#only cause there's other plushies literally right next to em. would be weird if they were boinking with others around
plushie-lovey · 2 years
Just came home from work and found my plushies laying like this?? I did not position them this way, hello???
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Glad to see Autumn likes the new girl Goldie so much 🏳️‍🌈
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darkfire1220 · 7 years
Viridescent Chapter Four: Combat Training
Summary: As a child, Izuku decided it would be better if he were Quirkless than to have a power that scared everyone. Now a teenager and looking to enter U.A, he finds himself as the protege of All Might and a student of the best heroes in the nation- but there’s no running from a part of you, and he’s learning the hard way that you have to accept all of yourself to be a real hero.
In the wake of Izuku's impressive throw, the rest of Class 1A took a moment to admire his throw.
"Woohoo!" Ochako cheered. "Now that's a heroic score!"
Tenya blinked at the sight of Izuku clutching his right hand. "His finger looks swollen…It's just like the Entrance Exam. What an odd Quirk."
A blonde kid who had been shooting a laser out of his belly button for the last few tests shrugged. "It's not stylish at all."
Katsuki did a spit take and choked on the water he was drinking. What the fuck is that power?!
Izuku walked back to the group of students clutching at his hand, but yelped when Katsuki grabbed him by the collar and yanked him over, staring at him with a sort of perplexed fury. "How the fuck did you do that?!"
"W-well, I-I-I just propelled it with my Quirk!" He stammered.
"You barely ever use your Quirk!" Katsuki hissed. "There's no way the base power is that fucking high! Explain what you just did and- wait, what the fuck?"
He'd spotted Izuku's injured finger and took several seconds to process the connection between the injury and Izuku's unbelievably good throw. When Katsuki looked back at his face, Izuku cringed at the rage in his eyes. "Deku…"
He screamed as Katsuki put him in a headlock and started to mercilessly drive his knuckles into his head. "YOU DUMBASS! You blew your finger up with your Quirk?! You're supposed to be smart, goddammit! Don't try and outdo me if you fuck yourself up!"
"I'M SO SORRY!" Izuku cried, trying to escape the inescapable grip of his best friend to no avail.
Most of the class sweat-dropped at the display.
"What even?" Asked the pink-skinned girl.
"I think he's concerned for his friend…" The red-headed boy suggested hesitantly. Katsuki grew even more ruthless after Izuku tried to escape him. "I think…"
"Sheesh, talk about tough love," said another boy with round elbows.
Aizawa snorted and glanced at the time. They had a few more tests to complete, so there was no time for dillydallying. "Come on, let's get moving. We're not done yet."
The next two tests flew by, although Izuku had trouble with them due to the pain of his broken finger and so didn't get another score that was especially high. When all was said and done, they gathered at the starting point with Mr. Aizawa, who was going through all the records with the same, bored expression he'd had all class.
"So…" A blonde kid with black highlights similar to lightning bolts tapped the ground with his foot awkwardly. "What's the verdict?"
"Hm?" Aizawa glanced up at him.
"The lowest score gets expelled, right?" The guy looked a little nervous. "Who's having a bad day?"
"Oh, I lied."
Izuku blinked. "Huh?"
Aizawa's shit-eating grin was the visual definition of a god-tier troll. "That was a logical ruse to bring out the best of your Quirks."
About eighty percent of the class screamed. "WHAT?!"
One of the girls raised an eyebrow at the shocked expressions on her classmate's faces. "That should've been obvious. Of course it was a lie."
Aizawa ignored the mental devastation he'd left in his wake and started to walk off. "That's it. The papers for your curriculums are back in the classroom. Go give 'em a read. Oh, and Izuku."
Izuku was still trying to process that he wasn't getting expelled and robotically accepted the slip of paper Aizawa gave him. "Go get yourself patched up by Recovery Girl. And be prepared for tomorrow's ordeal."
"Yes, sir," he replied absently.
The rest of the day passed in a blur for Izuku. Visiting Recovery Girl had gotten his finger healed in no time, but her Quirk merely accelerated the body's healing process. It required energy, so even though he was fine now, his body was low on fuel.
He was rubbing his eyes by the time he and Katsuki started walking home for the station. "I'm sleepy…"
"Wake up," Katsuki muttered. "I ain't carrying your ass home."
"Oh, is your finger healed?"
Izuku stood ramrod stiff when the foreign hand placed itself on his shoulder, but he relaxed slightly when he recognized the person to whom it belonged. "Oh, Tenya! Y-yeah, I'm fine thanks to Recovery Girl!"
"That's good!" Tenya nodded robotically.
Katsuki rolled his eyes in exasperation. "It's because this dumbass blew his finger up in the first place."
Tenya fell in beside Izuku on the opposite side of Katsuki and held his chin in thought. "I have to say, Mr. Aizawa surprised me! I never would have expected a teacher to encourage someone with deception!"
Izuku nodded silently. Tenya seemed a little scary before, but I guess he's just really diligent. He's not bad once you get past the intimidating part.
The trio stopped and turned at the sound of their classmate's voice. Ochako was rushing towards them from the school, prompting Izuku to start blushing out of habit. "Are you guys heading to the station? Wait up!"
Katsuki stared at her. "Round face."
"Round-?!" Ochako stopped dead and stared at him incredulously.
"You're the infinity girl," Tenya said after a moment.
Ochako recovered from her shock at Katsuki's comment and nodded, smiling brightly. "I'm Ochako Uraraka! Umm…you're Tenya Iida..Katsuki Bakago…and Deku Midoriya, right?"
"Yeah, earlier you called him Deku, right?" She pointed at Katsuki, who still looked outraged and baffled.
The blonde teen huffed angrily. "I call him that 'cause he can't do anything with his Quirk! Also, it's Bakugo!"
"M-my real name is Izuku…" "Deku" corrected her timidly.
Tenya chopped a hand towards him. "So it's an insult?"
"Oh, gosh!" Ochako put a hand behind her head in embarrassment. "I'm sorry! But you know…Deku kinda reminds of the word for "don't give up" so I kinda like it!"
Katsuki choked on his own saliva from witnessing the hilariously red face the green-haired teen was sporting. "What the fuck is that weird look?!"
"Izuku, you accepted that too easily!" Tenya admonished.
Izuku covered his blazing face. "It's like a copernican revolution…"
"A…what?" Ochako asked, confused.
Katsuki scoffed and started walking again. "Ugh, I can't stand this. Hurry it up, scrubs. We're gonna be late."
"Is that a derogatory reference?!" No mystery who asked that question.
The group of teens walked together to the station, although Katsuki didn't say anything more than a few choice curse words. It was nice, albeit a little awkward, but Izuku thought to himself that he could definitely get used to it.
Day two came around with a much more easygoing start. Since Mr. Aizawa wasn't trying to con them with another logical ruse, homeroom wasn't nearly as dreadful for Izuku. It was still slightly nerve-wracking, but for a different reason.
"Introduce yourselves to your classmates," Aizawa told them, still wrapped up in his yellow sleeping bag. "Since you'll be working with each other for the next three years, you need to get to know each other. The logical way to do that is as early as possible. You'll come up here one after another and state your name, what your Quirk is, and something else about yourself. I don't care what it is."
"Sir!" Tenya held his hand up with lightning speed. "How should we proceed with the order of students?"
"I don't care," Aizawa deadpanned. "I'm going to sleep. Handle it yourselves."
So while the Pro took a nap, Tenya more or less organized the class introductions himself. They ended up going from the front row to the back row in a right-to-left formation.
First up was the girl who was only known to be a girl by her outfit- the rest of her body was totally invisible. Literally. She was completely see-through. "Ehehe, this is kinda embarrassing with everyone looking at me…but whatever! Hi, I'm Toru Hagakure! My Quirk is called Transparency, and it's kinda obvious what it does, right? Something else about me, um…oh! I like plushies and other cute stuff!"
Next was a huge guy with a mask over his mouth and six arms. "I'm Mezo Shoji. My Quirk is Dupli-Arms. I can create replicas of my body parts on my tentacles, like my mouth, ears, and eyes. I've never really had any worldly desires, so I guess that's it."
"I'm Mashirao Ojiro," said the next student, a blonde guy with a long and powerful tail. "My Quirk is just my tail. It's more or less a third arm, but it helps me maintain my balance. Something about me…I practice martial arts."
The next guy was excessively glamorous. "I am Yuga Aoyama," the blonde teen announced with a dramatic flourish of his hands. "My Quirk is the fabulous Naval Laser! I can shoot a laser from my bellybutton! But if I shoot it for more than a second, I get a tummy ache. Another stylish fact about me is that I speak French!"
Katsuki was up next, scowling after Yuga with an annoyed look. "What's with that tool? Whatever. The name's Katsuki Bakugo. My Quirk is Explosion. All you need to know is that I can blow your asses up. I'm gonna be the number one hero, so stay out of my way, extras."
Izuku sweat-dropped at the irritated responses from the rest of the class after Katsuki's introduction. Yep, that's classic Katsuki…I guess he's in a good mood though, since he only cussed us out once.
"I don't like having to follow up after such a jerk," the next student was a girl with extended ear lobes that looked like plug-in jacks. She scowled at Katsuki, who sneered back, but ignored him otherwise. "My name is Kyoka Jiro. My Quirk is called Earphone Jack. I can insert them into objects and send the sound of my heartbeat through them. I can also hear pretty well, even through really thick walls. Oh, these stretch, too." She showed them by letting one of the jacks extend until it was several feet long before she retracted it. "I can play music with a few different instruments."
Next up was the blonde guy with black, lightning-shaped highlights in his hair. He grinned confidently. "Hey! I'm Denki Kaminari, my Quirk is Electrification! I can let loose a bunch of electricity from my body and shock people by touching them! I kinda short-circuit if I go over my wattage limit, though. I like reading manga and comics!"
"My turn~!" Exclaimed the pink-skinned girl, who bounced to the front of the class. Izuku also noticed that she had a pair of small, yellow horns atop her head. In addition, the sclera of her eyes was black, making her gold irises pop out. "I'm Mina Ashido and my Quirk is Acid! It lets me secrete corrosive acid from my skin, which is why I got this hot purple-pink tone to me! I can control its solubility and viscosity, but I like using it to surf on whatever I want! If I use it for too long, I start losing my own resistance to it. I like to break dance but I don't like bullies! I'm looking at you, Katsuki!"
Katsuki threw a perfect middle finger in her direction. "Fuck off!"
It was Izuku's turn next. He nervously walked to the front and hesitantly smiled a little. "H-hi, I-I-I'm Izuku M-Midoriya…Erm…My Quirk…uh…it's…"
He was silent for a few seconds, trying to get the nerve to tell everyone what his Quirk was. Katsuki got impatient and scowled. "Do I need to come up and hold your hand or something? Just tell them, dammit!"
"Don't rush him, Katsuki," Mina shot him a warning look. "We've got plenty of time."
"Shut it."
Izuku didn't want them to start arguing, so he got it out as quickly as possible. "M-my Quirk is called All Flare!"
Katsuki and Mina, who had been glaring daggers at each other, stopped and looked back at Izuku as he reclaimed everyone's attention. The green-haired boy looked at the floor, still feeling jittery in every cell of his body. "I-I can emit green fire from my body…Not much, though. I have to get fire from an outside source, or I'm limited to that. Uh..my green fire changes regular fire to the kind I can use. I'm a little heat resistant, but flames that aren't mine can still burn me after a bit. O-oh! If I concentrate them in one place, they can create an explosive force! Th-that's pretty much it…"
"You gonna tell us something about yourself?" Kyoka prompted, lazily swinging one of her jacks around her finger.
"Oh!" He stiffened and nodded jerkily. Izuku had completely forgotten that part. "Um…I..I play video games. Competitively. Sometimes…"
Izuku all but ran back to his seat, trying to hide his burning face from the eyes of his classmates. For an introvert like himself, that was a nerve-wracking experience.
The next guy was a teen with rounded elbows. "Well, I'm Hanta Sero. My Quirk is Tape! I can shoot this material that's kind of like tape from my elbows. It's a lot stronger than regular tape, though. It can support my body weight pretty easily. If I use it too much, my skin dries out. I play video games too!" He grinned at Izuku in an attempt to help him relax a bit. "We gotta hang out sometime!"
Izuku managed to smile and nod his head. He appreciated Hanta's effort. It did make him feel a bit calmer.
"I'm Eijiro Kirishima!" Declared the next boy, who bore a shock of spiky red hair atop his head. He flexed one of his arms and the skin on his hand became much tougher-looking. "My Quirk is called Hardening! My skin just hardens, but I can punch through solid concrete! I'm a huge fan of the hero Crimson Riot!"
"I guess I'm next," the next person was a girl with long teal hair tied in a huge bow. She had large eyes, hands, and a rather wide mouth. "I'm Tsuyu Asui. My Quirk is called Frog-Form. I can do a lot of frog-like things. I can jump really far, climb walls, swim fast, my tongue can extend for several meters, and I can secrete a mild toxin. Maybe because of my Quirk, I'm pretty sensitive to cold. If I cool off too much, I get sleepy. Something about me is that I always say what's on my mind."
Following Tsuyu was a really short guy with purple, sphere-shaped hair. "I'm Minoru Mineta. My Quirk is called Pop-Off! I can pluck the spheres off my head and make them stick to things. They don't stick to me, though. Depending on how I'm feeling, they can stick to something for an entire day. If I take too many off, my head starts to bleed a little. Something about me…"
A lecherous grin made its way across his face. "I love girls! Girl heroes especially! Some of the costumes are super sexy!"
Most of the students found that distinctly uncomfortable. They responded with many boos and Tenya robotically swinging his arm at the other teen to reprimand him.
Unbeknownst to the rest of the class, Katsuki and Izuku stared at the unashamed pervert with intense eyes. Since Katsuki was seated in front of Izuku, he leaned back to whisper to the other teen.
"The grape is a P.A.L," Katsuki muttered, not taking his eyes off of Minoru.
"Roger that," Izuku muttered back, scribbling something in his notebook.
Up next was a teen with the head of a bird, which was covered in black feathers and bore a yellow beak. "I'm Fumikage Tokoyami. My Quirk is Dark Shadow. There's a shadow-like monster living in my body that I can materialize from wherever I want like an extension. I don't have much to say about myself. That's kind of pointless, I think."
The next student was a teenage boy who was even more shy than Izuku. He didn't actually say anything, (which was kind of surprising since he looked pretty tough with a thick, square jaw and muscular build) but instead hurriedly wrote on a little whiteboard he'd brought up to the front with him. Some of the students had to lean forward and squint to read it.
Koji Koda. My Quirk is Animal Voice. I can talk to animals and influence them to do what I ask. I like animals.
Mina threw a big thumbs-up in the nervous boy's direction. "Don't sweat it, Koji! That's really cool!"
Although he smiled a little at that, he hurried back to his desk.
"Hello, fellow students!" Robotically, Tenya made his way to the front and waved at them stiffly. "I am Tenya Iida! My Quirk is Engine! My legs have powerful engines in them, allowing me to shift up several gears to increase my speed! They're very similar to real engines! My older brother is the Turbo Hero, Ingenium! He is my inspiration to be a hero!"
Izuku's eyes widened in surprise. He had wondered why Tenya looked a little familiar, but he hadn't expected him to be related to a hero like Ingenium. The hero in question was a popular, rising star who did things by the book and had already amassed a large office with many sidekicks despite being so young. If Tenya was anything like his older brother, he was already on the road to becoming a great hero.
They were finally on the last row of students- just four left.
"Hello," the first teen from the final row, an attractive girl with long, black hair tied in a ponytail, smiled at the class. "My name is Momo Yaoyorozu. My Quirk is called Creation. I can produce objects from any exposed part of my body. I can create virtually anything, except for living things, of course. All I need is to understand the object's atomic configuration and a little time. I enjoy reading and drinking tea in my spare time."
The next student was a teenage boy with white and red hair divided evenly down the middle. On the left side of his face, covering his eye, was a serious looking burn scar. In addition, his eyes were heterochromatic- the left was icy blue and the right was stormy gray. He spoke quietly. "I'm Shoto Todoroki. My Quirk is Half-Hot, Half-Cold. I can generate ice from my right side and fire from my left, but I won't use my left side in battle. I like snow cones."
Second-to last was another guy with short, spiky brown hair and rather full lips. "My name is Rikido Sato. My Quirk is called Sugar Rush! If I ingest ten grams of sugar, my strength gets multiplied five-fold for three minutes! For every ten grams of sugar after that, my strength doesn't rise, but the time I stay strong extends an extra three minutes. But if I try to use it for too long, my body gets really tired and shuts down for a bit. Something interesting about me is that I like to bake desserts! Especially cake!"
Last but certainly not least was a cheerful, yet somewhat shy familiar face. "Hi, I'm Ochako Uraraka! My Quirk is Zero Gravity! If I touch an object, it loses its gravitational pull and starts to float! For now, I can make objects up to three tons weightless! If I use it for a while, I start to get kinda sick. If I had to pick something to say about myself, I'd say it's that the little pads on my fingertips that I use for my Quirk are like a cat's paws!"
As soon as she was finished, Tenya stood up and walked over to Mr. Aizawa. "Sir! We've completed all the introductions!"
Aizawa didn't even open one of his eyes. "Okay, just review your curriculums and don't be late to your next class."
"Yes, sir!" Tenya replied instantly. Most of the class sweat-dropped at his seriousness.
Following homeroom, the first half of the day consisted of general studies that all students were required to take- English, Math, Science, etc. That was pretty boring in comparison to their other lessons, which took place after lunch at noon. Their Foundational Hero Studies. Frankly, that was what every student looked forward to the most.
Especially because of the teacher in charge of that class.
"I AM…"
Izuku and the rest of Class 1A whipped their heads towards the door, which flew open to reveal the infamous figure of the number one hero, All Might. "COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!"
"Whoa, it's really All Might!"
"He's wearing a costume from the Silver Age!"
"The design is super retro!"
All Might took his place at the front of the class. "This is Foundational Hero Studies! In this class, we'll be building up your foundations as heroes through countless trials! For your first trial, we'll start with this! Combat training!"
Katsuki grinned like a madman. "Hell fucking yes!"
"And for your first battles…" All Might pulled out a remote and pointed it at the far wall before pressing a button, causing several sections of the wall to slide out. Inside were cases with each of the students' seat numbers displayed on them. "We've got the gear from your costume orders that you requested to match your Quirks! Get changed and gather up at Ground Beta!"
All Might was waiting for them, smiling as widely as ever as the young heroes-in-training arrived one by one at Ground Beta. "They say the clothes make the hero, ladies and gentlemen! Remember this! From now on, you're all heroes!"
Before long, they'd all gathered up. All Might's grin widened. "I'm loving everyone's styles! Very cool!"
Izuku had been the last to arrive and was still catching his breath, but he looked himself over now that he was outside. His costume was a green and white jumpsuit- one his mother had provided him as a present for making it into U.A. Atop his head, the fabric was stretched into two horn-like features which were quite similar to All Might's hairstyle. He wore white gloves, elbow and knee braces, and a red utility belt. He also had a mask that a covered his face with a wire mesh at the front so it was easy to breathe. His whole costume was fireproof- a necessary feature because of his given Quirk.
Despite him wearing the mask, Ochako recognized him immediately and bounced over with a smile. "Hey, nice costume Deku! It's real down-to-earth! I like it!"
Izuku blushed furiously upon seeing Ochako's costume, which was a black and white skintight bodysuit. She had large, knee high white shoes and a clear visor covering her face not unlike an astronaut's. The girl rubbed the back of her head nervously. "I guess I wasn't clear enough when I turned in my costume design. They gave me a skintight bodysuit…it's kind of embarrassing."
Minoru was ogling her not far away and lecherously grinned as he muttered to himself. "The Hero Course is the best."
Izuku noticed what the guy was up to and mentally tallied against him.
All Might slightly raised one eyebrow as he took in Izuku's costume, specifically the horn-like structures atop his head that resembled his own hair and the white section of his mask that looked like All Might's own wide grin.
The Pro had to stop himself from laughing and covered his mouth with one hand. So obvious! Hahaha!
"Sir!" One of the students wearing white armor raised his hand. Izuku recognized the voice instantly as Tenya's. "Will we be using the same mock-city from the Entrance Exam for this training?!"
All Might grinned again. "To a point. This will be indoor battle training! A lot of villain cleanup is seen in the open, but statistically, the better part of it is an indoor job. The smartest villains tend to commit their crimes out of sight from others. Kidnappings, break-ins, the black market…a lot of that goes on in the shadows! For this test, you'll be separated into two-man teams of hero and villain groups, then duke it out in two-on-two combat!"
"How do we determine who wins or loses?" Queried Momo.
"Can I just blow them all away?" Katsuki demanded.
"We won't get expelled like Mr. Aizawa said, right?" Ochako wondered nervously.
"How should we choose teams?!" Tenya questioned.
"Isn't this cape fantastic?" Yuga asked.
All Might was momentarily overwhelmed by the questions, but just grinned and bore it. "I will answer all of your questions!"
He pulled out a small sheet of paper which Izuku realized after a moment of disbelief was a script. "Listen up, the scenario for this training is that a pair of villains have a nuclear weapon somewhere in the building! The hero team must infiltrate the building and stop their nefarious plans before it's too late! If the heroes capture the villains or the weapon, they win! If the villains keep the heroes away from the weapon until time is up or they capture the heroes, they win!"
"As for your teams, they'll be chosen by lottery!"
Tenya seemed shocked. "Wait, by lottery?!"
Izuku understood. "Pro Heroes often have to create makeshift teams with other heroes that they aren't familiar with. There's no way you can prepare for unexpected situations, after all."
"I see!" Tenya exclaimed. "I apologize!"
All Might nodded. "Anyways, here we go! These are the teams!"
He pulled out two slips of paper at a time and announced the teams one after another.
"A-Team: Ochako and Izuku!"
"B-Team: Mezo and Shoto!"
"C-Team: Momo and Minoru!"
"D-Team: Denki and Tenya!"
"E-Team: Mina and Yuga!"
"F-Team: Koji and Rikido!"
"G-Team: Kyoka and Katsuki!"
"H-Team: Tsuyu and Fumikage!"
"I-Team: Toru and Mashirao!"
"J-Team: Eijirou and Hanta!"
Ochako smiled widely with delight. "What are the odds! This is great though, we'll make an awesome team!"
Izuku was positive he was going to pass out from excessive blood rushing to his face by the time the day ended. Are you serious?! Really, what ARE the odds?!
All Might then produced a pair of boxes, which were labeled as "Hero" and "Villain" respectively. He reached into the opening at the top and pulled out a pair of balls with a letter on each one. Letters A and D.
"D-Team will be the heroes! A-Team will be the villains!"
He was playing the bad guy, Izuku realized. He really hoped the irony in that was just terrible luck on his part.
All Might crossed his arms. "The villains will start inside the building. You'll each have five minutes to come up with a strategy, then the heroes will be able to enter the building as well! The rest of the class and myself will observe through surveillance cameras! Since this is practice training, feel free to fight it out without fear of injury! Of course, if things get too extreme, I'll cut the exercise short, but other than that, no worries! Give it your best shot!"
Ochako whistled at the huge, rocket-shaped weapon they were supposed to protect. "Wow, that looks pretty realistic. So, how should we do this…?"
She sweat-dropped at the sight of Izuku intensely muttering to himself under his breath. "Tenya's Quirk is going to give them an edge in mobility, so we should definitely immobilize him first, but we also have to watch out for Denki's electrical Quirk because it can probably do a lot of damage in a short burst, so finding a way to counter his shock attacks is important, ideally something made of rubber or another material that blocks electricity…"
"Earth to Deku?" Ochako tapped his shoulder, causing the boy to jump and spin around.
"Wah! S-sorry!" He yelped.
"It's okay," she giggled. "So did you come up with a plan?"
Izuku glanced around the square-shaped room, which had a few large, steel crates, but not much more than that. The room was surrounded by windows and there were only two doors that led inside- one directly across from the weapon, and another on the opposite end. If they came through that, they'd have to loop around to reach the weapon. Izuku crossed his arms and tapped his fingers against his elbow in thought.
"I've got something in mind," he said at last. He wasn't stuttering now and his eyes gained a steady edge to them, surprising Ochako for a second. It was almost as though she was looking at a completely different person. "We'll need your Quirk to make it happen."
Ochako smiled. This new, confident Izuku was definitely someone she'd tag as a good partner in a situation like this. "I'm all ears."
Tenya and Denki were both surprised and slightly nervous that they hadn't encountered either Izuku or Ochako already. They'd searched the bottom four floors and were now approaching the top, where they suspected the weapon was being held at this point.
However, upon opening the primary door that led to the top floor, they found that it was completely blocked by two large, metal crates- one stacked on top of the other. They closed that door and doubled back to get to the second access point, hoping that it wouldn't be blocked off as well.
Surprisingly, it wasn't.
Denki grinned. "They forgot about the other door!"
Tenya glanced cautiously as they entered the fifth floor. Something about this wasn't sitting right with him. It was too easy.
They were running low on time, though. Just five minutes left out of the ten minutes they'd started with.
They walked around through the fifth floor and, eventually, found Izuku and Ochako standing in front of the weapon. The weapon itself was blocked off by stacks of metal boxes- the only access point to it was from the front, which Izuku and Ochako were guarding. Floating in front of them were three more metal boxes, two of which Izuku had his hands on. Green flames from his hands licked at the steel, creating a visible heat haze.
Honestly, it looked like a couple of kids had taken the cushions out of a mattress and made a play fort, but Tenya was certain there was more to it than that. Ochako was focusing on keeping the three boxes floating with her Quirk, but Izuku had an unnervingly calm look in his eyes.
He was up to something.
The rest of Class 1A and All Might were watching the confrontation from the surveillance room.
Eijirou raised an eyebrow at the defense Izuku and Ochako had constructed. "That's not gonna last very long. All they gotta do is tip 'em over or just run right past those two to reach the weapon."
"Denki should just electrocute them," Minoru added. His face took on a perverted grin. "I hope his electric attacks burn off Ochako's costume. That'd be sweet."
While several of the class glared at the teen in disgust, Katsuki's brow twitched and made a mental tally in his head. He was more focused on the fight, though, specifically Izuku. The way he was staring at Tenya and Denki…
"Deku wins," Katsuki said.
"Now, now," All Might held up a finger at the class. "We can't be certain of anything yet. Since they're pretty unfamiliar with each other's Quirks, it's a matter of how they can handle the situation as it develops."
"Nah," Katsuki shook his head, surprising All Might and the others with the certain calm in his tone. "Deku already won. Sonic the Hedgehog and Sparky are fucked."
Kyoka raised an eyebrow, disbelievingly. "How do you know that?"
"He's got that look in his eyes," Katsuku snapped, like it should've been obvious. "It means he's got a plan."
"You sound awfully certain of that," Momo said slowly, trying to understand why Katsuki was so positive of the outcome. "But if I'm honest, Izuku's Quirk doesn't really seem fit to this kind of situation. A highly destructive force that damages his own body is hardly effective here."
Katsuki suddenly fished out a small notebook from one of his pockets and opened it up, flipping through the pages. All Might sweat-dropped at the sight. "Katsuki…isn't that Izuku's? Did you steal that from him?"
"I borrowed it and I'll give it back later," Katsuku grumbled.
"Hey, there they go!" Hanta exclaimed.
Denki had made the first move.
"Well since they're both lined up nicely like that…" He grinned, letting electricity spark from his hand. "Stand back, Tenya!"
He leapt in front of his partner and let loose a huge bolt of electricity at Izuku and Ochako. As the bolt got closer, Izuku quickly moved the two floating boxes he had in his hands together as a shield.
Denki only grinned at the sight. "Electricity still runs through metal, y'know!"
Except it didn't.
Right before the lightning should have struck the metal crates, it fizzled out into nothing.
Denki's jaw dropped. "What?!"
Izuku lowered one of the boxes to look back at their opponents, a wide grin on his face.
In the surveillance room, Eijirou was just as dumbfounded. "What just happened?"
"They should've gotten blasted by that shock," Mina said, confusion clear in her voice.
Momo stared at the floating metal boxes, which Izuku had in his grasp to keep them in place, and realized that they were glowing cherry red. Her eyes widened. "Heat! He made a heat shield with his Quirk!"
"A what?" Kyoka asked.
"A heat shield!" she exclaimed. "It's something I've read about in a physics book! If an object is heated up to a certain point, the heat can block electrical outputs that try to reach it! With that, an electric attack will just fizzle out!"
Hanta stared at her, then glanced at the screen, where Denki was trying again and again to shock the villain team, but to no avail. "Are you serious? Who even thinks of that?"
"Deku does, idiots," Katsuki snapped. He stopped flipping through the notebook and practically shoved the object towards Momo. "Look at that."
She took the offered book and blinked at the rough sketch of Tenya- or rather, a rough sketch of his Quirk and some rather advanced notes regarding it. Theories on how the Quirk worked in and out of combat, his own observations, the information Tenya had told them during their introductions, and much more were written all along three or four pages in great detail.
"Deku's got this annoying habit of making lots of notes about Pros and their Quirks," Katsuki told them. "He's good at taking a Quirk and breaking it down. He thinks of stuff most people wouldn't even consider."
"It's true that these are some really in-depth notes," Momo replied. "He's gone into a lot of detail for a Quirk he barely knows about, but given enough time, I'm sure most people in the class could do the same."
"The difference is the time it takes," the other teen muttered. "How long do you think it took him to make those notes?"
"Well…" She frowned. "With this much detail and given all the unknown factors, I'd say at least an hour. It would take a while for anyone in this situation."
"It's the opposite," Katsuki had his arms crossed. He almost looked uncomfortable.
"He got all of that down in less than ten minutes."
Momo's eyes grew large. "Ten…with the limited information we had? He made an analysis like this in that short amount of time?"
"Deku's always been a huge nerd when it comes to Quirks, but because of that, he's stupidly fast when it comes to analyzing them," Katsuki said. "Strengths, weaknesses, environmental factors, combat responses, bolsters, counters, and even other things you wouldn't normally think about. He'll just start casually making plans on how to deal with a Quirk in a combat situation. It's never just one plan either- he'll throw in like three or four extras just for good measure in case the others fall through. I've watched this guy take a villain's Quirk he's never seen before on TV and break it down faster than the Pros who were trying to deal with him."
Most of the class was listening intently at this point, their eyes wide as they watched Izuku effortlessly counter Denki's attacks. The Electrification Quirk user was rapidly running out of juice and the villain team had barely moved. Tenya was trying to figure out how to deal with the situation it seemed, but it was difficult with Denki's indiscriminate electric blasts growing more and more sloppy as time went on and his cognitive functions dropped.
"When you're dealing with Deku, what you really need to watch out for isn't that Quirk he's got," Katsuki muttered. "It's that goddamn brain of his. You gotta rush him so fast that he doesn't have time to think. If he gets enough time to analyze your Quirk and come up with a counter, you're fucked."
Denki had finally exceeded his wattage limit, with just a minute to spare. The blonde had a stupid grin on his face and his thumbs were stuck up in the air, like he was signaling that he was okay. "Whee~!"
"Pfft!" Ochako couldn't stop herself from laughing at the sight of his face.
Tenya quickly moved Denki aside so that he could rush the villain team before time ran out. His Engine roared to life as he sped towards them. I have to get to the weapon!
Izuku shoved the boxes away and lunged at Tenya. "Ochako, drop them!"
"Roger!" She replied, releasing the two superheated metal boxes. She kept the last one, which was not heated, up in the air.
Tenya spun as he charged, twisting his body to kick at Izuku. "Fall, villain!"
Much to his shock, Izuku twisted as well and intercepted the kick as though he'd done it a thousand times. Using Tenya's own momentum, he kept twisting and smashed the now-unbalanced teen face-first into the floor. His armor diffused some of the impact, but it still jarred Tenya enough that he didn't notice Izuku immediately whip out the capture tape they'd been provided with.
He wrapped it around Tenya's leg in an instant and placed a hand on the other teen's back to keep him down. "One hero captured."
"Tenya is out!" All Might's voice announced over the speakers.
Tenya clenched his fists in frustration. How…Izuku just picked our team apart!
Izuku sighed in relief. "Whew…y-you're really fast, Tenya…Oww…"
He winced in pain. The superheated metal had scorched his palms a little when he'd been using his Quirk on those boxes. On top of that, Tenya's powerful kick had totally knocked the wind out of him. He didn't think his ribs were cracked, but damn that hurt.
Ochako walked over to the dumbed-down Denki, who was still swinging his arms with his thumbs up and going, "Whee~!" all the while. She couldn't help but laugh, even as she tied the capture tape around his wrist. "That's too funny! Hahaha!"
She released the last metal box that was still floating in the air after that. Izuku had suggested that they might need it in case the first plan fell through, but it appeared that they hadn't had to use it. She was still amazed by his strategic thinking- he'd more or less predicted how the fight would go right from the start.
A loud horn sounded, signaling the end of the exercise. "Hero Team has been captured! Villain Team wins!"
Katsuki sneered at his stunned classmates. "Told you, extras. Deku beat 'em like a drum."
All Might couldn't help but agree despite his decision to remain unbiased. Izuku had come up with and pulled off a strategy most Pros probably wouldn't have thought of. He was even more glad now that he'd picked Izuku as the successor to his power.
In another life, you would have made a terrifying villain. But you're a hero, young man. You're going to go places.
A/N: Chapter four, yay. Chapter five coming soon!
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