#one ony big toe from glass?
lokifreign · 1 year
Oni has died. He passed yesterday in ICU, with his family at his side.
the Oni was truly an interdimensional being. As a result, he had what humans called "Marfan syndrome" which I share some mutations with, and as you may know, people with Marfan are amazing. Like, hot and smart and fun and cool. It's a congenital thing and people who hear about it might say "holy shit why do marfan people procreate" until they find out the answer is "because folks take one look at em and want a baby".
That's true, it's not a cutesy joke, 1 time out of 3 when you meet a marf you're like "oh god I…have to, have to breed". The other 2 times it's just "I will protect and abide this person" or "jesus you smug fucking bastard why does everyb- oh, I see. it's because you rock and are great >:("
Marfs have heart problems and eye problems and really long fingers & toes. There's a look to it. Marfs are pretty (yup, 100% of them). Marfs are smart.
He knew a lot about me at first glance, and vice versa. We knew what the other should eat or not, we knew about the others' physical pain, and a good swath about each others' early lives & secret trials. There's shit a human has to do to survive, when interdimensional, and it does kind of make us automatic pals (or nemeses) in the rare cases we come across one another. We bonded instantly. That's a common story with the Oni. He, was, one of those people who has a special relationship with most of the people they have any relationship with.
His heart had too many chambers; his eyes' lenses had facets. He said he saw the world in outlines and colors. Heart & eye doctors treated him for free to be able to say they did, his body was that wild. His glasses were unique in all the world, they broke past the "big device on your head with lots of cameras simulating eyesight" barrier with Oni, he was one of the first to have the specific kind of normal-looking specs he wore. He said that certain anime came the closest to representative artwork, as far as his senses could tell. We all looked like studio ghibli to him.
From another of his mates:
he was fighting for life the whole time while we were just bumbling through growing and aging. When it got serious for all of us, he went into sudden overtime. He fought harder than most of us will ever have to. It goes without saying that he'll be deeply missed.
Honestly? Super surprised how long he lived. The man was in extra-secret-super-level care the whole time I knew him. And he played loosey goosey with the medical rules, you know? more than the usual. Nothing outrageous to most but if you knew, you knew he was risking something to hang out. At all. He'd cross state lines for games. It doesn't occur to most folks to gauge how much they're willing to risk for a friend until a major crisis. For the Oni it was a normal de rigueur mental calculus. "this is totally worth dying for woo hoo".
I felt less bad about my situation because Oni was out there in the world, maaaaybe just maybe humililating me a tad, with his uncomplicated love of life & willingness to die for even a little of it.
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ramblingcoyote · 6 years
Mythical Beans (Bnha Myth!AU)
(I had to do a quick little cute fic of wifey’s @empanadadooblez 💕❤💕 Bnha Myth!AU because I love it so much.💛💛 Recent asks she had about Kirishima’s relationship with all of them and the love for Baku’s toe beans inspired this so much.)
"Oi! Oi!"
Sero's eyes slowly opened at the booming sound of an excited voice calling out. His watch had been a calm one, thankfully so the naga decided to get a nap in while he could. He lifted from beside his coiled body, stretching his long arms over his head as he looked around for the source of the calling voice. A smile crossed Sero's face as he spotted the familiar face of an Oni he knew well, his friend Kirishima that hurriedly walked towards him, a bright toothy smile of his own at the sight of his friend. The man was big, intimidating to anyone who didn't know him well, he had definitely grown into his Oni size but those who lived in the forest knew he was mostly just a gentle giant. Sero and Kaminari could recite several instances where the big guy broke into tears from accidentally stepping on patches of flowers he didn't see underfoot.
"Kirishima, back already?"
The oni's boisterous tone brought Sero's attention to why his watch had been so calm today, glancing back to his long body that was coiled tight, feeling a small shift within them. He glanced into the spiraled nest that was his body as if to check, a blonde fluff of hair just visible over the top coil that remained unmoving for now. Sero looked back to Kirishima as he grew closer, lowering his tone a bit quieter to give his friend the hint to do the same.
"Find anything interesting out there?"
Kirishima tilted his head, wondering if maybe his loud tone was a bit jarring for his just woken naga friend, nodding apologetically with a smile as he carefully set his club and bag down.
"Yeah, I found a bunch of jewel deposits in an old mountain range, and these really pretty flowers that were nice enough to give me some seeds to bring here."
Sero leaned his back to his coiled body, listening to Kirishima explain as he smiled.
"You asked the flowers first?"
"Well I didn't want to just take them. I told them where I was taking them. And then the town I passed through gave me a whole bunch of beans to bring back. They were practically throwing them at me!"
Kirishima gave a sharp toothed grin as Sero couldn't help but laugh, not having the heart to tell his friend the reason for the villagers' action as he shook his head.
"Sounds like some good finds."
The oni nodded excitedly, digging around in his bag of treasures, unaware of his arm nudging his large club as it tipped and hit the ground with a heavy thud. Sero winced, his dark eyes darting back to his coiled body as he watched a pair or red ears flick lightly in the blonde fluff, soon relaxing back down again as he sighed. He brought his attention back to Kirishima, broad shoulders quickly shrugging as the Oni stood closer then he was before with a curious expression on his face.
"What did you find, Sero?"
Sero chuckled lightly, leaning to the side slightly with his finger to his lips to signal quiet with his friend. He spoke in a whisper, leaning the top coil of his body down slightly for Kirishima to look over it. The large oni rested his hands on the edge of Sero's body to peek in at what was resting inside, so careful and quiet despite his large size. His red eyes widened, nearly sparkling as he looked at the sleeping kitsune curled up napping in Sero's nest of a tail.
" I found him first but he keeps finding me. He's the kitsune I told you about, he's been coming back pretty regularly. Thankfully he likes sleeping in the evenings."
Sero had to hold back a laugh as his friend looked at him in awe, Kirishima thinking his treasures were nothing compared to this as he gasped.
"I bet he's strong to keep coming back to fight you."
The naga shrugged, reaching down to brush some of the ash blonde hair from the fox's face.
"He is, really stubborn too. He tries to steal little things everyday. I'm starting to think it's just to get my attention."
Sero scratched his chin, a wide grin crossing Kirishima's face as he looked to his friend.
"He must really like you."
The naga's face blushed, giving Kiri a gentle scowl and shake of his head before looking back to the napping fox.
"What's his name?"
"Bakugou Katsuki"
"Oh, that's a cool name."
Bakugou shifted slightly in his living nest, his tail curled around him for warmth, ears flicking lightly at the sound of the other men's voices though he showed no sign of waking. Sero curled his coils a bit closer around him, a soft sigh coming from the kitsune as Sero and Kiri watched him.
"So cute."
Sero stifled another laugh at Kirishima's awed words, leaning back against a nearby tree with his arms crossed over his chest.
"Careful he doesn't hear you, he's got a temper on him."
Curiosity itched at Kirishima as he watched Bakugou sleep, wanting to know more about the fox, ask him questions, though his eyes were set on that fluffy tail.
"He looks so soft though."
"That's how he gets you. All soft and squishy then his claws come out."
Sero held his hands up menacingly, wrinkling his nose in a snarled expression as Kirishima didn't seem to buy into the act.
"And he just lets you curl around him like this?"
"Oh no, he demanded it. He pushed and shoved his way in there to nap. Where he wants to sit, he sits."
Sero shrugged, as comical as it sounded it was all true, Katsuki challenging him again to a fight that day that ended it's usual way. Their conflicts had started so bloody and now they were more playful, no blood drawing scratches or bites that ripped scales but mostly angry swats or punches and stubborn nips until the kitsune was bored or tired. Then came the very stubborn snuggling, Katsuki usually shoving and tugging at Sero's tail to make it just right before settling in his circle of coils, growling at the naga to not wake him until he was ready to fight again. Sero smiled at the thoughts, glancing back at Kiri who was cautiously petting a single finger on a fluff of Bakugou's hair as gentle as if the fox were made of glass.
"Then he really must be a good fighter. I can tell he has a strong fighting spirit, I wonder why he wants to steal so much though."
"Beats me."
The two seemed to shrug the thought off, their attention immediately grabbed as Katsuki gave a long stretch, his arms out over his head and his legs extending out over the side of Sero's body. Both naga and oni were mesmerized as the kitsune stretched, curling himself back up except for his pawed feet sticking up over the edge. Sero and Kiri went silent, huddled together as they were locked on the soft paws of the sleeping kitsune.
"They look so soft. I bet they feel like freshly steamed bean buns."
"That's a strange comparison, Kiri?"
"But they do....have you touched them?"
"Hm, no. I'm sure I've brushed them in a fight but I've never really touched them."
The two sat in silent though, the tip of Sero's tail twitching in interest as they watched the pads of Katsuki's paws flex in his sleep.
"Sero...what if we just touched them a little?"
"I don't know, he'd be pretty mad if we woke him up."
"We'll just pet them real quick. He'll think he stepped on something."
Sero gave a bland look, not sure on this plan as the two watched the fox's pawed feet intently. His decision seemed to be made after a few seconds, Sero sighing as he shrugged his shoulders.
"Alright, but only for a second. If he wakes up you better hide."
Kirishima beamed, the two inching a bit closer, peeking over to make sure Bakugou was still sleeping. They swallowed hard in unison, each reaching a finger forward and pressing it gently to the soft pad of Bakugou's paws. A moment of tension went by as Katsuki sighed in his sleep, still out as the other two seemed relieved.
"They are really soft, like soft little beans!"
Kirishima tried to keep his voice to a whisper, petting his finger gently on the fox's paw again with a smile. Sero tilted his head, running his own fingers over each toe pad of his paw with a small smile of his own.
"I guess you weren't too far off with that bean bun thing."
The oni smiled, putting his palm to Bakugou's paw to see the size difference, the two drawn into their investigating that they didn't seem to notice the ruffled sound from above them. Sero gave a startled hiss as he looked up, Kiri soon yelping as well as a fan of tails quickly snapped open over then, crimson eyes glowing as Katsuki's face was red.
Those soft paws reared back, kicking Sero and Kirishima straight in the forehead as the two tipped back at the force, both of them yelping in surprise as Bakugou stood over them. Fire sparked in his palms, tails raised in an intimidating display his focus on Kiri as he snarled.
Kirishima stared wide eyed at the angry kitsune, quickly scrambling to his feet. He towered over Bakugou, his shadow cast over the angered fox though Bakugou stood ready for a fight with a snarl. Before he could lunge forward Kirishima dropped to the ground, bowing his head to the moss in apology.
"I'm sorry! I just wanted to know how soft your paws were! I didn't mean to wake you up! Sero warned me!"
Bakugou paused, his fires slowing as he glanced at Sero with an arched brow, the naga sitting up and rubbing the paw shaped bruise on his forehead with a sigh while he watched the kitsune step on Kiri's head with an irritated scowl.
"Oi Sero, this isn't really an Oni is it? You just let this guy wander in here? Some guardian you are."
Sero blinked, sure Kirishima was a bit of a softy but he was no less an Oni. The naga lifted his body up more as he sighed and shook his head.
"Yes, He's an Oni, He's my friend Kirishima. I've known him since we were small. We grew up together in this forest."
Kirishima kept his head down even though the weight of Bakugou's foot on his head was barely anything he wanted to be polite.
"Eh?! An Oni gets to just walk in here like that?! I Should-"
Before Katsuki could finish his thought Sero's tail was wrapped around his waist, lifting the kitsune off of Kirishima to keep him from attacking the soft hearted Oni. Katsuki gave a stubborn growl, trying to wiggle free before he was set down on the ground with a huff.
"That's enough. This is his home, he brings gifts for the forest, he doesn't take them...like someone."
Sero scolded as Katsuki's ears folded back at the accusation, growling at Sero as he felt his tail slowly slide away from his waist. His eight tails vanished in a soft boom, leaving one fluffy one to flick angrily behind him as he stared Kirishima down with a dangerous scowl.
"Oh! That's right, you like taking treasure!"
Kirishima popped up, flinching as Bakugou snarled at his words.
Sero sighed, his tail wrapped around the fuming fox again to keep him in place as Kiri scrambled over to his bag.
"Ah! I-I didn't mean to make you mad! Here, I have lots of these so I can spare one. And you won't have to steal anything."
Katsuki and Sero both tilted their heads, wondering what the Oni was getting at as he dug through his bag. The kitsune started to grow impatient, Sero's hold around him the only thing keeping him calm before Kirishima found what he was digging for. He took a bright round red stone from his bag, holding it out to Bakugou as it gleamed in the center of his large palm. It shined with mixes of red, orange, and gold with flecks of black within it as well. The fox's ears perked, still scowling though he seemed clearly interested in the stone the Oni held.
"It's called a dragon's breath stone. I found a bunch in the mountains so you can have this one if you want."
Sero watched Katsuki study the stone that was held out to him, his expression in deep thought at the offer as the Naga leaned by his ear.
"Like a peace offering."
Kirishima quickly nodded in agreement, smiling as Katsuki finally took the stone from his hand, rolling it around in his fingers as his other hand pushed Sero's face away gently.
"Tch, fine."
Sero and Kirishima gave a sigh of relief, the oni gathering up his bag again as the kitsune glanced to the weight of it as it was lifted.
"But I'm still going to fight you."
Kiri blinked in surprise though Sero didn't seem phased, this behavior not surprising of the kitsune. He had caught the fox eyeing the bag of treasures and could see his tactic clearly. Katsuki stood ready, his hands up almost exactly as Sero had mimicked earlier, nose wrinkled in a grinning snarl as his tail whipped around.
"Taking down an Oni will be a good warm up for me."
Kirishima glanced to Sero, both fighting a smile as they noticed that familiar pose of bared claws, the oni worried as he set his bag down.
"Take me down?"
"He means sparring, he's just trying to intimidate you."
"Quiet scale for brains, I'm going to destroy him and you're next!!"
Sero rolled his eyes reassuring Kirishima before trailing his way around the nearby tree to get more comfortable and stay out of there way, his elbow posted up on the ground with his cheek in his hand. His tail unraveled from Katsuki's waist, giving him a soft nudge to not be too mean to his friend.
"No he won't. You gave him something, this is his way of saying thank you."
A wide grin soon crossed Kirishima's face, glad he didn't seem too much on ill terms with the kitsune as he stood ready, his fists raised.
"A strange way to say thank you, but I'll take it! I haven't sparred in awhile."
"That's not it! I'm going to destroy you!"
"Oh! You're welcome!"
"Stop that and fight!"
Sero rolled over and laughed as the two started their fight, smiling as he kept a careful eye on their sparring. He wondered how it was that Katsuki had such a hard time making friends and allies, seen as a criminal yet even now was holding his claws back when fighting Kiri. The Naga grinned as he watched them, wondering if maybe the fox just needed someone to help translate his rough personality to others and wondering if he could fill that place. He watched as Katsuki hit against Kiri's forearms, handsome brow furrowed in a snarl with his hair a fluffed mess, Sero's eyes thinning a moment as he gave a content hiss under his breath. Yeah, he wouldn't mind filling that place at all. Maybe even someday he could help this thief fox become a guardian like him as well. Afterall, he really didn't seem to mind his company.
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ol-razzle-dazazzle · 7 years
How about Koishi finding money and trying to use it to buy stuff but it takes forever to get to that point such as her trying to eat it, or playing with it until she goes to a human village to find out it can be used to trade it with other items... you do the rest
I like to call this story, 'Koishi Unwittingly Commits Fraud Upon Shady Deals and Hush Money'*****"Mister, Mister! Did you see me?" A small hand tugs on a vendor, a human from the village proudly holding some paper. "Huh? See what now?" He looked around, "Hey kid, hit the road!" "But I helped you out Mister, everybody started talking to you while I was here! How could you not notice me?" And as the vendor squinted over his earnings, he wondered how he managed to not know- the girl was floating and wearing some fancy floral clothes and what the hell?! Why is that weird purple tentacle thingy attached to her?"Actually kid...now that you mention it, I dunno how I got into this." He peers around, before slipping a minuscule pile of the weird paper into her hand. "Here's some hush money for ya, now scram!""Oh...! Um, well thank you mister!" Koishi waved, but he had already turned his back.And so the once bustling crowd was left barren save for the strange sheets in Koishi's small fingers. They appeared to have some strange texture to the papers she used to write things at home... and there were some important looking people, and numbers. 'Mo-ney'...that sounds so...strange, mystical even with the glint when she held it up to the sun, kinda like orbs..."AH!" She whacked the paper out of her hand, "He tried to trick me!" Koishi clutched at her hand, hissing as if it burned. "Sis always tried to warn me...but I thought humans were acc-" Blank eyes looked up at the scattered papers. She shook her head. "No! I have hope! And I hope that humans wouldn't do such a thing!" Koishi slammed her hand on the money, bracing herself for possible heart crushing reality. Her eyes closed...and she felt nothing. "Oh..." She picked it up, dusting it off. "So...they aren't ofuda? There's colourful stuff all over it...so how come." "You've never seen a rainbow before, huh." Orange and black made themselves known."Oooh! You're the tiger mom!" Koishi smiled up, "Shou Tigermomu, right?"She chuckled, "Y...Yeah, let's go with that." Shou helped her up, "Because you live underground, you must have thought that it looked like Miss Hakurei's Fantasy Seal? Am I correct?" Koishi nodded."I'm actually an avatar of Bishamonten, you remember that?" Koishi smiled, "Yeah, the tiger thingy with the shiny lamp!" Shou fiddled with her sideburns, "Ah...yes. Well I'm associated with Fortune.""Fortune?!" Koishi's eyes widened. "You can tell me my fate? Will I fall in love?!""Not quite, my dear. Those things take time irregardless." She rustles the other girl's hat. "I meant the papers in your hand, Miss Komeiji. That kind of fortune.""..." She blinks, "Oh...? I totally...don't get it!""Byakuren-sama is right, she really doesn't have such value on such trivial matters.""Who is she?" Koishi peeked up at her, standing on her tippy-toes to at least attempt to match Shou's height."Ah!" She snapped her fingers. "That's what I remembered! Byakuren-sama wanted me to invite you to the temple, if not- then at least do battle with her on there or the palanquin ship." She places another rainbowy piece of paper, "Have a pamphlet!" Shou started to take off, "Wait!" Koishi smiled. "I have to trade things with you, it's only fair!" Shou raised an eyebrow, "Well, I guess I can accept a donation." Koishi flicked her fingers through the paper, "One page, two page, three page- here you go! An equivalent amount of pretty paper!"Shou was currently looking at, quite frankly, a much larger return than a mere prototype of a pamphlet. "It...doesn't particularly work like that. ""Like what?""...actually, it would be best not to corrupt you, Miss. I'll see you for daily rites?""Oh, okay! Just remember that I'm coming over!" "I assure you that I won't forget!" Shou smiles, "If I can find my Pagoda then I won't be /that/ forgetful."As the tiger left, Koishi continued pondering, "Donations...? Like food?" She tapped her head, "With the oni, when big sis wants something, she usually gives them alcohol, right?" Koishi holds the paper to her face, "Maybe you can eat it, I always thought lettuce was so flimsy..." And so she took a bite. "...it tastes kinda like lettuce." Glancing at the numbers, "Maybe...the higher the number, the tastier?" She nibbled on the corner of one that said '1000'. "Aaah! How couldst thee?! Conniving trickster! Muddragger of the upmost calibre!!!" Futo proclaimed, as Koishi munched halfway through the paper, tilting her head. "What degree of treason is this? Anti-Taoist propaganda! How couldst thoust sever the head of dear Taishi-Sama? Speak, ignorant criminal!" "Fwhat are you tflking bhout?" Koishi tears a bit, "Do you want some? It's not that good, but big sis always says that means it's healthy." "Is it healthy for an act of political cannibalisation?!" "Maybe, with some vegetables...""Hand over thine meal! I shall not let thee hold our esteem as hostage! Such depravity!" "Y'know if you want some, you could've just asked." She offers a piece of paper with another 1000 on it. "Since when did Owl-Sama promote food?""Why, that is a task too lowly for the likes of Tashi-Sama! Nay, she is on the money!" She sets a hand on the disembodied head on the bill, "However, I cannot excuse this! How dare they be so ignorant and contain such sloth that thy have not even updated Taishi-sama's visage! It's utterly shameful!""Owl-sama used to look like that?" Koishi raised an eyebrow, "Hmm, well she looks a lot cooler now, she doesn't even have a cape there!" "I'm going right to thine banking facilities this instant to eradicate such things- children eating money, lazy paper- oh dear! It appears Tashi-sama's resurrection couldn't be more important to thine world!" "Wait! Wait wait wait!" Koishi floats in front of Futo, "You've gotta give me something back! It's only fair...what's this stuff used for if not for eating or political sabotage?""Well...it can be used for such things- but is an exchange, my dear!" Futo nods, "Why yes, if one collects thine papers, one can buy what one desires, material-wise of course." "Wait, and you're just going to take that away from me?!""Ah, what?! No, no, I am not a criminal scum!" Futo vehemently shakes her hands, "I am exchanging it.""For something /you/ want." Koishi pouts."I want justice! Thoust cannot put a price on justice.""And yet we're going to the printing place, to pay money, for justice- is this what they call bribery?""...So be it then! I promise thee, on mine honour, that I shall exchange it properly to you, I wish to give the world something of higher value." Futo bows."Owl-sama's face?" "Precisely! Why, considering the update, and her glory, I'd say it's an investment! You'll have even greater value of paper!""Wow so by changing the paper, I get more?!" Koishi's eyes gleamed."But of course, provided you pay taxes at correct intervals...halt- if that is still something the humans on thy surface do; then perchance such a thing is not yet introduced..." "Forget taxes! I want some pretty paper!""Ma'ams, this /is/ a bookstore, I would appreciate it if you were quieter..." Kosuzu pushes up her glasses, "I'm not a bank, either. I just have a printing press.""Well then, I request this of thee henceforth! Do this for thine righteousness!" Futo coughed, "Also, of course, I shall pay thee handsomely.""By handsome, you don't mean by using Taoist money that you just printed out?"Futo smiled, "No matter, no matter! Just get thine job done!"*****"...it's beautiful! A beacon, a shining hope! Yes, yes, pray thee- the perfect pioneer for our agenda!" Futo hands some of the cash back, "As thanks, from our dear faction.""...I'm starting a tab for you.""Yes! The Taoist faction must have tabs be kept on, at all times! For none shall knoweth of when we strike next!""...But I'm a Buddhist. Well that's what Byakuren said."Futo stared at her, "...Pray thee, forget all I said! Have such paper in thine hand, and speak not of the affairs we have dealt with to thy Buddhists.""Can I tell my sister?""...Yes.""Yay! I'm gonna tell her how much fun I had- ooh, but first...I think I'll get some carrots and lamprey- I can't wait to show her!" Koishi smiles, wandering off once more in her quest.Kosuzu looks up from her books, "...Yeah, there's no way that's going to be remotely classified as legal tender."
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