#oof that wrongly indented list is gonna haunt me forever but I'm not gonna mess with it right now
trickybonmot · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favourite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers.
(this was an askbox meme but @tiltedsyllogism made it tags and tagged me)
I think my favorites change from day to day and year to year, but RIGHT NOW I'm fond of these ones:
At the End of the Road (the Untamed, Wangxian) I like this one because I feel it was a successful fulfillment of my artistic ambition, which was to write a sexy and unhinged fill for the prompt "practice edging". It basically wrote itself, I didn't overthink it, it's hot and funny and even has emotions! Also it has by far the most kudos, so it's my favorite in the way that your favorite child is the one who brings home lots of awards from school.
2. A Heady Cocktail (the Untamed, Lan Wangji/Jiang Cheng) is also Just Smut, but I am fond of it because it's my manifestation of the one specific flavor of this ship that I like. Two prickly characters who only know how to soften up in the presence of their mutual beloved, alone together and figuring it out. I had a good time playing with how Wei Wuxian was involved in their dynamic even while not physically present. Also I just wanted to describe modern Jiang Cheng looking great and making negronis, for Reasons.
3. My Apple Tree, My Brightness (The Untamed, Wangxian) This fic is hella good and makes everyone cry, even me! It's a science fiction AU where post-siege LWJ, in seclusion, runs simulations to try to figure out how he could have saved Wei Wuxian. Spoiler: he couldn't, but it turns out to be worthwhile, anyway. The ending is especially well written, IMO, and the sci fi worldbuilding is pleasingly deft. I put this third on the list but it's possibly actually my favorite.
4. Veritas (the Untamed, Wangxian) A Fake Dating fic where a pining Lan Wangji agrees to be Wei Wuxian's "terrible" fake date to the Qin Su/Jin Guangyao wedding. Some parts of it feel rushed or underdone to me, but I'm proud of the humor and the climactic set piece, and The People do seem to really like it! I don't naturally think of myself as a humorous writer, but perhaps I am...good at it?? Oh, and, fun fact, I did more research for this fic than any other (not counting listening to a lot of vintage goth music for the Quiet Room).
5. Anchor Point (Sherlock, Johnlock) I'm only giving one slot to Sherlock fic in this list, and it has to go to this weird cool thing I made. It was for a kinkmeme prompt, a Sherlock/Truman Show fusion where Sherlock is Truman and "John" is an actor hired to play his John Watson. Mycroft is the mastermind. Writing this fic was a really educational exercise in making it seem like something Really Big was going on while not being able actually explain the details (a trick I learned from Moftiss, LOLLLLL) It was very tricky and fun and I'm still quite proud of it.
As usual I'm very ??? about tagging people but how about @porcupine-girl @impossibletruths @veliseraptor @dulosis @sophia-helix and please do tag me if you do it!
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