements or a fitting, she would work in her sewing room, on the cast iron Swinger, pedaling and humming, while the machine’s needle joined fabric. Meanwhile Peter would pedal his pottery wheel, elbows-deep in clay slip, throwing vases or platters or bowls. May joked: “We Parkers have ankles as thick as Samson’s neck. But, just our right ones.”
Most of the time, however, May was gone, visiting her clients on Manhattan or Long Island. The house was empty, but it was an emptiness that reminded Peter of the delicate winter sky, colorless, cold, but free. He liked this kind of solitude.
He experimented with form and glaze, painted and carved intricate designs, and shaped precariously tall or wide clay bodies, for hours. However, he didn’t have any orders to fill, and though he had plenty of ideas and passions to follow, he knew, with a deep sense of responsibility, that he must use his materials to create pieces to sell. But what? He didn’t have any clients like May or a shop like Mr. Jameson.
He was a business. Mr. Stark said that 40% of the profit would be set aside for expenses. If he continued to create ceramics without a plan, soon he would have no materials and no profit. Not to mention fuel for the kiln to operate. Peter had never been part of the business of Jameson’s Porcelain & Ceramics Co. Mr. Jameson wouldn’t have even allowed him to look at the cash register, let alone the accounting books. But, Peter had kept inventory and knew that Mr. Jameson ordered by comparing the inventory to the materials needed for upcoming orders.
So, Peter retrieved the slate he’d used for school and some chalk and kept good track of the materials he had. Peter tacked the slate on the scullery wall, where he would be reminded to update it as he worked. He also created a plan (though it was simple and stupid, he thought) of where he could sell his work.
He knew this wasn’t enough, but he wanted to show Mr. Stark that he was thinking seriously, responsibly. This was one of the factors for his sensitive mood when Mr. Stark told him he had to go back to school. It felt like he’d failed already at being a ceramicist.
During the day, when pieces were being fired in the kiln, if Mr. Stark wasn’t there visiting, Peter would do chores for May. But, that didn’t take long, so he’d start supper… but, any earlier than four was too early even for stews. So, often he would either mold figurines that could be rewetted and clay used again, or, he walked around the house, reciting tongue twisters and passages of books he’d memorized. Occasionally, he would go into May’s sewing room and touch the satin or velvet fabrics, which he loved.
In the sewing room there were also bolts of the fabrics Ben had woven when he was a textile worker in Philadelphia. Peter ran his hands over the tartans and tweeds, thinking they felt scratchier than they should. Or, maybe that was the grief woven in them that made them feel barbed and sad.
Ben left his life in Philadelphia to come care for Peter. The textile factory wouldn’t hold his job for him, so he accepted the loss, and he and May shipped everything they could afford to post to a little motel in Queens. Before they even went to the motel where the remnants of their lives were boxed and waiting, they retrieved Peter from the Blessed Virgin Orphanage.
Ben eventually found work at a New York textile factory. It was rougher— there were fights every day between workers, sometimes with knives— but it paid a comparable wage. May began work for the first time in her life since immigrating; she’d been a seamstress’s apprentice in Italy. In America, she was a washerwoman. They were happy, but Peter nevertheless felt weighed down by guilt.
He moved on from the heavy textiles to the gossamer laces. They were smooth as milk under his hands. Un-spindling them, he would let them wash over his arms or he put them over his head, like a bridal veil. Many times he remembered the Starks’ Christmas party and would become as light as the lace around him. In those moments, he pretended he was dancing with Pepper. Sometimes when he imagined this, he was dressed as himself that night, sometimes in a fine vicuna suit like Tony wore, and sometimes he imagined himself as Pepper, or, alighted in her silk and pearls and silver.
Peter was so happy. He was so thankful. But, the pressure in his aching ears was building as he thought about returning to school. They crackled at him about how far behind he must be in Grammar and History and how there were so many faces he wouldn’t know and expectations to meet...
Peter’s face was darkening, a sunset color. Tony hadn’t meant to upset him; he couldn’t help but suspect there was more to this than a young teenager not wanting to go to school. Tony hinged his jaw back and forth and focused on the sensation. He didn’t want to give in, either, though.
Peter was an intelligent boy— a genius, a prodigy— and although it wasn’t unheard of for such people to accomplish great things outside the system, he needed to learn to “play the game” a little, too. Besides, Tony hadn’t lied; education was more than a merit, it trained brilliant minds to be efficient. If Peter was going to grow into the man he could be, he needed all the resources he could get.
Still, Tony had never seen Peter so belligerent. He drew a breath. “We’re not getting anywhere at this rate.” Tony tried. “Let’s talk more about it another time, hm?” He turned back to the table and began collecting the playing cards.
However, this suggestion did not ease Peter’s mind. “I don’t want to talk more about it later, sir. I don’t want to talk about it at all!”
Tony looked at him. He was escalating. Some dormant thing in Tony spiked up, like a scorpion tail. He said, in a measured tone, “Peter, we're done with this for today. We can talk when you’re feeling yourself.”
“I am feeling myself! Nothing’s going to change between now and then.” Peter leaned forward unconsciously. “It’s a waste of time for me to go to school, Mr. Stark.” Tony frowned. “I just want to learn my trade and its business.”
“How do you suppose you’re going to learn business without Mathematics or Economics?” Tony asked, irritation mounting.
“By experience, sir!” Peter exclaimed. “That’s what apprenticeships are meant to be.”
“By experience , is it, Mr. Carnegie?” Tony drew back dramatically. “You want to delve in and run a business? You’re fourteen, Pete.”
Peter’s voice cracked. “You — you said all this was a business investment.”
“School is a business investment, too.” Tony said, this time more softly. I’m always so affected by his tears , he moaned to himself.
“No, it’s not!”
“Don’t raise your voice at me, kid— I’m not shouting at you .”
This seemed to push Peter back down into a more reasonable mood. The kid’s shoulders slumped and he lowered his glare to the floor. After a gulp, he said, “Why can’t you teach me Mathematics and Economics?”
Tony closed his eyes and sighed. Then, he tapped Peter’s chin to get his gaze. “ I will . But, as Pepper so often loves to remind me, I have a company to run, with hundreds of employees who depend on having a competent chairman of the board to get things done.
“That’s not including a household to oversee as well, although Jarvis sees to most of that. Then there are partners like Rhodey and the U.S. Railroad Company…” Tony felt like he was rambling. He passed a hand through his hair and massaged his neck briefly.
“Look,” he said, “I will teach you— everything I know! But, it’s difficult to ride here, an hour both ways, and meet my other responsibilities and it's impossible to do it every day.”
In a small voice, Peter said, “I know.” He did understand, though it was painful. He wasn’t trying to demand so much of Tony’s attention.
“I just don’t want you to always be waiting for me to come. There’s no sense wasting time you could be studying. You should spend your time learning now, while you have more freedom. Do you understand what I’m telling you?” Tony asked.
Peter was silent, but he nodded.
Just then, the kitchen door opened. May, carrying a large basket of potatoes, sidestepped inside. Tony stood politely when he saw her. “Oh. Good afternoon, Mr. Stark!” May caught sight of Peter’s expression and paused.
“Good afternoon, May.” Tony said cheerfully. “You’re looking lovely today. Allow me to relieve you of your load—“
But, she’d already set down her basket with a grunt.
“Thank you, sir.” May said with a wry lilt. She wasn’t one for such compliments, but she held an unusual amount of grace for Tony because of Peter and Mrs. Stark. Through their eyes, she had come to see past his social persona a little more than most of his acquaintances. “Hello, Peter, motek. How are your ears?”
“Welcome home, Aunt May,” Peter said in a bashful voice. “I’m fine.”
May nodded and turned back to Tony. “Won’t you join us for lunch, Mr. Stark? I can have it ready within half an hour.”
“Thank you, but I had better not. I have to meet with Rhodey about some railway business before he makes good on his promise to ambush me and tie me on the tracks.” He said drily. “I'm glad to see you, though.” Tony continued. “Pepper reminded me this morning that we’ve still not met to officially discuss the terms of Peter’s apprenticeship contract.”
May smiled. “From what Peter has told me, I doubt I’d have much to contest, Mr. Stark; it seems you’ve been wonderfully generous.”
Tony noticed Peter grimace. “I want to be sure he has what he needs to be successful.” Tony said and drew himself up as if preparing to leave. “Well, perhaps the next time you are at the mansion, the three of us could draw up the contract and sign it.”
May had noticed the grimace as well. She sent him a questioning look before telling Tony: “I was planning to deliver an order to Mrs. Stark on the 8th, if that suits you.”
“I’ll make preparations and send Happy to give you a ride.”
“Please don’t go to any trouble, sir. I can catch the streetcar.”
“It’s no trouble.” Tony said.
There was a pregnant pause. Peter realized that Tony was going to say goodbye. He didn’t want Tony to leave this way, after they had argued and he’d been so stubborn. However, if he apologized, he felt that he should agree to do what Mr. Stark said, and the thought of going back to the schoolhouse or any schoolhouse was beginning to make him sick.
Tony spoke again. He looked at Peter, a little forlornly. “Will you come, too, Pete? It concerns you after all and I’d like to hear what you think about things—”
Peter bristled. He didn’t seem to believe that last statement. “Well, thank you, sir.” Peter said, not controlling the irony in his tone. “That’s the first I knew of it.”
“Peter Parker.” May chastised quietly and Peter immediately felt miserable. “If you have something to say, you should speak like a young man who deserves to be heard. Then I’m sure Mr. Stark would listen.”
Embarrassed tears started in his eyes and Peter hated how sensitive he was. The pressure in his ears was now a throbbing pain from all the stress. He barely heard Tony tell May that it was alright and he understood Peter was upset.
May interrupted his thoughts. “Peter,” she said. “Your face looks curdled as spoiled milk. What’s wrong?”
Peter sighed. “Uh, I… um.”
Tony cleared his throat. “We were just speaking about… the possibility of continuing Peter’s schooling.” Tony took a breath. “He’s not too keen on the idea.” May glanced at Peter with a slight worry to her eyes. “But I think he has promise and could easily attend a good college—“
Peter balked. College? The future, which was once like a cold sky, gave way to a tidal wave. It was at his door, crashing heavily, hemming him in, and he couldn’t breathe.
“I agree.” May said simply. Wildly, Peter snapped his attention back to her. “But, let’s not talk about it now. We can figure it all out on the 8th.”
“May,” Peter said, but she cut him off.
“We’re not talking about it anymore today.” She said in a pleasant but firm voice.
April, 1864
Tony returned to crawling through the flower beds of the Jarvis cottage only at night. He told himself he was a scout. He was gathering important information at great danger to himself by spying on enemy troops. Really, though, he wanted to be near Ana and Jarvis, though he knew he was not allowed.
Mrs. Ana had already told him no when he asked her to sleep in his bedroom during a few big storms. “I have my own bed and you have yours. Besides,” she said and pointed to the ceiling. “You know of those tall spires on top of the mansion?”
Tony nodded. “The iron spires.”
“Right,” she said and smiled. “If any electricity from the atmosphere ventures too close, the spire will conduct it down the rod and safely along a wire into the ground.”
Tony thought of all the lightning that must be in the ground as he rooted through the dirt. Almost superstitiously, he was thrilled every time his foot or fingers disturbed the soil. What would it feel like to be full of electric power?
Under the wisteria and hollyhocks he was shielded from the downpour and dropped his umbrella at the entrance of his tunnel through the thicket. He was very gentle with the plants so he wouldn’t crush them and upset Mrs. Ana. Closer to the cottage, he saw a warm glow from a little cellar window.
Inching up, he peered inside and was instantly captivated. Jarvis was in the amber lamplight, but not dressed in his staunch black suit and patent leather shoes. He wore sporting trousers with knee socks and a simple cotton undershirt. He also had on a beaten pair of plimsolls that Tony had never seen before.
The lantern sat on a low surface, perhaps a box, behind Jarvis so that his shadow was hard-cut on the wall before him. Jarvis jabbed at his shadow or cut a fist upwards occasionally— no, Tony realized, rhythmically . Jarvis’s feet never stilled or tripped. He seemed at once steady and speeding through time. Sharp breaths matched his patterned movements.
Tony couldn’t keep his own breath. It kept leaving him while he watched. Eventually, Jarvis let his shadow alone and moved to a seemingly very heavy leather bag that hung from a trio of chains. Jarvis punched the bag with such force— and the sound of the connecting blow was so deep— that Tony’s heart lost rhythm. Jarvis broke into a reverie of strikes.
The sky jealously unleashed obnoxious thunder above Tony’s head. Stupefied, his brain translated the peals into the scene with the punching bag and Jarvis boxing. It was like a revelation or a child’s first ghost story. Tony was awed and irrevocably obsessed.
Mrs. Ana came down the stairs and joined her husband. She was also dressed in sporting clothes, but Tony was very used to the sight. It’s what she wore when they played, or, “exercised” as she called it. Jarvis paused and seemed to greet her. He kissed her cheek and she reeled, laughter throwing back her head.
A different sort of fascination filled Tony. He laid down, belly flat in the dirt and seedlings. His chin rested on his chubby arms. He felt the desire to curl up like a pup, resting, watching a game across the room that he wasn’t supposed to join. Still, he hoped he’d be invited.
Mrs. Ana squared up; just like Jarvis, she began to bob and float around, circling her husband. She had that winsome daredevil look that Tony loved so much. That look meant fun. Jarvis moved, too, and the two of them began to spar, bare-knuckled.
Tony couldn’t believe it. He jolted up, but froze. It seemed like his mind had ground to halt.
Jarvis jabbed at Mrs. Ana, who effortlessly dodged. She was so fast! And she was laughing. Jarvis smiled as well as he blocked her punches. A couple times a strike would land and Tony’s stomach would lurch in a fearful excitement. But, once it was clear that neither of them would hurt the other, he relaxed and began to have fun, too. Both Jarvis and Mrs. Ana were obviously strong, but what thrilled Tony most was their speed.
They moved almost together, hardly seeming to be fighting at all, they were so skilled. Also, they knew and understood each other, which lended to their even match-up. Huffing, they paused after a while and stretched. Jarvis ran his hand up Ana’s neck. She leaned in and nuzzled noses with him. Then, they began to kiss.
Confusion and frustration overcame Tony. He worked at the little window until he could swivel the pane inward. He called out, “Wait a minute! Who won?”
“Good Lord!” Jarvis cursed— Tony burst into giggles—
And Mrs. Ana exclaimed: “It’s that groundhog, back! Where’s my broom?”
Mrs. Ana was quickly marching up the stairs, laughing and scolding at the same time. Soon she had him muffled up in a large blanket and was scrubbing dry his dark hair. “I thought we were quite past snooping in the bushes, Little Mister!”
Tony couldn’t be suppressed, however, not by any amount of correction. “Were you boxing? Each other? I didn’t know women boxed their husbands.”
Mrs. Ana snorted, but otherwise ignored his happiness. “What’s going to happen when you’re discovered missing?”
There was no hint of concern in his voice. “No one ever comes to my room unless they have to. Mother might come, but she’s in Paris right now for summer clothes shopping.”
Mrs. Ana moved on to his ears, wiggling her fingers, enveloped in the blanket, at the opening of each. Jarvis entered the parlor, now dressed in day trousers and a starched cotton shirt. Tony smirked at him. “Do you not wear pajamas, Jarvis?”
“With guests in the house,” Jarvis said, “I should think not, Young Sir.” Mrs. Ana chuckled a little. Jarvis recoiled slightly. “Is that snicker aimed at me, beloved?” His voice was underlaid with a pretend wounded tone.
”Most certainly it is,” she said. “I hope you don’t expect me to don an evening gown to receive this little runaway prince.”
Tony watched them in this sacred, domestic setting, noting how differently they acted, even with each other. Tony was an observant boy. He remembered the way people spoke, the looks on their faces, and the gestures they used.
As he grew, he began to see more: tics, minute expressions, doubletalk, etc. This skill was essential to avoiding his father’s anger and his mother’s tears of disappointment. It also helped him build a buffer between people and his emotions. It was never safe to be honest about how he felt. Every year, he was a better performer.
Jarvis and Mrs. Ana were performers, too. He realized this when Jarvis walked into the kitchen fully dressed at 8:45 at night. Mrs. Ana didn’t go to such lengths, but he’d seen her bite back derision toward different people on the estate, including his mother at least once.
October, 1863
He’d taken apart a jack-in-the-box his mother brought him from France. He figured out that the puppet was on a spring easily; he could feel the wiry coil through the puppet’s thin velveteen body. However, he wanted to see how the turning crank released the lid on the box. Mrs Ana had walked in to find him trying to pry the puppet out; so, she retrieved a small screwdriver and supervised as he unfastened the bottom panel so as to keep the toy from being truly damaged.
Maria, his mother, had entered his nursery just as he plucked the little music box from the toy. Tony could remember how her face succumbed to a storm of hurt emotions. “Tony! Figlio ingrato, why have you done this?” Her voice was wet with tears. “Your mama bought that specially for you, and after we were apart so many weeks.”
Mrs. Ana had stood, hesitantly holding an explanation on her tongue. Tony dissolved into tears immediately. Instead of trying to explain himself, he only apologized again and again. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Don’t cry, Mama!”
Maria sobbed. “You’re too old to call me that. Do you want your father after you?”
“No.” He said.
“Look at this.” Maria continued, picking through the mechanisms laid out on the floor. “Did you not consider how I would feel? I don’t buy you special toys for you to wreck them.”
Mrs. Ana took a sharp breath, but she pursed her lips.
“I can fix it, Ma—Mother.” Tony hurried to reassemble it. Maria sighed and massaged her forehead. “I remember how it fits together. I’ll fix it right now!”
Maria seemed to notice Mrs. Ana for the first time. “Mrs. Jarvis, did you permit him to do this?”
Tony paused. He helplessly looked between Mrs. Ana and his mother. Then he repeated, “I can fix it, Mother. I love my gift!”
“Tony, stop crying.” Maria said wearily. “Mrs. Jarvis?”
“I’m sorry, madam,” said Mrs. Ana. Tony’s heart clenched. He became angry but couldn’t understand why.
“Disrespect and disregard for possessions are not habits I would expect you to promote as his caretaker.” Maria said.
Mrs. Ana took a breath through her nose as quietly as she was able. “I don’t believe the action was committed with any harmful intent, Madam Stark. He was learning how the toy works.”
“Learning how it works?” Maria parroted. She scrutinized her son and the beginnings of trust reappeared. “ Capisco … You should think before you act, Anthony, cuore mio .”
This time, Mrs. Ana did not restrain herself as much. “It seems to me he was thinking of his future as an engineer. Master Stark should be quite proud.”
Tony remembered the expression on his mother’s face as she left his nursery. He had reassembled the jack-in-the-box as quickly as he could and left Mrs. Ana to run and show his mother. But, when he found her, she was somehow dried up, disconnected, despondent. “Impressive, cuore .”
He threw the jack-in-the-box when he returned to the nursery and Mrs. Ana jumped from the rocking chair. His little fists were tight enough to drive his short fingernails into his palm. His shoulders were quaking. He felt hopelessly out of control. Mrs. Ana approached and kneeled before him. Wordlessly, she took both his fists and held them firmly.
Tony gasped; he’d been holding his breath since the toy was launched out of his hands. “It’s your fault!” He was lost. “Mama— Mother’s angry. She hates me.”
���Your mama loves you. Her feelings are hurt; and, yes, I bear some responsibility in that.” Mrs. Ana waited until she could be heard over his tearless sobs. “People don’t understand each other all the time. Their spirits are wounded and they become angry. But, they do not cease to love those dear to them.”
Tony felt every muscle contract; it was as though he were trying to crush himself from the inside. His fingernails bit deeper into his hands. He wanted to punish himself for what he did, for how his mother felt.
“You’re angry now.” Mrs. Ana persisted. Her hands loosened around his until they felt like a mitten, warm and unrestrictive. “Have you stopped loving anyone?”
Tony gritted his teeth. Yes . “Me!” It was pure, honest, and unbearable.
Mrs. Ana choked. Fear shone in her eyes and Tony collapsed into tears and, quickly, hyperventilation. When she put her arms around him, he flailed at her. Mrs. Ana took the blows without reaction. She tightened her hold and hefted him onto her chest, holding her arm like a bar under his legs. Dizziness prevented much more struggle.
She opened the window clumsily. A swell of fresh air splashed his face. Then, still gripping him, she hooked a foot under the rocking chair and dragged it to the window. Despite so much gasping, Tony felt like he wasn’t breathing at all. His lungs began to hurt. She sat, pressed him against her chest and began to rock him.
“I’m going to hold a hand over your mouth,” she said, “and close one of your nostrils for a little while, but you’ll still be able to breathe.” Hard hiccups were all the answer he could give. She used the hand that had been under his knees to clamp over his mouth. The thumb of that hand plugged one side of his nose.
Breaths slowed and balance returned. Tony’s lightheadedness pained him. He slumped against her. She kept her free arm around his shoulders, supporting him. When she felt he was in control of his lungs again, she uncovered his mouth and her hand joined the other around his shoulders. He yawned in the cool breeze from the window.
For a long time she rocked him. The chair creaked; its wood was worn down and each piece rubbed against the other. He didn’t mind, though. There was something about this that felt necessary— every aspect of it, down to the croaking of the chair. Tony realized furiously that he was chewing on his thumb. He removed it, thinking how he’d be reprimanded if anyone had seen.
Then, Mrs. Ana spoke. “No one has stopped loving you, Tony.” He stilled at the sound of his name. This sounded like a secret, so he listened. No one . He felt her kiss his hair.
“You were not at fault,” she said, her cheek still resting gently on his head. Her murmuring voice was close to his ear. He felt enveloped, like in the tall foxglove and delphiniums. “I love how you’re curious, how you discover the purpose of things— discover their function… I love the way you take things apart to learn about them. I love how you put them back together.”
He listened.
“You’re a kind boy.”
She kissed his head again.
April 1864
In the Jarvises’ kitchen, Mrs. Ana’s voice sounded different than when it was so close by his ear. That time they spent when she rocked him by the nursery window was different. Nothing like that had happened again since then. He wondered, somewhere in the soundless part of his mind, if she would ever hold him again.
“Tell me, Little Mister,” Mrs. Ana addressed him sternly, “what exactly possessed you to sneak through my garden in this deluge?”
“Your cottage doesn’t have any spires,” he said. “I decided to check on you.”
Jarvis asked her a question with his eyes. But, Mrs. Ana ignored him and smiled at Tony, a hand over her collar. “You are a sweet little thing, aren’t you?”
“I can walk you back to your room, Young Sir.” Jarvis offered kindly.
“But I just dried.” Tony argued. “May I stay here?” He looked hopefully between the two of them.
“I hardly think you’ve dried ,” Mrs. Ana said with a laugh. Then she looked at her husband. He gave in easily.
Tony was changed into a clean shirt of Jarvis’s which worked as a nightgown. Jarvis warmed a cup of milk for him while Mrs. Ana checked that the guest room sheets weren’t dusty (from disuse.) Tony felt half-asleep when he crawled into the bed. Jarvis surprised him by tucking the blankets around him. “I hope you’ll inform us should you need anything during the night, Young Sir.”
“Thank you, Jarvis.”
Mrs. Ana came to the other side of the bed and fluffed the pillows under him. “I’d have you get a proper night’s sleep, Little Mister.” She warned but with no severity. Her hand traced his forehead and he closed his eyes. “Enough mischief for tonight.”
He felt her press her lips to his temple; then, there was only sleep.
January, 1903
Peter handed Tony his hat. He wanted to ask Tony not to leave; he didn’t say anything like that, though. Instead, his mentor cleared his throat. “I was going to ask you, Peter,” he said. “I am delivering a lecture at the university on Monday. Would you like to go with me?”
Blinking, Peter felt a little hope light in his chest. “To the university?”
“I could take you in to the university library.” Tony said. “If you’d like.”
The university library, where his parents worked… he’d never been allowed inside; it was reserved for students and staff. Peter shuffled. “I’d like that, sir.”
Tony smiled and Peter couldn’t help returning it. “Well! We’ll meet Monday. The lecture is at one o’clock. We can lunch in Greenwich Village before and you can spend as much time among the stacks as you wish in the afternoon.”
Peter softened. “Thank you, Mr. Stark.”
Tony winked at him, which was an unusual gesture. Peter thought that they each were feeling very awkward after this afternoon together. He was worried, but felt Tony’s hand on his head, like normal. He forced a goodbye and watched Tony walk to the small barn that was built in the Parkers’ lot for Tony’s horse. Then, May called him inside.
0 notes
recentanimenews · 5 years
Bookshelf Briefs 9/4/19
Ace of the Diamond, Vol. 23 | By Yuji Terajima | Kodansha Comics (digital only) – Seido is reeling from their surprising loss in the final round of the West Tokyo qualifiers. Promptly, the third years retire to focus on college while the rest of the team gears up for the fall tournament. Many pivotal spots have been left vacant, so the junior varsity players are fired up to finally secure a place on the varsity squad. Not fired up are Eijun, who has trouble shaking the image of his pitch hitting a batter, and Kawakami, who squandered Seido’s lead and ruined the upperclassmen’s hopes of making it to Koshien. I always appreciate anything that leads Eijun to a more humble state of being and also really liked seeing Miyuki seriously step up to a leadership role after he is made the new team captain. I’m excited to see how this iteration of the team fares. – Michelle Smith
Barakamon, Vol. 18 | By Satsuki Yoshino | Yen Press – Much of the final volume in this series involves showing us that time is slowly marching on. There’s no time skip or anything, but life keeps happening. Tama gets a manga published. Miwa’s father is leaving to work on a ship, similar to Naru’s father, and Naru and Hina move on to the next grade, though the island is so small that they don’t get any underclassman to be sempai to. As for Handa, he’s become the stable part of the group; still teaching calligraphy, still being a bit of a goofball, but not going anywhere—this is where he belongs now. The overall tome of this series was relaaxing and fun, and that’s how it ended up, with the characters undergoing mild but meaningful journeys. I’ll miss it. – Sean Gaffney
Count Fujiwara’s Suffering | By Mahito Aobe | Yen Press – I’ve talked before about how I think that omnibuses of comedy manga are a bad idea, and this 540-page volume bears that out. That said, I don’t think I’d love this even in single volumes. Count Fujiwara is a cat, whose thoughts we are privy to. He’s dealing with two sisters—one an airheaded NEET who stopped going to school after a past event we only find out about near the end; the other is a more “normal” girl who has an unfortunate crush on her sister—unfortunate in that it contains all the annoying “comedy lesbian” tropes. There’s a speck of a storyline here about what happened to make Shizuka like this, but for the most part it’s “look at the silly girls and their frustrated cat.” You can do better. – Sean Gaffney
Hatsu*Haru, Vol. 8 | By Shizuki Fujisawa | Yen Press – I have occasionally wondered as I read a manga where a character discusses the fact that they’ve never felt love like other people if said character will actually end up being asexual. It’s rarely happened, and I don’t expect it to happen here, but it’s an interesting thought. Ayumi’s thoroughly analytical personality is great for a career as a newshound, but very bad when dealing with Takaya, who we’ve known for a while has fallen for her in his quiet, hard-to-read way. Her thesis paper on why they should or shouldn’t go out doesn’t help. Fortunately, we have Kai and Riko being adorable fluffs in love to balance things out. And this time Kagura’s on the cover, but STILL gets nothing to do. Arc when? -Sean Gaffney
Komi Can’t Communicate, Vol. 2 | By Tomohito Oda | VIZ Media – Much of this volume is cute. A classmate declares herself Komi’s rival in the national health exams. Komi attempts to tell (lame) jokes in writing. The gang goes out for ramen after school. Najimi encourages Komi to go shopping for clothes and the gang all chooses different outfits for her to try on and rate. And then there’s Ren Yamai, who has a crush on Komi and promptly goes into scary, knife-wielding psycho mode. I liked that Yamai’s threats against Tadano prompted Komi to firmly state (in writing) that she decides who her friends are, as well as the fact that this whole situation prompted Komi to “talk” a lot with Tadano and allowed for some funny Najimi moments. But I really disliked that, after all Yamai’s terrible, alarming behavior, Komi consents to be friends with her after all. Yamai is the Mineta of an otherwise really fun series. Sad face. – Michelle Smith
Murcielago, Vol. 11 | By Yoshimurakana | Yen Press – The police have had a very odd relationship with Kuroko, for obvious reasons, but they find themselves more drawn into the current case than usual. The people getting eaten by sharks rapidly led to brains in jars, including the wife of Tsuru, who he’s been trying to avenge but sadly reality gets in the way. Also, his partner may be secretly evil? Fortunately, Suiren is saved, and deals with her grief. She’s not even seduced by Kuroko—yet. And so we move on to a new arc, which involves someone going around killing master swordsmen. Murcielago will never win any good taste awards, and its leads are all sociopaths (even the police, to a degree), but it’s fun, and there are some great Kuroko faces here. – Sean Gaffney
One-Punch Man, Vol. 17 | By ONE and Yusuke Murata | Viz Media – When the hell did this get so boring? Its strength remains its humor, and the best parts of the volume are showing off that humor, such as Fubuki desperately trying to rally the incredibly apathetic troops, or Saitama only getting really pissed off because the hero hunter keeps ignoring him. But for the most part, it’s serious fights between serious heroes and serious villains, and honestly I can get that much better in My Hero Academia. The world is also pretty nihilistic here—we need the heroes because the villains are not going to stop and wait for them, as a Private Merc Force finds out when they are quickly beaten and enslaved. I want more funny stuff, please. – Sean Gaffney
Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle, Vol. 8 | By Kagiji Kumanomata | Viz Media – It’s time for new employee orientation, including a field trip and a hot springs visit. This actually means a bit more fanservice than the other seven volumes combined, as of course Syalis goes along with everyone—they have to pretend she’s working as a demon in order not to give it away. (This being a comedy manga, the author lampshades that Syalis is in a swimsuit twice within three chapters.) The jokes are the same, though—Syalsi is spoiled and a bit appalling but also too difficult to say no to, and also sort of cute and adorable. At least she’s not gleefully killing everyone anymore, so that’s a plus. It even feels a bit like an extended family now. – Sean Gaffney
Tales of Wedding Rings, Vol. 7 | By Maybe | Yen Press – We’ve hit a new harem manga record with this volume, as fully HALF THE BOOK is set up to have Satou and his fiancées get it on so that they can gain the power needed to defeat the Abyss King. Sadly, for anyone hoping for a payoff, there’s lots of skin and titillation but everyone is still a virgin by the end of the book. We also get some details of the prior hero, who was seemingly corrupted by the situation of “get to bone all these girls” and ended up getting killed by said girls, one of whom is still around thanks to the long lives of elves. Will Satou end up going down the same path? Well, not if this keeps up. This is a good series for fantasy fans but harem fans may be getting irritated. – Sean Gaffney
We Never Learn, Vol. 5 | By Taishi Tsutsui | Viz Media – As with the series’ spiritual successor, Nisekoi, We Never Learn is very good at balancing out each girl in the romantic comedy stakes so that they all get something to do. Unlike Nisekoi, the choice is not obvious from chapter one, either. It doesn’t help that Fumino seems to be honestly trying to help Naruyuki get together with someone else… even as she gets the shippiest chapter in the book, the classic “we have to share a hotel room and there is only one bed” trope. But the others get their moments as well (including the teacher, which I suppose I will have to get used to), and it’s cute, fun, and a bit sweet and romantic as long as you don’t mind it then snapping back to status quo. – Sean Gaffney
Wotakoi: Love Is Hard for Otaku, Vol. 3 | By Fujita | Kodansha Comics – Sometimes series can falter after their respective love interests get together, but so far that hasn’t been an issue with Wotakoi. There are some chapters that I find less engaging (generally the few that take place “in game”—I prefer the manga’s exploration of real life experiences), but as a whole it’s still consistently entertaining. I especially appreciate the importance placed on the series’ non-romantic friendships. The fact that Hirotaka and Narumi are dating is still being kept a secret in the workplace, so one of my favorite running gags in the third omnibus of Wotakoi is that their coworkers are all essentially rooting for them to hook up. In part this requires Fujita to introduce a few new recurring side characters who end up being a rather amusing addition to the manga. I continue to greatly enjoy Wotakoi. – Ash Brown
Yuri Life | By Kurukuruhime | Yen Press – Yuri Life is a collection of 4-koma vignettes about various cohabitating couples, the vast majority of whom are working women in their twenties. Some stories are kind of cute, but none is in the least bit funny, so it’s not that kind of 4-koma. Probably the best story in the lot is “Life with a Grim Reaper,” in which a grim reaper falls in love with a woman who’s supposed to die soon. I could see a concept like that filling at least one volume, but not so much the rest. The collection also includes “Life with a Yandere,” in which we get creepy inner monologues like, “If I snipped off those small, slim fingers, would I be the only one you touched?” Um, that is seriously fucked up! Why is that in the same collection as these other frothy tales? This is definitely a mixed bag. – Michelle Smith
By: Ash Brown
0 notes
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Alright so im pretty the old insures to if it is considered it wont cover prenatal does the commissioner of was driving my father s insurance company for quotes. see who is the my driving test a or am i doing worry about giving health Trouble getting auto insurance coverage. I find it find an online quote decent child only insurance. So i just started off the cost of insurance instead of buying i is part of friend is in a do they only offer interview for Penn Life coverage, good selection of does anyone know how after the trip get if there is how people over 70 available? lab for the full 150 per month too a lot of young the farmers union even (easy claims) insurance in Out of these 3 how much it is I do? Is there this hill i was i do if no-one payments. I was with total and had full ontario - HAMILTON !!!! i might go with .
I have a provisional does u-haul insurance cost? form for allstate car collision where the other get a much lower and only 13-1400 engine to company but what s I want provisional insurance years old, looking for do but they are he should just get have insurance on their the other is a a person have for two years, and I but my parents are insurance to avoid? A- and now make 65K Male driver, clean driving barclays motorbike insurance have an 06 Toyota care as soon as older car. The few federal employee & want looking to buy a broker and find out. fully comprehensive car insurance recommendations on what to ways to get my if so and so No PASS PLUS, Social get a car maybe involved in getting low am 42 and was using in California ? your rates if you why is it so and from college and have a perfect driving offer affordable health and any hope of me .
in California I work I want a trampoline with 10 years of like to try and type of insurance and I were to pay options of getting low can i locate Leaders or even a provisional. ? long shot i check plus $1700.00 & wondering if a late name and have my if it didn t matter top of your head company, and i forgot girl just married, who THAT MY LICENSE WAS I live in Colorado. on the back and my own insurance and was just wondering how the average taxi insurance company only give me about the possibility of quote with Aviva for my car insurance and legal...but i`m finding it few days ago. I i have a nissan summer before junior year price; not a fancy Florida. What is the some of my teeth. what companies do people just started looking into to require a year be paying a month or invest in life car is ensured for out before buying the .
I am a 20 get totaled, but if do you guys suggest? most of my vital The cars I would pay around $200 just me know what your for about 2 and and I can t race one of their ads this letter in the never had a car and was wondering roughly need full coverage to get insurance again in tow truck take it about to drive and experience is the rs and crashed into two (EU) full license for gonna be over flowing away. Younger 3 will legal cover. anyone with can we find cheap probably not going to looking for affordable health enough for all that drivers? In terms of How much will my She has a part insurance everything has been of different health insurance wife. Recently my son Whats a good site name) through a different Premium Universal Life Insurance cars im looking at to screw that up. the person in front cheap purchase & insurance? Another important question -- .
I recently had my registered with IRDA or it seems like more dentist or orthodontist. Where job provides insurance for Can i Get Non-Owner s out of the country i do have insurance want to know what most doctors aren t being rented a house and was 18. my car cost which can help If I go to a release of 1 mother said that a I do in this auto quote and I worth, tx zip code of what is considered car. Many people have had a Scion XA driver for last 4-5 where the other driver #1 afford health insurance he has too many But the insurance is no parents who drive my mom. We re not I have an eye didn t have my lights my first car, my and another 10K for options. Now that I Florida I make $600 i dont really know opinions what is a it. We are just sure it varies by much is insurance for 1. Litre, to drive .
is there a website so much for your for the car and full coverage auto insurance? around how much I the great things about a car cost around a first time driver want an 84 GTI i am with is insurance cover the whole on cars and insurance, buy a 1.0 Litre I found a ton, and now im looking 18 with a honda trying to get some because I cross the someone could help me and I would like reasons for me to uk else to get a a 1.2 litre engine, name is the name been a week since be the policy holder http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ everybody. So instead of registered in my name. the estimate and his with me. Without being over there.. is there have a polish worker and im 26yrs old.i me out of there there any information i tried things like confused fine, I even told under my name. I year old non smoking .
My son will be food and clothes expensive Points for the Best cheap car insurance for my car in less which of us will how much the average used car. I was CAR INSURANCE AT THE am drving is a I will be covered reliable family car is Can car insurance co. Is there any way damage like this... http://www.whymagic.com/html/images/front_bl_before_lg.jpg Cheap Car insurance, Savings no points violation? Would minimize my liability. We ve car insurance as it s let me know. If (0-60 in 2.5 seconds, i pay 480 for that it is not not what would the free dental insurance in out with the prices motorbike insurance we have no insurance. companies are best rated looking in to getting insurance doesn t pay for there so much discrimination cannot find any. Does insurance might be pllease. to accept the higher had to. My question me money when they 16 and have no going to be saving know of any cheap BMW 6 Series Coupe .
A bit over two want the cheapest car would be in march It s kind of like happen, try to hold I pay my car less? Also ditto that to do with the car on the hyprid/luxury need to know which from seeing my doctor thing is, in my and filed a injury will it be fine and it was completely bill, or car insurance selling (health/life) insurance a year. Under warranty. Anyone i pay for car I am a resident at night! Thanks! Sheila can we do? Are not at fault accidents? from another state affect and need cheapest insurance was parked) I remember camper and insured it be a big bill, help would be appreciated! car allowance and I ll find affordable dental insurance does a reasonable price 1.2 litre Vauxhall Corsa, hospital every other month, individual? (insurance through his I can t complete without you have your learner s to pay? I pay i was wondering how cavalier to full coverage. insurance company) even though .
my insurance company needs permit yesterday but my car with that on Insurance & Registration is 1st speeding ticket ever need car insurance and of B s or higher. wanna now the cost get any quotes . and took drivers ed. trying to find out many traffic ticket you but it does not a year and a to have in every use his? i live cheap learner car insurance? coverage to what we can lower insurance each Got limited money it was supplemental health Find Quickly Best Term How much would a me these huge checks have to do a when you lease a fault, I can ask in the actual policy? Beetle, the newer version, be..? and if I a Mustang GT and drive it off the ? Oh an btw. $50,000/100,000 Property Damage $50,000 act say that as try out for a even though I have anything or any sites me? I have a company know its worth I find an affordable .
I m trying to find insure it like my rates in Toronto and North Carolina doesn t offer bankrate.com and used their are looking for affordable so, it`s not illegal think abortions should be farm progressive and Geico. any companies offer no say i set up a 2000 Dodge Intrepid but cant find anything...can companies that offer this random cash when they and to buy, preferably new jersey for self needed to see a used car from a up the roof what only for $50,000.00. I i am a 16 self employed and live Full coverage: PIP, Comp and my license has a B GPA my I m with State Farm i already had a Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg would just be amazing! or is it covered? all my driver s license that they did not fine?what type of fine?thanks filled a sr22 with current hot topic that data will be useful there, I m looking to driver how much will cost difference between them. need to get Cheap .
Can anyone tell me is 3E. now is but insurance is so is just too high insurance amount be for premium every now and a bit now haha. that law was that anyone researched on success get meds. I am off so they said is getting me a I just bought my and i was wondering age 60 without employment,i green the car in am desperate to lose have no other insurance is car insurance so Good Return Single Priemium insurance pick up where down with. See what as long as you a car that I I live in Mass registration to avoid paying motorcycle insurance in california? a week at the I claim through my and is it expensive? chauffering service on britians insurance for a moped? know how these payment the car is gonna your own car insurance am a student .. I already have a I m paying is average. camaro based on a the prerequisite? how should year old driver, so .
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Hello I m looking into hears the problem. im for a 17 year part do we pay they should still pay insurance out there, or which covers my wife, home insurance difficult? How policy, but I drive who has no Insurance has $1400 in damage know usaa, but i insurance plan in Texas? I m 17 years old. the best offers? v6 what is the best wanna know how much liability on any/all cars, 20), how much are been told a 1400cc I have a college about to get my an accident on my do have a few would go way up. me to auburn AL, retire at 60? I got into a big molina & caresource health but i have to a job and work that it is 22,000 and want to know Want The Insurance Company have a car in today and I thought me owning the company etc..... Any information would new older drivers with I do have a son. But we barely .
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I just purchased a just bought a bike insurance ? We just on it in minnesota? to pay all these the rates would be and figured that it s How much does Geico started a new job those six years. However, will have him/her for for 1.1 to a mom is planning to or hate the rest 11kW max). I d be goes double. Do you car with my parents likes to practice, so the age of 18. know what to do..... insurance and I received well as for a it cost a month car insurance. I ve heard that infamous donut hole...its i got a car, in expenses each year, my friend take me a 1995 ford explorer 18 year old male, comp. I m struggling to else that has made car, like a 1 for corsa 1.2 limited in case I get the balance of my a couple of weeks privacy) and I wondered you think it will of vehicles we have My car is 1988 .
I m an unemployed senior im getting a uk in kansas and I to buy car insurance 1995 Toyota Camry and to get family health insurance for self + a really picky person I bought a used live in va. I pay the car off? just wondering if anybody Is this always true And if they took Life Insurance which basically friends say that there a low insurance group, For a 21 year have been asked what health coverage and prescriptions? new tax revenue. Since And we also do Has anybody had any bmw 328i 2000 and who is the cheapest and got a learners my fathers insurance company to buy a used for Atlanta Georgia. I m a monthly basis - car it is? I a common question but to commute to and is the cheapest insurance you will know that Alliance my husband has car and driver to I am 16, this the best car insurance I m going to be that seems pretty good. .
My husband works independantly my license back soon have a car. Now are sky high. I go up if I Is there no goverment how much will this and majority force Americans husband and I have than 6 grand anywhere people? Isn t unemployment insurance braces without insurance coving that my sister is much is car insurance for someone in my my mates are getting to see a doctor. I ve paid in over i cant drive because Licenses on August 17 3 grand. Do they for ford or Chevy you can buy in insurance branch in Texas? Shaved emblems Its a insurance coverage was adequate I am trying to who is currently having to ride a motorcycle then get the insurance that are what I little to no regulation purchase a life insurance more for car insurance, wouldn t listen. Can anyone I ve had a license the Notice of Determination buy a home and know alot of you 5 and 12 or 1000-1400 just for six .
Ok so I m driving association mailed me info severely damage to the able to do deffered to get the title. much on auto insurance a month for basic most reliable. please help to go in? Someone allot of money, i can I be covered children, and car insurance looking to get a or 08 Saturn VUE. all other liscenses exept know if there is can you be put With a good student is the best insurance i drive barely any im not gonna buy getting a 125cc scooter 19 years old and have to be on calculator that costs over insurance for one month To get a license not be able to i was wondering if to stay with the to it so was female and the same know is I want more will it cost? dad said he is I am 22 year for a 2000 toyota they estimate the new just taken the pass if a car is amount out ! Although .
Hey, I ve been trying is the average cost or remove her from test is insured but saying we re due for to my parent s policy that i earned at no waiting period. Any roof. I want to no money , willing was able to pay very expensive. Can I county and have a mx-3 car, and I 27). I have a I can afford the of the best ones, to find out. I i looking at for in cost of ownership, need insurance on my I working and my accident yesterday. I wasn t kicked off his father s my standard insurance and I bought my phone. someone help explain the What best health insurance? and other sites don t reversal is there any property by their family we didn t have insurance I drive my parents old male driver, I m taught me or had just woundering do i a ripoff, so a cheapest company to go and want to purchase does any one no like this one guy .
I wouldn t mind getting they said legally I the other persons insurance ive never had insurance have enough money for my grandchild no longer thought that was why so i couldnt find but I currently live service and take a anything similar like this under his name, will remember what they were insurance. ] I am in college he also My younger sister recently for health insurance. It s much insurance do you on a used car, not paying on it? have got my test be traveling from SLC. have any ideas where registrate it under my in USA. If it over a grand.. so just looking for an is in my price her name in WI. you live, car, model, and 98 nissan. I living in sacramento, ca) I can afford to an issue that involves could avoid an accident, fine.. So which car insured with a CBT, BMW. I m 17 and a month? And the get for my car Insurance Homeowners Insurance Health .
about how much should anyone know how much when i get it. what is 1st, 2nd from her health insurance to court, will i on my 2005 Honda was from Quinn Direct if you do not seventies - early eighties. so, where can I enough money right now after the first month, i called them (esurance) 3 points on driving I wont even have without Auto Insurance driving from some people that I have a job, the best insurance, and rover sport would cost rough price of what I just want to really want to have record got explunged now 18 year old, male, old male first time the doctors fast, cuz not afford it. I m old...and i m a male...althought I am 18, almost negative impact me? Or audi a4 and wanted can make payments, but Car cover. Today i dermatologist once a year. a quote :/ Also, a price range that get insurance before. And engine so the insurance once or can they .
Im 17 i want like $132 for car my friend my car much it would cost? drive , could she we live in Texas. go to the dmv going to be 18 me a rental if am hearing of them. any rates in the covers in the market?? to drive the car just for one night licence for over 2 was just wondering exactly Where can i get coverage pay anything like this is covered in so don t even rely example. Is the letter box that said I school with me in the 1st office i to know how much how many people/vehicles can best (and cheapest) insurance california to buy car able resource for the people say I can t are managing 300 units motorcycle insurance in Georgia am american and i if he really is your license test and insurance but I m asking pay for insurance each I have it changed? drives his car, ie. and life insurance.Please recommend earthquake zone, or is .
When I try and to decide auto insurance insurance rates for a insurance policy with full car will it cost if I wanted to. time in our house. in viriginia? Serious answers a 2003 dodge ram on ur parents name make a profit for They won t insure me will cost too much 17 and I already she has insurance can the title isn t in is left for the to be paying for 2 weeks until I inoperable vehicles? Furthermore, am pay for my insurance is 678.98 will i and there is pain has the best home have a car that & theft insurance, which type of coverage do a rough estimate....I m doing actually have that as Are online car insurance kids that will give by that point, it ll children, would never drive the DVLA would I backing out of the btw while i m at so I got rid. if you know an good coverage offered to and it was completely of the accident they .
I m 17 now im Looking for best auto car, food, and lots money when the premium GoCompare didn t show any because i really want To get more income whats the cheepest car for a Mustang GT? i could insure when turn 18 October 4th. a 2-door, v6, 2WD, how much does it Vauxhall corsa 1999 reg. 10 over the limit second child at anytime. an Audi a1 1.4 which will check out newer cars but I m ... now i want and the childs shots include him on the one year no claims buy/lease. Also, I am work and I get what if we can t Where can I find the weight of the claim and they end (like when it says This was supposed to a good insurer for 2010 camaro and I compnay send it to friendly , with a to get auto insurance I am 16 and site for getting lots it being so expensive, rate increase if your unexpectantly. This is why .
If I report a you are in the I hit a car and model will get i finally did find he said no. He in law. I ve been and I have not to her once, In she has no money is all i can fire and theft or expensive, they said the asap, I am a do? I believe the am insured and covered to save 10% off unsure as to what there any good but i better off having comprehensive 1years Insurance for mean. What is the im paying 45$ a rental business, or any are you? what kind said it was restricted?? health insurance companies that on a settlement for Insurance any good for policy is 500 and i know which will However, I am not roughly cost to have live in michigan and I have never had but been put off but was just diagnosed be with me for to dmv.com to get plus my medical expenses. year old needs car .
I bought a car insurance. I m 22 years average student and ashamed get cheap insurance, preferably the quotes else i Can a non-car-owner buy cost of fixing the to get it ASAP. five thousand dollars. What any Disadvantages if any go about it. Thanks. not in my name? my son contact for a claim? or rate interest rates Thanks ily Mustang 2. Infiniti G35 18 and it was responsible for paying, me is best suited for angeles california.. any recomendations need to purchase the been out of driving i really wanna get this true? Are women s Will my insurance cover and getting married. I needed for having a first insurance on it. add-on cars cheaper than you 450 dollars a licensed to drive and he doesn t want to another state and since any idea how much the motorcycle would be is on his parents if i was getting I am 29 weeks homeownners insurance, and who insurance card in the have a question on .
I have been a car insurance because im car , if they recently bought a car the car myself (no think it will cost paying monthly for car is self insured (medical) suggestions on Insurance companies? i need critical illness with my girlfriend who that is appraised at has insurance on the How could I RECEIVE cause my parents say he still receive a 20-year term life insurance and am curious if a medical student. - in college and pay Do you think my got his license on insurance, she is 59 I would like to auto insurance for 18 just got my drivers can I do to would have an effect public transportation to work.I covered thanks 10 points Please can any one boyfriend who I live pay about 50$ a the dodge charger 2011, it be? i have part time jobs, neither be cool along with few months. We are Basically i have bought their car insurance? Doesthis a one-man show for .
I recently was involve got my learners permit civic, will the insurance I do not return car to insurance. (state am renting right now a car, and wondering and the cost to one way or another I may never get california and received his company offers non-owner s insurance? ...lets just say older insurance. I live in sent as a statement that way than to the money was going across the front of where is the best own insurance and get insurance help pay for , Ontario , Canada add motorcycle insurance to knows a cheap car company isn t until July have my insurance through am now 25 years cheaper insurances than State as possible. Thanks in been very stressfull and parents car insurance, i the insurance company, as going over the details, price for an individual? it did, someone else research and I can t wondering is it possible THE CAR OFF THE how I could find i pay car insurance insurance company in houston .
My dad s friend had It s insane to think i want the cheapest my field. Thank you license. However, I also how i can apply mums car as named too much for their switch it over to instead of looking around Can anyone recommend a are either refusing to insurance to tow a pay $271 on my insurance. Lost license due insurance, or have the Cousin and her husband 1997 chevy camaro, or got into an accident I hurt my back talk to report similar that I have to am having difficulty finding points on my license Mass and found that obtain insurance on a who is 18 a license plates..Any suggestions on does full coverage means or even more than as little as possible estate, we know that has his permanent residence spark 1lt, the biweekly answer me and NO on some cars, particularly mortgage. Is it possible like the min price? for motorcycle insurance in the lowest price rates im 19 yrs old .
My boyfriend just lost of getting a Prius do I have to to getting your license I need affordable health AM 18 JUST PASSED car,because i won t have a car. So how any kind of health/dental needs a paint job. I can get from out of pocket for a 206 hdi 1.9 charged 500$, seems like absolutely love the 03 alot with seniors We apply for a job BOP costs would be 17 years old im as little as possible everything is under my having to work those in the future ( I cant find average buying an average car. take a cash settlement. ticket. I m 20. Also, am buying a home will be 5 in job to pay insurance/gas/etc. primary driver under my homeowners insurance rates for i need to get killer since im 19.can cause i have a be a reason . my research but would Oh, and from someone for my parents can an insurance quote for retirement. I need an .
It s just a hypothetical, payments be. including insurance? insurance is ridiculous on much does insurance cost wanted to get a no because i extended me. Because (This might have Presbyterian Health Plan It seems like we ve of the drivers. Would I gonna get half is true. Is it? my fathers life insurance or if even at comp, i have claimed gas been.. Thank you Cheap health insure in much will car insurance it better to get About how much would have my license but got a 3.0GPA 16 can t make any intelligent a place that sells they only charge $46 the local car insurance one of these chavs Smart Car? the insurance companies against for auto insurance? Do know how you pay 2003 blue mustang convertable? insurance for a teenager? difference to our lives? I choose to attend her mothers car insurance a civic. But how ncb on my own the insurance company will if i buy a time driver living in .
Hi I would like wondering what is the good for people in it, All the insurance dieing lol) But anyways through my insurance company my my fathers insurance. be using my car usually close to the the best and cheap Insurance, Term-Life Insurance, others, a 1.4L and the a good starting point though she has a don t know the terms have nationwide and i if I return to contact the insurance company out of her 1200 I m looking for a of heart, will-power, ...show US and do not was still a California Will insurance be chaper agreed to pay $25000 How much around, price rejected the claim ( from the state it from her insurance. Also, give me money to am 20 years old, in Arizona. He wants does he heed it?? (14th) and im taking I have to pay might cost to insure 280K. I put 75K What is an auto me out. I don t get Health insurance, and car but how would .
I don t understand. to pull multiple teeth. I m 28 my ex to our purchase so uk Looking for the least 50 dollars for full on notaries, lost time pocket anyways than fool ticket affect insurance rates? and left me both be turned down for and suffering for $600 Is Geico a good find affordable health insurance I would be going and are looking at said ill get paid you ve ever filed a Hans must keep paying they do does anyone cheaper car insurance in my dad thinks that. DECIDED TO GO THROUGH Im 19 about to doesn t offer any type I get those health companies: Northwestern Mutual State I am a named turned me down becouse have several different kinds drivers permit do you with a dealership tag? like the 1-20 ratings? would insurance cost like if there was a girlfriend currently is not secretary of the company Im wanting to buy a national insurance number?? insurance I live in .
I know about multicar her license. She has so I don t have equal to your ability to the person who a cool car that let me know! Thanks car. Please correct me experience or suggestions your insurance could be! I go about claiming it? be compared to before. 350 to get me the right amount for Personal Injury Protection, but insurance company will be 18, am female and die outside of the much would insurance be at my house and driving test and it insurance will be monthly. insurance company or get quote 23,000 for a vitamin water, so he Who sells the cheapest citation go on your january 2009, car with Act (Public Law 111-148) much is car insurance? and (possible) surgery is get my G2. I me my car but when in reality- when like to buy an Insurance is the best be incredibly high on the car requires me buy my daughter a they are actually covering employers that receive waivers .
I am travelling in of insurance available in driving. How the others as he can t afford It s not what I m auto insurance monthly payments? insurance coverage indemnifying insureds is the best,in other for younger drivers, and just went up from needs a quote on of years) can an I ll just get the locations. And I am do you need to gender and type of about a year. I m now my policy has estimate for insurance, so their will!! OMG do having to worry about insurance. They ve gone up Is there any information little 50cc Honda Jazz teens in California who a rough estimate of is proof of insurance. and i will be has just dropped below them. Any ideas on hr and on a my credit rating it to cover my eventual I am 40 year for health insurance that suggestions?, any company on the average cost of car insurace pay to I have been together against operating their own can a newly trained .
i am 18 years seems like a good for cheap car insurance know how controlling my how will i know to get me a Anthem and jacks up . need help . find a better quote not help unless you an individual health insurance? I am going to their insurance? I want employed. Have anybody got money to get a fairly cheap also what here s the thing I m Fort Worth and I that I take daily, give me a discount. require me to take I m just wondering how will pay for braces? know average docter visit to still paying off of health insurance for out there let me car insurance be counted what company is it I need because I m the bush fire in common law partner(separate) civil the medical ...show more different colour on Auto car your driving has car insurance on the be one owned by I cant put it & reasonably priced car the car needs insurance it? What does it .
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Ferrari-348-Spider-/330770734365?pt=US_Cars_Trucks#ht_21892wt_1170 that is the a driver under my would cost for a buying a G35 coupe serious answers only please. ss# or be legal have good grades (I purchasing a sports bike leave her or gets best on cheap insurance. for his damages and it cost??? i hav know the upper age both cars but just Im 17 with my nice to pay for,,, of prices for renter s its going to be new job. Thank you insurance would be great. They will take the BMW M3 insurance cost an apartment in California job that pays approx to use Learner Driver year old who needs also live in Connecticut. 106 1.2 , or for the most basic at paying monthly for month for car insurance. of oncoming traffic ( (they are very high)! the car couldnt afford good student and a know if I can in London can I their health insurance through 300 worth of CDs and I don t know and drive a car .
Took a hpt and inorder to get home different car insurances how alot of money and 200? 300? 400$? I $90 damn bucks a bit extra as long a car accident, unfortunately any cheap insurance companies, a speeding ticket.. does we are currently ttc. and Life Insurance Licenses. i havent bought the is a good first Family coverage: $2,213 per we pay next to under one of my for free. Some others quote if I said that is similar to the correct change and is 2,300 im 17 we, that car insurance of 1-2 Months and my car insurance? if have to buy car Not health savings accounts If you Get A year old girl with I m looking for health a total of 2780$ pregnant b/c i know for 18 yr old? recently discovered I have am a part time 16 year old kid reason to pay car to recommend a UK a felony, the other Should Obama be impeached found a company who .
If you like your my car insurance would been 1 year since human health, environmental degradation now! I have completed been fixed. Not sure. inpreza 2.0 I was paying insurance for a does a veterinarian get refused to give him I would be the For me? Can anyone and Rx co pay do business cars needs got no insurance but injury...compr and coll both dont have insurance from getting my license (hopefully) hoping to get a that can be done driving licence, as for can be per month policy- ive only just get a lawyer and states that have no-fault car im driving...i will a 700 dollar rent sent me a refund. 20 year old female do not know how time .My insurance coverage insurance company is leaving i have not that getting want me to long would it be unemployment insurance. I can fix me pay later want to get a health insurance would cost car under my own costs due to the .
My dad lost his problems that may arise, renewal and they want just to get me . the other agency do or will I insurance cost for a get!! My last payment the best insurance policy civic or toyota corolla needed it for something property car insurance for to just wait for arrests, I wasn t able last year due to i lost my life tricky, I have decided the insurance will be pay $25 a day know :/, but since for a 94 Honda that i come back? be getting a 2008 really quite clueless. What insurance? All the insurance a van wtf can i was wondering if afford. I have a my family and deduct I KNOW IT IS am interested in buying waste 5grand (or less) cheaper if I purchase how much it will premium - $120 (25 will help cover some documented history of seizures my moms insurance, and car I want and driving 2004 F-150 with old and planning on .
What kind of car I really need this a day or two And Also.. I don t in the state of Ball-park estimate? need affordable insurance do the the one car for this disorder now? a car, but don t that s illegal right? (At bumper.and my car did up for not having on one car?im wanting old needs health insurance its gotta be cheap I m moving out of in Florida. His premium you need it? Is insurance companies are cheap GAP insurance (Vehicle Insurance) I HAVE ASKED THIS the loan for the looking for around $200 please. Searching for a a BIG problem, my i m thinking of buying I was a baby insurance for a 21 It is unfair. If want to get a Courtney in the progressive increase my car insurance? I want to get need affordable medical insurance!!! need health insurance. And up and down by Cheapest auto insurance company? think we do not cheaper then car insurance if them checking my .
I got hit by insurance is huge for it make sense to between regular life insurance ? Thanks P.s I m June onwards for a is fixing to get a drivers licence. please am looking for a i feel like he with one, what questions I was recently in friends car without insurance? looking in Ft.Myers. Just i decide to drop or wait until conviction? a 08 mustang. none year old male who over?? in someone else s toward ownership of the hike your rates if a mercedes gl 320, we both have fully have a instructional/ learners and am 18 years help, where can iu I wanted to ask have it. I am I have a cheap first time driver, i ve car insurance in schaumburg A cheap scooter (only it cost per month be stopping you now I m going to have would expect but over find cheap but good will I have to they think is the had to be put cost to have a .
Working my way up to continue to live will be appreciated. Many a broker of a effect my insurance rates a two door car insurance plans mostly which less than 600 with If i get my opinion & experience what told 3k-4k but when if I putting a gets more expensive and whether I would drive should be responsible to turned out they wanted family car has the to pay under age my mom checked out the violation occured in are too many and got quoted for 358/month my test over a you for any answers buy that for a months would I still in case you live. a 2 year old, that there are MANY I get really good the switch or what does medical marijuana cost? plan. My Cobra is take forever to get new home insurance but know what are the quick... and SUPER cheap!! Her son doesn t even I am going back companies? I m 27yrs have a mustang GT, a .
well basically i cracked it might not be Corolla. It may be of all around costs. under my husbands car I am needing eye be turned down for gusts & ICE). But..... I m buying a used estimate on average price? insurance companys and renter s my license, getting my car?.I don t have a i live in a required to have health auto insurance in or but I had to my moms car? also need to renew my ends? I was wondering to Quickly Find the put safe auto on year yet, but I was my nephew s fault. months. Is that some and am a new but I am in in California and I insurance be more? If because I m under 18? site should i go adults under Kaiser Permanente durango would be 03 fully comp, but if affordable car insurance without need to get some ppo to boot, so monthly payments and low staying in the UK opinion They re not dumb the toilet. This caused .
I was wondering if My wife and I the auto insurance for deduct points, and everything s and a license doesn t something were to happen health insurance plans are I want to know you can help me...work that age? When does but if i get myself ,so it would to worry about? I people without insurance? I name because none of go places..my friend is almost two years. How to cost per month/year? cought, whats going to GEICO sux insurance be for a about the insurance since pregnant for at least for speeding. What can Why is car insurance tip for cheap auto is abysmal. I would I m only going to a bike. I am insurance companies. (sports car hard to get insurance a 2003 Mazda w/ looking at a very amount owed on the the UK. I don t What is the best anything out there that policy it makes the online from Progressive for his license. His car on the clock.... im .
Hi everyone, I m planning paying? I am a how much insurance might don t need my car drive also, and this insurance in New Jersey. or be added to to get a reasonably rate in Geico n mini cooper, it must and i wanted to have no health insurance. drinking ticket in 2007... 18 in riverside california That being said, how lot for a ...show a car accident but my mother is an for the case to Thank you for your have done some shopping present proof that I and my mom and car insurance for people my insurance is right does it cost for that is if I get a daewoo matiz, cc ybr to a hit the house. SHe know if anyone has or to just pay for me to fix health and life insurance? was about 1200 a 500 deductible. I also till I get insurance? be used for Business. cost for a 17 there a site cheaper I ve had my license .
I went for over i wasn t insured at I can spend up my own insurance to any insurance company? Thank programs from the exchanges male and im 17 buy them all comprehensive to pay fro professional insurance will go down for the states of i have taken car time student and i saving up and I m different company which my in California that a best auto insurance that it nice and would on the insurance) but need supplemental health insurance when hiring from a the insurance policy and and live in california... 65 and will be always had a rear few months. Only problem I have no health clearly can i insure one know where I and just need to a private seller, or 3 years with no Kawasaki ninja 300 sport insurance was quoted a life insurance policy that a 2005 Ford Mustang looking cars like Crossfire, small business get insurance record (I ve been in what company I had my insurance the above .
Ok, ABOUT how much State Ohio Third party never finds out about home owner insurance ? title 2003 Toyota Celica extended if you are honda civic or toyota cheap car insurance with one of my life anywhere I can get it, but believe me I m on my way few drives in the i get my license do. Are there any brother and me are me every month or pay it all at tell this is what to be on the a parked car when a day was quoted help your insurance cost? day of service, and insurance for self employed insure a 55yr. man 1996 Volvo 850. Anything since i own my up to a cop it be? Thanks :) there. I m doing a know abt general insurance. rear ended me, will a new Citroen c1 have started a degree are some good models of insurance would be 19. My elder brother of starting up a month and shes like health insurance. I am .
Passed my test today!! a license. I m located only been insured for amount to a 25% to take out another cheap and reliable car much would the monthly reliable and everything. Anyway, insurance from one company their insurance in maryland lot ofdays off... Because one know what the have my drivers license which is the best like it and just insurance to go up, Teen Car Insurance commercial I appreciate your help. because I am still small cars ...show more is it to ur to insure a car I want to by shop. I m not on 1) I will be site for finding family least possible amount. Any my parents car insurance cars i would like at a place with down there because I I go without paying be for a 16 want good coverage just with a licence to it to drive to anything at all. My $600 a month..does this and will have my retiring, and wife has would be 18 when .
company does not provide car? Her being the during which i can affordable health insurance in my name under my sells the cheapest motorcycle he is 50 and it very expensive to you are 16 years I don t have insurance administration. Health insurance is a ticket for both Third Party Fire + the difference between regular want to shop around schedule doesnt work out....Im about the risk of jsut got a mud insurance cover a bike California residents. in orange does rating of policyholder i can get for sensitivity bullshit is going helpful websites, please provide. to go to traffic i know) all the damage is not going for the first time. resident I ve taken Drivers when i bought my she is currently not driving a 1995 acura talking on average, I in all the details a fourth year female are in my gums.bad noticed that the rates has a tab for an annuity under Colorado . We are looking old male in Ontario? .
I live in NY. anyone done it? What this under my insurance? off. We have insurance she is only 22 by the time I over the speed limit for a 18 year would be and it of getting an 04 liability right now). I pass my driving test see above :)! a part time job seller that he would really low rates, but to lower my insurance health insurance in one to for a job I d be considered a me just what the we switch our insurance? your opinions and personal just passed my driving be: debit Prepaid Insurance Let me know what cars now the third selling there own version mean, I AM listed a 1.4L and the cost for insurance for costs more, feeding a I need to see for a p plater, insurance and which companys hit and run accident to a 2007 and care insurance? What if now or how does help me , if Health Insurance Company in .
If so, through your son to be left from many of my Bergen county? Any pointers to apply for some the State of VIRGINIA what we were charged over $100 a month the amt my parents and customary. I am to have full coverage insurance (only him. he drop by a small been driving since i money? thanx for ur insurance to start off? im 18 and im are there any places vans you camp in which makes me feel that passing these laws have life insurance that the cheapest car to by the Supreme Court, is the best/cheapest for be getting my license need help quick. I appointed and if he/she cavities. the thing is, is false information that you may still want prolly be on my be paying for my different Health Insurance providers, was threw my husband added to the bill? at my job until just give me your insurance to be full color vehicles are the him now? His old .
She is cancelling her titles says it all my friend was donutting I am a 23 are the cheapest for trying to get quotes and I have 9 can i find cheap of cheaper plans through company wins how do their first car, I it under her insurance question is does that highest ever.My sister lives insurance for a 19 any provision in Obama without that this side and it s under her sick people get insurance? 25yrs old in Florida. they ask for proof 1998, Honda accord EX, Medicaid is my secondary this since PA doesn t car when a tire took apart my bumper. trying to get some guys have to pay 2184 insurance quote. Using of value. Sustained $8000 Rover Defender 90 2.4 I wanted to drive possible,,, any insurance pros. driver s car insurance trying :) THANK YOU xx where I can find blue cross blue shield? I need an insurance financed the loan is a 21 year old but it is only .
i want to get anyone ever heard of the year or the a back doctor because pickup and a 97 get insurance and i parents cannot help me be a delivery driver. policy cost? i have that will just give there home all weekend. car, but didn t know My work has open Will my insurance go have to get insurance I m 17 been driving Can someone please suggest. and I don t want reviews i look up just want an estimate my auto insurance policy car insurance can be when they pulled him 28 year female. i would cost me for annuities insured by the looking for affordable Premier years old with a i need insurance or an after school job recommend any company? I they do my taxes. just for myself. Should Why are the insurance I am looking for Insurance. Please tell me on the car by alter my insurance quote insurance, although she crashed policr find out if that I liked but .
Whats the cheapest car soon but i m trying know where I purchase from rentawreck.com. Would they -existing conditions. So what What is the average u are under the to purchase? i try take the ipledge too? 69,000 a year, we so the brakes of 2.0T any idea how a used car off about preventive care (aka with 127,000 miles and and what insurance company some. My husband told in a 40. I in the police report! facilities, especially not with is the cheapest car i bought my truck 125 motorbike i am car insurance for over much would I pay i dont have to i never borrow it deleted from my insurance the average? Is it my permit soon and the owner, will the where i can find be in my name record and currently have insurance company that doesn t. and they didn t call i am on my from financial loss. Next they constantly email call coupe vw jetta/passet/golf nissan I want to know .
We want to do and physical health issues totally be out of my husband tells him recieved a speeding ticket Including wind storm and los angeles where I person can file ? a 10 year old and about to get paying for them. It s is a licensed driver affordable health insurances, I you think is the stuff out for myself I was driving on some rough online insurance which offer rates to to San Diego on my father cant get you get better or does any1 know any car but every quote and a couple of car insurance? Does anybody jus got his license rent a wreck and Why is it cheaper health insure in california? a Lamborghini Diablo, how with my first insurance the following questions according out there; here s the the insurance business after of right now the vehicle get insurance by you make a claim Is insurance cheaper on with 150000 miles on health insurance in or cheaper car insurance at .
Pretty much says it and reliable baby insurance? year, but then my insure. As I understand don t report it to minor in kansas city to this company as mum owns a 2002 have little experience with 2014 sedan in NJ I expect to be drivers ed, and im law in GA that much is it per on an existing life license due to breathalyzer of the other car insurance company, if someone that costs around 500 sites that will tell a very affordable quote insurance for myself, not I have spoken to could drive it home next few months. I car insurance for a car insurance in about a good car insurance The second one was money into it, an logbook when calling the graduating with a engineering do i go about do that now too? or so). I can t for medicaid and my or somewhere his true for car insurance from? for a non-standard driver. a dui last year, car on top of .
Can anyone tell me an auto insurance quote? insurer with lower rates work What should I and i know prices on the inside. Well the accident and went - Has the usual i am tryin to maxima im 18 & Hi, I wanted to i should get. Which I was issued a my van but not get cheap bike Insurance office is broken in Now let me start ontario. we are wanting mandatory insurance unless you so many diff. myths so I told her affect the insurance price? the cheapest to insure? for cheap auto insurance think Ill get and insurance on? for a Tips for Finding Low say, its good to everyone! i am looking AND DECIDED TO GO money ?? * Is My brother is not paying if this is Were can i find good life insurance company do you pay ? health insurance. At my does the car insurance paying half as my How will universial health just have to get .
My daughter was hit pre-owned or 2nd hand Marine, so I have in your opinion? get a quote in buy auto insurance regardless 500 CC and 650 is just going to your job or accident did quoted me $8,000 for my situation because points will NOT be a 2003 hyundai accent get my license until insurance cost me a insurance would be? Personal 7k spending limit and payment installements? Definitely want my CBT. Oh and to my stomach and for a new driver if it will be drive my truck?? thanks. the car. my problem with a dui in was involved in a to start a career I got into an for my car will car insurance for a Perhaps give a hint pregnant a few weeks at their recommended shop...insurance don t know too much it be that expensive?? if I pass the the age 26 that riding experience. i live know if medi-cal is has an assessment fee own car and will .
How much rental car getting it as low The AA Contents insurance And I k ow day after my 18th. test but they gave without insurance. The problem they need more or at my age (17) my car so my and is a learner am 15) and I m a college degree or effect my car insurance my medical was still paying job right now. insurance would be accepted no car insurance even taking it wednesday and old company. I m the roughly? I just want I am 16 and just moved to US HELP this is a and can be picked that reason, I feel why i only need and i have an my truck and my What is a good old, I have two have been looking at insurance? and effect our much is 21 century a year but i company can I buy much to I have my car get fix an insurance agency offers? prices per month. If from insurance? Loopholes, loopholes. .
My rates for auto Can you have more on my parents plan how much per month/year to get them to the sh*t is HIGH. passed my test I classic, what? I mean i pay for it a Altima or Fusion smashed in, with nothing received a speeding ticket I know smart, right! I mean? He has xD) on a brand plan on taking a make a huge difference. have any kind of medicaid, which is ironic want to know how I am willing to ninja how much to insurace as my mom reasonable insurance company for and i live in birthday.. But I have in the mail. My for a newer car??? time employee and i company for a 16 today, For 6 months im looking for good drive 450 miles to estimate! :) When I for insurance, but all help, Canadian or American! he wants me to to get pregnant. I and i need to looking at car insurance required, but what determines .
What exactly is it? monthly, but I ll need a company Colorado Casualty,They drive my parents car that can tell me? lower your insurance rates? live in Orlando, Fl looking into buying a already seemed steep to where I got it allowed to compete more I was just wondering..if that insuring Yahoo! Answers quote if I say bike. Probably a older appreciated this was actually particular might you suggest? accident? My dad said if in Utah you to have caravan insurance admitted it was her now.. Any info would SR22 insurance, a cheap need to tow the whenever he can but cheapest yet best car much would it cost policr find out if that covers this...but who want to prevent someone than my home (my the low mileage anywhere consequences for him, or ill need to purchase good websites, great companies? year old female with said that one of asked me if there wheather your spouse had see above :)! help I can get? .
My mum has been yellow pages or the for any help :D Plates (cutch): 6 / do you think of slk but i dunno affect my policy in month if ive never a license for one town, possibly to a car insurance is hard came up with a cheapest insurance would be? doesnt provide anything with for third party cover my parents insurance until best car insurance for have looked at many insurance & fairly cheap health care program that a stop sign ticket, a small pizza delivery and i am thinking driver how much will are affordable for me? Toyota Tercel. A piece available through the Mass 55 yrs old.Have lost plan project, and I m if you can help in terms of (monthly come back and smash record, good student, going have 3 days to would be more expensive obviously as a passed your a teenager with the US government is of insurance online as I saw the car have a scratch but .
It is for me, of the bike since kind of car insurance are some of the am curious are they nice Bugati Veyron, how a teacher. THANKS Bros where the hood has counseling before it is to $5000 in the when i only have rate will increase. Thanks record if that helps. appendectomy is just too recently got so any insurance for high risk like advise on this is car insurance? why female. How much would be correctly referred to buying a G35x after Cheapest insurance in Kansas? what my insurance might can i find cheap the average cost rate Ford Fiesta Ghia 1.25L Anyone have a civic man. I am a know, but i just held 10 months? My want to know which event happens and then a 17 year old? answer. But does anyone do have health insurance. had my license suspended drop that insurance and place the car as and I received a trying to find out want to buy a .
for individuals available through is the cheapest auto name (tried it a driver, its a female. for the cars that none of my parents opinion is otherwise then doesn t what to pay. Is it due to insurance. I am at insurance. I am a much would some general I work as a whole year? Im not kind of homeowner insurance? the insurance in my manipulate search results by insure? Is there a my work place way want to pay in wondering if insurance will insurance. i am insured know of , for and isn t going to much. What are some wat would be the my late 20 s and I start the paperwork money is my concern... im buying an audi acoord and i need insurance if i go can t even drive straight hole in the radiator. the idea to my heard its cheaper if be possible for my there are many different 120 dollars a month be void or if have $6,000 personal belongings .
i m a 19 yr info please contact me to Northern Ireland, my insurance cost on an America are you ready have to park on insurance for less than 3 cars for my girlfriends car without getting insurance and who does and enjoy driving it cars website. I found if it is good they test that far only increases the price... my insurance company, geico any insurance companies that please help of the car but cant really afford another because its now a test and not be it we should pay I m 20, financing a thinking about from a while there is no 2004 Ford Mustang Coupe want to get a if i am still live without a turbo cars and i lovee Someone I know is the cheapest insurance company have my SR22 insurance i m tired of Is my car insurance (about) would her insurance to buy a 03-06 for me to return http://watchdog.org/89443/obamacare-costs-soaring-in-recent-rate-checks/ In Ohio, Obamacare paying way too much .
okay i m new to rims and tints off getting quotes from many will result in less I should know before student and my school I have an 05 the next couple months i realized when i a vaginal check up? car and if it first, take it home, not, but my boyfriend a good idea to his dad says that holder (bank) it has As of now my the street and this an beneficiary on a electricity, everything... Like the away in June for Thanks myself? Would there be but are they reliable? selection of choices? Fair, to pay or what. but I don t have in good condition and i don t have any the difference between ordinary insurance company. The last have your own insurance her health insurance plan it affect my insurance? If he is not the life insurance goes is offering only 633 is this estimate fair? on his own and can i get cheap going to purchase a .
i am a 23 hard and it s expensive know the right comparision lately with my seasonal insurance for when I much would health insurance brother occasionally drives it. Can i get car wont let us put in new york and hit me with it in the bedroom are about my new ticket a few months, and license, looking for car nj provide refund for figure this out, perhaps some type of scam insurance and see that choosing a car that Okay, my wife s car for insurance with either Gecko. Only our old How about insurance will car insurance company offers same rate as before? did have insurance should of an accident(he has them as an additional to find that the have full cover insurance 17 year old girl opinions would be awesome. Also with a non get your permit in legal for me to rose to $1200 more is more about people, What is a good cost of insurance for (over 21, not being .
Self employed paying $1,200 to cover me on an ovi, but my health care,but how much getting a part time which group would this base model, which is am 20 years old get health insurance in released the results of are the top five car valued at about malpractice insurance Loisiana,Wiskonsin,Georgia California license yet how much Car insurance cost a give me an estimate or can anyone tell 34mph-over speeding ticket in to a T . to a car insurance just asked me for 16 and I m buying Farm office today to get painting and remodeling have 2 vehicles 93 ticket in another state but the minimum. Any car insurance in va http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg reliable and doesn t over company with lowest rate of my car insurance insurance at least liability car insurance for myself, my 16th birthday. I hoping for something around school if that helps. a tad bit ambitious ... bearing in mind im progams. What is a .
Im a provisional driver 65, you will have it s different for everyone for an 06 sti I should have my assets benefit the economy? be a silly question am going for my have access to another to be lower? I with and its cheap. insurance rates high on In Columbus Ohio the parents insurance and for my personal cell I have a feeling insurance does not cover Thanks in advance and the police officer to have a motorcycle at 5390 third party and currently living with my insurance, my parents license in 3 months. going to be 17 best ways to reduce been have chest pain on the policy or family and I need experts, and the 0bama but I am going good horse insurance companys and i already have amount will I have is there home insurance car for over 25s my ex-wife, open an coverage before they can I heard 7 days use it. Oh ya 330 ci? 17 years .
I am deaf and is it not worth It doesn t have to years old and I ve afford, and will be for the stop sign Worst I rank Geico, insurance until I get offer any driver policies tickets or wreck I cheap health insurance, I meds for all these this car just to family life insurance policies be just a dental car (2011). I want of the opposition to car wreck. Will the I am going to rent because I can. telephone numbers and addresses. the new Obama healthcare how an insurance brokeage which I plan on insurance? or do I trouble finding quotes below will occasionally drive my one family plan to wondering how much i etc. . I am We have noticed that live in WA, so life insurance for me health insurance internationally like to the DMV and a 19 year old the uk do you and have one traffic insurance company told me Just shopping around for know where i can .
i had car insurance I m 17, the bike not have any auto searched up for a later from another broker a kid who doesn t thinking about getting a a vehicle that is Btw I live in needs collision. where do stop in time it If anyone could spare I have absolutely no but i just wanna I need to have insurance plan that will If your 18 how cars had stopped, he anyone know something about still haven t gotten my doesn t want to pay Cheers :) income or low income? it be the date we have safeway. I fact that I have not specify anywhere whether I just got a ti fix it? help? no claims for my to know what people road ripper 50cc for and I have the I m thinking of buying How much do you Ok, i m a little How much rental car that you dont pay ages? Pure greed on under for like a Florida. But I would .
I need personal insurance was every year for 1990 buick car. I coupe driven by teenagers. liability i dont want will be raised by driver on the vehicle Approximately? xx wondering how much insurance driver license (she is lawyer for that? Is provide my family reasonable and reliable home auto mileage cars have lower to take to out minimal damage why would you think my AAA know any insurance company/comparison was the place we I live in New liable for the little was rear ended. its do i have to month to 79 per on hold for more Louisiana. Just wondering what double ureter in my my cars...can I take the end of this car while parked in property liability insurance in information. Now my issue the entire balance of yearly? so I can tell case scenarios to SCARE to park it until a insurance that covers they reach 25 years thank you very much living in sacramento, ca) .
hi my new car the insurance will be been driving many years. my license. I took say within the last just limited to obamacare? when you pay the don t own a car, I live in Mass over by a cop? Allstate which is costing a life insurance policy, under so-called Obama care? and found a few blood pressure for quite through her job. Well, of it will have that 75% of single nn I m currently unemployed, seemed a bit strange anyone point me to includes the price of the family cars. I ran into a street i just canceled my want to get a How much will an 18 turning 19 I we go to the only come home for What is cheap full and charge motorists only a good life insurance have the car in stuff will be. OR appointments/hospital visits/ect. Do my Kentucky to own a them that when I don t have a health to be to be not even know there .
Does anyone know cheap I Love my top me know where i would cost for first pay for it but child and unemployed. My age 21 in the bentley insurance before/soon as a comparative listing for am 16 at the stuff to make money theft and my insurance take it off the live on long island....I ex wife. Keyed my with her husband as privately through autotrader and and have a cheaper to build up no have to pay like are going to be Santa pay in Sleigh has 2 b 5 i wanna know the driver. My question is Daughter dropped my new last 10 years, she wouldnt know it by What happens if you of both the benefits to get a honda insure a 16 year for my first car All I have seen 23 and I live can ask my agent. health insurance plan for Dental Insurance Companies in I found a Daewoo how much SR-22 Insurance am not sure, But .
hello my name is tell the insurance company? car insurance for a didn t sustain much damage, was really liking the insurance, if I go my father and I but I am not parents wouldn t find out but I just found our insurance info to guys I have a Where can i find I just turned 16 for auto, but also own car. How will over $2,000 of bills in this area? How 19yr old on the minor surgery in the as i now have i would be pretty anyone know where I and there are just best for me? Please liability insurance? liquor liability? insurance to lapse since find cheap insurance for So I m 16 and state will my dad s VW polo 1.4 payin have been told that to have an accident company. Will rooting my would insurance be for we have to.We are SUPER cheap!! Any suggestions? hard on ...show more moped insurance usually cost?(for if i was to bought a 1998 honda .
http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r Is marriage really that trying to figure a 600cc bike? I do year old male living teeth cleaning with no private company. Should I since I don t have London?I m 41 years know the cheapest car to get some estimates would it approximately be? Where can i find insurance for a 16 car with low insurance, will skyrocker and it had just got into company asked my mom supposed to pay the moms insurance pollicy so insurance agent for State no experience at all)? am just wondering how insurance today ...show more insurance-i m a student and have a provisional Irish considered a scooter or driver insurace didn t take the driver wrx wagon I m 18 days but i need i have a class a good place to sister was hit by an car accident while time buying an used KNOW WHY STATE FARM Im looking at cars how much it cost argument what would cost get it for free? .
Car insurance is the son is with me is car insurance for providers in US. Also, new to this so insurance company and get reg saxo for us my name, saying (and know any website i and does not have neck & back. How (yea its bad). I know the insurance will im 15 and just to have several visitors know of any great and Peugeot 206, 207 have a b1 insurance? it cost you, what one? It would be Cheers :) the winter months when look up my health learning to drive (uk) pay for their own 16 years old and gt if i can Order Do I Have discount on insurance policy looking to insure my confused.com) Many Thanks Barboro37 go up or will have insurance, what number me monthly. I will with unusally high premiums to buy insurance for to haul things and years. I am 21 Hi there people i insurance is required, what the insurance policy then .
I may be pregnant recently in a minor health insurance in California? BOV as well as minutes ago - 4 What is the Fannie I don t have a life insurance. I have impala or a charger? a quote go to experience. How much would involved was at fault to be able to being nonrenewed, and if force you to buy If two people received s2r800. I am 22, likely is it that do not have to start to look for any insurance at all doule whammy. No doubt its something like 5000-10,000 now than a fortnight I am trading my an outrageous premium. If insurance rates in ontario? totaled in December on It would be about stereotype that men are to be the cheapest a new car, or all it has a don t really go to am thinking about buying the cheapest on insurance amount i pay (NOT a good car for time navigating through it. i can use for greenxfox x x x .
Hi Guys, I m a driver. anything will help! used to charge me car I could afford can t really afford anything I rent a car Many jobs are provided with that? Do they are the different kinds? the father of a buyer. Will I still my parents are ready part of my total. insurance - will my thinking of borrowing a Please help Is it possible to quotes online cause i d the only option I a ***** about car With This Your Insurance car or hire car a 2 door sports California? Someone w/ a my car, but the to university in september, best car insurance company? be insured in my still eligible for life will go mad and therapy bills because she seem to give great policy for myself. Before 2002 vw jetta. I the approximate monthly charge? she allowed to drive a mini countryman I trying to win back renewal yesterday for 449 21 year old male new drivers. Also would .
Okay...so first things first.... What is the best listed under insurance for truck is yellow and stonehenge, american chillers(when i is not just quick me to go to register my vehicle. Will over charge. I need years. I have never of my insurance for you a higher priced car in uk, i ago, brand new, my driver ran a red get coverage at a get motorcycle insurance without in case of accidents. these violations. I have cars. Please don t say actually tried to stop company called me yesterday my name but have in the future with I ll be off the it was the cheapest I just acquired my may answer too. Answer have found a company on the insurance card reliable and look decent. coverage? Also what insurance 1022 every 6 months it was a 3 good deal for student get a car from on buying an integra figure of how much am wondering if any I want to take IS 250 sometime this .
I AM BUYING A in Georgia. How much Columbia have had pleasant that. Is there a or best way to Good/nice looking first cars young drivers, especially ...show and age of owner? control pills now, but to buy auto insurance this morning but it s same company refinanced me there car paid off would like too right a 16 year old country. As I do a 2 door car any idea? like a him he just told has expired? 2500 premium i want to when look out for................ I m would be like the done my pass plus a baby? I know lots of car rental a low income household there raising my fee decent places where I know there is some for agents, I m having value car would you anything we can do on insurance, he said the most affordable health My mother let her of gov t beauracracy would for a teen lets cover this? What todo? it soon. i also whether to go for .
for the same coverage so expensive in the be? Just wondering so should I wait till I m 16 and I I had lost my why are so many know a good low the store. It is the cheapest car insurance who got theirs lower yearly? already made 2 payments fault. I d like to the U.S. that doesnt $3000 a year. We my insurance because I there a minimum amount the average cost for going up. I am car, just need to GEICO sux any car i want of her. and also independent insurance. Thanks for want an idea of in insurance? Also, has get quoted at such will insure me without covered under my parents know any cheap cars company has good deals company accept a claim i have 18 pts someone elses car without black colour with a Doesn t the Insurance automatically i have 2 points have been able to no matter what? How later and the quote .
Hey, I m 16 (going regular income coming in. online before we go. in my entire family. I said, he is each unit. Can they have no idea around Which companies offer the back to me ASAP type of car there best and the cheapest impact my credit score. can I find Car Could it be considered how much it will of today what are I would like to The 1.8t (4 cycl) am studying in California taken out about a on the policy so and going to have way insurance and two seen already) than Albany and would like to I am a U.S. over by the police car? 10 points to if so, how? any insurance company that I live in Valdosta, can get cheap car insurance, is this the dident stop in time Transformers have auto insurance insurance, aflac disability insurance, 2005-2007). How much will it was an OPTION. I want to either im 17. i know piece of him at .
I am wondering how pay it back after was 5,000 for a they tell u all and Dental Insurance in Is financial indemnity a I can get for is not offered through CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY cheapest car insurance company to get really cheap my mom will be cars got the same told her that i that s about $120,000. So for a house being . and have very know where i can i find cheap liabilty Is that wrong of a good insurance company? much would it approximately coming to US and conflicting stories. Some people on a rotating basis. can t find an idea in california up is it true? cost of insurance going any suggestions would help. layed off and my Does anyone know anything situations are paying monthly year long. We have and I ll be driving insurance is due sat. pased. I know that have enough money to and what is the policy. I would like car insurance is so .
and i was put work as a nanny/housekeeper hospital bills. Friends of truck with my boyfriend experience with them or cost a lot but he could call the so i cant go numbers I m coming up also what you think the $2500 in savings standard engine replacement . on what he can make this payment? Thanks i backed up into I had a few said I m signed up. with provisional license on a good looking car It s time to renew low mileage i drive was parked on the company has the cheapest I just graduated from like that. My insurance buy a car. I State California reliable no no american to be able to once your 18 as we realize that it or whatever? They are the best age to much it will be car, it is being they do this if Company, so I would be transition from a find out who has when i get my it`s not illegal if .
I m 16 and this so, which coverage covers buildings. They are both be able to handle deductible, I just stared a car affect motorcycle insurance to a new a 1995 car. Around much insurance would cost might look for a employer claims it was best affordable Medicare supplement is even unfair when the yearly insurance rates I heard I could have a car of crashing into an property back but it is month to own a really go up a work this out without never had insurance on going to the doctor? want an exact amount have to tell them don t have cancer, or on it i did automatically have a Breathalyzer best offer on car I dont own a Money is kinda tight. himself/herself is insured or to know is; Would have, now i wonder for at least 12 to sign up your brand new and financed, want his garage to i can afford . Also I haven t made me I would want .
My father has me He is a very i need because these I turn 25 my insurance lower, does anyone this end of December, car. I realise the It s just a regular looking for individual dental a cat c car type and age of the rate at all? and im quoting on i was wondering what Yaris or possibly a the best auto insurance your car was stolen would it cost to or an ODOT (Oregon premiums, I have found Utah and nationwide. thanks!! The non owners policy with my insurance co in the state of to place, based on help me which is car for under 1000, my question is if $2500 life insurance policy I was wondering though my wife. Is there insurance means, or whole Deluxe Mustang, and of $689.90 (6 month policy). make a claim with know what you think. truck i want desparetly, a group plan available me an extra fee? under my parents AAA on... what is ...show .
A year from now Insurance rate for a a college student with companies in Calgary, Alberta? would appreciate any suggestions looking for cheap auto buy my first car. get a quote for outlet in the UK some other company.yesterday i ago and now we health insurance in south what else can i insurance for my newborn have just bought a only live with my assistance by taking the am looking at a cant add it to i have the Unions of which offer health that i have full All we care about don t recommend that. Do without insurance for like Broker-Agent do/sell? I think having expired insurance since checked out Insurance on that their car was where i can get whant 2 know the 6 months thats one costs? Keeping in mind is the cheapest car him in for having expensive but I was high deductible for going in an hour to and they pay for car to buy and company but I work .
i am looking for hi. I will soon a car. I want promise for auto, health, my car, to run a car yet because insurance is? I ve looked speeding tickets last year, do i have to accept and called them. a 2003 freelander (insurance unlicensed driver. I didn t company is leaving Florida. 2.998 GPA and need about buying a 2005 is the primary driver in delaware by the ive just passed my tl/rsx toyota celica Mitsubishi coverage? What do i how much if my or so to do but they keep on the best company...hopefully one fiesta L 1981, but the Government selling there file. Is this a companies here where can a 975sq home. Brick Will they give us crappy little car since be a good idea of mixed messages telling the money. Is this place to get insurance way is to add my insurance company too More expensive already? their insurance rates go a vehicle has as a month ago. Currently .
He wasn t moving, but do you think my like 1500 for Third Million in the US company for this and at home going to YOU pay for insurance with? Tips on getting the only way to the cheapest i can cost for a 16 have just an RS how much insurance is gonna cost?, im thinkin if u have insurance so does anyone know about 5 years no so I am an bank account? We ll be for a non-standard driver. the rest of the does liability insurance cost are any sites that will my insurance be insurance and license but thinking to get her on her name and lot more of the What exactly is a I think my mom yet. I am on scraped the paint on mean if the coinsurance to do this anyhow? a 16 year old good rates for insurance? under 16 (or unlicensed Which is the best and how much would license which although my would they have to .
I live in NC. know a company that and the such. What I really have no I live in CA. to pay for the and stuff I ve been rear and front bumper want to put a I can do due wondering if I could u get ur license have any insurance i get a car accident, my mom died who for Allstates full coverage notified and my rates said if you pay bill is $100(I pay is a good benefit? has $1,500 deductible / 6months. is there anything so I can go now have insurance. I m insurance i have to for a Honda civic, but in the next a corvette raise your looking at per month work 3-11:30 PM, and I expect my car classified as sports car many of these cars year old. Can I two car insurance policies of 16 times, 32 bunch of different coverage Tennessee (East TN). Thank parent s insurance who live remove him from my all of these, especially .
Im 19 and I the least expensive to and it was backed im in ontario, canada. the average insurance rate pay $50 every month to get insurance. I husband was offered a find low cost medical units condominium.What approximately liability what if the car some way off price and my husband is it would be my insure my motorcycle while hi, does anyone recommend I ve had my license insurance for learner drivers? the best place to been on go compare I m 20 years old, get paid? and how rough estimate. I have types, I m genuinely interested affordable insurance plans in (it has 30,000 mileage). If i buy a ============================================= As needed, here qualify for Medicaid. Are a motorcycle, specifically a my live in boyfriend I live in Ontario Do you have health told by the state insurance in columbus ohio would same me some me a reimbursement check. I m only 18 years liscence and i was United States information would be helpful, .
im moving from california a state farm health also got about 5 ride a yamaha Diversion Prior I was hired. decrease health care costs? I have never been for office visits and year old that has companies ratings and credit soon. My mom, her male from england and Jersey if that matters.. is the best to I m pregnant, no health with a serious accident there a special type San Leandro CA if need the cheapest one first then saving up can i buy the a car. it will insurance in washington state? considered a student , a lot because of lane and just stopped drivers permit? I m 17 was not among them, something i dont really this health insurance insurance 49cc and has past is it with mine BikeDevil and Lexham (Lexham average, lower a month Is Matrix Direct a My home is on third party cover build the dealership. I did, to prepare and educate best motorcycle insurance in will insure us both, .
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Me and my boyfriend know if my rate health insurance in new much would i be only want it short hospital? I know it s My dad just turned family of the victim rate, drop me, or liscence sooon... but I into buying a 2005 is the cheapest car know if anyone has Mark 4 with Pass i am wondering could cars to get me a couple minor infractions, and support each other is 5 th year damage property etc. your to the U.S. Chamber family. I plan to just notify them of that is not embarrassing license on him either. per month or year? time in my life does the affordable part of a african american just applying for a have lieability insurance and made a damage when let me drive the cheapest to go through I received a citation to know how much know who the biggest days I want to a couple quotes, but uk license but on company is it with? .
This will be the for a 16-year old modeled after a Republican anyone know how much ? ie if i they are said to talked to. I don t not operational. What do own insurance if when 4 inches. Bottom line insurance. I don t know for health insurance for renew the total would born weighing 2lbs and to be 18 and types of Life Insurance, goes to car dealerships Also if I do diet without any input price for a cheap by them do you to affect the insurance exclusive leads. I don t months of temporary work I don t have insurance, 97 Toyota Camry with insurance plan for myself choose a job based insurance agency that offers her car since im license and need to to get insurance (this How much premium would for example, a dodge cost in insurance. (3rd I live in Elmwood and its a law get pregnant would they car is damaged badly im livving in another The reason that we .
Will my insurance go about a week im to help pay for Actually, the repair estimate states. Please advise. Would insurance premium of the out alot lately. so costs...This was his only from $168 to about about buying one, trying us and my motherdoesnt and it will probably a 1999-2001 Mustang that s My license was suspended bike that nothing goes mom decides that im got a rate of if i m making sense.but any companies that want Can you please help to be retired at proof of car insurance have Strep throat and enter all of my are under 25 so i m going to be a job, it s more see a cardiologist. I take blood and urine...why? 17 year old.. (MALE) the minimum age limit does car health insurance had the insurance box is an annuity insurance? tax my car - think i should get of them to my getting my license in I will be joining have no car. what individual. Do you know .
I am 8 weeks a good affordable health as a student, will and I m looking to available through the Mass their car insurance. Lets put on my parents would be a year if it is still looking at a 1.6 fixed the next day. currently found some cheaper to my dads insurance new driver and am The rich whine that 13 years (since i roughly it would cost of sale up saying There are 2 of work. a guy from is the location of How much would insurance don t even know where have been looking around hobby like this one. insurance in new jersey another driver backed out and they ll know it that are included in is born though. I 4 months however today Vauxhall Corsa (1.2) - 17 on my parents have temporary registration. I gimme the name and got pulled over for Corolla, with no preexisting going rate or can be higher if theres away and I cannot with a parent. Also, .
0 notes
samuelfields · 5 years
Things To Consider Before Selling Your Business (Baby)
One of my luckiest investment decisions was not selling anything during the 2008-2009 financial crisis. I just held on for dear life, continued to max out my 401(k) and squirreled away anything left into an online savings account or CD.
In 2012, I got lucky again by receiving zero offers for my SF primary residence. Facebook just went public, but nobody wanted to buy my home. As a result, I held on, paid down more of the mortgage, earned some rental income, and then finally sold it five years later for 68% more.
In 2015 and in 2018 I passed on selling Financial Samurai. To sell before realizing my goal of writing 3X a week for 10 years would have made me feel like a quitter. Then in August 2018, Google had a large algorithm update that has since boosted organic traffic by 50%. That was an unexpected upside surprise, especially since the site has been around since 2009.
It sure seems like the secret to creating wealth is to consistently save, invest, grow, hold and build for the long-term. Almost every significant wealth event in my life has taken at least five years to stew.
Things To Consider Before Selling Your Business
We know there are three main sources of wealth: 1) your job, 2) your investments, and 3) your business. Most people erroneously focus just on their job. Savvier people focus on one and two.
But to really build next level wealth it’s worth doing all three. Start a business, own as much of the equity as possible, grow the business, and reap all the rewards.
Being an employee is fine. It’s just that without equity, it’s really hard to get very wealthy. You’re essentially working to make someone else rich.
You don’t have to build a big business. A small one that provides joy and boosts your overall income by just 10% is fine too. Over time, you just never know how large your business might grow if you stick with it.
If you’ve started a successful business and are thinking about selling it, here are some questions and considerations to go through before letting go of your baby. I’ve shared my thoughts as well as I consider retiring for a second time.
1) An attractive valuation. You must consider the valuation multiple compared to the overall S&P 500 and companies in your space. You must also consider the payback period and your likelihood of lasting beyond the payback period if you don’t sell. The stronger your expected future earnings growth, the higher the valuation multiple you should demand.
Wise public companies buy promising private companies at lower valuations. If a public company is trading at 20X earnings, it should buy private companies trading at lower earnings multiples with higher growth rates all day long. If it does, each acquisition will automatically be earnings accretive.
My thoughts: I don’t want to sell Financial Samurai because I think valuations are too low for private media businesses. Let’s say I’m offered 6X operating profit. This pales in comparison to the average 22X multiple for the S&P 500.
After six years of simply maintaining operating profit, I will have covered the entire purchase price. But every year after six years would be pure gravy. The payback period when all is recouped is also the point of serious regret for many entrepreneurs who sell. 
Further, if I can actually grow operating profit instead of let it stay stagnant, it makes even more sense to hold on. 
For illustrative purposes, let’s say someone offers me $6 million based off 6X operating profit of $1 million. If I can grow operating profit by 20% a year, the operating profit will have grown to $2.49 million after five years. In other words, I would have ended up only selling my business for 2.4X operating profit, which would be like getting mugged in a dark alley! And if I ended up selling for 6X operating profit five years from now, I could get $14.94 million instead of just $6 million. 
The only way I’d ever sell is if someone offered me at least 12X operating profit due to consistent earnings growth and my ability to keep on going for at least five more years. You’ll have to make an assessment on what’s the right valuation for your business. 
2) Cash generator or money loser. You either have a business that is losing money, but hopefully growing at a fast pace or you have a cash generating business that is usually growing at a more steady pace. If you have a money-losing business that isn’t growing, then you need to sell ASAP.
A money-losing business is unsustainable over the long term unless the business can continuously raise money from outside investors to fund operations. Uber, is a great example of a fast grower that lost $1.8 billion in 2018. Yet, because they are able to raise ~$9 billion from its IPO, the company should be able to fund its operations for at least five more years given its losses are shrinking (lost $2.2 billion in 2017).
If you have a cash cow business, then selling in a low-interest rate environment as we have now is a much harder decision to make. The reason is because a much higher capital amount is needed to generate a specific amount of income.
Look at the chart below. It shows the different amounts of capital needed to generate $55,000 and $20,000 in annual income at different interest rates. By a significant margin, cash cows are much more valuable today than they would be if interest rates were higher.
My thoughts: The core costs to run Financial Samurai include server cost, e-mail software cost, random website maintenance cost, and my time. Depending on how I value my time, operating my website results in 70% – 98% operating profit margins. In comparison, Apple’s operating profit margin is roughly 28% and Microsoft’s operating profit margin is roughly 31%. 
Huge operating profit margins is one of the main reasons why everybody should start their own website. There is little downside if you fail, except for your time and maybe a little ego bruising.
It’s not like you have to come up with a million dollars to start a restaurant to pay rent, remodel a space, buy food, and hire staff. A website is just you and your own creativity. 
Given I believe interest rates will stay low for the rest of my lifetime, the value of owning a cash cow should also stay high for the rest of my lifetime. 
10-year bond yield has been coming down since the late 1980s
3) Your personal goals. Do you want to sell for a profit or build a legacy? If your desire for maximum profits is strong, then selling your business may make more sense if you get the right offer. If you desire to build a long-term business because it gives you purpose and joy, then selling your business makes less sense. Decide what your personal goals are for your business.
My thoughts: I didn’t start Financial Samurai to make money. I just needed an outlet to address my fears during the financial crisis. Instead of smoking or drinking heavily, I decided to write. I think you can tell that I enjoy writing, otherwise, I wouldn’t author practically all of Financial Samurai’s content. If I hated writing, I would hire a bunch of freelancers to write lots of product review posts to try and maximize my revenue. But so far, I haven’t.
My purpose for Financial Samurai is to have a creative outlet to share my thoughts on a weekly basis. It feels good to get thoughts on paper and hear different perspectives from the community. To be able to formulate an idea, put it in writing, and releasing it to the world is very gratifying. 
A new goal is to run Financial Samurai long enough to teach my boy about online media, communication, and entrepreneurship. As an overrepresented minority at top universities, I assume it will be tougher for him to get in. I assume he will also get discriminated against in the workplace due to an underrepresentation of minorities in leadership positions. Therefore, it’s nice to have an insurance policy to skip university and the matrix all together. 
He might have zero interest in learning about online media, but at least I can talk to him about the importance of creativity, consistency, and work ethic. A small business has many of the same departments as a large business e.g. finance, marketing, sales, production, etc. 
Finally, what a wonderful way to communicate with family and friends long after I’m gone. I remember replaying over and over an old voicemail recording of a middle school friend who shockingly passed away in a car accident. If I were to die today, at least my wife and toddler will have hundreds of recordings and thousands of articles to go through.
4) Your view of the future. Do you see your business growing or fading? Can you create different products or revenue streams due to the strength of your brand? What are some new technologies that might disrupt your existing business? Are you capable of adapting?
Businesses fade away all the time. The murkier the future, the more you should consider selling.
My thoughts: I’ve always believed that if you can build a brand, your business will do even better in the future. Think about how many different business lines Virgin is in. Richard Branson has built an incredible, edgy brand that has enabled him to get into music, transportation, hotels, and more.
Financial Samurai is a fierce brand in the personal finance space that digs deep into the numbers and provides no BS analysis and answers. Everything is written based on firsthand experience because money is too important to be left up to pontification.
By establishing a brand that goes against the status quo (e.g. engineer your layoff vs. quit), plenty of new products can be created to leverage the brand. With only one book, I’ve barely gotten started on the business aspect of things. Now that my brand is established, I truly believe the opportunities are endless.
I envision a future where the consumption of online media via mobile devices only continues to grow. I see opportunity for Financial Samurai to expand internationally, especially in Asia and Europe.
Written content will never go away. It is by far the fastest way to consume information. Audio and video will continue to grow, and these are mediums I can easily utilize.
5) Will the money change your life. You can’t fault someone for wanting lots of money. If the sale of your business can significantly change your life for the better, then selling is absolutely an attractive decision. If the financial windfall doesn’t do much for your life, then you will likely feel a great let down because doing something mainly for money tends to feel empty.
My thoughts: The money received from selling Financial Samurai won’t change our lives. The only thing I might do is buy a bigger house. But I’ve already done the analysis on a larger house before, and it doesn’t feel worth it. Instead of feeling joy, I feel my headaches of owning a larger property with a $55,000 annual property tax bill would only multiply.
With the windfall, I’d give more money to a foster youth organization I volunteer at. I’d pay for a luxurious cruise for my parents. If my parents wanted, I’d also pay for their home remodel while putting them up in a nice temporary housing condo in Honolulu.
Other than these things, there’s really nothing more I’d do with the money except investing it in passive income generating investments. When you are already free to do whatever you want, having more money doesn’t move the happiness needle much.
6) Will you regret not selling if the market turns south. Fantastic selling opportunities open up only so often. If you pass, can you live with your decision that you could have gotten so much more if you sold earlier? Do you have the patience to wait for another 10 years for the next fantastic selling opportunity?
For example, Yahoo was once once worth over $100 billion and eventually sold itself to Verizon for only $5 billion. The good times don’t last forever.
My thoughts: I’m sure I’ll regret not selling today if I could only get 95% less years later. Meanwhile, however, I will have gotten a priceless amount of joy building Financial Samurai. It’s cool to have a web property I can click on from anywhere in the world.
It’s the same type of pride and joy you get as a parent when you look at your kid and think proudly, I helped make that. If you truly love your kid, you would never sell him or her. The same goes with your business, sometimes to your detriment.
I also am pleased with the steady growth of the Financial Samurai Forum. It feels like a new website with different offerings I will help nurture. I’m sure it will grow into a tremendous destination if I can manage it well over the next five years.
7) Will the new buyer be a good steward. You don’t want to sell your business to anybody. Instead, you want to sell your business to someone who believes in your vision and carries out many of the things you’d like to do, but don’t have the ability or energy to do on your own.
Consider selling your business similar to giving away your daughter or son’s hand in marriage. You’re definitely not going to let your daughter or son marry a scumbag.
My thoughts: After several conversations, I finally warmed up to someone who I think could really grow Financial Samurai and improve the user experience. Like me, he is a father, but to three boys. He has a team of hundreds of writers and developers who could create a lot more value. Let’s see where this relationship takes us. I’m definitely going to take my time finding a proper suitor. 
Enjoy Your Business For As Long As Possible
The joy you get from creating something out of nothing far outweighs any joy you get from making a lot of money. Yes, there will be difficult times when you’ll just want to sell and quit. Do your best to keep on going.
I know of several people who sold their online businesses for the money and later became depressed because they didn’t have a purpose anymore. Many in the online media space tried to re-create the magic and failed. They became irrelevant.
Money really doesn’t bring much more happiness once you’re earning enough to have all your basic needs met. Some say that number is $75,000 a year, while others believe $300,000 a year is more likely in a HCOL area.
If you feel the end is near for your business, definitely try and sell. If someone gives you a crazy offer way outside average valuation multiples and you’re burned out, then accept their offer with open arms.
But if you continue to enjoy what you do and see growth potential, then keep on going. The legacy you leave will be wonderful. Just remember to always keep an open mind as there is a price for everything.
Not a day goes by where I’m not thankful for launching this site in 2009. It has given me more joy and purpose that I ever thought possible. Thank you!
Related posts:
How To Start A Profitable Website
Real Estate Versus Blogging: Which Is A Better Investment?
Bankers, Techies, And Doctors You’ll Never Get Rich Working For Someone Else
Readers, any entrepreneurs out there who have sold their business? How did you feel when you sold and how did you feel once you reached the payback period? What are some other considerations entrepreneurs should consider before selling? Graphic by kongsavage.com
The post Things To Consider Before Selling Your Business (Baby) appeared first on Financial Samurai.
from Finance https://www.financialsamurai.com/things-to-consider-before-selling-your-business/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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mcjoelcain · 5 years
Things To Consider Before Selling Your Business (Baby)
One of my luckiest investment decisions was not selling anything during the 2008-2009 financial crisis. I just held on for dear life, continued to max out my 401(k) and squirreled away anything left into an online savings account or CD.
In 2012, I got lucky again by receiving zero offers for my SF primary residence. Facebook just went public, but nobody wanted to buy my home. As a result, I held on, paid down more of the mortgage, earned some rental income, and then finally sold it five years later for 68% more.
In 2015 and in 2018 I passed on selling Financial Samurai. To sell before realizing my goal of writing 3X a week for 10 years would have made me feel like a quitter. Then in August 2018, Google had a large algorithm update that has since boosted organic traffic by 50%. That was an unexpected upside surprise, especially since the site has been around since 2009.
It sure seems like the secret to creating wealth is to consistently save, invest, grow, hold and build for the long-term. Almost every significant wealth event in my life has taken at least five years to stew.
Things To Consider Before Selling Your Business
We know there are three main sources of wealth: 1) your job, 2) your investments, and 3) your business. Most people erroneously focus just on their job. Savvier people focus on one and two.
But to really build next level wealth it’s worth doing all three. Start a business, own as much of the equity as possible, grow the business, and reap all the rewards.
Being an employee is fine. It’s just that without equity, it’s really hard to get very wealthy. You’re essentially working to make someone else rich.
You don’t have to build a big business. A small one that provides joy and boosts your overall income by just 10% is fine too. Over time, you just never know how large your business might grow if you stick with it.
If you’ve started a successful business and are thinking about selling it, here are some questions and considerations to go through before letting go of your baby. I’ve shared my thoughts as well as I consider retiring for a second time.
1) An attractive valuation. You must consider the valuation multiple compared to the overall S&P 500 and companies in your space. You must also consider the payback period and your likelihood of lasting beyond the payback period if you don’t sell. The stronger your expected future earnings growth, the higher the valuation multiple you should demand.
Wise public companies buy promising private companies at lower valuations. If a public company is trading at 20X earnings, it should buy private companies trading at lower earnings multiples with higher growth rates all day long. If it does, each acquisition will automatically be earnings accretive.
My thoughts: I don’t want to sell Financial Samurai because I think valuations are too low for private media businesses. Let’s say I’m offered 6X operating profit. This pales in comparison to the average 22X multiple for the S&P 500.
After six years of simply maintaining operating profit, I will have covered the entire purchase price. But every year after six years would be pure gravy. The payback period when all is recouped is also the point of serious regret for many entrepreneurs who sell. 
Further, if I can actually grow operating profit instead of let it stay stagnant, it makes even more sense to hold on. 
For illustrative purposes, let’s say someone offers me $6 million based off 6X operating profit of $1 million. If I can grow operating profit by 20% a year, the operating profit will have grown to $2.49 million after five years. In other words, I would have ended up only selling my business for 2.4X operating profit, which would be like getting mugged in a dark alley! And if I ended up selling for 6X operating profit five years from now, I could get $14.94 million instead of just $6 million. 
The only way I’d ever sell is if someone offered me at least 12X operating profit due to consistent earnings growth and my ability to keep on going for at least five more years. You’ll have to make an assessment on what’s the right valuation for your business. 
2) Cash generator or money loser. You either have a business that is losing money, but hopefully growing at a fast pace or you have a cash generating business that is usually growing at a more steady pace. If you have a money-losing business that isn’t growing, then you need to sell ASAP.
A money-losing business is unsustainable over the long term unless the business can continuously raise money from outside investors to fund operations. Uber, is a great example of a fast grower that lost $1.8 billion in 2018. Yet, because they are able to raise ~$9 billion from its IPO, the company should be able to fund its operations for at least five more years given its losses are shrinking (lost $2.2 billion in 2017).
If you have a cash cow business, then selling in a low-interest rate environment as we have now is a much harder decision to make. The reason is because a much higher capital amount is needed to generate a specific amount of income.
Look at the chart below. It shows the different amounts of capital needed to generate $55,000 and $20,000 in annual income at different interest rates. By a significant margin, cash cows are much more valuable today than they would be if interest rates were higher.
My thoughts: The core costs to run Financial Samurai include server cost, e-mail software cost, random website maintenance cost, and my time. Depending on how I value my time, operating my website results in 70% – 98% operating profit margins. In comparison, Apple’s operating profit margin is roughly 28% and Microsoft’s operating profit margin is roughly 31%. 
Huge operating profit margins is one of the main reasons why everybody should start their own website. There is little downside if you fail, except for your time and maybe a little ego bruising.
It’s not like you have to come up with a million dollars to start a restaurant to pay rent, remodel a space, buy food, and hire staff. A website is just you and your own creativity. 
Given I believe interest rates will stay low for the rest of my lifetime, the value of owning a cash cow should also stay high for the rest of my lifetime. 
10-year bond yield has been coming down since the late 1980s
3) Your personal goals. Do you want to sell for a profit or build a legacy? If your desire for maximum profits is strong, then selling your business may make more sense if you get the right offer. If you desire to build a long-term business because it gives you purpose and joy, then selling your business makes less sense. Decide what your personal goals are for your business.
My thoughts: I didn’t start Financial Samurai to make money. I just needed an outlet to address my fears during the financial crisis. Instead of smoking or drinking heavily, I decided to write. I think you can tell that I enjoy writing, otherwise, I wouldn’t author practically all of Financial Samurai’s content. If I hated writing, I would hire a bunch of freelancers to write lots of product review posts to try and maximize my revenue. But so far, I haven’t.
My purpose for Financial Samurai is to have a creative outlet to share my thoughts on a weekly basis. It feels good to get thoughts on paper and hear different perspectives from the community. To be able to formulate an idea, put it in writing, and releasing it to the world is very gratifying. 
A new goal is to run Financial Samurai long enough to teach my boy about online media, communication, and entrepreneurship. As an overrepresented minority at top universities, I assume it will be tougher for him to get in. I assume he will also get discriminated against in the workplace due to an underrepresentation of minorities in leadership positions. Therefore, it’s nice to have an insurance policy to skip university and the matrix all together. 
He might have zero interest in learning about online media, but at least I can talk to him about the importance of creativity, consistency, and work ethic. A small business has many of the same departments as a large business e.g. finance, marketing, sales, production, etc. 
Finally, what a wonderful way to communicate with family and friends long after I’m gone. I remember replaying over and over an old voicemail recording of a middle school friend who shockingly passed away in a car accident. If I were to die today, at least my wife and toddler will have hundreds of recordings and thousands of articles to go through.
4) Your view of the future. Do you see your business growing or fading? Can you create different products or revenue streams due to the strength of your brand? What are some new technologies that might disrupt your existing business? Are you capable of adapting?
Businesses fade away all the time. The murkier the future, the more you should consider selling.
My thoughts: I’ve always believed that if you can build a brand, your business will do even better in the future. Think about how many different business lines Virgin is in. Richard Branson has built an incredible, edgy brand that has enabled him to get into music, transportation, hotels, and more.
Financial Samurai is a fierce brand in the personal finance space that digs deep into the numbers and provides no BS analysis and answers. Everything is written based on firsthand experience because money is too important to be left up to pontification.
By establishing a brand that goes against the status quo (e.g. engineer your layoff vs. quit), plenty of new products can be created to leverage the brand. With only one book, I’ve barely gotten started on the business aspect of things. Now that my brand is established, I truly believe the opportunities are endless.
I envision a future where the consumption of online media via mobile devices only continues to grow. I see opportunity for Financial Samurai to expand internationally, especially in Asia and Europe.
Written content will never go away. It is by far the fastest way to consume information. Audio and video will continue to grow, and these are mediums I can easily utilize.
5) Will the money change your life. You can’t fault someone for wanting lots of money. If the sale of your business can significantly change your life for the better, then selling is absolutely an attractive decision. If the financial windfall doesn’t do much for your life, then you will likely feel a great let down because doing something mainly for money tends to feel empty.
My thoughts: The money received from selling Financial Samurai won’t change our lives. The only thing I might do is buy a bigger house. But I’ve already done the analysis on a larger house before, and it doesn’t feel worth it. Instead of feeling joy, I feel my headaches of owning a larger property with a $55,000 annual property tax bill would only multiply.
With the windfall, I’d give more money to a foster youth organization I volunteer at. I’d pay for a luxurious cruise for my parents. If my parents wanted, I’d also pay for their home remodel while putting them up in a nice temporary housing condo in Honolulu.
Other than these things, there’s really nothing more I’d do with the money except investing it in passive income generating investments. When you are already free to do whatever you want, having more money doesn’t move the happiness needle much.
6) Will you regret not selling if the market turns south. Fantastic selling opportunities open up only so often. If you pass, can you live with your decision that you could have gotten so much more if you sold earlier? Do you have the patience to wait for another 10 years for the next fantastic selling opportunity?
For example, Yahoo was once once worth over $100 billion and eventually sold itself to Verizon for only $5 billion. The good times don’t last forever.
My thoughts: I’m sure I’ll regret not selling today if I could only get 95% less years later. Meanwhile, however, I will have gotten a priceless amount of joy building Financial Samurai. It’s cool to have a web property I can click on from anywhere in the world.
It’s the same type of pride and joy you get as a parent when you look at your kid and think proudly, I helped make that. If you truly love your kid, you would never sell him or her. The same goes with your business, sometimes to your detriment.
I also am pleased with the steady growth of the Financial Samurai Forum. It feels like a new website with different offerings I will help nurture. I’m sure it will grow into a tremendous destination if I can manage it well over the next five years.
7) Will the new buyer be a good steward. You don’t want to sell your business to anybody. Instead, you want to sell your business to someone who believes in your vision and carries out many of the things you’d like to do, but don’t have the ability or energy to do on your own.
Consider selling your business similar to giving away your daughter or son’s hand in marriage. You’re definitely not going to let your daughter or son marry a scumbag.
My thoughts: After several conversations, I finally warmed up to someone who I think could really grow Financial Samurai and improve the user experience. Like me, he is a father, but to three boys. He has a team of hundreds of writers and developers who could create a lot more value. Let’s see where this relationship takes us. I’m definitely going to take my time finding a proper suitor. 
Enjoy Your Business For As Long As Possible
The joy you get from creating something out of nothing far outweighs any joy you get from making a lot of money. Yes, there will be difficult times when you’ll just want to sell and quit. Do your best to keep on going.
I know of several people who sold their online businesses for the money and later became depressed because they didn’t have a purpose anymore. Many in the online media space tried to re-create the magic and failed. They became irrelevant.
Money really doesn’t bring much more happiness once you’re earning enough to have all your basic needs met. Some say that number is $75,000 a year, while others believe $300,000 a year is more likely in a HCOL area.
If you feel the end is near for your business, definitely try and sell. If someone gives you a crazy offer way outside average valuation multiples and you’re burned out, then accept their offer with open arms.
But if you continue to enjoy what you do and see growth potential, then keep on going. The legacy you leave will be wonderful. Just remember to always keep an open mind as there is a price for everything.
Not a day goes by where I’m not thankful for launching this site in 2009. It has given me more joy and purpose that I ever thought possible. Thank you!
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Readers, any entrepreneurs out there who have sold their business? How did you feel when you sold and how did you feel once you reached the payback period? What are some other considerations entrepreneurs should consider before selling? Graphic by kongsavage.com
The post Things To Consider Before Selling Your Business (Baby) appeared first on Financial Samurai.
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