#onelook dot com my BEST FRIEND
hopetorun · 1 year
54, 56!
54. What’s your favorite part about the fanfiction writing process?
i already said some stuff about my favorite part of writing generally but my favorite part of writing fanfiction specifically is the community i get to share it with! not just in the sense of posting a finished story on ao3, which i obviously also love, but the collaborative and creative community (for five dollars, find a word that doesn't start with c, maggie) that i have of friends who care about the same fandoms and ships i do and that i can rely on as alpha readers and as people to share my wip wednesday snippets with. the support and discussion of ideas and gdocs comments are all my favorite
56. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
i answered this already but luckily there's more than one thing about my writing that i pride myself on! i think i'm really good at finding the best word to use to say what i want to say. i have a large vocabulary (every day i edit words out of my hockey fanfictions muttering "he would not fuckin know that word" to myself) and a good sense of the minute differences in meaning and implication between those words, and i am willing to go stare at thesaurus dot com or onelook dot com slash thesarus until i find the word i was trying to think of
(sometimes the best word isn't the right word for the story or the character's voice and i have to edit it out and use a less perfect word but overall this is still something i really like about my writing)
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