#only a credit card that'll charge me interest
squid-nerds · 8 months
Finally have a Patreon
Hi everyone,
I apologize about the delays on the next chapter of Yuuto and Léandre. Sincerely, a lot of situations popped up out of nowhere-- bills going higher, less people coming to cons to help said bills, and my cat eating damn thread so she needed emergency surgery :( So, I'm struggling a bit financially.
Therefore, I've recently started a patreon so that I can, hopefully, make time to finish the next part of the comic and create more in the future.
If you're able, here's the link to my patreon. I'm trying to draw all requests given on there right now and I really could use the help. Plus, there's a peak of the next chapter and doodles I haven't posted before.
Again, I'm sorry for the delays and having to put art behind a paywall. I prefer my art to be free just because I love sharing it. I wouldn't do this if circumstances weren't dire :(
Thank you for reading, I hope to be back very soon
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